Creating the Navigation Mesh
翻译:kun 2014.12.4
The final step in the NMGen build process is to create the navigation mesh. As a minimum you must have PolyMesh data. PolyMeshDetail and ConnectionSet data are optional.
See the The Navigation Mesh topic for the general creation process. This topic will cover two helpful extensions.
The Navigation Mesh章节介绍了一般性的流程。本章则介绍了两个有用的扩展知识。
Creating Tile Data
Before you can create a navigation mesh you need to convert your source data into tile data. There are various ways of doing this.
One method is to use the GetBuildData(BuildContext, Int32, Int32, PolyMeshData, PolyMeshDetailData, ConnectionSet, Boolean) utility method.
一个办法是使用工具函数 GetBuildData(BuildContext, Int32, Int32, PolyMeshData, PolyMeshDetailData, ConnectionSet, Boolean).
// Example: Using the tile build data utility method.
// 例子:使用工具函数创建Tile数据。
BuildContext logger = new BuildContext();
NavmeshTileBuildData tbd = NMBuild.GetBuildData(
tileX, tileZ // The tile location. (0, 0) for single tile meshes. // Tile坐标,如果只有一个Tile,传入(0,0)即可;
, polyData // A PolyMeshData object. // PolyMesh;
, detailData // Optional PolyMeshDetailData object. // PolyMeshDetail,可选项;
, connections // Optional ConnectionSet object. // ConnectionSet,可选项;
, true);
if (tbd == null)
// Perform error handling.
// The build context will contain error messages.
// 执行错误处理;
// build context里包含了错误信息;
// Use the build data to create the navigation mesh...
// 使用build数据来创建Navmesh.
Another method is to use the the TileBuildTask class to create the tile data. This method is especially useful if you are building a multi-tile navigation mesh or performing background builds.
// Example: Using the tile build task.
// 例子: 使用TileBuildTask创建数据.
TileBuildTask task = TileBuildTask.Create(
tileX, tileZ // The tile location. (0, 0) for single tile meshes. // Tile坐标,如果只有一个Tile,传入(0,0)即可;
, polyData // A PolyMeshData object. // PolyMesh;
, detailData // Optional PolyMeshDetailData object. // PolyMeshDetail,可选项;
, connections // Optional ConnectionSet object. // ConnectionSet,可选项;
, false // Is the task tread-safe? Not applicable in this case. // 任务是否是否线程安全的?在生成TileData这种应用下没法改。
, 0); // Task priority. Not applicable in this case. // 任务的优先级。在生成TileData这种应用下没法改。
if (task.TaskState == BuildTaskState.Aborted)
// Perform error handling.
// Check task messages for details.
// 执行错误处理;
// task的messages里包含了错误信息;
// Get the tile assets.
// 获取tile结果。
TileBuildAssets tassets = task.Result;
// Use the tile data to build the navigation mesh...
// 使用tile数据创建Navmesh.
Creating the Navigation Mesh
Once you have the tile data you can use one of two methods to create the final navigation mesh.
// Example: Create a single tile mesh.
// 例子:创建只有一个tile的Navmesh.
// Where 'buildData' is a NavmeshTileBuildData object.
// 'buildData'是一个NavmeshTileBuildData对象。
Navmesh navmesh;
NavStatus status = Navmesh.Create(buildData, out nm)));
if ((status & NavStatus.Success) == 0)
// Perform error handling.
// 执行错误处理;
// Use the navitgation mesh...
// 使用Navmesh...
// Example: Create an empty mesh, then add tiles.
// 例子:创建一个空的Navmesh,然后往其中添加tile.
// Where 'tiles' is a list containing NavmeshTileData objects.
// 'tiles'是一个包含多个NavmeshTileData的列表.
NavmeshParams nconfig = new NavmeshParams(meshOrigin
, tileSetWidth, tileSetDepth
, tiles.Count
, maxPolysPerTile);
Navmesh navmesh;
NavStatus status = Navmesh.Create(nconfig, out navmesh)
if ((status & NavStatus.Success) == 0)
// Perform error handling.
// 执行错误处理;
// Add the tiles to the navigation mesh.
// 将Tile数据添加到Navmesh.
foreach (NavmeshTileData tile in tiles)
// Note: Allowing the navigation mesh to assign the tile reference.
// 注意: Navmesh会持有Tile对象的引用,因此确保在此前提下不会发生问题。
uint trash;
navmesh.AddTile(tile, Navmesh.NullTile, out trash);
// Use the navigation mesh.
// 使用Navmesh...