本文中的RGB/YUV文件需要使用RGB/YUV播放器才能查看。YUV播放器种类比较多,例如YUV Player Deluxe,或者开源播放器(参考文章《修改了一个YUV/RGB播放器》)等。
/** * Split Y, U, V planes in YUV420P file. * @param url Location of Input YUV file. * @param w Width of Input YUV file. * @param h Height of Input YUV file. * @param num Number of frames to process. * */ int simplest_yuv420_split(char *url, int w, int h,int num){ FILE *fp=fopen(url,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen("output_420_y.y","wb+"); FILE *fp2=fopen("output_420_u.y","wb+"); FILE *fp3=fopen("output_420_v.y","wb+"); unsigned char *pic=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3/2); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp); //Y fwrite(pic,1,w*h,fp1); //U fwrite(pic+w*h,1,w*h/4,fp2); //V fwrite(pic+w*h*5/4,1,w*h/4,fp3); } free(pic); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp3); return 0; }
从代码可以看出,如果视频帧的宽和高分别为w和h,那么一帧YUV420P像素数据一共占用w*h*3/2 Byte的数据。其中前w*h Byte存储Y,接着的w*h*1/4 Byte存储U,最后w*h*1/4 Byte存储V。上述调用函数的代码运行后,将会把一张分辨率为256x256的名称为lena_256x256_yuv420p.yuv的YUV420P格式的像素数据文件分离成为三个文件:
/** * Split Y, U, V planes in YUV444P file. * @param url Location of YUV file. * @param w Width of Input YUV file. * @param h Height of Input YUV file. * @param num Number of frames to process. * */ int simplest_yuv444_split(char *url, int w, int h,int num){ FILE *fp=fopen(url,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen("output_444_y.y","wb+"); FILE *fp2=fopen("output_444_u.y","wb+"); FILE *fp3=fopen("output_444_v.y","wb+"); unsigned char *pic=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic,1,w*h*3,fp); //Y fwrite(pic,1,w*h,fp1); //U fwrite(pic+w*h,1,w*h,fp2); //V fwrite(pic+w*h*2,1,w*h,fp3); } free(pic); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp3); return 0; }
simplest_yuv444_split("lena_256x256_yuv444p.yuv",256,256,1);从代码可以看出,如果视频帧的宽和高分别为w和h,那么一帧YUV444P像素数据一共占用w*h*3 Byte的数据。其中前w*h Byte存储Y,接着的w*h Byte存储U,最后w*h Byte存储V。上述调用函数的代码运行后,将会把一张分辨率为256x256的名称为lena_256x256_yuv444p.yuv的YUV444P格式的像素数据文件分离成为三个文件:
/** * Convert YUV420P file to gray picture * @param url Location of Input YUV file. * @param w Width of Input YUV file. * @param h Height of Input YUV file. * @param num Number of frames to process. */ int simplest_yuv420_gray(char *url, int w, int h,int num){ FILE *fp=fopen(url,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen("output_gray.yuv","wb+"); unsigned char *pic=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3/2); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp); //Gray memset(pic+w*h,128,w*h/2); fwrite(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp1); } free(pic); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); return 0; }
/** * Halve Y value of YUV420P file * @param url Location of Input YUV file. * @param w Width of Input YUV file. * @param h Height of Input YUV file. * @param num Number of frames to process. */ int simplest_yuv420_halfy(char *url, int w, int h,int num){ FILE *fp=fopen(url,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen("output_half.yuv","wb+"); unsigned char *pic=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3/2); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp); //Half for(int j=0;j<w*h;j++){ unsigned char temp=pic[j]/2; //printf("%d,\n",temp); pic[j]=temp; } fwrite(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp1); } free(pic); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); return 0; }
从代码可以看出,如果打算将图像的亮度减半,只要将图像的每个像素的Y值取出来分别进行除以2的工作就可以了。图像的每个Y值占用1 Byte,取值范围是0至255,对应C语言中的unsigned char数据类型。上述调用函数的代码运行后,将会把一张分辨率为256x256的名称为lena_256x256_yuv420p.yuv的YUV420P格式的像素数据文件处理成名称为output_half.yuv的YUV420P格式的像素数据文件。输入的原图如下所示。
