105 registrations
陈世敏 from 中科院计算所
problem: B+ tree one operation -> multiple inconsistency states in cache when crash
existing solution:
solution: re-design B+ tree node.
陈明宇 from 中科院计算所
problem: capacity wall (vs. memory wall) 扩容困难 (封装,结构,工艺)
DRAM系统容量 = 通道数 * 通道内颗粒数 * 颗粒容量
goal: 不修改通用处理器,支持异步扩展: 同步接口(通用)+异步协议(扩展性)
solution: 把一次访存分为一次预取和一次读取
杨智 from 北大
background: storage synchronization approaches (dropbox?): inotify + rsync, 校验匹配
problem: high cost + inconsistency
solution: 利用用户态文件系统(fuse)截获写操作,获得相关信息 (relation table),
王颖 from 中科院计算所
Processing in Memory (PIM):直接在内存中进行计算。 (NDC, NDA …),将通用处理器、流处理器等集成到内存。
problem: PIM returns (enabling technique + demanding app).
proposal: computational memory (ProPRAM)
杨凡 from MSRA
backgroud: graph engine, large graph computing
GraM: graph engine - focus on Scalability and Efficiency
朱晓伟 from 清华
background: out-of-core - use disk, guarantee locality by partition.
insight: if we can guarantee the locality of both source (gather) and destination (scatter) vertex, we are able to merge the 2 phases into 1!
design: 2 phases -> 1 phase
徐天妮 from 中科院计算所
problem: sharing cause inteference, … isolate programs from each other on a shared server is hard.
insight: a computer is inherently a network, design of network (tag) can be utilized to system.
PARD Programmable Architecture for Resourcing-on-Demand
like full-system SRIOV (via tagging in hardware)
张伟 from 华科
background: 视频流 (并发度低,资源利用率低) & 图形流(终端要求高,跨平台难)
负载:逻辑 + 渲染 + 压缩
problem: 云游戏资源调度
任仕儒 from 北大
motivation: software only deterministic replay
R&R; the Memory interleaving with HAV extension?
当虚拟机下陷的时候通过EPT里面的dirty|access bit来记录对应的访问。
truncate chunk using performance counter (BTS)
许胜 from 中科院计算所
background: data center power and utilization.
motivation: 虚拟机部署算法(分布式部署):既保证SLA性能,同时降低物理服务器数量。
solution: 通过对服务器部署能力进行约束的策略,采用SSP优化部署算法, 考虑应用的资源需求特性。
石剑君 from 北理工
motivation: summary of linux kernel data race
郭振宇 from MSRA
problem: robustness cannot be achieved in a single point, many research tools failed to be adopted in production.
proposal: come up a new development framework.
金海 from 华科
高品 from 清华
motivation: data locality vs. load balance
张凯源 from 上海交大
insight: batch B+ tree node insert, search…
proposal: buffered B+ tree
problem: good insert, but bad search
章明星 from 清华
background: array-based languages: cannot scale-out
motivation: array-based program - (front end) -> array primitive - (back end) ->
刘兴华 from LeMaker
创客 vs. DIY
开源硬件 vs. 开发板
杜子东 from 中科院计算所
Diannao series : 硬件用于神经网络的加速器
background: 为什么要在sensor旁边用加速器: 功耗主要消耗在内存
张超 from 北大
background: Racetrack memory (latency vs. capacity) proposed by IBM
shift position error (只移到一半,或者移多了)