pbrt is structured using standardobject-oriented techniques: abstract base classes are defined for importantentities (for example, a Shape abstract base class defines the interface that all geometricshapes must implement, the Light abstract base class acts similarly for lights, etc.). The majorityof the system is implemented purely in terms of the interfaces provided bythese abstract base classes; for example, the code that checks for occludingobjects between a light source and a point being shaded calls the Shape intersection methods and doesn’t need toconsider the particular types of shapes that are present in the scene. Thisapproach makes it easy to extend the system, as adding a new shape only requiresimplementing a class that implements the Shape interface and linking it into the system.pbrt is written using a total of 13 keyabstract base classes, summarized in Table 1.1. Adding a new implementation ofone of these types to the system is straightforward; the implementation mustinherit from the appropriate base class, be compiled and linked into theexecutable, and the object creation routines in Appendix B must be modified to createinstances of the object as needed as the scene description file is parsed.Section B.4 discusses extending the system in this manner in more detail.
pbrt使用标准的面相对象技术来进行构建的:数个定义重要概念对象的抽象基类(abstract base classes)(如Shape抽象类定义了所有几何形状应该实现的接口,Light抽象类则定义了所有光源可进行的操作)。整个系统的关键部分是由这些抽象基类提供的接口来进行实现的;例如检查光源和一个点之间是否有阻碍,我们调用的是Shape类提供的相交检测函数,而不需要关心场景里具体是哪种类型的Shape子类(比如Sphere,Cube,Cyline)。这种手法让整个系统易于扩展,比如添加一种新的形状只需要实现Shape类规定的接口,然后添加到项目里参与编译。pbrt使用了13种关键抽象类进行编写,在表1.1中做了总结。为这些类型添加一个新的实现是非常简单明了的;新实现必须选择一个恰当的基类进行继承,编译和链接到可执行程序里,然后附录B中描述的对象创建流程中需要添加这个新类的修改。附录B.4章节讨论了扩展系统时的更多细节。
Table 1.1: Main Interface Types. Most ofpbrt is implemented in terms of 13 key abstractbase classes, listed here. Implementations of each of these can easily be addedto the system to extend its functionality.
Base class |
Directory |
Section |
Shape(几何对象) |
shapes/ |
3.1 |
Aggregate(聚合体) |
accelerators/ |
4.2 |
Camera(摄像机) |
cameras/ |
6.1 |
Sampler(采样器) |
samplers/ |
7.2 |
Filter(筛选器) |
filters/ |
7.7 |
Film(幕布) |
film/ |
7.8 |
Material(材质) |
materials/ |
9.2 |
Texture(贴图) |
textures/ |
10.3 |
VolumeRegion(体空间) |
volumes/ |
11.3 |
Light(光源) |
lights/ |
12.1 |
Renderer(渲染器) |
renderers/ |
1.3.3 |
SurfaceIntegrator(表面积分器) |
integrators/ |
Ch. 15 intro |
VolumeIntegrator(体积积分器) |
integrators/ |
16.2 |
The source code to pbrt is distributed across a small directory hierarchy that can be foundin the pbrt distribution, available from pbrt.org/downloads.php. Allof the code for the pbrt core is in the src/core/ directory, and the main() function is contained in the short file src/main/pbrt.cpp. Various implementations ofinstances of the abstract base classes are in separate directories: src/shapes/ has implementations of the Shape base class, src/materials/ has implementations of Material, and so forth. Throughoutthis section are a number of images rendered with extended versions of pbrt. Of them, Figures 1.11 through 1.14 arenotable: not only are they visually impressive, but each of them was created bya student in a rendering course where the final class project was to extend pbrt with new functionality in order to renderan interesting image. These images are among the best from those courses.Figures 1.15 and 1.16 were rendered with LuxRender, a GPL-licensed rendering system originally based on the pbrt source code from the first edition of thebook. (See www.luxrender.net for more informationabout LuxRender.)
