Fresh highs for Apple as payments reports dissectedWe think Apple correctly sees a much bigger opportunity offline where consumer adoption is still negligible."RBC sees a chance to create a loyalty points system for Apple products/services. PayPal has made a number of moves to expand into offline payments, but uptake has been limited. It handled $27B in mobile transactions last year, largely for online payments.You should really become an equity analyst, as I believe you have knowledge not known by the vast majority of WS. I’ve read numerous research reports on AAPL and not ONE of them have ever stated that iOS is "Just not secure". I think you may just have an edge there. The unfortunate part of being an analyst though is that you MUST substantiate your comments. So go ahead now, give it a shot, substantiate those comments. The investment firms are breathlessly waiting with that job offer if you can do it!!Between August and January since 2000, Apple has only gone down twice: 2008 (recession) and 2012 (fear, uncertainty, and doubt after Steve Jobs died). The rest of the time it has either stayed the same or gone up.相关的主题文章: