Tom Sercu, Vaibhava Goel
Comments: Appeared at NIPS 2016 End-to-end Learning for Speech and Audio Processing Workshop
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In computer vision pixelwise dense prediction is the task of predicting a
label for each pixel in the image. Convolutional neural networks achieve good
performance on this task, while being computationally efficient. In this paper
we carry these ideas over to the problem of assigning a sequence of labels to a
set of speech frames, a task commonly known as framewise classification. We
show that dense prediction view of framewise classification offers several
advantages and insights, including computational efficiency and the ability to
apply batch normalization. When doing dense prediction we pay specific
attention to strided pooling in time and introduce an asymmetric dilated
convolution, called time-dilated convolution, that allows for efficient and
elegant implementation of pooling in time. We show that by using time-dilated
convolutions with a very deep VGG-style CNN with batch normalization, we
achieve best published single model accuracy result on the switchboard-2000
benchmark dataset.
Meshia Cédric Oveneke, Mitchel Aliosha-Perez, Yong Zhao, Dongmei Jiang, Hichem Sahli
Comments: Accepted at NIPS 2016 Workshop on Efficient Methods for Deep Neural Networks (EMDNN)
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
The omnipresence of deep learning architectures such as deep convolutional
neural networks (CNN)s is fueled by the synergistic combination of
ever-increasing labeled datasets and specialized hardware. Despite the
indisputable success, the reliance on huge amounts of labeled data and
specialized hardware can be a limiting factor when approaching new
applications. To help alleviating these limitations, we propose an efficient
learning strategy for layer-wise unsupervised training of deep CNNs on
conventional hardware in acceptable time. Our proposed strategy consists of
randomly convexifying the reconstruction contractive auto-encoding (RCAE)
learning objective and solving the resulting large-scale convex minimization
problem in the frequency domain via coordinate descent (CD). The main
advantages of our proposed learning strategy are: (1) single tunable
optimization parameter; (2) fast and guaranteed convergence; (3) possibilities
for full parallelization. Numerical experiments show that our proposed learning
strategy scales (in the worst case) linearly with image size, number of filters
and filter size.
Hendrik Richter
Comments: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1603.06374
Subjects: Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Biological Physics (
Players of coevolutionary games may update not only their strategies but also
their networks of interaction. Based on interpreting the payoff of players as
fitness, dynamic landscape models are proposed. The modeling procedure is
carried out for Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) and Snowdrift (SD) games that both use
either birth-death (BD) or death-birth (DB) strategy updating. With the main
focus on using dynamic fitness landscapes as an alternative tool for analyzing
coevolutionary games, landscape measures such as modality, ruggedness and
information content are computed and analyzed. In addition, fixation properties
of the games and quantifiers characterizing the network of interaction are
calculated numerically. Relations are established between landscape properties
expressed by landscape measures and quantifiers of coevolutionary game dynamics
such as fixation probabilities, fixation times and network properties
Yulia Dodonova, Mikhail Belyaev, Anna Tkachev, Dmitry Petrov, Leonid Zhukov
Comments: Presented at The MICCAI-BACON 16 Workshop (arXiv:1611.03363)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In this paper, we tackle a problem of predicting phenotypes from structural
connectomes. We propose that normalized Laplacian spectra can capture
structural properties of brain networks, and hence graph spectral distributions
are useful for a task of connectome-based classification. We introduce a kernel
that is based on earth mover’s distance (EMD) between spectral distributions of
brain networks. We access performance of an SVM classifier with the proposed
kernel for a task of classification of autism spectrum disorder versus typical
development based on a publicly available dataset. Classification quality (area
under the ROC-curve) obtained with the EMD-based kernel on spectral
distributions is 0.71, which is higher than that based on simpler graph
embedding methods.
Simon Jégou, Michal Drozdzal, David Vazquez, Adriana Romero, Yoshua Bengio
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
State-of-the-art approaches for semantic image segmentation are built on
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The typical segmentation architecture is
composed of (a) a downsampling path responsible for extracting coarse semantic
features, followed by (b) an upsampling path trained to recover the input image
resolution at the output of the model and, optionally, (c) a post-processing
module (e.g. Conditional Random Fields) to refine the model predictions.
Recently, a new CNN architecture, Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
(DenseNets), has shown excellent results on image classification tasks. The
idea of DenseNets is based on the observation that if each layer is directly
connected to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion then the network will
be more accurate and easier to train.
In this paper, we extend DenseNets to deal with the problem of semantic
segmentation. We achieve state-of-the-art results on urban scene benchmark
datasets such as CamVid and Gatech, without any further post-processing module
nor pretraining. Moreover, due to smart construction of the model, our approach
has much less parameters than currently published best entries for these
Stamatios Georgoulis, Konstantinos Rematas, Tobias Ritschel, Mario Fritz, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool
Comments: Project: this http URL
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Recovering natural illumination from a single Low-Dynamic Range (LDR) image
is a challenging task. To remedy this situation we exploit two properties often
found in everyday images. First, images rarely show a single material, but
rather multiple ones that all reflect the same illumination. However, the
appearance of each material is observed only for some surface orientations, not
all. Second, parts of the illumination are often directly observed in the
background, without being affected by reflection. Typically, this directly
observed part of the illumination is even smaller. We propose a deep
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that combines prior knowledge about the
statistics of illumination and reflectance with an input that makes explicit
use of these two observations. Our approach maps multiple partial LDR material
observations represented as reflectance maps and a background image to a
spherical High-Dynamic Range (HDR) illumination map. For training and testing
we propose a new data set comprising of synthetic and real images with multiple
materials observed under the same illumination. Qualitative and quantitative
evidence shows how both multi-material and using a background are essential to
improve illumination estimations.
Lorenzo Baraldi, Costantino Grana, Rita Cucchiara
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The use of Recurrent Neural Networks for video captioning has recently gained
a lot of attention, since they can be used both to encode the input video and
to generate the corresponding description. In this paper, we present a
recurrent video encoding scheme which can discover and leverage the
hierarchical structure of the video. Unlike the classical encoder-decoder
approach, in which a video is encoded continuously by a recurrent layer, we
propose a novel LSTM cell, which can identify discontinuity points between
frames or segments and modify the temporal connections of the encoding layer
accordingly. We evaluate our approach on three large-scale datasets: the
Montreal Video Annotation dataset, the MPII Movie Description dataset and the
Microsoft Video Description Corpus. Experiments show that our approach can
discover appropriate hierarchical representations of input videos and improve
the state of the art results on movie description datasets.
Nour Karessli, Zeynep Akata, Andreas Bulling, Bernt Schiele
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Zero-shot image classification using auxiliary information, such as
attributes describing discriminative object properties, requires time-consuming
annotation by domain experts. We instead propose a method that relies on human
gaze as auxiliary information, exploiting that even non-expert users have a
natural ability to judge class membership. We present a data collection
paradigm that involves a discrimination task to increase the information
content obtained from gaze data. Our method extracts discriminative descriptors
from the data and learns a compatibility function between image and gaze using
three novel gaze embeddings: Gaze Histograms (GH), Gaze Features with Grid
(GFG) and Gaze Features with Sequence (GFS). We introduce two new
gaze-annotated datasets for fine-grained image classification and show that
human gaze data is indeed class discriminative, provides a competitive
alternative to expert-annotated attributes, and outperforms other baselines for
zero-shot image classification.
Martin Danelljan, Goutam Bhat, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Michael Felsberg
Comments: Includes supplementary material
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In recent years, Discriminative Correlation Filter (DCF) based methods have
significantly advanced the state-of-the-art in tracking. However, in the
pursuit of ever increasing tracking performance, their characteristic speed and
real-time capability have gradually faded. Further, the increasingly complex
models, with massive number of trainable parameters, have introduced the risk
of severe over-fitting. In this work, we tackle the key causes behind the
problems of computational complexity and over-fitting, with the aim of
simultaneously improving both speed and performance.
We revisit the core DCF formulation and introduce: (i) a factorized
convolution operator, which drastically reduces the number of parameters in the
model; (ii) a compact generative model of the training sample distribution,
that significantly reduces memory and time complexity, while providing better
diversity of samples; (iii) a conservative model update strategy with improved
robustness and reduced complexity. We perform comprehensive experiments on four
benchmarks: VOT2016, UAV123, OTB-2015, and TempleColor. When using expensive
deep features, our tracker provides a 20-fold speedup and achieves a 13.3%
relative gain in Expected Average Overlap compared to the top ranked method in
the VOT2016 challenge. Moreover, our fast variant, using hand-crafted features,
operates at 60 Hz on a single CPU, while obtaining 64.8% AUC on OTB-2015.
Juan Castorena
Comments: Submitted to CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this investigation we focus on the problem of mapping the ground
reflectivity with multiple laser scanners mounted on mobile robots/vehicles.
The problem originates because regions of the ground become populated with a
varying number of reflectivity measurements whose value depends on the observer
and its corresponding perspective. Here, we propose a novel automatic,
data-driven computational mapping framework specifically aimed at preserving
edge sharpness in the map reconstruction process and that considers the sources
of measurement variation. Our new formulation generates map-perspective
gradients and applies sub-set selection fusion and de-noising operators to
these through iterative algorithms that minimize an (ell_1) sparse regularized
least squares formulation. Reconstruction of the ground reflectivity is then
carried out based on Poisson’s formulation posed as an (ell_2) term promoting
consistency with the fused gradient of map-perspectives and a term that ensures
equality constraints with reference measurement data. We demonstrate our new
framework outperforms the capabilities of existing ones with experiments
realized on Ford’s fleet of autonomous vehicles. For example, we show we can
achieve map enhancement (i.e., contrast enhancement), artifact removal,
de-noising and map-stitching without requiring an additional reflectivity
adjustment to calibrate sensors to the specific mounting and robot/vehicle
Quanzeng You, Ran Pang, Jiebo Luo
Comments: 8 pages, 8 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Real estate appraisal, which is the process of estimating the price for real
estate properties, is crucial for both buys and sellers as the basis for
negotiation and transaction. Traditionally, the repeat sales model has been
widely adopted to estimate real estate price. However, it depends the design
and calculation of a complex economic related index, which is challenging to
estimate accurately. Today, real estate brokers provide easy access to detailed
online information on real estate properties to their clients. We are
interested in estimating the real estate price from these large amounts of
easily accessed data. In particular, we analyze the prediction power of online
house pictures, which is one of the key factors for online users to make a
potential visiting decision. The development of robust computer vision
algorithms makes the analysis of visual content possible. In this work, we
employ a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to predict real estate price using the
state-of-the-art visual features. The experimental results indicate that our
model outperforms several of other state-of-the-art baseline algorithms in
terms of both mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage error
Rahaf Aljundi, Punarjay Chakravarty, Tinne Tuytelaars
Comments: ACCV 2016 accepted paper
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this work, we aim at automatically labeling actors in a TV series. Rather
than relying on transcripts and subtitles, as has been demonstrated in the
past, we show how to achieve this goal starting from a set of example images of
each of the main actors involved, collected from the Internet Movie Database
(IMDB). The problem then becomes one of domain adaptation: actors’ IMDB photos
are typically taken at awards ceremonies and are quite different from their
appearances in TV series. In each series as well, there is considerable change
in actor appearance due to makeup, lighting, ageing, etc. To bridge this gap,
we propose a graph-matching based self-labelling algorithm, which we coin HSL
(Hungarian Self Labeling). Further, we propose a new edge cost to be used in
this context, as well as an extension that is more robust to outliers, where
prototypical faces for each of the actors are selected based on a hierarchical
clustering procedure. We conduct experiments with 15 episodes from 3 different
TV series and demonstrate automatic annotation with an accuracy of 90% and up.
Alexandr Notchenko, Ermek Kapushev, Evgeny Burnaev
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted to 3D Deep Learning Workshop at NIPS 2016
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper we present preliminary results of performance evaluation of
S3DCNN – a Sparse 3D Convolutional Neural Network – on a large-scale 3D Shape
benchmark ModelNet40, and measure how it is impacted by voxel resolution of
input shape. We demonstrate comparable classification and retrieval performance
to state-of-the-art models, but with much less computational costs in training
and inference phases. We also notice that benefits of higher input resolution
can be limited by an ability of a neural network to generalize high level
Jianfeng Dong, Xiao-Jiao Mao, Chunhua Shen, Yu-Bin Yang
Comments: Submitted to CVPR 2017 for review
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown their power on many computer
vision tasks.However, there are still some limitations, including their
dependency to large scale labeled training data and sensitivity to weight
initialization.In this paper, we try to address these two problems by proposing
a simple yet powerful CNN based denoising auto-encoder which can be trained
end-to-end in an unsupervised manner.The network architecture we employ is a
fully convolutional auto-encoder with symmetric encoder-decoder connections.The
proposed method can not only reconstruct clean images from corrupted ones, but
also learn image representation through the reconstruction training.It can
further be adapted to find data driven network initialization without using
extra training data.Experimental results show that our network can learn good
feature from unlabeled data, which can be easily transferred to different high
level vision tasks such as image classification and semantic segmentation.The
data driven initialization method based on the convolutional auto-encoder is
also competitive.
Thierry Bouwmans, Caroline Silva, Cristina Marghes, Mohammed Sami Zitouni, Harish Bhaskar, Carl Frelicot
Comments: To be submitted to Computer Science Review
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Background modeling has emerged as a popular foreground detection technique
for various applications in video surveillance. Background modeling methods
have become increasing efficient in robustly modeling the background and hence
detecting moving objects in any visual scene. Although several background
subtraction and foreground detection have been proposed recently, no
traditional algorithm today still seem to be able to simultaneously address all
the key challenges of illumination variation, dynamic camera motion, cluttered
background and occlusion. This limitation can be attributed to the lack of
systematic investigation concerning the role and importance of features within
background modeling and foreground detection. With the availability of a rather
large set of invariant features, the challenge is in determining the best
combination of features that would improve accuracy and robustness in
detection. The purpose of this study is to initiate a rigorous and
comprehensive survey of features used within background modeling and foreground
detection. Further, this paper presents a systematic experimental and
statistical analysis of techniques that provide valuable insight on the trends
in background modeling and use it to draw meaningful recommendations for
practitioners. In this paper, a preliminary review of the key characteristics
of features based on the types and sizes is provided in addition to
investigating their intrinsic spectral, spatial and temporal properties.
Furthermore, improvements using statistical and fuzzy tools are examined and
techniques based on multiple features are benchmarked against reliability and
selection criterion. Finally, a description of the different resources
available such as datasets and codes is provided.
Timur Bagautdinov, Alexandre Alahi, François Fleuret, Pascal Fua, Silvio Savarese
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We present a unified framework for understanding human social behaviors in
raw image sequences. Our model jointly detects multiple individuals, infers
their social actions, and estimates the collective actions with a single
feed-forward pass through a neural network. We propose a single architecture
that does not rely on external detection algorithms but rather is trained
end-to-end to generate dense proposal maps that are refined via a novel
inference scheme. The temporal consistency is handled via a person-level
matching Recurrent Neural Network. The complete model takes as input a sequence
of frames and outputs detections along with the estimates of individual actions
and collective activities. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of our
algorithm on multiple publicly available benchmarks.