可以通过pbrt.org/downloads.php找到pbrt的目录结构描述。pbrt的核心代码都在src/core/ 目录下了,main()函数则在src/main/pbrt.cpp 文件中。src/shapes/ 是Shape类的子类实现,src/materials/ 是Material类的子类实现,其他目录诸如此类。本章节会展示许多由pbrt扩展版本渲染出的图像。其中值得注意的是图1.11到图1.14:它们不单单在视觉上印象深刻,而且每一张图都是出自学生之手,他们通过课程学习如何扩展pbrt的功能来创造一些有趣的图像。这些图像是课程作品中最好的。图1.15和1.16由LuxRender渲染引擎进行渲染,一个GPL版权的渲染系统,基于本书第一版的源码。(有关LuxRender 可以访问www.luxrender.net获取更多信息。)
pbrt can be conceptually divided into twophases of execution. First, it parses the scene description file provided bythe user. The scene description is a text file that specifies the geometricshapes that make up the scene, their material properties, the lights that illuminatethem, where the virtual camera is positioned in the scene, and parameters to allof the individual algorithms used throughout the system. Each statement in theinput file has a direct mapping to one of the routines in Appendix B; theseroutines comprise the procedural interface for describing a scene to pbrt. A number of example scenes are providedin the scenes/ directory in the pbrt distribution. The scene file format is specifiedin the file docs/fileformat.pdf and a user’s guide to thefile format is in the file docs/usersguide.pdf.
pbrt从概念上可以分为两个执行阶段。第一个,它解析用户提供的场景描述文件。场景描述是一个文本文件,该文件指出构建场景的各种几何对象、它们的材质属性、它们的光照信息、摄像机的位置、以及整个系统中各个算法需要用到的参数。描述文件中的每一个部分在附录B中都有对照。这些阶段构成了pbrt描述场景的结构范式。在pbrt目录结构中scenes/ directory 目录下提供了一些场景描述文件的例子。这些文件的格式定义在 docs/fileformat.pdf 文件中,说明则在docs/usersguide.pdf 文件中。
Figure 1.11: Guillaume Poncin and PramodSharma extended pbrt in numerous ways, implementing a number of complex renderingalgorithms, to make this prize-winning image for Stanford’s cs348b renderingcompetition. The trees are modeled procedurally with L-systems, a glow imageprocessing filter increases the apparent realism of the lights on the tree,snow was modeled procedurally with metaballs, and a subsurface scatteringalgorithm gave the snow its realistic appearance by accounting for the effectof light that travels beneath the snow for some distance before leaving it.
图1.11: Guillaume Poncin and PramodSharma 用多种方式扩展了pbrt,实现了多种复杂的渲染算法,制作出了这张图像,并获得斯坦福大学cs348b 渲染比赛的冠军。这些树根据L-System进行建模(一种分形(fractal)模型),一个图像发光处理筛选器(image effect, pixel shader)增强了树上这些光源的真实度,雪堆是根据metaball方案进行建模,一个次表面散射算法计算了光线在雪堆内部的传播一段距离后才离开的情况,这给了雪逼真的视觉效果。(个人感觉屌炸了,果然是冠军图像)
【Metaball:http://jamie-wong.com/2014/08/19/metaballs-and-marching-squares/ 和 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaballs】
The end results of the parsing phase are an instance of the Scene class and an instance of the Renderer class. The Scene specifies the contents of the scene(geometric objects, lights, etc.), and the Renderer implements an algorithm torender it. Once the scene has been specified, the second phase of executionbegins and the main rendering loop executes. This phase is where pbrt usually spends the majority of its runningtime, and most of this book describes code that executes during this phase. Therendering loop is implemented in an implementation of the Renderer::Render() method, which is the focus ofSection 1.3.4. For the SamplerRenderer described in this chapter, the Render() method determines the lightarriving at a virtual film plane for a large number of rays in order to modelthe process of image formation. After the contributions of all of these filmsamples have been computed, the final image is written to disk. The scenedescription data in memory are deallocated and the renderer then resumesprocessing statements from the scene description file until no more remain,allowing the user to specify another scene to be rendered, if desired.
