We will finish this lesson by providing you with some examples using the noise function to create various patterns. When Ken Perlin originally developped his noise function, he also proposed a few simple algorithms to generate interesting solid textures using this function as a building block. Some of these functions such as the turbulence are still widely used. He described most of these patterns and a few more in a seminal paper entitled "An Image Synthetiser" which he presented at Siggraph in 1985. This paper can easily be found on the internet and we highly recommend you to read it.
在这一课的结尾部分,我们会有一些有趣的应用例子。Ken Perlin 最初发明 PerlinNoise的时候,在论文里也给出了一些使用noise来生成有意思的贴图的算法。一些函数直到现在还在被广泛的使用中。他于1985年在Siggraph发表的论文中展示了一种名为”An Image Synthetiser“(图聚类)的算法。这篇论文很容易得到,我们强烈建议你阅读一下。
As we said earlier, our version of the noise function doesn't
create the most interesting looking noise (our noise look quite blocky for now). The goal of this lesson isn't to develop a good looking noise but is to understand how the technique works and the noise's properties. Check the second Noise Part 2 for learning
about a better looking version of the noise function (called gradient noise which
is the original technique proposed by Ken Perlin in 1985). However that shouldn't stop us from showing you a few examples especially with the 2D noise which we can use to start creating some more complex images. We recommend that you change the parameters
in the code to understand the effect they have on the result. In each of the following chapter you will find a description of the algorithm, the resulting pattern and the code used to generate this image.
之前提过,我们现在的noise function 无法生成有意思的texture, 现在的生成结果方块感十足。毕竟我们的目的是教授原理。可以通过 Noise Part 2来学习如何使用梯度noise生成更加好看的噪点贴图。( gradient noise, Ken Perlin, 1985)现在我们开始学习如何利用噪点图生成一些复合贴图。