Linchao Zhu, Zhongwen Xu, Yi Yang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Despite the recent success of neural networks in image feature learning, a
major problem in the video domain is the lack of sufficient labeled data for
learning to model temporal information. In this paper, we propose an
unsupervised temporal modeling method that learns from untrimmed videos. The
speed of motion varies constantly, e.g., a man may run quickly or slowly. We
therefore train a Multirate Visual Recurrent Model (MVRM) by encoding frames of
a clip with different intervals. This learning process makes the learned model
more capable of dealing with motion speed variance. Given a clip sampled from a
video, we use its past and future neighboring clips as the temporal context,
and reconstruct the two temporal transitions, i.e., present(
transition and present(
ightarrow)future transition, reflecting the temporal
information in different views. The proposed method exploits the two
transitions simultaneously by incorporating a bidirectional reconstruction
which consists of a backward reconstruction and a forward reconstruction. We
apply the proposed method to two challenging video tasks, i.e., complex event
detection and video captioning, in which it achieves state-of-the-art
performance. Notably, our method generates the best single feature for event
detection with a relative improvement of 10.4% on the MEDTest-13 dataset and
achieves the best performance in video captioning across all evaluation metrics
on the YouTube2Text dataset.
Siddhartha Chandra, Iasonas Kokkinos
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this work we introduce a fully-connected graph structure in the Deep
Gaussian Conditional Random Field (G-CRF) model. For this we express the
pairwise interactions between pixels as the inner-products of low-dimensional
embeddings, delivered by a new subnetwork of a deep architecture. We
efficiently minimize the resulting energy by solving the resulting low-rank
linear system with conjugate gradients, and derive an analytic expression for
the gradient of our embeddings which allows us to train them end-to-end with
We demonstrate the merit of our approach by achieving state of the art
results on three challenging Computer Vision benchmarks, namely semantic
segmentation, human parts segmentation, and saliency estimation. Our
implementation is fully GPU based, built on top of the Caffe library, and will
be made publicly available.
Shuai Yang, Jiaying Liu, Zhouhui Lian, Zongming Guo
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this work, we explore the problem of generating fantastic special-effects
for the typography. It is quite challenging due to the model diversities to
illustrate varied text effects for different characters. To address this issue,
our key idea is to exploit the analytics on the high regularity of the spatial
distribution for text effects to guide the synthesis process. Specifically, we
characterize the stylized patches by their normalized positions and the optimal
scales to depict their style elements. Our method first estimates these two
features and derives their correlation statistically. They are then converted
into soft constraints for texture transfer to accomplish adaptive multi-scale
texture synthesis and to make style element distribution uniform. It allows our
algorithm to produce artistic typography that fits for both local texture
patterns and the global spatial distribution in the example. Experimental
results demonstrate the superiority of our method for various text effects over
conventional style transfer methods. In addition, we validate the effectiveness
of our algorithm with extensive artistic typography library generation.
Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper addresses the problem of 3D human pose estimation from a single
image. We follow a standard two-step pipeline by first detecting the 2D
position of the (N) body joints, and then using these observations to infer 3D
pose. For the first step, we use a recent CNN-based detector. For the second
step, most existing approaches perform 2(N)-to-3(N) regression of the Cartesian
joint coordinates. We show that more precise pose estimates can be obtained by
representing both the 2D and 3D human poses using (N imes N) distance
matrices, and formulating the problem as a 2D-to-3D distance matrix regression.
For learning such a regressor we leverage on simple Neural Network
architectures, which by construction, enforce positivity and symmetry of the
predicted matrices. The approach has also the advantage to naturally handle
missing observations and allowing to hypothesize the position of non-observed
joints. Quantitative results on Humaneva and Human3.6M datasets demonstrate
consistent performance gains over state-of-the-art. Qualitative evaluation on
the images in-the-wild of the LSP dataset, using the regressor learned on
Human3.6M, reveals very promising generalization results.
Lloyd Windrim, Rishi Ramakrishnan, Arman Melkumyan, Richard Murphy
Comments: 10 pages, 6 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Hyperspectral imaging sensors are becoming increasingly popular in robotics
applications such as agriculture and mining, and allow per-pixel thematic
classification of materials in a scene based on their unique spectral
signatures. Recently, convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable
performance for classification tasks, but require substantial amounts of
labelled training data. This data must sufficiently cover the variability
expected to be encountered in the environment. For hyperspectral data, one of
the main variations encountered outdoors is due to incident illumination, which
can change in spectral shape and intensity depending on the scene geometry. For
example, regions occluded from the sun have a lower intensity and their
incident irradiance skewed towards shorter wavelengths.
In this work, a data augmentation strategy based on relighting is used during
training of a hyperspectral convolutional neural network. It allows training to
occur in the outdoor environment given only a small labelled region, which does
not need to sufficiently represent the geometric variability of the entire
scene. This is important for applications where obtaining large amounts of
training data is labourious, hazardous or difficult, such as labelling pixels
within shadows. Radiometric normalisation approaches for pre-processing the
hyperspectral data are analysed and it is shown that methods based on the raw
pixel data are sufficient to be used as input for the classifier. This removes
the need for external hardware such as calibration boards, which can restrict
the application of hyperspectral sensors in robotics applications. Experiments
to evaluate the classification system are carried out on two datasets captured
from a field-based platform.
Seyed Hamid Rezatofighi, Vijay Kumar B G, Anton Milan, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Anthony Dick, Ian Reid
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
This paper addresses the task of set prediction using deep learning. This is
important because the output of many computer vision tasks, including image
tagging and object detection, are naturally expressed as sets of entities
rather than vectors. As opposed to a vector, the size of a set is not fixed in
advance, and it is invariant to the ordering of entities within it. We define a
likelihood for a set distribution and learn its parameters using a deep neural
network. We also derive a loss for predicting a discrete distribution
corresponding to set cardinality. Set prediction is demonstrated on the
problems of multi-class image classification and pedestrian detection. Our
approach yields state-of-the-art results in both cases on standard datasets.
Long Jin, Zeyu Chen, Zhuowen Tu
Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Instance segmentation has attracted recent attention in computer vision and
existing methods in this domain mostly have an object detection stage. In this
paper, we study the intrinsic challenge of the instance segmentation problem,
the presence of a quotient space (swapping the labels of different instances
leads to the same result), and propose new methods that are object proposal-
and object detection- free. We propose three methods, namely pixel-based
affinity mapping, superpixel-based affinity learning, and boundary-based
component segmentation, all focusing on performing labeling transformations to
cope with the quotient space problem. By adopting fully convolutional neural
networks (FCN) like models, our framework attains competitive results on both
the PASCAL dataset (object-centric) and the Gland dataset (texture-centric),
which the existing methods are not able to do. Our work also has the advantages
in its transparency, simplicity, and being all segmentation based.
Bing Shuai, Ting Liu, Gang Wang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Fully Convolution Networks (FCN) have achieved great success in dense
prediction tasks including semantic segmentation. In this paper, we start from
discussing FCN by understanding its architecture limitations in building a
strong segmentation network. Next, we present our Improved Fully Convolution
Network (IFCN). In contrast to FCN, IFCN introduces a context network that
progressively expands the receptive fields of feature maps. In addition, dense
skip connections are added so that the context network can be effectively
optimized. More importantly, these dense skip connections enable IFCN to fuse
rich-scale context to make reliable predictions. Empirically, those
architecture modifications are proven to be significant to enhance the
segmentation performance. Without engaging any contextual post-processing, IFCN
significantly advances the state-of-the-arts on ADE20K (ImageNet scene
parsing), Pascal Context, Pascal VOC 2012 and SUN-RGBD segmentation datasets.
Zhiyuan Zha, Xin Liu, Xiaohua Huang, Xiaopeng Hong, Henglin Shi, Yingyue Xu, Qiong Wang, Lan Tang, Xinggan Zhang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Sparse coding has achieved a great success in various image processing
studies. However, there is not any benchmark to measure the sparsity of image
patch/group because sparse discriminant conditions cannot keep unchanged. This
paper analyzes the sparsity of group based on the strategy of the rank
minimization. Firstly, an adaptive dictionary for each group is designed. Then,
we prove that group-based sparse coding is equivalent to the rank minimization
problem, and thus the sparse coefficient of each group is measured by
estimating the singular values of each group. Based on that measurement, the
weighted Schatten (p)-norm minimization (WSNM) has been found to be the closest
solution to the real singular values of each group. Thus, WSNM can be
equivalently transformed into a non-convex (ell_p)-norm minimization problem
in group-based sparse coding. To make the proposed scheme tractable and robust,
the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is used to solve the
(ell_p)-norm minimization problem. Experimental results on two applications:
image inpainting and image compressive sensing (CS) recovery have shown that
the proposed scheme outperforms many state-of-the-art methods.
Xiao Zhang, Zhiyuan Fang, Yandong Wen, Zhifeng Li, Yu Qiao
Comments: 9 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to CVPR, 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Convolutional neural networks have achieved great improvement on face
recognition in recent years because of its extraordinary ability in learning
discriminative features of people with different identities. To train such a
well-designed deep network, tremendous amounts of data is indispensable. Long
tail distribution specifically refers to the fact that a small number of
generic entities appear frequently while other objects far less existing.
Considering the existence of long tail distribution of the real world data,
large but uniform distributed data are usually hard to retrieve. Empirical
experiences and analysis show that classes with more samples will pose greater
impact on the feature learning process and inversely cripple the whole models
feature extracting ability on tail part data. Contrary to most of the existing
works that alleviate this problem by simply cutting the tailed data for uniform
distributions across the classes, this paper proposes a new loss function
called range loss to effectively utilize the whole long tailed data in training
process. More specifically, range loss is designed to reduce overall
intra-personal variations while enlarging inter-personal differences within one
mini-batch simultaneously when facing even extremely unbalanced data. The
optimization objective of range loss is the (k) greatest range’s harmonic mean
values in one class and the shortest inter-class distance within one batch.
Extensive experiments on two famous and challenging face recognition benchmarks
(Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) and YouTube Faces (YTF) not only demonstrate
the effectiveness of the proposed approach in overcoming the long tail effect
but also show the good generalization ability of the proposed approach.
Shuran Song, Fisher Yu, Andy Zeng, Angel X. Chang, Manolis Savva, Thomas Funkhouser
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper focuses on semantic scene completion, a task for producing a
complete 3D voxel representation of volumetric occupancy and semantic labels
for a scene from a single-view depth map observation. Previous work has
considered scene completion and semantic labeling of depth maps separately.
However, we observe that these two problems are tightly intertwined. To
leverage the coupled nature of these two tasks, we introduce the semantic scene
completion network (SSCNet), an end-to-end 3D convolutional network that takes
a single depth image as input and simultaneously outputs occupancy and semantic
labels for all voxels in the camera view frustum. Our network uses a
dilation-based 3D context module to efficiently expand the receptive field and
enable 3D context learning. To train our network, we construct SUNCG – a
manually created large-scale dataset of synthetic 3D scenes with dense
volumetric annotations. Our experiments demonstrate that the joint model
outperforms methods addressing each task in isolation and outperforms
alternative approaches on the semantic scene completion task.
Aaron Chadha, Yiannis Andreopoulos
Comments: IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, under minor revision
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We investigate the problem of image retrieval based on visual queries when
the latter comprise arbitrary regions-of-interest (ROI) rather than entire
images. Our proposal is a compact image descriptor that combines the
state-of-the-art in content-based descriptor extraction with a multi-level,
Voronoi-based spatial partitioning of each dataset image. The proposed
multi-level Voronoi-based encoding uses a spatial hierarchical K-means over
interest-point locations, and computes a content-based descriptor over each
cell. In order to reduce the matching complexity with minimal or no sacrifice
in retrieval performance: (i) we utilize the tree structure of the spatial
hierarchical K-means to perform a top-to-bottom pruning for local similarity
maxima; (ii) we propose a new image similarity score that combines relevant
information from all partition levels into a single measure for similarity;
(iii) we combine our proposal with a novel and efficient approach for optimal
bit allocation within quantized descriptor representations. By deriving both a
Voronoi-based VLAD descriptor (termed as Fast-VVLAD) and a Voronoi-based deep
convolutional neural network (CNN) descriptor (termed as Fast-VDCNN), we
demonstrate that our Voronoi-based framework is agnostic to the descriptor
basis, and can easily be slotted into existing frameworks. Via a range of ROI
queries in two standard datasets, it is shown that the Voronoi-based
descriptors achieve comparable or higher mean Average Precision against
conventional grid-based spatial search, while offering more than two-fold
reduction in complexity. Finally, beyond ROI queries, we show that Voronoi
partitioning improves the geometric invariance of compact CNN descriptors,
thereby resulting in competitive performance to the current state-of-the-art on
whole image retrieval.
Radhakrishna Achanta, Pablo Márquez-Neila, Pascal Fua, Sabine Süsstrunk
Comments: 9 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Size uniformity is one of the main criteria of superpixel methods. But size
uniformity rarely conforms to the varying content of an image. The chosen size
of the superpixels therefore represents a compromise – how to obtain the fewest
superpixels without losing too much important detail. We propose that a more
appropriate criterion for creating image segments is information uniformity. We
introduce a novel method for segmenting an image based on this criterion. Since
information is a natural way of measuring image complexity, our proposed
algorithm leads to image segments that are smaller and denser in areas of high
complexity and larger in homogeneous regions, thus simplifying the image while
preserving its details. Our algorithm is simple and requires just one input
parameter – a threshold on the information content. On segmentation comparison
benchmarks it proves to be superior to the state-of-the-art. In addition, our
method is computationally very efficient, approaching real-time performance,
and is easily extensible to three-dimensional image stacks and video volumes.
Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Mario Fritz, Andreas Bulling
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC)
While appearance-based gaze estimation methods have traditionally exploited
information encoded solely from the eyes, recent results from a multi-region
method indicated that using the full face image can benefit performance.
Pushing this idea further, we propose an appearance-based method that, in
contrast to a long-standing line of work in computer vision, only takes the
full face image as input. Our method encodes the face image using a
convolutional neural network with spatial weights applied on the feature maps
to flexibly suppress or enhance information in different facial regions.
Through evaluation on the recent MPIIGaze and EYEDIAP gaze estimation datasets,
we show that our full-face method significantly outperforms the state of the
art for both 2D and 3D gaze estimation, achieving improvements of up to 14.3%
on MPIIGaze and 27.7% on EYEDIAP for person-independent 3D gaze estimation. We
further show that this improvement is consistent across different illumination
conditions and gaze directions and particularly pronounced for the most
challenging extreme head poses.
B. Franceschiello, A. Sarti, G. Citti
Comments: 13 pages, 38 figures divided in 15 groups
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Geometrical optical illusions have been object of many studies due to the
possibility they offer to understand the behaviour of low-level visual
processing. They consist in situations in which the perceived geometrical
properties of an object differ from those of the object in the visual stimulus.