解析阶段的最终结果就是一个Scene实例对象和一个Renderer实例对象。Scene对象指出了场景中的内容(几何体对象、光源和其他),Renderer对象实现了某种渲染算法去渲染场景。一旦场景确定下来,执行的第二阶段就开始了,渲染的主循环也启动了。pbrt的主要时间开销都花在这个阶段,本书描述的大部分代码也是在这个阶段执行的。The Rendering Loop(渲染循环)是Renderer:Render()方法的某个具体实现,1.3.4章节会讲到。本章会介绍SamplerRenderer,它使用Render()方法检测大量的到达film(虚拟幕布)的光线,并形成最终图像。综合幕布上全部点的渲染结果后,最终图像会保存到磁盘上。内存中的场景描述数据会被释放,渲染器随后会从处理场景描述文件的阶段恢复,等待用户指定其他的场景进行渲染—如果需要的话。
Figure 1.12: Abe Davis, David Jacobs, andJongmin Baek rendered this amazing image of an ice cave to take the grand prizein the 2009 Stanford CS348b rendering competition. They first implemented a simulationof the physical process of glaciation, the process where snow falls, melts, andrefreezes over the course of many years, forming stratified layers of ice. Theythen simulated erosion of the ice due to melted water runoff before generatinga geometric model of the ice. Scattering of light inside the volume wassimulated with volumetric photon mapping; the blue color of the ice is entirelydue to modeling the wavelength-dependent absorption of light in the ice volume
图 1.12:Abe Davis,David Jacobs,和Jongmin Baek渲染的这个冰洞的图像在2009斯坦福cs348b渲染比赛中获得了最高成就奖。他们首先实现了一个模拟的冰川作用的物理过程,瀑布、雪在融化的过程,并经历多年冻结,形成(冰川冰的)分层结构。然后,他们模拟的冰融化的水径流的侵蚀,然后产生一个几何模型的冰(参考【冰川学-冰川冰】)。散射的体积内的光进行了模拟与体积光子映射;冰的蓝色的颜色是完全由对波长建模,并由冰本体对光波的吸收产生的。(orz,他们是准备去南极的过程中顺便渲了一张图吗?)
pbrt’s main() function can be found in the file main/pbrt.cpp. This function is quite simple;it first loops over the provided command-line arguments in argv, initializing values in the Options structure and storing thefilenames provided in the arguments. Running pbrt with --help as a command line argument prints all ofthe options that can be specified on the command line. The fragment that parsesthe command-line arguments, Process command-line arguments, is straightforward and therefore not included in the book here.
pbrt的main()函数在main/pbrt.cpp 文件中。此函数非常简单:它先遍历一遍通过变量argv传递的命令行参数,然后用这些参数初始化Options结构体中的变量值以及保存传递进来的场景文件名称。使用--help参数运行pbrt可以看到所有的可选命令。关于解析命令行参数的实现部分很普通很直接,也不属于本书的主要目的,没有包含在本书中。
Figure 1.13: Lingfeng Yang implemented abidirectional texture function to simulate the appearance of cloth, adding ananalytic self-shadowing model, to render this image that took first prize inthe 2009 Stanford CS348b rendering competition.
图1.13: Lingfeng Yang 实现了一个双向贴图函数,该函数模拟了布料的外观,并在其中添加了一种自我阴影的解析模型。这张渲染图获得了2009斯坦福CS348b渲染比赛的第一名。
The options structure is then passed pbrtInit(), which does systemwideinitialization. The main() function then parses the given scene description(s), leading tothe creation of a Scene object that represents all of the elements (shapes, lights, etc.)that make up the scene and a Renderer object that implements an algorithm to render the scene. Because theinput file can specify multiple scenes to be rendered, rendering actuallybegins as soon as the appropriate input directive is parsed. After allrendering is done, pbrtCleanup() does final cleanup before the system exits. The pbrtInit() and pbrtCleanup() functions appear in a mini-index in the page margin, alongwith the number of the page where they are actually defined. The mini-indiceshave pointers to the definitions of almost all of the functions, classes,methods, and member variables used or referred to on each page.
