本人将于2016年11月13日-17日参加MSWiM 2016会议并做报告。
ACM MSWiM 2016 is the 19th Annual International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. MSWiM is an international forum dedicated to in-depth discussion of Wireless and Mobile systems, networks, algorithms and applications, with an emphasis on rigorous performance evaluation. MSWiM is a highly selective conference with a long track record of publishing innovative ideas and breakthroughs. MSWiM 2016 will be held in Malta.
An Efficient Content Delivery Infrastructure Leveraging the Public Transportation Network
Qiankun Su, Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Gentian Jakllari and Charly Poulliat
IRIT-INPT/ENSEEIHT, University of Toulouse
With the world population becoming increasingly urban and the multiplication of mega cities, urban leaders
have responded with plans calling for so called smart cities relying on instantaneous access to information
using mobile devices for an intelligent management of resources. Coupled with the advent of the smartphone as the main platform for accessing the Internet, this has created the conditions for the looming wireless bandwidth crunch.
This paper presents a content delivery infrastructure relying on off-the-shelf technology and the public transportation network (PTN) aimed at relieving the wireless bandwidth crunch in urban centers. Our solution proposes installing WiFi access points on selected public bus stations and buses and using the latter as data mules, creating a delay tolerant network capable of carrying content users can access while using the public transportation. Building such an infrastructure poses several challenges, including congestion points in major hubs and the cost of additional hardware necessary for secure communications. To address these challenges we propose a 3-Tier architecture that guarantees end-to-end delivery and minimizes hardware cost.
Trace-based simulations from three major European cities of Paris, Helsinki and Toulouse demonstrate the viability of our design choices. In particular, the 3-Tier architecture is shown to guarantee end-to-end connectivity and reduce the deployment cost by several times while delivering at least as many packets as a baseline architecture.
AUTHOR=“Qiankun Su and Katia {Jaffr{`e}s-Runser} and Gentian Jakllari and Charly Poulliat”,
TITLE=“An Efficient Content Delivery Infrastructure Leveraging the Public Transportation Network”,
BOOKTITLE=“19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM’16)”,
ADDRESS=“, Malta”,
KEYWORDS=“XOR; network coding; public transportation networks; connected dominating sets; betweenness centrality”,
因为学校最高报销标准是一天105欧,而会议所在的酒店是110欧/晚,所以自己在Excelsior Hotel附件订了住宿(13日-18日),有50m2,还可以再住一个人,欢迎结伴。我的微信号是:sparkandshine2