Starting from the geometrical model introduced by Citti and Sarti in [3], we
provide a mathematical model and a computational algorithm which allows to
interpret these phenomena and to qualitatively reproduce the perceived
Apratim Bhattacharyya, Mateusz Malinowski, Bernt Schiele, Mario Fritz
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR)
Boundary prediction in images and videos has been a very active topic of
research and organizing visual information into boundaries and segments is
believed to be a corner stone of visual perception. While prior work has
focused on predicting boundaries for observed frames, our work aims at
predicting boundaries of future unobserved frames. This requires our model to
learn about the fate of boundaries and extrapolate motion patterns. We
experiment on established real-world video segmentation dataset, which provides
a testbed for this new task. We show for the first time spatio-temporal
boundary extrapolation, that in contrast to prior work on RGB extrapolation
maintains a crisp result. Furthermore, we show long-term prediction of
boundaries in situations where the motion is governed by the laws of physics.
We argue that our model has with minimalistic model assumptions derived a
notion of “intuitive physics”.
J. Rafid Siddiqui
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Animals have evolved to restrict their sensing capabilities to certain region
of electromagnetic spectrum. This is surprisingly a very narrow band on a vast
scale which makes one think if there is a systematic bias underlying such
selective filtration. The situation becomes even more intriguing when we find a
sharp cutoff point at Near-infrared point whereby almost all animal vision
systems seem to have a lower bound. This brings us to an interesting question:
did evolution “intentionally” performed such a restriction in order to evolve
higher visual cognition? In this work this question is addressed by
experimenting with Near-infrared images for their potential applicability in
higher visual processing such as semantic segmentation. A modified version of
Fully Convolutional Networks are trained on NIR images and RGB images
respectively and compared for their respective effectiveness in the wake of
semantic segmentation. The results from the experiments show that visible part
of the spectrum alone is sufficient for the robust semantic segmentation of the
indoor as well as outdoor scenes.
Yulia Dodonova, Mikhail Belyaev, Anna Tkachev, Dmitry Petrov, Leonid Zhukov
Comments: Presented at The MICCAI-BACON 16 Workshop (arXiv:1611.03363)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In this paper, we tackle a problem of predicting phenotypes from structural
connectomes. We propose that normalized Laplacian spectra can capture
structural properties of brain networks, and hence graph spectral distributions
are useful for a task of connectome-based classification. We introduce a kernel
that is based on earth mover’s distance (EMD) between spectral distributions of
brain networks. We access performance of an SVM classifier with the proposed
kernel for a task of classification of autism spectrum disorder versus typical
development based on a publicly available dataset. Classification quality (area
under the ROC-curve) obtained with the EMD-based kernel on spectral
distributions is 0.71, which is higher than that based on simpler graph
embedding methods.
Sayan Ghosal, Nilanjan Ray
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Deformable registration is ubiquitous in medical image analysis. Many
deformable registration methods minimize sum of squared difference (SSD) as the
registration cost with respect to deformable model parameters. In this work, we
construct a tight upper bound of the SSD registration cost by using a fully
convolutional neural network (FCNN) in the registration pipeline. The upper
bound SSD (UB-SSD) enhances the original deformable model parameter space by
adding a heatmap output from FCNN. Next, we minimize this UB-SSD by adjusting
both the parameters of the FCNN and the parameters of the deformable model in
coordinate descent. Our coordinate descent framework is end-to-end and can work
with any deformable registration method that uses SSD. We demonstrate
experimentally that our method enhances the accuracy of deformable registration
algorithms significantly on two publicly available 3D brain MRI data sets.
Arna Ghosh, Biswarup Bhattacharya, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury
Comments: 2 pages; 2 figures; Accepted at The Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17 Student Abstract and Poster Program), San Francisco, USA; All authors have equal contribution
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Handwriting is a skill learned by humans from a very early age. The ability
to develop one’s own unique handwriting as well as mimic another person’s
handwriting is a task learned by the brain with practice. This paper deals with
this very problem where an intelligent system tries to learn the handwriting of
an entity using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We propose a modified
architecture of DCGAN (Radford, Metz, and Chintala 2015) to achieve this. We
also discuss about applying reinforcement learning techniques to achieve faster
learning. Our algorithm hopes to give new insights in this area and its uses
include identification of forged documents, signature verification, computer
generated art, digitization of documents among others. Our early implementation
of the algorithm illustrates a good performance with MNIST datasets.
Arna Ghosh, Biswarup Bhattacharya, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury
Comments: 5 pages; 4 figures; Accepted at the Deep Learning for Action and Interaction Workshop, 30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spain; All authors have equal contribution
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Autonomous driving is one of the most recent topics of interest which is
aimed at replicating human driving behavior keeping in mind the safety issues.
We approach the problem of learning synthetic driving using generative neural
networks. The main idea is to make a controller trainer network using images
plus key press data to mimic human learning. We used the architecture of a
stable GAN to make predictions between driving scenes using key presses. We
train our model on one video game (Road Rash) and tested the accuracy and
compared it by running the model on other maps in Road Rash to determine the
extent of learning.
Yale Song
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Esports has gained global popularity in recent years and several companies
have started offering live streaming videos of esports games and events. This
creates opportunities to develop large scale video understanding systems for
new product features and services. We present a technique for detecting
highlights from live streaming videos of esports game matches. Most video games
use pronounced visual effects to emphasize highlight moments; we use CNNs to
learn convolution filters of those visual effects for detecting highlights. We
propose a cascaded prediction approach that allows us to deal with several
challenges arise in a production environment. We demonstrate our technique on
our new dataset of three popular game titles, Heroes of the Storm, League of
Legends, and Dota 2. Our technique achieves 18 FPS on a single CPU with an
average precision of up to 83.18%. Part of our technique is currently deployed
in production on Yahoo Esports.
Lex Fridman, Heishiro Toyoda, Sean Seaman, Bobbie Seppelt, Linda Angell, Joonbum Lee, Bruce Mehler, Bryan Reimer
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Learning (cs.LG)
We consider a large dataset of real-world, on-road driving from a 100-car
naturalistic study to explore the predictive power of driver glances and,
specifically, to answer the following question: what can be predicted about the
state of the driver and the state of the driving environment from a 6-second
sequence of macro-glances? The context-based nature of such glances allows for
application of supervised learning to the problem of vision-based gaze
estimation, making it robust, accurate, and reliable in messy, real-world
conditions. So, it’s valuable to ask whether such macro-glances can be used to
infer behavioral, environmental, and demographic variables? We analyze 27
binary classification problems based on these variables. The takeaway is that
glance can be used as part of a multi-sensor real-time system to predict
radio-tuning, fatigue state, failure to signal, talking, and several
environment variables.
Abhishek Das, Satwik Kottur, Khushi Gupta, Avi Singh, Deshraj Yadav, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra
Comments: 22 pages, 16 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
We introduce the task of Visual Dialog, which requires an AI agent to hold a
meaningful dialog with humans in natural, conversational language about visual
content. Specifically, given an image, a dialog history, and a question about
the image, the agent has to ground the question in image, infer context from
history, and answer the question accurately. Visual Dialog is disentangled
enough from a specific downstream task so as to serve as a general test of
machine intelligence, while being grounded in vision enough to allow objective
evaluation of individual responses and benchmark progress. We develop a novel
two-person chat data-collection protocol to curate a large-scale Visual Dialog
dataset (VisDial). Data collection is underway and on completion, VisDial will
contain 1 dialog with 10 question-answer pairs on all ~200k images from COCO,
with a total of 2M dialog question-answer pairs.
We introduce a family of neural encoder-decoder models for Visual Dialog with
3 encoders — Late Fusion, Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder and Memory Network —
and 2 decoders (generative and discriminative), which outperform a number of
sophisticated baselines. We propose a retrieval-based evaluation protocol for
Visual Dialog where the AI agent is asked to sort a set of candidate answers
and evaluated on metrics such as mean-reciprocal-rank of human response. We
quantify gap between machine and human performance on the Visual Dialog task
via human studies. Our dataset, code, and trained models will be released
publicly. Putting it all together, we demonstrate the first ‘visual chatbot’!
Varghese Alex, Kiran Vaidhya, Subramanium Thirunavukkarasu, Chandrasekharan Kesavdas, Ganapathy Krishnmurthi
Comments: 10 Pages, 42 Images
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The work presented explores the use of denoising autoencoders (DAE) for brain
lesion detection, segmentation and false positive reduction. Stacked denoising
autoencoders (SDAE) were pre-trained using a large number of unlabeled patient
volumes and fine tuned with patches drawn from a limited number of patients
(n=20, 40, 65). The results show negligible loss in performance even when SDAE
was fine tuned using 20 patients. Low grade glioma (LGG) segmentation was
achieved using a transfer learning approach wherein a network pre-trained with
High Grade Glioma (HGG) data was fine tuned using LGG image patches. The weakly
supervised SDAE (for HGG) and transfer learning based LGG network were also
shown to generalize well and provide good segmentation on unseen BraTS 2013 &
BraTS 2015 test data. An unique contribution includes a single layer DAE,
referred to as novelty detector(ND). ND was trained to accurately reconstruct
non-lesion patches using a mean squared error loss function. The reconstruction
error maps of test data were used to identify regions containing lesions. The
error maps were shown to assign unique error distributions to various
constituents of the glioma, enabling localization. The ND learns the non-lesion
brain accurately as it was also shown to provide good segmentation performance
on ischemic brain lesions in images from a different database.
Xun Xu, Timothy M. Hospedales, Shaogang Gong
Comments: Published in ECCV 2016
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) promises to scale visual recognition by bypassing
the conventional model training requirement of annotated examples for every
category. This is achieved by establishing a mapping connecting low-level
features and a semantic description of the label space, referred as
visual-semantic mapping, on auxiliary data. Reusing the learned mapping to
project target videos into an embedding space thus allows novel-classes to be
recognised by nearest neighbour inference. However, existing ZSL methods suffer
from auxiliary-target domain shift intrinsically induced by assuming the same
mapping for the disjoint auxiliary and target classes. This compromises the
generalisation accuracy of ZSL recognition on the target data. In this work, we
improve the ability of ZSL to generalise across this domain shift in both
model- and data-centric ways by formulating a visual-semantic mapping with
better generalisation properties and a dynamic data re-weighting method to
prioritise auxiliary data that are relevant to the target classes.
Specifically: (1) We introduce a multi-task visual-semantic mapping to improve
generalisation by constraining the semantic mapping parameters to lie on a
low-dimensional manifold, (2) We explore prioritised data augmentation by
expanding the pool of auxiliary data with additional instances weighted by
relevance to the target domain. The proposed new model is applied to the
challenging zero-shot action recognition problem to demonstrate its advantages
over existing ZSL models.
Amir Zadeh, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Louis-Philippe Morency
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Among the well-established methods for facial landmark detection is the
family of Constrained Local Models (CLMs). An important part of CLM landmark
alignment pipeline are the local detectors that estimate the alignment
probability of each individual landmark over the facial region. In this paper
we present Deep Constrained Local Model (DCLM) algorithm and the novel
Dense-Projection Network (DPN) as a local detector. DPN is a deep neural
network that consists of two important layers: Template Projection layer and
Dense Aggregate layer. In Template Projection layer, patches of facial region
are mapped to a higher dimensional space allowing the pose and rotation
variations to be captured accurately. In Dense Aggregate layer an ensemble of
experts is simulated within one network to make the landmark localization task
more robust. In our extensive set of experiments we show that DPNs outperform
previously proposed local detectors. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our
proposed DCLM algorithm is state-of-the-art in facial landmark detection. We
significantly outperform competitive baselines, that use both CLM-based and
cascaded regression approaches, by a large margin on three publicly-available
datasets for image and video landmark detection.
Lucas Correia Ribas, Wesley Nunes Gonçalves, Odemir Martinez Bruno
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures
Journal-ref: WVC proceedings 2016, pages 39-44
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we propose a new texture analysis method using the
deterministic partially self-avoiding walk performed on maps modified with
thresholds. In this method, two pixels of the map are neighbors if the
Euclidean distance between them is less than (sqrt{2}) and the weight
(difference between its intensities) is less than a given threshold. The maps
obtained by using different thresholds highlight several properties of the
image that are extracted by the deterministic walk. To compose the feature
vector, deterministic walks are performed with different thresholds and its
statistics are concatenated. Thus, this approach can be considered as a
multi-scale analysis. We validate our method on the Brodatz database, which is
very well known public image database and widely used by texture analysis
methods. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method presents a good
texture discrimination, overcoming traditional texture methods.
Duy Hoang Thai, David Banks
Comments: 72 pages, including main manuscript (36 pages) and Appendix (36 pages); 14 figures; journal
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Approximation theory plays an important role in image processing, especially
image deconvolution and decomposition. For piecewise smooth images, there are
many methods that have been developed over the past thirty years. The goal of
this study is to devise similar and practical methodology for handling textured
images. This problem is motivated by forensic imaging, since fingerprints,
shoeprints and bullet ballistic evidence are textured images. In particular, it
is known that texture information is almost destroyed by a blur operator, such
as a blurred ballistic image captured from a low-cost microscope. The
contribution of this work is twofold: first, we propose a mathematical model
for textured image deconvolution and decomposition into four meaningful
components, using a high-order partial differential equation approach based on
the directional mean curvature. Second, we uncover a link between functional
analysis and multiscale sampling theory, e.g., harmonic analysis and filter
banks. Both theoretical results and examples with natural images are provided
to illustrate the performance of the proposed model.
Lucas Correia Ribas, Odemir Martinez Bruno
Comments: 7 page, 7 figure
Journal-ref: WVC 2016 proceedings p45-50
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Deterministic tourist walk (DTW) has attracted increasing interest in
computer vision. In the last years, different methods for analysis of dynamic
and static textures were proposed. So far, all works based on the DTW for
texture analysis use all image pixels as initial point of a walk. However, this
requires much runtime. In this paper, we conducted a study to verify the
performance of the DTW method according to the number of initial points to
start a walk. The proposed method assigns a unique code to each image pixel,
then, the pixels whose code is not divisible by a given (k) value are ignored
as initial points of walks. Feature vectors were extracted and a classification
process was performed for different percentages of initial points. Experimental
results on the Brodatz and Vistex datasets indicate that to use fewer pixels as
initial points significantly improves the runtime compared to use all image
pixels. In addition, the correct classification rate decreases very little.