Figure 1.14: Jared Jacobs and MichaelTuritzin added an implementation of Kajiya and Kay’s texelbased fur renderingalgorithm (Kajiya and Kay 1989) to pbrt and rendered this image, where both the fur on the dog and theshag carpet are rendered with the texel fur algorithm.
图1.14: JaredJacobs 和Michael Turitzin在pbrt中加入了Kajiya 和 Kay的基于贴图的毛皮渲染算法(Kajiyaand Kay 1989),渲染出了这张图片。狗和粗毛地毯都应用了这种基于贴图的毛皮渲染算法。
<main program>≡
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Options options;
vector<string> filenames;
<Process command-line arguments>
<Process scene description 21>
return 0;
If pbrt is run with no input filenames provided, then the scenedescription is read from standard input. Otherwise it loops through the providedfilenames, processing each file in turn.
Figure 1.15: This contemporary indoor scenewas modeled and rendered by Florent Boyer (www.florentboyer.com). The image was rendered using LuxRender, a GPL licensed physicallybased rendering system originally basedon pbrt’s source code. Modelling and texturingwas done using Blender.
图1.15:这个现代室内场景由Florent Boyer建模和渲染。渲染这张图用到了LuxRender软件,一个GPL协议、由pbrt源代码演化而成的基于物理的渲染系统。建模和纹理绘制使用了Blender软件。
<Process scene description
if (filenames.size() == 0) {
<Parse scene from standard input 21>
} else {
<Parse scene from input files 21>
The ParseFile() function parses a scene description file, either from standardinput or from a file on disk; it returns false if it was unable to open the file. Themechanics of parsing scene description files will not be described in thisbook; the parser implementation can be found in the lex and yacc files core/pbrtlex.ll and core/pbrtparse.yy, respectively. Readers whowant to understand the parsing subsystem but are not familiar with these toolsmay wish to consult Levine, Mason, and Brown (1992).
ParseFile()函数负责解析场景描述文件,同时也负责从输入流中解析场景参数;如果无法打开文件它就会返回false。想看实现的自己去看源码core/pbrtlex.ll和core/pbrtparse.yy。想问细节的去问Levine, Mason, and Brown (1992)。
We use the common UNIX idiom that a file named “-” represents standard input:
Parse scene from standard input
If a particular input file can’t be opened, the Error() routine reports thisinformation to the user. Error() uses the same format string semantics as printf().
Parse scene from input files
Figure 1.16: Martin Lubich modeled thisscene of the Austrian Imperial Crown and rendered it using LuxRender, an open-source fork of the pbrt codebase. The scene was modeled in Blenderand consists of approximately 1.8 million vertices. It is illuminated by sixarea light sources with emission spectra based on measured data from areal-world light source and was rendered with 1280 samples per pixel in 73hours of computation on a quad-core CPU. See Martin’s Web site, www.loramel.net, for more information, including downloadable Blender scenefiles.
As the scene file is parsed, objects are created that representthe lights and geometric primitives in the scene. These are all stored in the Scene object, which is created by the RenderOptions::MakeScene() methodin Section B.3.7 in Appendix B. The Scene class is declared in core/scene.hand defined in core/scene.cpp. We will not include the implementation of the Scene constructor here; it just stores copies ofits arguments in the various member variables inside the class.
Scene Declarations
class Scene {
ScenePublic 数据字段
Each geometric object in the scene is represented by a Primitive, which combines two objects:a Shape that specifies its geometry, and a Material that describes its appearance(e.g., the object’s color, whether it has a dull or glossy finish). All ofthese geometric primitives are collected into a single aggregate Primitive in the Scene member variable Scene::aggregate. This aggregate is a specialkind of primitive that itself holds references to many other primitives.Because it implements the Primitive interface it appears no different than a single primitive to therest of the system. The specific class used to implement Scene::aggregate stores all the scene’sprimitives in an acceleration data structure that reduces the number ofunnecessary ray intersection tests with primitives that a given ray doesn’tpass near.
