sudo pip install xpinyin
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from xpinyin import Pinyin #https://github.com/lxneng/xpinyin #not support for python3 def hanzi_to_pinyin(in_filename, out_filename): p = Pinyin() chinese_idioms_pinyin = list() f_in = open(in_filename, 'r') f_out = open(out_filename, 'w') for idiom in f_in.readlines() : #translate hanzi to pinyin, with the python module t = (idiom, p.get_initials(unicode(idiom), u'').lower(), p.get_pinyin(unicode(idiom), '', show_tone_marks=False), p.get_pinyin(unicode(idiom), ' ', show_tone_marks=True)) t = (item.rstrip('\n') for item in t) #remove '\n' chinese_idioms_pinyin.append(t) for t in chinese_idioms_pinyin : s = '\t'.join(t) f_out.write(s + '\n') f_in.close() f_out.close()
恶虎不食子 ehbsz ehubushizi è hǔ bù shí zǐ 赶鸭子上架 gyzsj ganyazishangjia gǎn yā zǐ shàng jià 坐山观虎斗 zsghd zuoshanguanhudou zuò shān guān hǔ dǒu 兄弟阋于墙 xdxyq xiongdixiyuqiang xiōng dì xì yú qiáng 顾头不顾尾 gtbgw gutoubuguwei gù tóu bù gù wěi 好汉惜好汉 hhxhh haohanxihaohan hǎo hàn xī hǎo hàn 郁郁不得志 yybdz yuyubudezhi yù yù bù dé zhì 治标不治本 zbbzb zhibiaobuzhiben zhì biāo bù zhì běn 摸不着头脑 mbztn mobuzhaotounao mō bù zháo tóu nǎo
用Pyhton whois模块,主要源代码如下:
#!/usr/bin/env python import whois #pip install python-whois import string import itertools def find_unregistered_names(self, filename, index): fp = open(filename, 'r') for line in fp.readlines() : str_list = line.split() for suffix in self.domain_suffixes : url = str_list[index] + '.' + str(suffix) str_list[index] = url try : w = whois.whois(url) except (whois.parser.PywhoisError): self.unregistered_names.append(str_list) except (UnicodeError) : #fp.readlines()[100:102] continue fp.close()
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