Yangchen Pan, Adam White, Martha White
Comments: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
The family of temporal difference (TD) methods span a spectrum from
computationally frugal linear methods like TD({lambda}) to data efficient
least squares methods. Least square methods make the best use of available data
directly computing the TD solution and thus do not require tuning a typically
highly sensitive learning rate parameter, but require quadratic computation and
storage. Recent algorithmic developments have yielded several sub-quadratic
methods that use an approximation to the least squares TD solution, but incur
bias. In this paper, we propose a new family of accelerated gradient TD (ATD)
methods that (1) provide similar data efficiency benefits to least-squares
methods, at a fraction of the computation and storage (2) significantly reduce
parameter sensitivity compared to linear TD methods, and (3) are asymptotically
unbiased. We illustrate these claims with a proof of convergence in expectation
and experiments on several benchmark domains and a large-scale industrial
energy allocation domain.
Peter Baumgartner, Renate A. Schmidt
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO)
Model generation is a problem complementary to theorem proving and is
important for fault analysis and debugging of formal specifications of security
protocols, programs and terminological definitions. This paper discusses
several ways of enhancing the paradigm of bottom-up model generation. The two
main contributions are new, generalized blocking techniques and a new
range-restriction transformation. The blocking techniques are based on simple
transformations of the input set together with standard equality reasoning and
redundancy elimination techniques. These provide general methods for finding
small, finite models. The range-restriction transformation refines existing
transformations to range-restricted clauses by carefully limiting the creation
of domain terms. All possible combinations of the introduced techniques and
classical range-restriction were tested on the clausal problems of the TPTP
Version 6.0.0 with an implementation based on the SPASS theorem prover using a
hyperresolution-like refinement. Unrestricted domain blocking gave best results
for satisfiable problems showing it is a powerful technique indispensable for
bottom-up model generation methods. Both in combination with the new
range-restricting transformation, and the classical range-restricting
transformation, good results have been obtained. Limiting the creation of terms
during the inference process by using the new range restricting transformation
has paid off, especially when using it together with a shifting transformation.
The experimental results also show that classical range restriction with
unrestricted blocking provides a useful complementary method. Overall, the
results showed bottom-up model generation methods were good for disproving
theorems and generating models for satisfiable problems, but less efficient
than SPASS in auto mode for unsatisfiable problems.
Jan Leike
Comments: PhD thesis
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Reinforcement learning (RL) problems are often phrased in terms of Markov
decision processes (MDPs). In this thesis we go beyond MDPs and consider RL in
environments that are non-Markovian, non-ergodic and only partially observable.
Our focus is not on practical algorithms, but rather on the fundamental
underlying problems: How do we balance exploration and exploitation? How do we
explore optimally? When is an agent optimal? We follow the nonparametric
realizable paradigm.
We establish negative results on Bayesian RL agents, in particular AIXI. We
show that unlucky or adversarial choices of the prior cause the agent to
misbehave drastically. Therefore Legg-Hutter intelligence and balanced Pareto
optimality, which depend crucially on the choice of the prior, are entirely
subjective. Moreover, in the class of all computable environments every policy
is Pareto optimal. This undermines all existing optimality properties for AIXI.
However, there are Bayesian approaches to general RL that satisfy objective
optimality guarantees: We prove that Thompson sampling is asymptotically
optimal in stochastic environments in the sense that its value converges to the
value of the optimal policy. We connect asymptotic optimality to regret given a
recoverability assumption on the environment that allows the agent to recover
from mistakes. Hence Thompson sampling achieves sublinear regret in these
Our results culminate in a formal solution to the grain of truth problem: A
Bayesian agent acting in a multi-agent environment learns to predict the other
agents’ policies if its prior assigns positive probability to them (the prior
contains a grain of truth). We construct a large but limit computable class
containing a grain of truth and show that agents based on Thompson sampling
over this class converge to play Nash equilibria in arbitrary unknown
computable multi-agent environments.
Roberto Rossi, Özgür Akgün, Steven Prestwich, Armagan Tarim
Comments: 20 pages, working draft
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Probability (math.PR); Other Statistics (stat.OT)
We introduce the BIN_COUNTS constraint, which deals with the problem of
counting the number of decision variables in a set which are assigned values
that lie in given bins. We illustrate a decomposition and a filtering algorithm
that achieves generalised arc consistency. We contrast the filtering power of
these two approaches and we discuss a number of applications. We show that
BIN_COUNTS can be employed to develop a decomposition for the (chi^2) test
constraint, a new statistical constraint that we introduce in this work. We
also show how this new constraint can be employed in the context of the
Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem and of the Balanced Nursing Workload
Problem. For both these problems we carry out numerical studies involving our
reformulations. Finally, we present a further application of the (chi^2) test
constraint in the context of confidence interval analysis.
Thierry Petit
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Constraint Programming (CP) users need significant expertise in order to
model their problems appropriately, notably to select propagators and search
strategies. This puts the brakes on a broader uptake of CP. In this paper, we
introduce MICE, a complete Java CP modeler that can use any Mixed Integer
Linear Programming (MILP) solver as a solution technique. Our aim is to provide
an alternative tool for democratizing the “CP-style” modeling thanks to its
simplicity of use, with reasonable solving capabilities. Our contributions
include new decompositions of (reified) constraints and constraints on
numerical variables.
Abdullah Al-Dujaili, S. Suresh
Comments: To appear at AAAI 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Random embedding has been applied with empirical success to large-scale
black-box optimization problems with low effective dimensions. This paper
proposes the EmbeddedHunter algorithm, which incorporates the technique in a
hierarchical stochastic bandit setting, following the optimism in the face of
uncertainty principle and breaking away from the multiple-run framework in
which random embedding has been conventionally applied similar to stochastic
black-box optimization solvers. Our proposition is motivated by the bounded
mean variation in the objective value for a low-dimensional point projected
randomly into the decision space of Lipschitz-continuous problems. In essence,
the EmbeddedHunter algorithm expands optimistically a partitioning tree over a
low-dimensional—equal to the effective dimension of the problem—search
space based on a bounded number of random embeddings of sampled points from the
low-dimensional space. In contrast to the probabilistic theoretical guarantees
of multiple-run random-embedding algorithms, the finite-time analysis of the
proposed algorithm presents a theoretical upper bound on the regret as a
function of the algorithm’s number of iterations. Furthermore, numerical
experiments were conducted to validate its performance. The results show a
clear performance gain over recently proposed random embedding methods for
large-scale problems, provided the intrinsic dimensionality is low.
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Petr Novotný, Guillermo A. Pérez, Jean-François Raskin, Đorđe Žikelić
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT)
A standard objective in partially-observable Markov decision processes
(POMDPs) is to find a policy that maximizes the expected discounted-sum payoff.
However, such policies may still permit unlikely but highly undesirable
outcomes, which is problematic especially in safety-critical applications.
Recently, there has been a surge of interest in POMDPs where the goal is to
maximize the probability to ensure that the payoff is at least a given
threshold, but these approaches do not consider any optimization beyond
satisfying this threshold constraint. In this work we go beyond both the
“expectation” and “threshold” approaches and consider a “guaranteed payoff
optimization (GPO)” problem for POMDPs, where we are given a threshold (t) and
the objective is to find a policy (sigma) such that a) each possible outcome
of (sigma) yields a discounted-sum payoff of at least (t), and b) the expected
discounted-sum payoff of (sigma) is optimal (or near-optimal) among all
policies satisfying a). We present a practical approach to tackle the GPO
problem and evaluate it on standard POMDP benchmarks.
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Seunghak Yu, Ashley Williamson, Jacob Carse
Comments: NIPS Workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2016
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Standard deep reinforcement learning methods such as Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
for multiple tasks (domains) face scalability problems. We propose a method for
multi-domain dialogue policy learning—termed NDQN, and apply it to an
information-seeking spoken dialogue system in the domains of restaurants and
hotels. Experimental results comparing DQN (baseline) versus NDQN (proposed)
using simulations report that our proposed method exhibits better scalability
and is promising for optimising the behaviour of multi-domain dialogue systems.
Ofir Nachum, Mohammad Norouzi, Dale Schuurmans
Comments: Under review at ICLR 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
This paper presents a novel form of policy gradient for model-free
reinforcement learning (RL) with improved exploration properties. Current
policy-based methods use entropy regularization to encourage undirected
exploration of the reward landscape, which is ineffective in high dimensional
spaces with sparse rewards. We propose a more directed exploration strategy
that promotes exploration of {em under-appreciated reward} regions. An action
sequence is considered under-appreciated if its log-probability under the
current policy under-estimates its mbox{resulting} reward. The proposed
exploration strategy is easy to implement, requiring small modifications to an
implementation of the REINFORCE algorithm. We evaluate the approach on a set of
algorithmic tasks that have long challenged RL methods. Our approach reduces
hyper-parameter sensitivity and demonstrates significant improvements over
baseline methods. Our algorithm successfully solves a benchmark multi-digit
addition task and generalizes to long sequences. This is, to our knowledge, the
first time that a pure RL method has solved addition using only reward
Riccardo Franco
Subjects: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
This article presents a new quantum-like model for cognition explicitly based
on knowledge. It is shown that this model, called QKT (quantum knowledge-based
theory), is able to coherently describe some experimental results that are
problematic for the prior quantum-like decision models. In particular, I
consider the experimental results relevant to the post-decision cognitive
dissonance, the problems relevant to the question order effect and response
replicability, and those relevant to the grand-reciprocity equations. A new set
of postulates is proposed, which evidence the different meaning given to the
projectors and to the quantum states. In the final part, I show that the use of
quantum gates can help to better describe and understand the evolution of
quantum-like models.
Fotis Jannidis, Isabella Reger, Albin Zehe, Martin Becker, Lena Hettinger, Andreas Hotho
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
With regard to a computational representation of literary plot, this paper
looks at the use of sentiment analysis for happy ending detection in German
novels. Its focus lies on the investigation of previously proposed sentiment
features in order to gain insight about the relevance of specific features on
the one hand and the implications of their performance on the other hand.
Therefore, we study various partitionings of novels, considering the highly
variable concept of “ending”. We also show that our approach, even though still
rather simple, can potentially lead to substantial findings relevant to
literary studies.
Seyed Hamid Rezatofighi, Vijay Kumar B G, Anton Milan, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Anthony Dick, Ian Reid
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
This paper addresses the task of set prediction using deep learning. This is
important because the output of many computer vision tasks, including image
tagging and object detection, are naturally expressed as sets of entities
rather than vectors. As opposed to a vector, the size of a set is not fixed in
advance, and it is invariant to the ordering of entities within it. We define a
likelihood for a set distribution and learn its parameters using a deep neural
network. We also derive a loss for predicting a discrete distribution
corresponding to set cardinality. Set prediction is demonstrated on the
problems of multi-class image classification and pedestrian detection. Our
approach yields state-of-the-art results in both cases on standard datasets.
Arna Ghosh, Biswarup Bhattacharya, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury
Comments: 2 pages; 2 figures; Accepted at The Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17 Student Abstract and Poster Program), San Francisco, USA; All authors have equal contribution
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Handwriting is a skill learned by humans from a very early age. The ability
to develop one’s own unique handwriting as well as mimic another person’s
handwriting is a task learned by the brain with practice. This paper deals with
this very problem where an intelligent system tries to learn the handwriting of
an entity using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We propose a modified
architecture of DCGAN (Radford, Metz, and Chintala 2015) to achieve this. We
also discuss about applying reinforcement learning techniques to achieve faster
learning. Our algorithm hopes to give new insights in this area and its uses
include identification of forged documents, signature verification, computer
generated art, digitization of documents among others. Our early implementation
of the algorithm illustrates a good performance with MNIST datasets.
Arna Ghosh, Biswarup Bhattacharya, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury
Comments: 5 pages; 4 figures; Accepted at the Deep Learning for Action and Interaction Workshop, 30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spain; All authors have equal contribution
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Autonomous driving is one of the most recent topics of interest which is
aimed at replicating human driving behavior keeping in mind the safety issues.
We approach the problem of learning synthetic driving using generative neural
networks. The main idea is to make a controller trainer network using images
plus key press data to mimic human learning. We used the architecture of a
stable GAN to make predictions between driving scenes using key presses. We
train our model on one video game (Road Rash) and tested the accuracy and
compared it by running the model on other maps in Road Rash to determine the
extent of learning.
Markus Brill, Jean-François Laslier, Piotr Skowron
Subjects: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
We establish a link between multiwinner elections and apportionment problems
by showing how approval-based multiwinner election rules can be interpreted as
methods of apportionment. We consider several multiwinner rules and observe
that they induce apportionment methods that are well-established in the
literature on proportional representation. For instance, we show that
Proportional Approval Voting induces the D’Hondt method and that Monroe’s rule
induces the largest reminder method. We also consider properties of
apportionment methods and exhibit multiwinner rules that induce apportionment
methods satisfying these properties.
Abhishek Das, Satwik Kottur, Khushi Gupta, Avi Singh, Deshraj Yadav, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra
Comments: 22 pages, 16 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
We introduce the task of Visual Dialog, which requires an AI agent to hold a
meaningful dialog with humans in natural, conversational language about visual
content. Specifically, given an image, a dialog history, and a question about
the image, the agent has to ground the question in image, infer context from
history, and answer the question accurately. Visual Dialog is disentangled
enough from a specific downstream task so as to serve as a general test of
machine intelligence, while being grounded in vision enough to allow objective
evaluation of individual responses and benchmark progress. We develop a novel
two-person chat data-collection protocol to curate a large-scale Visual Dialog
dataset (VisDial). Data collection is underway and on completion, VisDial will
contain 1 dialog with 10 question-answer pairs on all ~200k images from COCO,
with a total of 2M dialog question-answer pairs.
We introduce a family of neural encoder-decoder models for Visual Dialog with
3 encoders — Late Fusion, Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder and Memory Network —
and 2 decoders (generative and discriminative), which outperform a number of
sophisticated baselines. We propose a retrieval-based evaluation protocol for
Visual Dialog where the AI agent is asked to sort a set of candidate answers
and evaluated on metrics such as mean-reciprocal-rank of human response. We
quantify gap between machine and human performance on the Visual Dialog task
via human studies. Our dataset, code, and trained models will be released
publicly. Putting it all together, we demonstrate the first ‘visual chatbot’!
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Guillaume Couly, Clément Olalainty
Comments: NIPS Workshop on Future of Interactive Learning Machines, 2016
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO)
Training robots to perceive, act and communicate using multiple modalities
still represents a challenging problem, particularly if robots are expected to
learn efficiently from small sets of example interactions. We describe a
learning approach as a step in this direction, where we teach a humanoid robot
how to play the game of noughts and crosses. Given that multiple multimodal
skills can be trained to play this game, we focus our attention to training the
robot to perceive the game, and to interact in this game. Our multimodal deep
reinforcement learning agent perceives multimodal features and exhibits verbal
and non-verbal actions while playing. Experimental results using simulations
show that the robot can learn to win or draw up to 98% of the games. A pilot
test of the proposed multimodal system for the targeted game—integrating
speech, vision and gestures—reports that reasonable and fluent interactions
can be achieved using the proposed approach.