Scene Public Data
Each light source in the scene is represented by a Light object, which specifies the shape of alight and the distribution of energy that it emits. The Scene stores all of the lights in a vector class from the C++ standard library.While some renderers support separate light lists per geometric object, allowinga light to illuminate only some of the objects in the scene, this idea does notmap well to the physically based rendering approach taken in pbrt, so we use only this per-scene list.
光源信息都存在Scene:: vector<Light *> lights里。有些渲染系统允许指定特定对象接受特定光源的光照,从而提供了多组光源列表,这个想法不符合基于真实物理的路子,所以我们只有一个列表。
Scene Public Data
In addition to geometric primitives, pbrt also supports participating media, or volumetric primitives. These types ofprimitives are supported through the VolumeRegioninterface. The system’s support for participating media isdescribed in Chapter 11. Like Primitives, multiple VolumeRegions are all stored together in a single aggregate region, Scene::volumeRegion.
Scene Public Data
The Scene class provides a handful of additional methods. Its Intersect() method traces the given rayinto the scene and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the ray intersectedany of the primitives. If so, it fills in the provided Intersection structure with informationabout the closest intersection point along the ray. The Intersection structure is defined inSection 4.1.
Scene Public Methods
bool Intersect(const Ray &ray, Intersection *isect) const {
bool hit = aggregate->Intersect(ray, isect);
return hit;
A closely related method is Scene::IntersectP(), which checks for theexistence of intersections along the ray, but does not return any informationabout those intersections. Because this routine doesn’t need to search for theclosest intersection or compute any additional information about theintersections, it is generally more efficient than Scene::Intersect(). This routine is used forshadow rays.
Scene Public Methods
bool IntersectP(const Ray &ray) const {
bool hit = aggregate->IntersectP(ray);
return hit;
Finally, Scene::WorldBound()returns a 3D box that bounds all of the geometry in the scene,which is simply the bounding box of Scene::aggregate. The Scene class caches this bound to avoid having to repeatedly compute it.
Scene Constructor Implementation
bound = aggregate->WorldBound();
if (volumeRegion) bound = Union(bound,volumeRegion->WorldBound());
Scene Public Data
BBox bound;
Scene Method Definitions
const BBox &Scene::WorldBound() const {
return bound;
1.3.3 RENDERER INTERFACE AND SamplerRenderer
Rendering an image of thescene is handled by an instance of a class that implements the Renderer interface. Renderer is an abstract base classthat defines a few methods that must be provided by all renderers. It isdefined in the files core/renderer.h and core/renderer.cpp. In this section, we will define both the interface that all Renderers must provide as well asthe start of one instance of a Renderer, the SamplerRenderer.
class Renderer {
Renderer Interface 24
The main method that Renderers must provide is Render();the Renderer is passed a pointer to a Scene and computes an image of the scene or more generally, a setof measurements of the scene lighting. For example, in Section 17.3, we definea completely different kind of Renderer thatcomputes measurements of incident illumination at a set of points in the sceneand writes the results to a text file, without generating an image at all.These measurements can then be used for interactive rendering of the scene,among other applications.
virtual void Render(const Scene*scene) = 0;
Renderers are also required to provide methods that computeinformation about the illumination along rays in the scene. Li() returns the incident radiance along the given ray. Inaddition to the ray and the scene, it takes a number of additional parameters:the Sample (which may be NULL) providesrandom sample values for Monte Carlo integration computationsin the integrator, and the RNG is a pseudo-random number generator that is also available forthis purpose. The MemoryArena performs efficient allocation of small temporary amounts of memorythat may be needed while computing radiance along the ray. Finally, informationabout the ray’s geometric intersection point can be returned via the Intersection, if its pointer is non-NULL, and the volumetric transmittance alongthe ray is returned via the T parameter, also if non-NULL.
