Army accepts Gansler commission report on contracting
Secretary of the Army Pete Geren accepted Nov. Army’s acquisition and contracting systemused to support expeditionary operations.Dr. Jacques Gansler, former under secretary of defense foracquisition, technology and logistics, presented "The Commission onArmy Acquisition and Program Management in ExpeditionaryOperations" report to Geren, who earlier this year formed thecommission to assess the Army’s acquisition system. Geren said thereport offered the "blunt and comprehensive assessment we asked forand needed, and a plan for the way ahead."Gansler was named chairman of the commission on Sept. 12 by Geren,who determined the Army’s acquisition system needed a comprehensivereview to examine its role in support of large scale expeditionaryoperations. Geren sought an uncompromising, big picture review of thesystem. He wanted recommendations addressing how to best ensure that theArmy is properly equipped for a future characterized by persistentComplementing the commission’s strategic review, Geren also
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