/** * Add border for YUV420P file * @param url Location of Input YUV file. * @param w Width of Input YUV file. * @param h Height of Input YUV file. * @param border Width of Border. * @param num Number of frames to process. */ int simplest_yuv420_border(char *url, int w, int h,int border,int num){ FILE *fp=fopen(url,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen("output_border.yuv","wb+"); unsigned char *pic=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3/2); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp); //Y for(int j=0;j<h;j++){ for(int k=0;k<w;k++){ if(k<border||k>(w-border)||j<border||j>(h-border)){ pic[j*w+k]=255; //pic[j*w+k]=0; } } } fwrite(pic,1,w*h*3/2,fp1); } free(pic); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); return 0; }
/** * Generate YUV420P gray scale bar. * @param width Width of Output YUV file. * @param height Height of Output YUV file. * @param ymin Max value of Y * @param ymax Min value of Y * @param barnum Number of bars * @param url_out Location of Output YUV file. */ int simplest_yuv420_graybar(int width, int height,int ymin,int ymax,int barnum,char *url_out){ int barwidth; float lum_inc; unsigned char lum_temp; int uv_width,uv_height; FILE *fp=NULL; unsigned char *data_y=NULL; unsigned char *data_u=NULL; unsigned char *data_v=NULL; int t=0,i=0,j=0; barwidth=width/barnum; lum_inc=((float)(ymax-ymin))/((float)(barnum-1)); uv_width=width/2; uv_height=height/2; data_y=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height); data_u=(unsigned char *)malloc(uv_width*uv_height); data_v=(unsigned char *)malloc(uv_width*uv_height); if((fp=fopen(url_out,"wb+"))==NULL){ printf("Error: Cannot create file!"); return -1; } //Output Info printf("Y, U, V value from picture's left to right:\n"); for(t=0;t<(width/barwidth);t++){ lum_temp=ymin+(char)(t*lum_inc); printf("%3d, 128, 128\n",lum_temp); } //Gen Data for(j=0;j<height;j++){ for(i=0;i<width;i++){ t=i/barwidth; lum_temp=ymin+(char)(t*lum_inc); data_y[j*width+i]=lum_temp; } } for(j=0;j<uv_height;j++){ for(i=0;i<uv_width;i++){ data_u[j*uv_width+i]=128; } } for(j=0;j<uv_height;j++){ for(i=0;i<uv_width;i++){ data_v[j*uv_width+i]=128; } } fwrite(data_y,width*height,1,fp); fwrite(data_u,uv_width*uv_height,1,fp); fwrite(data_v,uv_width*uv_height,1,fp); fclose(fp); free(data_y); free(data_u); free(data_v); return 0; }
simplest_yuv420_graybar(640, 360,0,255,10,"graybar_640x360.yuv");
Y | U | V |
0 | 128 | 128 |
28 | 128 | 128 |
56 | 128 | 128 |
85 | 128 | 128 |
113 | 128 | 128 |
141 | 128 | 128 |
170 | 128 | 128 |
198 | 128 | 128 |
226 | 128 | 128 |
255 | 128 | 128 |
/** * Calculate PSNR between 2 YUV420P file * @param url1 Location of first Input YUV file. * @param url2 Location of another Input YUV file. * @param w Width of Input YUV file. * @param h Height of Input YUV file. * @param num Number of frames to process. */ int simplest_yuv420_psnr(char *url1,char *url2,int w,int h,int num){ FILE *fp1=fopen(url1,"rb+"); FILE *fp2=fopen(url2,"rb+"); unsigned char *pic1=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h); unsigned char *pic2=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic1,1,w*h,fp1); fread(pic2,1,w*h,fp2); double mse_sum=0,mse=0,psnr=0; for(int j=0;j<w*h;j++){ mse_sum+=pow((double)(pic1[j]-pic2[j]),2); } mse=mse_sum/(w*h); psnr=10*log10(255.0*255.0/mse); printf("%5.3f\n",psnr); fseek(fp1,w*h/2,SEEK_CUR); fseek(fp2,w*h/2,SEEK_CUR); } free(pic1); free(pic2); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 0; }
