在继『Oracle sharding database的一些概念』之后,我觉得还有一些关于sharding的概念,是值得理解的。
(1) shardgroup:
In system-managed and composite sharding, the logical unit of replication is a group of shards called a shardgroup.
也就是说,在逻辑上,将一组相同复制属性的shard称作shard group。如有8台主机,其中4台是shard node的primary,另外4台是shard node的standby。那么,我们可以把4台primary定义成一个shardgroup,叫primary_shardgroup,另外4台standby定义成另外一个shardgroup,叫standby_shardgroup。
注,一个shardgroup通常是在一个data center内。
(2). shardspace:
A shardspace is set of shards that store data that corresponds to a range or list of key values.
shardspace的概念伴随着综合性分片的分片方法(composite sharding method)出现的;如果是系统管理分片方法(system-managed sharding method),只有一个默认的shardspace。所以只有在composite sharding下,才有可能出现多个shardspace。
在composite sharding下,数据首先根据list或者range,分成若干个shardspace。然后再根据一致性hash进行分片。
注,每个shardspace包含一个或者多个复制shard for HA/DR。
或者也可以根据业务需要,按照地域来分不同的shardgroup,如这里的shardgroup cust_america和shardgroup cust_euro
(3). super sharding key
Composite sharding enables two levels of sharding - one by list or range and another by consistent hash. This is accomplished by the application providing two keys: a super sharding key and a sharding key.
super sharding key也是随着综合性分片的分片方法出现的。由于综合性分片是2层分片,第一层是根据list或者range进行分片,这个shard key,就叫做super_sharding_key。第二层才是根据一致性hash进行分片(基于sharding key)。
(4). Composite sharding
综合性分片,提供了2层的分片方法,第一层按照range 或者list,第二层根据一致性hash。
(4.2) 在不同的服务器,或者云上面,使用不同的shardspace:
(5). region
A region in the context of Oracle Sharding represents a data center or multiple data centers that are in close network proximity.
(6). shard director
A shard director is a specific implementation of a global service manager that acts as a regional listener for clients that connect to an SDB. The director maintains a current topology map of the SDB. Based on the sharding key passed during a connection request, the director routes the connections to the appropriate shard. To achieve high availability, deploy multiple shard directors. In Oracle Database 12c Release 2, you can deploy up to 5 shard directors in a given region.
shard director提供:
c).接受来自客户端到SDB的连接,你可以把它当作region listener。
d).管理global services
注:每个region需要至少一个shard director,可以最多有五个shard director。