注:GPS信息由几种标准,这里的采用的是google map的经纬度信息。
/* geodesy routines in JavaScript James R. Clynch NPS / 2003 Done for support of web education pages == must convert inputs to numbers for safety == == if string comes in - sometimes works, sometimes not !== */
GPS 转笛卡尔
void GPSTransform::gpsPoint2DescartesPoint(const double latitude, const double longitude, const double altitude, double &x;, double &y;, double &z;) { //wgs84 WGS84 Earth Constants double wgs84a = 6378.137; double wgs84f = 1.0 / 298.257223563; double wgs84b = wgs84a * (1.0 - wgs84f); //earthcon double f = 1 - wgs84b / wgs84a; double eccsq = 1 - (wgs84b* wgs84b) / (wgs84a * wgs84a); double ecc = sqrt(eccsq); double esq = ecc * ecc; //llhxyz double dtr = M_PI / 180.0; //qDebug() << dtr << gpsPoint.latitude << endl; double clat = cos(dtr * latitude); double slat = sin(dtr * latitude); double clon = cos(dtr * longitude); double slon = sin(dtr * longitude); //qDebug() << clat << slon << endl; //radcur compute the radii at the geodetic latitude lat (in degrees) double dsq = 1.0 - eccsq * slat *slat; double d = sqrt(dsq); //qDebug() << d; double rn = wgs84a / d; double rm = rn * (1.0 - eccsq) / dsq; double rho = rn * clat; double zz = (1.0 - eccsq) * rn *slat; double rsq = rho * rho + zz*zz; double r = sqrt(rsq); x = (rn + altitude) * clat * clon; y = (rn + altitude) * clat * slon; z = ((1 - esq)*rn + altitude) * slat; }
Geodetic to Cartesian Converter - http://www.apsalin.com/convert-geodetic-to-cartesian.aspx
atitude,Longitude,Height to/from ECEF (X,Y,Z) - http://www.oc.nps.edu/oc2902w/coord/llhxyz.htm