/** * Split R, G, B planes in RGB24 file. * @param url Location of Input RGB file. * @param w Width of Input RGB file. * @param h Height of Input RGB file. * @param num Number of frames to process. * */ int simplest_rgb24_split(char *url, int w, int h,int num){ FILE *fp=fopen(url,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen("output_r.y","wb+"); FILE *fp2=fopen("output_g.y","wb+"); FILE *fp3=fopen("output_b.y","wb+"); unsigned char *pic=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic,1,w*h*3,fp); for(int j=0;j<w*h*3;j=j+3){ //R fwrite(pic+j,1,1,fp1); //G fwrite(pic+j+1,1,1,fp2); //B fwrite(pic+j+2,1,1,fp3); } } free(pic); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp3); return 0; }
simplest_rgb24_split("cie1931_500x500.rgb", 500, 500,1);
从代码可以看出,与YUV420P三个分量分开存储不同,RGB24格式的每个像素的三个分量是连续存储的。一帧宽高分别为w、h的RGB24图像一共占用w*h*3 Byte的存储空间。RGB24格式规定首先存储第一个像素的R、G、B,然后存储第二个像素的R、G、B…以此类推。类似于YUV420P的存储方式称为Planar方式,而类似于RGB24的存储方式称为Packed方式。上述调用函数的代码运行后,将会把一张分辨率为500x500的名称为cie1931_500x500.rgb的RGB24格式的像素数据文件分离成为三个文件:
输入的原图是一张标准的CIE 1931色度图。该色度图右下为红色,上方为绿色,左下为蓝色,如下所示。
/** * Convert RGB24 file to BMP file * @param rgb24path Location of input RGB file. * @param width Width of input RGB file. * @param height Height of input RGB file. * @param url_out Location of Output BMP file. */ int simplest_rgb24_to_bmp(const char *rgb24path,int width,int height,const char *bmppath){ typedef struct { long imageSize; long blank; long startPosition; }BmpHead; typedef struct { long Length; long width; long height; unsigned short colorPlane; unsigned short bitColor; long zipFormat; long realSize; long xPels; long yPels; long colorUse; long colorImportant; }InfoHead; int i=0,j=0; BmpHead m_BMPHeader={0}; InfoHead m_BMPInfoHeader={0}; char bfType[2]={'B','M'}; int header_size=sizeof(bfType)+sizeof(BmpHead)+sizeof(InfoHead); unsigned char *rgb24_buffer=NULL; FILE *fp_rgb24=NULL,*fp_bmp=NULL; if((fp_rgb24=fopen(rgb24path,"rb"))==NULL){ printf("Error: Cannot open input RGB24 file.\n"); return -1; } if((fp_bmp=fopen(bmppath,"wb"))==NULL){ printf("Error: Cannot open output BMP file.\n"); return -1; } rgb24_buffer=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*3); fread(rgb24_buffer,1,width*height*3,fp_rgb24); m_BMPHeader.imageSize=3*width*height+header_size; m_BMPHeader.startPosition=header_size; m_BMPInfoHeader.Length=sizeof(InfoHead); m_BMPInfoHeader.width=width; //BMP storage pixel data in opposite direction of Y-axis (from bottom to top). m_BMPInfoHeader.height=-height; m_BMPInfoHeader.colorPlane=1; m_BMPInfoHeader.bitColor=24; m_BMPInfoHeader.realSize=3*width*height; fwrite(bfType,1,sizeof(bfType),fp_bmp); fwrite(&m_BMPHeader,1,sizeof(m_BMPHeader),fp_bmp); fwrite(&m_BMPInfoHeader,1,sizeof(m_BMPInfoHeader),fp_bmp); //BMP save R1|G1|B1,R2|G2|B2 as B1|G1|R1,B2|G2|R2 //It saves pixel data in Little Endian //So we change 'R' and 'B' for(j =0;j<height;j++){ for(i=0;i<width;i++){ char temp=rgb24_buffer[(j*width+i)*3+2]; rgb24_buffer[(j*width+i)*3+2]=rgb24_buffer[(j*width+i)*3+0]; rgb24_buffer[(j*width+i)*3+0]=temp; } } fwrite(rgb24_buffer,3*width*height,1,fp_bmp); fclose(fp_rgb24); fclose(fp_bmp); free(rgb24_buffer); printf("Finish generate %s!\n",bmppath); return 0; return 0; }
RGB像素数据 |
typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { unsigned short int bfType; //位图文件的类型,必须为BM unsigned long bfSize; //文件大小,以字节为单位 unsigned short int bfReserverd1; //位图文件保留字,必须为0 unsigned short int bfReserverd2; //位图文件保留字,必须为0 unsigned long bfbfOffBits; //位图文件头到数据的偏移量,以字节为单位 }BITMAPFILEHEADER; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { long biSize; //该结构大小,字节为单位 long biWidth; //图形宽度以象素为单位 long biHeight; //图形高度以象素为单位 short int biPlanes; //目标设备的级别,必须为1 short int biBitcount; //颜色深度,每个象素所需要的位数 short int biCompression; //位图的压缩类型 long biSizeImage; //位图的大小,以字节为单位 long biXPelsPermeter; //位图水平分辨率,每米像素数 long biYPelsPermeter; //位图垂直分辨率,每米像素数 long biClrUsed; //位图实际使用的颜色表中的颜色数 long biClrImportant; //位图显示过程中重要的颜色数 }BITMAPINFOHEADER;
