IPv6是下一代互联网的IP协议,首先了解增加IPv6常用的方式,第三方软件就不说了。第一种:使用微软的Teredo隧道,目前个人测试结果是已经EOL了;第二种:isatap隧道,不支持NAT后的主机;第三种:6to4隧道,同样不支持NAT后的主机;第四种:隧道代理,例如Hurricane Electric Tunnel Broker。
本篇基于第四种IPv6隧道代理开展,首先去注册个隧道代理,推荐Hurricane Electric Tunnel Broker。
Server IPv4 Address => HE.net的服务端IPv4地址
Server IPv6 Address => HE.net分配给你的服务端IPv6地址
Client IPv4 Address => 你需要指定的当前IPv4地址
Client IPv6 Address => HE.net分配给你的客户端IPv6地址
下述出现的IPV4_SERVER对应Server IPv4 Address,IPV6_SERVER对应Server IPv6 Address,IPV6_LOCAL对应Client IPv6 Address,IPV4_LAN则是你在路由器上设置的静态IP地址
ip tunnel del he-ipv6
modprobe ipv6
ip tunnel add he-ipv6 mode sit remote $IPV4_SERVER local $IPV4_LAN ttl 255
ip addr add $IPV6_LOCAL/64 dev he-ipv6
ip link set he-ipv6 up
ip ro add ::/0 dev he-ipv6
ip -f inet6 addr
netsh interface teredo set state disabled
netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel IP6Tunnel %IPV4_LAN% %IPV4_SERVER%
netsh interface ipv6 add address IP6Tunnel %IPV6_LOCAL%
netsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 IP6Tunnel %IPV6_SERVER%
netsh interface ipv6 set prefix ::1/128 50 0
netsh interface ipv6 set prefix ::/0 40 1
netsh interface ipv6 set prefix 2002::/16 30 1
netsh interface ipv6 set prefix ::/96 20 3
netsh interface ipv6 set prefix ::ffff:0:0/96 10 4
netsh interface ipv6 set prefix 2001::/32 5 1
netsh interface ipv6 add dnsservers "IP6Tunnel" 2001:470:20::2 validate=no
ifconfig gif0 create
ifconfig gif0 tunnel $IPV4_LAN $IPV4_SERVER
ifconfig gif0 inet6 $IPV6_LOCAL $IPV6_SERVER prefixlen 128
route add -inet6 ::/0 $IPV6_SERVER
ifconfig gif0 up
上述是通用的配置方法,一般在路由器做了穿透后就可以使用了。但每次本地公网IP变更就要到Hurricane Electric Tunnel Broker管理界面更新Endpoint IP,这遭罪啊。想想办法吧!OK,Hurricane Electric Tunnel Broker提供了API:https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php,使用方法:
-ERROR: Missing parameter(s).
Usage: https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?ip=IPV4ADDR&pass;=MD5PASS&apikey;=USERID&tid;=TUNNELID
-or-: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?tid=TUNNELID (auto-detect IP)https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?tid=TUNNELID&ip=IPV4ADDR
IPV4ADDR: Your IPv4 endpoint. Set to AUTO to determine your IP based on the IP you requested this page from. Previously passed as ipv4b.
MD5PASS : The MD5 hash of your password. You may be able to 'echo -n YOURPASSWORD | md5sum' to produce the MD5 hash of your password.
USERID : The UserID shown on the main page of tunnelbroker.net when you log in. Previously referred to as user_id.
TUNNELID: The ID of the tunnel you're updating the endpoint on. This can be found on the tunnel information page. Previously referred to as the Global Tunnel ID / tunnel_id.The following parameters are only usable when accessing this script over https.
USERNAME: Your tunnelbroker.net username.
PASSWORD: Your tunnelbroker.net password.The legacy parameter names will continue to work for the forseable future. Naming of them changed to be more in line with industry convention and their roles.