同时渲染器需要提供计算场景中的光线的照明信息的接口。Li() 函数返回指定光线的入射辐射量。除了ray和scene参数,还需要几个额外的参数:Sample(采样器)(可以为NULL)为集成了蒙特卡洛方法的积分器提供随机样本,RNG是一个伪随机数生成器,也是给积分器用的。MemoryArena为计算射线的辐射量时需要频繁申请临时的零散小内存时提供高效的分配方法(内存管理)。最后是关于射线相交的几何信息,通过Intersection来返回交点----如果不为NULL的话,通过Spectrum来返回射线方向上的光能量传输率。
Renderer Interface
const Scene *scene, constRayDifferential &ray,
const Sample *sample, RNG &rng,MemoryArena &arena,
Intersection *isect = NULL, Spectrum*T = NULL) const = 0;
Transmittance() returns the fraction of light thatis attenuated by volumetric scattering along the ray.Renderer implementations will generally dispatch to Integrators (defined in Chapters 15 and 16) to compute the valuesreturned by Li() and Transmittance().
const RayDifferential &ray,const Sample *sample,
RNG &rng, MemoryArena&arena) const = 0;
Now we will define the SamplerRenderer implementation of the Renderer interface and show how its Render() method computes an image of the scene. SamplerRenderer is so named because its renderingprocess is driven by a stream of samplesfrom a Sampler; each such sample identifies a point on the image at whichto compute the arriving light to form the image. The definition of SamplerRenderer is in the files renderers/samplerrenderer.h and renderers/samplerrenderer.cpp.
现在我们将定义SamplerRenderer的实现,并来看一看它的Render()函数是如何将一个场景渲染成图片的。SamplerRenderer(采样渲染器)的名字由来是因为它的渲染过程由一个Sampler(采样器)提供的样本流来进行主导的;每一个样本都代表了光线到达最终渲染图像上的一个像素点。SamplerRenderer定义在文件renderers/samplerrenderer.h 和 renderers/samplerrenderer.cpp中。
class SamplerRenderer : publicRenderer {
SamplerRenderer Public Methods
SamplerRenderer Private Data 25
The SamplerRenderer stores a pointer to a Sampler. The role of this class is subtle, but its implementationcan substantially affect the quality of the images that the system generates.First, the sampler is responsible for choosing the points on the image planefrom which rays are traced. Second, it is responsible for supplying the samplepositions used by the integrators in their light transport computations; forexample, some integrators need to choose random points on light sources tocompute illumination from area lights. Generating a good distribution of thesesamples is an important part of the rendering process that can substantiallyaffect overall efficiency and is discussed in Chapter 7.
SamplerRendererPrivate Data
Sampler *sampler;
The Camera object controls the viewing and lens parameters such asposition, orientation, focus, and field of view. A Film member variable inside the Camera class handles image storage. The Camera classes are described in Chapter 6, and Film is described in Section 7.8. The Film is responsible for writing the finalimage to disk and possibly displaying it on the screen as it is being computed.
SamplerRendererPrivate Data
Camera *camera;
Integrators handle the task ofsimulating the propagation of light in the scene in order to compute how muchlight arrives at image sample positions on the film plane. They are so namedbecause they numerically evaluate the integrals in the surface and volume lighttransport equations that describe the distribution of light in the environment.SurfaceIntegrators compute reflected light fromgeometric surfaces, while VolumeIntegratorshandle the scattering from volumetric primitives. Integrators are described inChapters 15 and 16.
SamplerRendererPrivate Data
SurfaceIntegrator *surfaceIntegrator;
VolumeIntegrator *volumeIntegrator;
The SamplerRenderer constructor just stores pointers tothese objects in member variables. The SamplerRenderer is created in the RenderOptions::MakeRenderer() method, which is in turn called by pbrtWorldEnd(), which is called by the input fileparser when it is done parsing a scene description from an input file and isready to render the scene.
SamplerRenderer的构造函数只是简单的将上述这些对象的指针保存起来。SamplerRenderer可以通过RenderOptions::MakeRenderer()函数进行创建,前序的调用链分别是pbrtWorldEnd()函数、input file parser。调用时机是解释器完成场景描述文件的解析并准备好渲染场景时。
SamplerRendererMethod Definitions
SamplerRenderer::SamplerRenderer(Sampler*s, Camera *c, SurfaceIntegrator *si, VolumeIntegrator *vi) {
sampler = s;
camera = c;
surfaceIntegrator = si;
volumeIntegrator = vi;