unsigned char clip_value(unsigned char x,unsigned char min_val,unsigned char max_val){ if(x>max_val){ return max_val; }else if(x<min_val){ return min_val; }else{ return x; } } //RGB to YUV420 bool RGB24_TO_YUV420(unsigned char *RgbBuf,int w,int h,unsigned char *yuvBuf) { unsigned char*ptrY, *ptrU, *ptrV, *ptrRGB; memset(yuvBuf,0,w*h*3/2); ptrY = yuvBuf; ptrU = yuvBuf + w*h; ptrV = ptrU + (w*h*1/4); unsigned char y, u, v, r, g, b; for (int j = 0; j<h;j++){ ptrRGB = RgbBuf + w*j*3 ; for (int i = 0;i<w;i++){ int pos = w*i+j; r = *(ptrRGB++); g = *(ptrRGB++); b = *(ptrRGB++); y = (unsigned char)( ( 66 * r + 129 * g + 25 * b + 128) >> 8) + 16 ; u = (unsigned char)( ( -38 * r - 74 * g + 112 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128 ; v = (unsigned char)( ( 112 * r - 94 * g - 18 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128 ; *(ptrY++) = clip_value(y,0,255); if (j%2==0&&i%2 ==0){ *(ptrU++) =clip_value(u,0,255); } else{ if (i%2==0){ *(ptrV++) =clip_value(v,0,255); } } } } return true; } /** * Convert RGB24 file to YUV420P file * @param url_in Location of Input RGB file. * @param w Width of Input RGB file. * @param h Height of Input RGB file. * @param num Number of frames to process. * @param url_out Location of Output YUV file. */ int simplest_rgb24_to_yuv420(char *url_in, int w, int h,int num,char *url_out){ FILE *fp=fopen(url_in,"rb+"); FILE *fp1=fopen(url_out,"wb+"); unsigned char *pic_rgb24=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3); unsigned char *pic_yuv420=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3/2); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ fread(pic_rgb24,1,w*h*3,fp); RGB24_TO_YUV420(pic_rgb24,w,h,pic_yuv420); fwrite(pic_yuv420,1,w*h*3/2,fp1); } free(pic_rgb24); free(pic_yuv420); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); return 0; }
Y= 0.299*R+0.587*G+0.114*B
V= 0.615*R-0.515*G-0.100*B
/** * Generate RGB24 colorbar. * @param width Width of Output RGB file. * @param height Height of Output RGB file. * @param url_out Location of Output RGB file. */ int simplest_rgb24_colorbar(int width, int height,char *url_out){ unsigned char *data=NULL; int barwidth; char filename[100]={0}; FILE *fp=NULL; int i=0,j=0; data=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*3); barwidth=width/8; if((fp=fopen(url_out,"wb+"))==NULL){ printf("Error: Cannot create file!"); return -1; } for(j=0;j<height;j++){ for(i=0;i<width;i++){ int barnum=i/barwidth; switch(barnum){ case 0:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=255; break; } case 1:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=0; break; } case 2:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=255; break; } case 3:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=0; break; } case 4:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=255; break; } case 5:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=255; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=0; break; } case 6:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=255; break; } case 7:{ data[(j*width+i)*3+0]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+1]=0; data[(j*width+i)*3+2]=0; break; } } } } fwrite(data,width*height*3,1,fp); fclose(fp); free(data); return 0; }
simplest_rgb24_colorbar(640, 360,"colorbar_640x360.rgb");
颜色 | (R, G, B) |
白 | (255, 255, 255) |
黄 | (255, 255, 0) |
青 | ( 0, 255, 255) |
绿 | ( 0, 255, 0) |
品 | (255, 0, 255) |
红 | (255, 0, 0) |
蓝 | ( 0, 0, 255) |
黑 | ( 0, 0, 0) |
Simplest mediadata test
雷霄骅 (Lei Xiaohua)