Amir Zadeh, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Louis-Philippe Morency
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Among the well-established methods for facial landmark detection is the
family of Constrained Local Models (CLMs). An important part of CLM landmark
alignment pipeline are the local detectors that estimate the alignment
probability of each individual landmark over the facial region. In this paper
we present Deep Constrained Local Model (DCLM) algorithm and the novel
Dense-Projection Network (DPN) as a local detector. DPN is a deep neural
network that consists of two important layers: Template Projection layer and
Dense Aggregate layer. In Template Projection layer, patches of facial region
are mapped to a higher dimensional space allowing the pose and rotation
variations to be captured accurately. In Dense Aggregate layer an ensemble of
experts is simulated within one network to make the landmark localization task
more robust. In our extensive set of experiments we show that DPNs outperform
previously proposed local detectors. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our
proposed DCLM algorithm is state-of-the-art in facial landmark detection. We
significantly outperform competitive baselines, that use both CLM-based and
cascaded regression approaches, by a large margin on three publicly-available
datasets for image and video landmark detection.
Alexey Drutsa (Yandex, Moscow, Russia), Gleb Gusev (Yandex, Moscow, Russia), Pavel Serdyukov (Yandex, Moscow, Russia)
Comments: 23 pages, 4 figures
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Multimedia (cs.MM); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
With the growth of user-generated content, we observe the constant rise of
the number of companies, such as search engines, content aggregators, etc.,
that operate with tremendous amounts of web content not being the services
hosting it. Thus, aiming to locate the most important content and promote it to
the users, they face the need of estimating the current and predicting the
future content popularity.
In this paper, we approach the problem of video popularity prediction not
from the side of a video hosting service, as done in all previous studies, but
from the side of an operating company, which provides a popular video search
service that aggregates content from different video hosting websites. We
investigate video popularity prediction based on features from three primary
sources available for a typical operating company: first, the content hosting
provider may deliver its data via its API, second, the operating company makes
use of its own search and browsing logs, third, the company crawls information
about embeds of a video and links to a video page from publicly available
resources on the Web. We show that video popularity prediction based on the
embed and link data coupled with the internal search and browsing data
significantly improves video popularity prediction based only on the data
provided by the video hosting and can even adequately replace the API data in
the cases when it is partly or completely unavailable.
Fotis Jannidis, Isabella Reger, Albin Zehe, Martin Becker, Lena Hettinger, Andreas Hotho
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
With regard to a computational representation of literary plot, this paper
looks at the use of sentiment analysis for happy ending detection in German
novels. Its focus lies on the investigation of previously proposed sentiment
features in order to gain insight about the relevance of specific features on
the one hand and the implications of their performance on the other hand.
Therefore, we study various partitionings of novels, considering the highly
variable concept of “ending”. We also show that our approach, even though still
rather simple, can potentially lead to substantial findings relevant to
literary studies.
Elad Yom-Tov
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Batches of pharmaceutical are sometimes recalled from the market when a
safety issue or a defect is detected in specific production runs of a drug.
Such problems are usually detected when patients or healthcare providers report
abnormalities to medical authorities. Here we test the hypothesis that
defective production lots can be detected earlier by monitoring queries to
Internet search engines.
We extracted queries from the USA to the Bing search engine which mentioned
one of 5,195 pharmaceutical drugs during 2015 and all recall notifications
issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during that year. By using
attributes that quantify the change in query volume at the state level, we
attempted to predict if a recall of a specific drug will be ordered by FDA in a
time horizon ranging from one to 40 days in future.
Our results show that future drug recalls can indeed be identified with an
AUC of 0.791 and a lift at 5% of approximately 6 when predicting a recall will
occur one day ahead. This performance degrades as prediction is made for longer
periods ahead. The most indicative attributes for prediction are sudden spikes
in query volume about a specific medicine in each state. Recalls of
prescription drugs and those estimated to be of medium-risk are more likely to
be identified using search query data.
These findings suggest that aggregated Internet search engine data can be
used to facilitate in early warning of faulty batches of medicines.
Baoxu Shi, Lin Yang, Tim Weninger
Comments: Accepted for publication in Knowledge-Based Systems
Subjects: Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Similarity search is a fundamental problem in social and knowledge networks
like GitHub, DBLP, Wikipedia, etc. Existing network similarity measures are
limited because they only consider similarity from the perspective of the query
node. However, due to the complicated topology of real-world networks, ignoring
the preferences of target nodes often results in odd or unintuitive
performance. In this work, we propose a dual perspective similarity metric
called Forward Backward Similarity (FBS) that efficiently computes topological
similarity from the perspective of both the query node and the perspective of
candidate nodes. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated by traditional
quantitative ranking metrics and large-scale human judgement on four large real
world networks. The proposed method matches human preference and outperforms
other similarity search algorithms on community overlap and link prediction.
Finally, we demonstrate top-5 rankings for five famous researchers on an
academic collaboration network to illustrate how our approach captures
semantics more intuitively than other approaches.
Tri Nguyen, Mir Rosenberg, Xia Song, Jianfeng Gao, Saurabh Tiwary, Rangan Majumder, Li Deng
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
This paper presents our recent work on the design and development of a new,
large scale dataset, which we name MS MARCO, for MAchine Reading
COmprehension.This new dataset is aimed to overcome a number of well-known
weaknesses of previous publicly available datasets for the same task of reading
comprehension and question answering. In MS MARCO, all questions are sampled
from real anonymized user queries. The context passages, from which answers in
the dataset are derived, are extracted from real web documents using the most
advanced version of the Bing search engine. The answers to the queries are
human generated. Finally, a subset of these queries has multiple answers. We
aim to release one million queries and the corresponding answers in the
dataset, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the most comprehensive
real-world dataset of its kind in both quantity and quality. We are currently
releasing 100,000 queries with their corresponding answers to inspire work in
reading comprehension and question answering along with gathering feedback from
the research community.
Ziqiang Cao, Wenjie Li, Sujian Li, Furu Wei
Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures, AAAI-17
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Developed so far, multi-document summarization has reached its bottleneck due
to the lack of sufficient training data and diverse categories of documents.
Text classification just makes up for these deficiencies. In this paper, we
propose a novel summarization system called TCSum, which leverages plentiful
text classification data to improve the performance of multi-document
summarization. TCSum projects documents onto distributed representations which
act as a bridge between text classification and summarization. It also utilizes
the classification results to produce summaries of different styles. Extensive
experiments on DUC generic multi-document summarization datasets show that,
TCSum can achieve the state-of-the-art performance without using any
hand-crafted features and has the capability to catch the variations of summary
styles with respect to different text categories.
Ziqiang Cao, Chuwei Luo, Wenjie Li, Sujian Li
Comments: 7 pages, 1 figure, AAAI-17
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Many natural language generation tasks, such as abstractive summarization and
text simplification, are paraphrase-orientated. In these tasks, copying and
rewriting are two main writing modes. Most previous sequence-to-sequence
(Seq2Seq) models use a single decoder and neglect this fact. In this paper, we
develop a novel Seq2Seq model to fuse a copying decoder and a restricted
generative decoder. The copying decoder finds the position to be copied based
on a typical attention model. The generative decoder produces words limited in
the source-specific vocabulary. To combine the two decoders and determine the
final output, we develop a predictor to predict the mode of copying or
rewriting. This predictor can be guided by the actual writing mode in the
training data. We conduct extensive experiments on two different paraphrase
datasets. The result shows that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art
approaches in terms of both informativeness and language quality.
Dario Garcia-Gasulla, Eduard Ayguadé, Jesús Labarta, Ulises Cortés, Toyotaro Suzumura
Comments: Submitted to Transactions on Internet Technology journal
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI)
The hyperlink prediction task, that of proposing new links between webpages,
can be used to improve search engines, expand the visibility of web pages, and
increase the connectivity and navigability of the web. Hyperlink prediction is
typically performed on webgraphs composed by thousands or millions of vertices,
where on average each webpage contains less than fifty links. Algorithms
processing graphs so large and sparse require to be both scalable and precise,
a challenging combination. Similarity-based algorithms are among the most
scalable solutions within the link prediction field, due to their parallel
nature and computational simplicity. These algorithms independently explore the
nearby topological features of every missing link from the graph in order to
determine its likelihood. Unfortunately, the precision of similarity-based
algorithms is limited, which has prevented their broad application so far. In
this work we explore the performance of similarity-based algorithms for the
particular problem of hyperlink prediction on large webgraphs, and propose a
novel method which assumes the existence of hierarchical properties. We
evaluate this new approach on several webgraphs and compare its performance
with that of the current best similarity-based algorithms. Its remarkable
performance leads us to argue on the applicability of the proposal, identifying
several use cases of hyperlink prediction. We also describes the approach we
took for the computation of large-scale graphs from the perspective of
high-performance computing, providing details on the implementation and
parallelization of code.
Tom Sercu, Vaibhava Goel
Comments: Appeared at NIPS 2016 End-to-end Learning for Speech and Audio Processing Workshop
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In computer vision pixelwise dense prediction is the task of predicting a
label for each pixel in the image. Convolutional neural networks achieve good
performance on this task, while being computationally efficient. In this paper
we carry these ideas over to the problem of assigning a sequence of labels to a
set of speech frames, a task commonly known as framewise classification. We
show that dense prediction view of framewise classification offers several
advantages and insights, including computational efficiency and the ability to
apply batch normalization. When doing dense prediction we pay specific
attention to strided pooling in time and introduce an asymmetric dilated
convolution, called time-dilated convolution, that allows for efficient and
elegant implementation of pooling in time. We show that by using time-dilated
convolutions with a very deep VGG-style CNN with batch normalization, we
achieve best published single model accuracy result on the switchboard-2000
benchmark dataset.
Tri Nguyen, Mir Rosenberg, Xia Song, Jianfeng Gao, Saurabh Tiwary, Rangan Majumder, Li Deng
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
This paper presents our recent work on the design and development of a new,
large scale dataset, which we name MS MARCO, for MAchine Reading
COmprehension.This new dataset is aimed to overcome a number of well-known
weaknesses of previous publicly available datasets for the same task of reading
comprehension and question answering. In MS MARCO, all questions are sampled
from real anonymized user queries. The context passages, from which answers in
the dataset are derived, are extracted from real web documents using the most
advanced version of the Bing search engine. The answers to the queries are
human generated. Finally, a subset of these queries has multiple answers. We
aim to release one million queries and the corresponding answers in the
dataset, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the most comprehensive
real-world dataset of its kind in both quantity and quality. We are currently
releasing 100,000 queries with their corresponding answers to inspire work in
reading comprehension and question answering along with gathering feedback from
the research community.
Ziqiang Cao, Wenjie Li, Sujian Li, Furu Wei
Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures, AAAI-17
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Developed so far, multi-document summarization has reached its bottleneck due
to the lack of sufficient training data and diverse categories of documents.
Text classification just makes up for these deficiencies. In this paper, we
propose a novel summarization system called TCSum, which leverages plentiful
text classification data to improve the performance of multi-document
summarization. TCSum projects documents onto distributed representations which
act as a bridge between text classification and summarization. It also utilizes
the classification results to produce summaries of different styles. Extensive
experiments on DUC generic multi-document summarization datasets show that,
TCSum can achieve the state-of-the-art performance without using any
hand-crafted features and has the capability to catch the variations of summary
styles with respect to different text categories.
Ziqiang Cao, Chuwei Luo, Wenjie Li, Sujian Li
Comments: 7 pages, 1 figure, AAAI-17
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Many natural language generation tasks, such as abstractive summarization and
text simplification, are paraphrase-orientated. In these tasks, copying and
rewriting are two main writing modes. Most previous sequence-to-sequence
(Seq2Seq) models use a single decoder and neglect this fact. In this paper, we
develop a novel Seq2Seq model to fuse a copying decoder and a restricted
generative decoder. The copying decoder finds the position to be copied based
on a typical attention model. The generative decoder produces words limited in
the source-specific vocabulary. To combine the two decoders and determine the
final output, we develop a predictor to predict the mode of copying or
rewriting. This predictor can be guided by the actual writing mode in the
training data. We conduct extensive experiments on two different paraphrase
datasets. The result shows that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art
approaches in terms of both informativeness and language quality.
Brian Patton, Yannis Agiomyrgiannakis, Michael Terry, Kevin Wilson, Rif A. Saurous, D. Sculley
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, NIPS 2016 End-to-end Learning for Speech and Audio Processing Workshop
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Developers of text-to-speech synthesizers (TTS) often make use of human
raters to assess the quality of synthesized speech. We demonstrate that we can
model human raters’ mean opinion scores (MOS) of synthesized speech using a
deep recurrent neural network whose inputs consist solely of a raw waveform.
Our best models provide utterance-level estimates of MOS only moderately
inferior to sampled human ratings, as shown by Pearson and Spearman
correlations. When multiple utterances are scored and averaged, a scenario
common in synthesizer quality assessment, AutoMOS achieves correlations
approaching those of human raters. The AutoMOS model has a number of
applications, such as the ability to explore the parameter space of a speech
synthesizer without requiring a human-in-the-loop.
Dani Yogatama, Phil Blunsom, Chris Dyer, Edward Grefenstette, Wang Ling
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We use reinforcement learning to learn tree-structured neural networks for
computing representations of natural language sentences. In contrast with prior
work on tree-structured models in which the trees are either provided as input
or predicted using supervision from explicit treebank annotations, the tree
structures in this work are optimized to improve performance on a downstream
task. Experiments demonstrate the benefit of learning task-specific composition
orders, outperforming both sequential encoders and recursive encoders based on
treebank annotations. We analyze the induced trees and show that while they
discover some linguistically intuitive structures (e.g., noun phrases, simple
verb phrases), they are different than conventional English syntactic
Jia Su, Bin He, Yi Guan, Jingchi Jiang, Jinfeng Yang
Comments: 29 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Objective The goal of this study was to build a corpus of cardiovascular
disease (CVD) risk-factor annotations based on Chinese electronic medical
records (CEMRs). This corpus is intended to be used to develop a risk-factor
information extraction system that, in turn, can be applied as a foundation for
the further study of the progress of risk-factors and CVD. Materials and
Methods We designed a light-annotation-task to capture CVD-risk-factors with
indicators, temporal attributes and assertions explicitly displayed in the
records. The task included: 1) preparing data; 2) creating guidelines for
capturing annotations (these were created with the help of clinicians); 3)
proposing annotation method including building the guidelines draft, training
the annotators and updating the guidelines, and corpus construction. Results
The outcome of this study was a risk-factor-annotated corpus based on
de-identified discharge summaries and progress notes from 600 patients. Built
with the help of specialists, this corpus has an inter-annotator agreement
(IAA) F1-measure of 0.968, indicating a high reliability. Discussion Our
annotations included 12 CVD-risk-factors such as Hypertension and Diabetes. The
annotations can be applied as a powerful tool to the management of these
chronic diseases and the prediction of CVD. Conclusion Guidelines for capturing
CVD-risk-factor annotations from CEMRs were proposed and an annotated corpus
was established. The obtained document-level annotations can be applied in
future studies to monitor risk-factors and CVD over the long term.
