CrystalTech Sponsors DotNetNukeThe upgrade to platinum sponsorship not only expands the partnership between CrystalTech and the DNN Core Team, but also continues CrystalTech support of the development community in general and gives CrystalTech customers a way to create anything from a simple Web site to a corporate intranet, says the company. Using the first fully automated DNN installation tool from within CrystalTech WebControlCenter, customers can get started creating, deploying and managing up to 100 different Web sites and portals, all within the same hosting plan.has long had a well regarded reputation within the developer community for our high level of service, fast adoption of the latest technologies and the sense of community found on our public forums. These are all core values found within the entire DotNetNuke team, says Robert Cichon, president of CrystalTech. are, understandably, very proud to offer our continued support to developers and look forward to bringing the newest technology to our customers faster and more affordably than any other host in the industry.;://;://;=924;=186相关的主题文章: