After having searched in several locations for instructions on how to install the License Key for SCOM 2012, I decided to put it all together to hopefully save other individuals time and frustration.
Before running the following commands below, make sure that you are logged in with a Service Account that has Local Administrative Rights to the SCOM Database Server. If you try and use an account without these rights, the Cmdlet used below will hang and your License will not be updated!
Please also note that this process DOES NOT have to be run on either the SCOM Database Server or the SCOM Data Warehouse Server.
Login to each Management Server in your SCOM Environment and do the following:
Go to Start –> Program Files –> Microsoft System Center 2012 –> Operations Manager Shell.
In the Operations Manager Shell run the following command:
You should get back the following:
1 2 3 4 | Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing operation "Set-SCOMLicense" on Target "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): |
Choose option Y as you are running this on each Management Server. After a few seconds the process should complete and a new blank prompt line will appear.
Side Note: You need to Import the OperationsManager Module before running the cmdlet above if you are running from a standard PowerShell Prompt:
Import-Module OperationsManager
Next, Restart the following Services on the Management Server:
Alternatively, you can Restart the Management Server.
Log back into the Management Server and launch the Operations Manager Console
Go to Help and click on About
Next to the Version information, it should now say (Retail), whereas before it said (Eval).
Note that it is fine if the Product ID: section is blank.