Zhuoran Liu, Yang Liu
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in the text written by
non-native writers has received increasing attention in recent years. Although
a number of annotated corpora have been established to facilitate data-driven
grammatical error detection and correction approaches, they are still limited
in terms of quantity and coverage because human annotation is labor-intensive,
time-consuming, and expensive. In this work, we propose to utilize unlabeled
data to train neural network based grammatical error detection models. The
basic idea is to cast error detection as a binary classification problem and
derive positive and negative training examples from unlabeled data. We
introduce an attention-based neural network to capture long-distance
dependencies that influence the word being detected. Experiments show that the
proposed approach significantly outperforms SVMs and convolutional networks
with fixed-size context window.
Arvind Neelakantan, Quoc V. Le, Martin Abadi, Andrew McCallum, Dario Amodei
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Learning a natural language interface for database tables is a challenging
task that involves deep language understanding and multi-step reasoning. The
task is often approached by mapping natural language queries to logical forms
or programs that provide the desired response when executed on the database. To
our knowledge, this paper presents the first weakly supervised, end-to-end
neural network model to induce such programs on a real-world dataset. We
enhance the objective function of Neural Programmer, a neural network with
built-in discrete operations, and apply it on WikiTableQuestions, a natural
language question-answering dataset. The model is trained end-to-end with weak
supervision of question-answer pairs, and does not require domain-specific
grammars, rules, or annotations that are key elements in previous approaches to
program induction. The main experimental result in this paper is that a single
Neural Programmer model achieves 34.2% accuracy using only 10,000 examples with
weak supervision. An ensemble of 15 models, with a trivial combination
technique, achieves 37.2% accuracy, which is competitive to the current
state-of-the-art accuracy of 37.1% obtained by a traditional natural language
semantic parser.
Hila Gonen, Yoav Goldberg
Comments: 12 pages; COLING 2016
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Prepositions are very common and very ambiguous, and understanding their
sense is critical for understanding the meaning of the sentence. Supervised
corpora for the preposition-sense disambiguation task are small, suggesting a
semi-supervised approach to the task. We show that signals from unannotated
multilingual data can be used to improve supervised preposition-sense
disambiguation. Our approach pre-trains an LSTM encoder for predicting the
translation of a preposition, and then incorporates the pre-trained encoder as
a component in a supervised classification system, and fine-tunes it for the
task. The multilingual signals consistently improve results on two
preposition-sense datasets.
Bernardino Casas, Neus Català, Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho, Antoni Hernández-Fernández, Jaume Baixeries
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph)
Here we study polysemy as a potential learning bias in vocabulary learning in
children. We employ a massive set of transcriptions of conversations between
children and adults in English, to analyze the evolution of mean polysemy in
the words produced by children whose ages range between 10 and 60 months. Our
results show that mean polysemy in children increases over time in two phases,
i.e. a fast growth till the 31st month followed by a slower tendency towards
adult speech. In contrast, no dependency with time is found in adults. This
suggests that children have a preference for non-polysemous words in their
early stages of vocabulary acquisition. Our hypothesis is twofold: (a) polysemy
is a standalone bias or (b) polysemy is a side-effect of other biases.
Interestingly, the bias for low polysemy described above weakens when
controlling for syntactic category (noun, verb, adjective or adverb). The
pattern of the evolution of polysemy suggests that both hypotheses may apply to
some extent, and that (b) would originate from a combination of the well-known
preference for nouns and the lower polysemy of nouns with respect to other
syntactic categories.
Liang Sun, Jason Mielens, Jason Baldridge
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Unsupervised models of dependency parsing typically require large amounts of
clean, unlabeled data plus gold-standard part-of-speech tags. Adding indirect
supervision (e.g. language universals and rules) can help, but we show that
obtaining small amounts of direct supervision – here, partial dependency
annotations – provides a strong balance between zero and full supervision. We
adapt the unsupervised ConvexMST dependency parser to learn from partial
dependencies expressed in the Graph Fragment Language. With less than 24 hours
of total annotation, we obtain 7% and 17% absolute improvement in unlabeled
dependency scores for English and Spanish, respectively, compared to the same
parser using only universal grammar constraints.
Jiacheng Xu, Kan Chen, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
The objective of knowledge graph embedding is to encode both entities and
relations of knowledge graphs into continuous low-dimensional vector spaces.
Previously, most works focused on symbolic representation of knowledge graph
with structure information, which can not handle new entities or entities with
few facts well. In this paper, we propose a novel deep architecture to utilize
both structural and textual information of entities. Specifically, we introduce
three neural models to encode the valuable information from text description of
entity, among which an attentive model can select related information as
needed. Then, a gating mechanism is applied to integrate representations of
structure and text into a unified architecture. Experiments show that our
models outperform baseline by margin on link prediction and triplet
classification tasks. Source codes of this paper will be available on Github.
Da-Rong Liu, Shun-Po Chuang, Hung-yi Lee
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have achieved great success in language
modeling. However, since the RNNs have fixed size of memory, their memory
cannot store all the information about the words it have seen before in the
sentence, and thus the useful long-term information may be ignored when
predicting the next words. In this paper, we propose Attention-based Memory
Selection Recurrent Network (AMSRN), in which the model can review the
information stored in the memory at each previous time step and select the
relevant information to help generate the outputs. In AMSRN, the attention
mechanism finds the time steps storing the relevant information in the memory,
and memory selection determines which dimensions of the memory are involved in
computing the attention weights and from which the information is extracted.In
the experiments, AMSRN outperformed long short-term memory (LSTM) based
language models on both English and Chinese corpora. Moreover, we investigate
using entropy as a regularizer for attention weights and visualize how the
attention mechanism helps language modeling.
Andronik Arutyunov, Leonid Borisov, Sergey Fedorov, Anastasiya Ivchenko, Elizabeth Kirina-Lilinskaya, Yurii Orlov, Konstantin Osminin, Sergey Shilin, Dmitriy Zeniuk
Subjects: Applications (stat.AP); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
The statistical properties of letters frequencies in European literature
texts are investigated. The determination of logarithmic dependence of letters
sequence for one-language and two-language texts are examined. The pare of
languages is suggested for Voynich Manuscript. The internal structure of
Manuscript is considered. The spectral portraits of two-letters distribution
are constructed.
Fotis Jannidis, Isabella Reger, Albin Zehe, Martin Becker, Lena Hettinger, Andreas Hotho
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
With regard to a computational representation of literary plot, this paper
looks at the use of sentiment analysis for happy ending detection in German
novels. Its focus lies on the investigation of previously proposed sentiment
features in order to gain insight about the relevance of specific features on
the one hand and the implications of their performance on the other hand.
Therefore, we study various partitionings of novels, considering the highly
variable concept of “ending”. We also show that our approach, even though still
rather simple, can potentially lead to substantial findings relevant to
literary studies.
Nana Li, Shuangfei Zhai, Zhongfei Zhang, Boying Liu
Comments: To appear in AAAI 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Structural correspondence learning (SCL) is an effective method for
cross-lingual sentiment classification. This approach uses unlabeled documents
along with a word translation oracle to automatically induce task specific,
cross-lingual correspondences. It transfers knowledge through identifying
important features, i.e., pivot features. For simplicity, however, it assumes
that the word translation oracle maps each pivot feature in source language to
exactly only one word in target language. This one-to-one mapping between words
in different languages is too strict. Also the context is not considered at
all. In this paper, we propose a cross-lingual SCL based on distributed
representation of words; it can learn meaningful one-to-many mappings for pivot
words using large amounts of monolingual data and a small dictionary. We
conduct experiments on NLP&CC 2013 cross-lingual sentiment analysis dataset,
employing English as source language, and Chinese as target language. Our
method does not rely on the parallel corpora and the experimental results show
that our approach is more competitive than the state-of-the-art methods in
cross-lingual sentiment classification.
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Seunghak Yu, Ashley Williamson, Jacob Carse
Comments: NIPS Workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2016
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Standard deep reinforcement learning methods such as Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
for multiple tasks (domains) face scalability problems. We propose a method for
multi-domain dialogue policy learning—termed NDQN, and apply it to an
information-seeking spoken dialogue system in the domains of restaurants and
hotels. Experimental results comparing DQN (baseline) versus NDQN (proposed)
using simulations report that our proposed method exhibits better scalability
and is promising for optimising the behaviour of multi-domain dialogue systems.
Abhishek Das, Satwik Kottur, Khushi Gupta, Avi Singh, Deshraj Yadav, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra
Comments: 22 pages, 16 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
We introduce the task of Visual Dialog, which requires an AI agent to hold a
meaningful dialog with humans in natural, conversational language about visual
content. Specifically, given an image, a dialog history, and a question about
the image, the agent has to ground the question in image, infer context from
history, and answer the question accurately. Visual Dialog is disentangled
enough from a specific downstream task so as to serve as a general test of
machine intelligence, while being grounded in vision enough to allow objective
evaluation of individual responses and benchmark progress. We develop a novel
two-person chat data-collection protocol to curate a large-scale Visual Dialog
dataset (VisDial). Data collection is underway and on completion, VisDial will
contain 1 dialog with 10 question-answer pairs on all ~200k images from COCO,
with a total of 2M dialog question-answer pairs.
We introduce a family of neural encoder-decoder models for Visual Dialog with
3 encoders — Late Fusion, Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder and Memory Network —
and 2 decoders (generative and discriminative), which outperform a number of
sophisticated baselines. We propose a retrieval-based evaluation protocol for
Visual Dialog where the AI agent is asked to sort a set of candidate answers
and evaluated on metrics such as mean-reciprocal-rank of human response. We
quantify gap between machine and human performance on the Visual Dialog task
via human studies. Our dataset, code, and trained models will be released
publicly. Putting it all together, we demonstrate the first ‘visual chatbot’!
Alexander Matthes (1 and 2), Axel Huebl (1 and 2), René Widera (2), Sebastian Grottel (1), Stefan Gumhold (1), Michael Bussmann (2) ((1) Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden — Rossendorf, (2) Technische Universität Dresden)
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
The computation power of supercomputers grows faster than the bandwidth of
their storage and network. Especially applications using hardware accelerators
like Nvidia GPUs cannot save enough data to be analyzed in a later step. There
is a high risk of loosing important scientific information. We introduce the in
situ template library ISAAC which enables arbitrary applications like
scientific simulations to live visualize their data without the need of deep
copy operations or data transformation using the very same compute node and
hardware accelerator the data is already residing on. Arbitrary meta data can
be added to the renderings and user defined steering commands can be
asynchronously sent back to the running application. Using an aggregating
server, ISAAC streams the interactive visualization video and enables user to
access their applications from everywhere.
Kokouvi Hounkanli, Andrzej Pelc
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
In broadcasting, one node of a network has a message that must be learned by
all other nodes. We study deterministic algorithms for this fundamental
communication task in a very weak model of wireless communication. The only
signals sent by nodes are beeps. Moreover, they are delivered to neighbors of
the beeping node in an asynchronous way: the time between sending and reception
is finite but unpredictable. We first observe that under this scenario, no
communication is possible, if beeps are all of the same strength. Hence we
study broadcasting in the bivalent beeping model, where every beep can be
either soft or loud. At the receiving end, if exactly one soft beep is received
by a node in a round, it is heard as soft. Any other combination of beeps
received in a round is heard as a loud beep. The cost of a broadcasting
algorithm is the total number of beeps sent by all nodes.
We consider four levels of knowledge that nodes may have about the network:
anonymity (no knowledge whatsoever), ad-hoc (all nodes have distinct labels and
every node knows only its own label), neighborhood awareness (every node knows
its label and labels of all neighbors), and full knowledge (every node knows
the entire labeled map of the network and the identity of the source). We first
show that in the anonymous case, broadcasting is impossible even for very
simple networks. For each of the other three knowledge levels we provide upper
and lower bounds on the minimum cost of a broadcasting algorithm. Our results
show separations between all these scenarios. Perhaps surprisingly, the jump in
broadcasting cost between the ad-hoc and neighborhood awareness levels is much
larger than between the neighborhood awareness and full knowledge levels,
although in the two former levels knowledge of nodes is local, and in the
latter it is global.
J. Kok Konjaang, J.Y. Maipan-uku, Kumangkem Kennedy Kubuga
Comments: 6 pages,6 figures, Article published
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Cloud computing is a new archetype that provides dynamic computing services
to cloud users through the support of datacenters that employs the services of
datacenter brokers which discover resources and assign them Virtually. The
focus of this research is to efficiently optimize resource allocation in the
cloud by exploiting the Max-Min scheduling algorithm and enhancing it to
increase efficiency in terms of completion time (makespan). This is key to
enhancing the performance of cloud scheduling and narrowing the performance gap
between cloud service providers and cloud resources consumers/users. The
current Max-Min algorithm selects tasks with maximum execution time on a faster
available machine or resource that is capable of giving minimum completion
time. The concern of this algorithm is to give priority to tasks with maximum
execution time first before assigning those with the minimum execution time for
the purpose of minimizing makespan. The drawback of this algorithm is that, the
execution of tasks with maximum execution time first may increase the makespan,
and leads to a delay in executing tasks with minimum execution time if the
number of tasks with maximum execution time exceeds that of tasks with minimum
execution time, hence the need to improve it to mitigate the delay in executing
tasks with minimum execution time. CloudSim is used to compare the
effectiveness of the improved Max-Min algorithm with the traditional one. The
experimented results show that the improved algorithm is efficient and can
produce better makespan than Max-Min and DataAware.
Muhammad Shafique
Comments: None
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Cyclic overlays may provide multiple paths between a publisher and a
subscriber, an advertisement-tree and a matching subscription enables only one
path for notifications routing in Publish/Subscribe (PS) systems. This poses
serious challenges in offering dynamic routing when network conditions like
congestion, and link or broker failures are detected. We argue that the tight
coupling between an advertisement and matching subscriptions is the main
bottleneck in providing multiple routing paths. This paper introduces
subscription subgrouping that divides subscriptions into multiple sets, called
subscription subgroups, to eliminate tight coupling. We use the structuredness
of a new Structured Cyclic Overlay Topology (SCOT) to create multiple routing
paths between a publisher and a subscriber without saving link information in
routing tables. A homogeneous clustering technique with a bit-vector scheme is
developed to realize subscription subgrouping and offer inter-cluster dynamic
routing. The advertisement and cluster-level subscription broadcast algorithms
implemented in a prototype tool, called OctopiA, which creates routing paths of
shortest-lengths. Experiments on a cluster testbed show that OctopiA reduces
size of advertisement routing tables by 93\%, subscription delay by 33\%,
static and dynamic notification delivery delays by 25\% and 54\%, respectively.
Ivano Notarnicola, Mauro Franceschelli, Giuseppe Notarstefano
Comments: Submitted to journal
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
In this paper we consider a distributed optimization scenario in which a set
of processors aims at cooperatively solving a class of min-max optimization
problems. This set-up is motivated by peak-demand minimization problems in
smart grids. Here, the goal is to minimize the peak value over a finite horizon
with: (i) the demand at each time instant being the sum of contributions from
different devices, and (ii) the device states at different time instants being
coupled through local constraints (e.g., the dynamics). The min-max structure
and the double coupling (through the devices and over the time horizon) makes
this problem challenging in a distributed set-up (e.g., existing distributed
dual decomposition approaches cannot be applied). We propose a distributed
algorithm based on the combination of duality methods and properties from
min-max optimization. Specifically, we repeatedly apply duality theory and
properly introduce ad-hoc slack variables in order to derive a series of
equivalent problems. On the resulting problem we apply a dual subgradient
method, which turns out to be a distributed algorithm consisting of a
minimization on the original primal variables and a suitable dual update. We
prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm in objective value. Moreover,
we show that every limit point of the primal sequence is an optimal (feasible)
solution. Finally, we provide numerical computations for a peak-demand
optimization problem in a network of thermostatically controlled loads.
Yongxin Yang, Timothy M. Hospedales
Comments: Invited book chapter
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Multi-domain learning aims to benefit from simultaneously learning across
several different but related domains. In this chapter, we propose a single
framework that unifies multi-domain learning (MDL) and the related but better
studied area of multi-task learning (MTL). By exploiting the concept of a
emph{semantic descriptor} we show how our framework encompasses various
classic and recent MDL/MTL algorithms as special cases with different semantic
descriptor encodings. As a second contribution, we present a higher order
generalisation of this framework, capable of simultaneous
multi-task-multi-domain learning. This generalisation has two mathematically
equivalent views in multi-linear algebra and gated neural networks
respectively. Moreover, by exploiting the semantic descriptor, it provides
neural networks the capability of zero-shot learning (ZSL), where a classifier
is generated for an unseen class without any training data; as well as
zero-shot domain adaptation (ZSDA), where a model is generated for an unseen
domain without any training data. In practice, this framework provides a
powerful yet easy to implement method that can be flexibly applied to MTL, MDL,
Adriana Romero, Pierre Luc Carrier, Akram Erraqabi, Tristan Sylvain, Alex Auvolat, Etienne Dejoie, Marc-André Legault, Marie-Pierre Dubé, Julie G. Hussin, Yoshua Bengio
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Learning tasks such as those involving genomic data often poses a serious
challenge: the number of input features can be orders of magnitude larger than
the number of training examples, making it difficult to avoid overfitting, even
when using the known regularization techniques. We focus here on tasks in which
the input is a description of the genetic variation specific to a patient, the
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), yielding millions of ternary inputs.
Improving the ability of deep learning to handle such datasets could have an
important impact in precision medicine, where high-dimensional data regarding a
particular patient is used to make predictions of interest. Even though the
amount of data for such tasks is increasing, this mismatch between the number
of examples and the number of inputs remains a concern. Naive implementations
of classifier neural networks involve a huge number of free parameters in their
first layer: each input feature is associated with as many parameters as there
are hidden units. We propose a novel neural network parametrization which
considerably reduces the number of free parameters. It is based on the idea
that we can first learn or provide a distributed representation for each input
feature (e.g. for each position in the genome where variations are observed),
and then learn (with another neural network called the parameter prediction
network) how to map a feature’s distributed representation to the vector of
parameters specific to that feature in the classifier neural network (the
weights which link the value of the feature to each of the hidden units). We
show experimentally on a population stratification task of interest to medical
studies that the proposed approach can significantly reduce both the number of
parameters and the error rate of the classifier.
Fredrik Sandin, Sergio Martin-del-Campo
Comments: 8 pages, 8 figures
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Sparse signal representations based on linear combinations of learned atoms
have been used to obtain state-of-the-art results in several practical signal
processing applications. Approximation methods are needed to process
high-dimensional signals in this way because the problem to calculate optimal
atoms for sparse coding is NP-hard. Here we study greedy algorithms for
unsupervised learning of dictionaries of shift-invariant atoms and propose a
new method where each atom is selected with the same probability on average,
which corresponds to the homeostatic regulation of a recurrent convolutional
neural network. Equiprobable selection can be used with several greedy
algorithms for dictionary learning to ensure that all atoms adapt during
training and that no particular atom is more likely to take part in the linear
combination on average. We demonstrate via simulation experiments that
dictionary learning with equiprobable selection results in higher entropy of
the sparse representation and lower reconstruction and denoising errors, both
in the case of ordinary matching pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit with
shift-invariant dictionaries. Furthermore, we show that the computational costs
of the matching pursuits are lower with equiprobable selection, leading to
faster and more accurate dictionary learning algorithms.
Ofir Nachum, Mohammad Norouzi, Dale Schuurmans
Comments: Under review at ICLR 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
This paper presents a novel form of policy gradient for model-free
reinforcement learning (RL) with improved exploration properties. Current
policy-based methods use entropy regularization to encourage undirected
exploration of the reward landscape, which is ineffective in high dimensional
spaces with sparse rewards. We propose a more directed exploration strategy
that promotes exploration of {em under-appreciated reward} regions. An action
sequence is considered under-appreciated if its log-probability under the
current policy under-estimates its mbox{resulting} reward. The proposed
exploration strategy is easy to implement, requiring small modifications to an
implementation of the REINFORCE algorithm. We evaluate the approach on a set of
algorithmic tasks that have long challenged RL methods. Our approach reduces
hyper-parameter sensitivity and demonstrates significant improvements over
baseline methods. Our algorithm successfully solves a benchmark multi-digit
addition task and generalizes to long sequences. This is, to our knowledge, the
first time that a pure RL method has solved addition using only reward
Michael Figurnov, Kirill Struminsky, Dmitry Vetrov
Comments: NIPS 2016 Workshop, Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Variational inference is a powerful tool for approximate inference. However,
it mainly focuses on the evidence lower bound as variational objective and the
development of other measures for variational inference is a promising area of
research. This paper proposes a robust modification of evidence and a lower
bound for the evidence, which is applicable when the majority of the training
set samples are random noise objects. We provide experiments for variational
autoencoders to show advantage of the objective over the evidence lower bound
on synthetic datasets obtained by adding uninformative noise objects to MNIST
and OMNIGLOT. Additionally, for the original MNIST and OMNIGLOT datasets we
observe a small improvement over the non-robust evidence lower bound.
Pierre-François Marteau (EXPRESSION)
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
In the light of regularized dynamic time warping kernels, this paper
re-considers the concept of time elastic centroid for a setof time series. We
derive a new algorithm based on a probabilistic interpretation of kernel
alignment matrices. This algorithm expressesthe averaging process in terms of a
stochastic alignment automata. It uses an iterative agglomerative heuristic
method for averagingthe aligned samples, while also averaging the times of
occurrence of the aligned samples. By comparing classification accuracies for45
heterogeneous time series datasets obtained by first nearest centroid/medoid
classifiers we show that: i) centroid-basedapproaches significantly outperform
medoid-based approaches, ii) for the considered datasets, our algorithm that
combines averagingin the sample space and along the time axes, emerges as the
most significantly robust model for time-elastic averaging with apromising
noise reduction capability. We also demonstrate its benefit in an isolated
gesture recognition experiment and its ability tosignificantly reduce the size
of training instance sets. Finally we highlight its denoising capability using
demonstrative synthetic data:we show that it is possible to retrieve, from few
noisy instances, a signal whose components are scattered in a wide spectral
Martin Schrimpf
Comments: Seminar Paper
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Google’s Machine Learning framework TensorFlow was open-sourced in November
2015 [1] and has since built a growing community around it. TensorFlow is
supposed to be flexible for research purposes while also allowing its models to
be deployed productively. This work is aimed towards people with experience in
Machine Learning considering whether they should use TensorFlow in their
environment. Several aspects of the framework important for such a decision are
examined, such as the heterogenity, extensibility and its computation graph. A
pure Python implementation of linear classification is compared with an
implementation utilizing TensorFlow. I also contrast TensorFlow to other
popular frameworks with respect to modeling capability, deployment and
performance and give a brief description of the current adaption of the
Nana Li, Shuangfei Zhai, Zhongfei Zhang, Boying Liu
Comments: To appear in AAAI 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Structural correspondence learning (SCL) is an effective method for
cross-lingual sentiment classification. This approach uses unlabeled documents
along with a word translation oracle to automatically induce task specific,
cross-lingual correspondences. It transfers knowledge through identifying
important features, i.e., pivot features. For simplicity, however, it assumes
that the word translation oracle maps each pivot feature in source language to
exactly only one word in target language. This one-to-one mapping between words
in different languages is too strict. Also the context is not considered at
all. In this paper, we propose a cross-lingual SCL based on distributed
representation of words; it can learn meaningful one-to-many mappings for pivot
words using large amounts of monolingual data and a small dictionary. We
conduct experiments on NLP&CC 2013 cross-lingual sentiment analysis dataset,
employing English as source language, and Chinese as target language. Our
method does not rely on the parallel corpora and the experimental results show
that our approach is more competitive than the state-of-the-art methods in
cross-lingual sentiment classification.
Colin J Brown, Ghassan Hamarneh
Comments: 51 pages, 6 figures. To be submitted to a journal
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion MRI (dMRI) are non-invasive imaging
modalities that allow in-vivo analysis of a patient’s brain network (known as a
connectome). Use of these technologies has enabled faster and better diagnoses
and treatments of neurological disorders and a deeper understanding of the
human brain. Recently, researchers have been exploring the application of
machine learning models to connectome data in order to predict clinical
outcomes and analyze the importance of subnetworks in the brain. Connectome
data has unique properties, which present both special challenges and
opportunities when used for machine learning. The purpose of this work is to
review the literature on the topic of applying machine learning models to
MRI-based connectome data. This field is growing rapidly and now encompasses a
large body of research. To summarize the research done to date, we provide a
comparative, structured summary of 77 relevant works, tabulated according to
different criteria, that represent the majority of the literature on this
topic. (We also published a living version of this table online at
this http URL that the community can continue to
contribute to.) After giving an overview of how connectomes are constructed
from dMRI and fMRI data, we discuss the variety of machine learning tasks that
have been explored with connectome data. We then compare the advantages and
drawbacks of different machine learning approaches that have been employed,
discussing different feature selection and feature extraction schemes, as well
as the learning models and regularization penalties themselves. Throughout this
discussion, we focus particularly on how the methods are adapted to the unique
nature of graphical connectome data. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the
current state of the art and by outlining what we believe are strategic
directions for future research.
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Guillaume Couly, Clément Olalainty
Comments: NIPS Workshop on Future of Interactive Learning Machines, 2016
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO)
Training robots to perceive, act and communicate using multiple modalities
still represents a challenging problem, particularly if robots are expected to
learn efficiently from small sets of example interactions. We describe a
learning approach as a step in this direction, where we teach a humanoid robot
how to play the game of noughts and crosses. Given that multiple multimodal
skills can be trained to play this game, we focus our attention to training the
robot to perceive the game, and to interact in this game. Our multimodal deep
reinforcement learning agent perceives multimodal features and exhibits verbal
and non-verbal actions while playing. Experimental results using simulations
show that the robot can learn to win or draw up to 98% of the games. A pilot
test of the proposed multimodal system for the targeted game—integrating
speech, vision and gestures—reports that reasonable and fluent interactions
can be achieved using the proposed approach.
Yangchen Pan, Adam White, Martha White
Comments: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
The family of temporal difference (TD) methods span a spectrum from
computationally frugal linear methods like TD({lambda}) to data efficient
least squares methods. Least square methods make the best use of available data
directly computing the TD solution and thus do not require tuning a typically
highly sensitive learning rate parameter, but require quadratic computation and
storage. Recent algorithmic developments have yielded several sub-quadratic
methods that use an approximation to the least squares TD solution, but incur
bias. In this paper, we propose a new family of accelerated gradient TD (ATD)
methods that (1) provide similar data efficiency benefits to least-squares
methods, at a fraction of the computation and storage (2) significantly reduce
parameter sensitivity compared to linear TD methods, and (3) are asymptotically
unbiased. We illustrate these claims with a proof of convergence in expectation
and experiments on several benchmark domains and a large-scale industrial
energy allocation domain.
Tom Sercu, Vaibhava Goel
Comments: Appeared at NIPS 2016 End-to-end Learning for Speech and Audio Processing Workshop
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In computer vision pixelwise dense prediction is the task of predicting a
label for each pixel in the image. Convolutional neural networks achieve good
performance on this task, while being computationally efficient. In this paper
we carry these ideas over to the problem of assigning a sequence of labels to a
set of speech frames, a task commonly known as framewise classification. We
show that dense prediction view of framewise classification offers several
advantages and insights, including computational efficiency and the ability to
apply batch normalization. When doing dense prediction we pay specific
attention to strided pooling in time and introduce an asymmetric dilated
convolution, called time-dilated convolution, that allows for efficient and
elegant implementation of pooling in time. We show that by using time-dilated
convolutions with a very deep VGG-style CNN with batch normalization, we
achieve best published single model accuracy result on the switchboard-2000
benchmark dataset.
Meshia Cédric Oveneke, Mitchel Aliosha-Perez, Yong Zhao, Dongmei Jiang, Hichem Sahli
Comments: Accepted at NIPS 2016 Workshop on Efficient Methods for Deep Neural Networks (EMDNN)
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
The omnipresence of deep learning architectures such as deep convolutional
neural networks (CNN)s is fueled by the synergistic combination of
ever-increasing labeled datasets and specialized hardware. Despite the
indisputable success, the reliance on huge amounts of labeled data and
specialized hardware can be a limiting factor when approaching new
applications. To help alleviating these limitations, we propose an efficient
learning strategy for layer-wise unsupervised training of deep CNNs on
conventional hardware in acceptable time. Our proposed strategy consists of
randomly convexifying the reconstruction contractive auto-encoding (RCAE)
learning objective and solving the resulting large-scale convex minimization
problem in the frequency domain via coordinate descent (CD). The main
advantages of our proposed learning strategy are: (1) single tunable
optimization parameter; (2) fast and guaranteed convergence; (3) possibilities
for full parallelization. Numerical experiments show that our proposed learning
strategy scales (in the worst case) linearly with image size, number of filters
and filter size.
Brian Patton, Yannis Agiomyrgiannakis, Michael Terry, Kevin Wilson, Rif A. Saurous, D. Sculley
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, NIPS 2016 End-to-end Learning for Speech and Audio Processing Workshop
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Developers of text-to-speech synthesizers (TTS) often make use of human
raters to assess the quality of synthesized speech. We demonstrate that we can
model human raters’ mean opinion scores (MOS) of synthesized speech using a
deep recurrent neural network whose inputs consist solely of a raw waveform.
Our best models provide utterance-level estimates of MOS only moderately
inferior to sampled human ratings, as shown by Pearson and Spearman
correlations. When multiple utterances are scored and averaged, a scenario
common in synthesizer quality assessment, AutoMOS achieves correlations
approaching those of human raters. The AutoMOS model has a number of
applications, such as the ability to explore the parameter space of a speech
synthesizer without requiring a human-in-the-loop.
Quanzeng You, Ran Pang, Jiebo Luo
Comments: 8 pages, 8 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Real estate appraisal, which is the process of estimating the price for real
estate properties, is crucial for both buys and sellers as the basis for
negotiation and transaction. Traditionally, the repeat sales model has been
widely adopted to estimate real estate price. However, it depends the design
and calculation of a complex economic related index, which is challenging to
estimate accurately. Today, real estate brokers provide easy access to detailed
online information on real estate properties to their clients. We are
interested in estimating the real estate price from these large amounts of
easily accessed data. In particular, we analyze the prediction power of online
house pictures, which is one of the key factors for online users to make a
potential visiting decision. The development of robust computer vision
algorithms makes the analysis of visual content possible. In this work, we
employ a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to predict real estate price using the
state-of-the-art visual features. The experimental results indicate that our
model outperforms several of other state-of-the-art baseline algorithms in
terms of both mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage error
Seyed Hamid Rezatofighi, Vijay Kumar B G, Anton Milan, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Anthony Dick, Ian Reid
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
This paper addresses the task of set prediction using deep learning. This is
important because the output of many computer vision tasks, including image
tagging and object detection, are naturally expressed as sets of entities
rather than vectors. As opposed to a vector, the size of a set is not fixed in
advance, and it is invariant to the ordering of entities within it. We define a
likelihood for a set distribution and learn its parameters using a deep neural
network. We also derive a loss for predicting a discrete distribution
corresponding to set cardinality. Set prediction is demonstrated on the
problems of multi-class image classification and pedestrian detection. Our
approach yields state-of-the-art results in both cases on standard datasets.
Arvind Neelakantan, Quoc V. Le, Martin Abadi, Andrew McCallum, Dario Amodei
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Learning a natural language interface for database tables is a challenging
task that involves deep language understanding and multi-step reasoning. The
task is often approached by mapping natural language queries to logical forms
or programs that provide the desired response when executed on the database. To
our knowledge, this paper presents the first weakly supervised, end-to-end
neural network model to induce such programs on a real-world dataset. We
enhance the objective function of Neural Programmer, a neural network with
built-in discrete operations, and apply it on WikiTableQuestions, a natural
language question-answering dataset. The model is trained end-to-end with weak
supervision of question-answer pairs, and does not require domain-specific
grammars, rules, or annotations that are key elements in previous approaches to
program induction. The main experimental result in this paper is that a single
Neural Programmer model achieves 34.2% accuracy using only 10,000 examples with
weak supervision. An ensemble of 15 models, with a trivial combination
technique, achieves 37.2% accuracy, which is competitive to the current
state-of-the-art accuracy of 37.1% obtained by a traditional natural language
semantic parser.
Zhuo Chen, Yi Luo, Nima Mesgarani
Comments: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Learning (cs.LG)
Despite the overwhelming success of deep learning in various speech
processing tasks, the problem of separating simultaneous speakers in a mixture
remains challenging. Two major difficulties in such systems are the arbitrary
source permutation and unknown number of sources in the mixture. We propose a
novel deep learning framework for single channel speech separation by creating
attractor points in high dimensional embedding space of the acoustic signals
which pull together the time-frequency bins corresponding to each source.
Attractor points in this study are created by finding the centroids of the
sources in the embedding space, which are subsequently used to determine the
similarity of each bin in the mixture to each source. The network is then
trained to minimize the reconstruction error of each source by optimizing the
embeddings. The proposed model is different from prior works in that it
implements an end-to-end training, and it does not depend on the number of
sources in the mixture. Two strategies are explored in the test time, K-means
and fixed attractor points, where the latter requires no post-processing and
can be implemented in real-time. We evaluated our system on Wall Street Journal
dataset and show 5.49\% improvement over the previous state-of-the-art methods.
Lex Fridman, Heishiro Toyoda, Sean Seaman, Bobbie Seppelt, Linda Angell, Joonbum Lee, Bruce Mehler, Bryan Reimer
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Learning (cs.LG)
We consider a large dataset of real-world, on-road driving from a 100-car
naturalistic study to explore the predictive power of driver glances and,
specifically, to answer the following question: what can be predicted about the
state of the driver and the state of the driving environment from a 6-second
sequence of macro-glances? The context-based nature of such glances allows for
application of supervised learning to the problem of vision-based gaze
estimation, making it robust, accurate, and reliable in messy, real-world
conditions. So, it’s valuable to ask whether such macro-glances can be used to
infer behavioral, environmental, and demographic variables? We analyze 27
binary classification problems based on these variables. The takeaway is that
glance can be used as part of a multi-sensor real-time system to predict
radio-tuning, fatigue state, failure to signal, talking, and several
environment variables.
Abhishek Das, Satwik Kottur, Khushi Gupta, Avi Singh, Deshraj Yadav, José M. F. Moura, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra
Comments: 22 pages, 16 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
We introduce the task of Visual Dialog, which requires an AI agent to hold a
meaningful dialog with humans in natural, conversational language about visual
content. Specifically, given an image, a dialog history, and a question about
the image, the agent has to ground the question in image, infer context from
history, and answer the question accurately. Visual Dialog is disentangled
enough from a specific downstream task so as to serve as a general test of
machine intelligence, while being grounded in vision enough to allow objective
evaluation of individual responses and benchmark progress. We develop a novel
two-person chat data-collection protocol to curate a large-scale Visual Dialog
dataset (VisDial). Data collection is underway and on completion, VisDial will
contain 1 dialog with 10 question-answer pairs on all ~200k images from COCO,
with a total of 2M dialog question-answer pairs.
We introduce a family of neural encoder-decoder models for Visual Dialog with
3 encoders — Late Fusion, Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder and Memory Network —
and 2 decoders (generative and discriminative), which outperform a number of
sophisticated baselines. We propose a retrieval-based evaluation protocol for
Visual Dialog where the AI agent is asked to sort a set of candidate answers
and evaluated on metrics such as mean-reciprocal-rank of human response. We
quantify gap between machine and human performance on the Visual Dialog task
via human studies. Our dataset, code, and trained models will be released
publicly. Putting it all together, we demonstrate the first ‘visual chatbot’!
Comments: Paper on earthquake prediction based on deep learning approach. 6 figures, two tables and 4 pages in total
Subjects: Geophysics (physics.geo-ph); Learning (cs.LG)
Foreshock events provide valuable insight to predict imminent major
earthquakes. However, it is difficult to identify them in real time. In this
paper, I propose an algorithm based on deep learning to instantaneously
classify a seismic waveform as a foreshock, mainshock or an aftershock event
achieving a high accuracy of 99% in classification. As a result, this is by far
the most reliable method to predict major earthquakes that are preceded by
foreshocks. In addition, I discuss methods to create an earthquake dataset that
is compatible with deep networks.
Z. Berkay Celik, David Lopez-Paz, Patrick McDaniel
Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
The introduction of data analytics into medicine has changed the nature of
treatment. In this, patients are asked to disclose personal information such as
genetic markers, lifestyle habits, and clinical history. This data is then used
by statistical models to predict personalized treatments. However, due to
privacy concerns, patients often desire to withhold sensitive information. This
self-censorship can impede proper diagnosis and treatment, which may lead to
serious health complications and even death. In this paper, we present privacy
distillation, a mechanism which allows patients to control the type and amount
of information they wish to disclose to the healthcare providers for use in
statistical models. Meanwhile, it retains the accuracy of models that have
access to all patient data under a sufficient but not full set of
privacy-relevant information. We validate privacy distillation using a corpus
of patients prescribed to warfarin for a personalized dosage. We use a deep
neural network to implement privacy distillation for training and making dose
predictions. We find that privacy distillation with sufficient privacy-relevant
information i) retains accuracy almost as good as having all patient data (only
3% worse), and ii) is effective at preventing errors that introduce
health-related risks (yielding on average 3.9% of under- or
Jiani Zhang, Xingjian Shi, Irwin King, Dit-Yan Yeung
Comments: Part of the paper is under review in WWW 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
The goal of knowledge tracing is to model students’ mastering levels of
underlying knowledge concepts, termed knowledge state, based on students’
exercise performance data. However, existing methods, such as Bayesian
Knowledge Tracing (BKT) or Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT), either require costly
human-labeled concept annotations or fail to exactly pinpoint which concepts a
student is good at or unfamiliar with. To solve these problems, in this paper
we introduce a new model called Dynamic Key-Value Memory Network (DKVMN) that
can learn representations using nonlinear transformations and directly output a
student’s mastering level of each concept. Unlike standard Memory-Augmented
Neural Networks (MANNs) that facilitate a single memory matrix or two static
memory matrices, our model has one static matrix called key that stores the
knowledge concepts and the other dynamic matrix called value that stores and
updates corresponding concepts’ mastery levels. Experiments show that our DKVMN
model, which is trained end-to-end, consistently outperforms the
state-of-the-art model on a range of knowledge tracing data-sets. We also
illustrate that the learned DKVMN can automatically discover underlying
concepts of the exercises which are typically performed by human annotations,
and depict a student’s changing knowledge state.
Emil Björnson, Jakob Hoydis, Luca Sanguinetti
Comments: Submitted to IEEE ICC 2017, 6 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Massive MIMO provides great improvements in spectral efficiency, by coherent
combining over a large antenna array and by spatial multiplexing of many users.
Since its inception, the coherent interference caused by pilot contamination
has been believed to be an impairment that does not vanish, even with an
unlimited number of antennas. In this work, we show that this belief is
incorrect and it is basically an artifact from using simplistic channel models
and combining schemes. We prove that with multi-cell MMSE combining, the
spectral efficiency grows without bound as the number of antennas increases,
even under pilot contamination, under a condition of linear independence
between the channel covariance matrices. This condition is generally satisfied,
except in special cases which can be hardly found in practice.
Mael Le Treust, Leszek Szczecinski, Fabrice Labeau
Comments: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, november 28th, 2016
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper investigates secure transmission using HARQ protocol when the
encoder only knows the statistics of the channel-state. We analyze the tradeoff
between reliability and secrecy probabilistic guarantees. The conventional
approach of ensuring the secrecy via introduction of dummy-message is followed.
However, unlike the previous works on this subject, we design a coding strategy
tailored to HARQ by splitting the dummy-message rate over several rate
parameters. These additional degrees of freedom improve the matching between
the dummy-message rates and the realizations of the eavesdropper channels. We
evaluate the performance in terms of secrecy outage probability, connection
outage probability and secrecy throughput. For Rayleigh fading channel, the
splitting of the dummy-message rate provides higher secrecy throughput and
lower expected duration/average delay.
Xuan Guang, Raymond W. Yeung
Comments: 35 pages
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO)
We consider a communication network where there exist wiretappers who can
access a subset of channels, called a wiretap set, which is chosen from a given
collection of wiretap sets. The collection of wiretap sets can be arbitrary.
Secure network coding is applied to prevent the source information from being
leaked to the wiretappers. In secure network coding, the required alphabet size
is an open problem not only of theoretical interest but also of practical
importance, because it is closely related to the implementation of such coding
schemes in terms of computational complexity and storage requirement. In this
paper, we develop a systematic graph-theoretic approach for improving Cai and
Yeung’s lower bound on the required alphabet size for the existence of secure
network codes. The new lower bound thus obtained, which depends only on the
network topology and the collection of wiretap sets, can be significantly
smaller than Cai and Yeung’s lower bound. A polynomial-time algorithm is
devised for efficient computation of the new lower bound.
Kayvon Mazooji
Comments: 11 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Unlike the space of received words generated by substitution errors, the
space of received words generated by insertion errors is infinite. Given an
arbitrary code, it is therefore possible for there to exist an infinite number
of received words that are unique to a particular codeword. This work explores
the extent to which an arbitrary insertion-correcting code can take advantage
of this fact. For a particular codeword (c) of length (n,) we are interested in
two specific measures. The first is the fraction of received words of length
(n+t) which are unique to (c.) The second is the fraction of insertion
histories of length (t) which give rise to received words of length (n+t) that
are unique to (c.) The first measure is the probability of uniquely decoding
when (t) insertion occur, if all possible length (n+t) received words are
equally likely. The second measure is the probability of uniquely decoding when
(t) consecutive insertions occur, and each insertion position and element are
selected uniformly at random. We provide upper bounds on both of these measures
and examine the asymptotic behavior. We also show that both measures are
non-negative for at least one codeword in every code, for all (t.) We proceed
to examine 2 types of codes for only one insertion beyond their respective
guarantees, and propose an open problem, which if proved true, would explain
our surprising observations. Along the way, we make the practical observation
that the design parameter (a) of a VT-code can be selected to maximize the
code’s effectiveness for decoding 2 or more insertions. Finally, we analyze the
set of sequences used to derive our upper bounds.
Yongsheng Tang, Heqian Xu, Zhonghua Sun
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, we give a notation on the Singleton bounds for linear codes
over a finite commutative quasi-Frobenius ring in the work of Shiromoto [5]. We
show that there exists a class of finite commutative quasi-Frobenius rings. The
Singleton bounds for linear codes over such rings satisfy
[ frac{d(C)-1}{A}leq n-log_{|R|}|C|. ]
Yonatan Kaspi, Ofer Shayevitz, Tara Javidi
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Consider a target moving at a constant velocity on a unit-circumference
circle, starting at an arbitrary location. To acquire the target, any region of
the circle can be probed to obtain a noisy measurement of the target’s
presence, where the noise level increases with the size of the probed region.
We are interested in the expected time required to find the target to within
some given resolution and error probability. For a known velocity, we
characterize the optimal tradeoff between time and resolution, and show that in
contrast to the well studied case of constant measurement noise, measurement
dependent noise incurs a multiplicative gap in the targeting rate between
adaptive and non-adaptive search strategies. Moreover, our adaptive strategy
attains the optimal rate-reliability tradeoff. We further show that for optimal
non-adaptive search, accounting for an unknown velocity incurs a factor of at
least two in the targeting rate.
Jianping He, Lin Cai
Comments: 29 pages, 4 figures, journal
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Differential privacy is a formal mathematical standard for quantifying the
degree of that individual privacy in a statistical database is preserved. To
guarantee differential privacy, a typical method is adding random noise to the
original data for data release. In this paper, we investigate the fundamental
theory of differential privacy considering the general random noise adding
mechanism, and then apply this framework for privacy analysis of the
privacy-preserving consensus algorithm. Specifically, we obtain a necessary and
sufficient condition of (epsilon)-differential privacy, and the sufficient
conditions of ((epsilon, delta))-differential privacy. This theoretical
framework provides a useful and efficient criterion of achieving differential
privacy. We utilize them to analyze the privacy of some common random noises
and the theory matches with the existing literature for special cases. Applying
the theory, differential privacy property of a privacy-preserving consensus
algorithm is investigated based on the framework. We obtain the necessary
condition and the sufficient condition for the privacy-preserving consensus
algorithm, under which differential privacy is achieved, respectively. In
addition, it is proved that the average consensus and (epsilon)-differential
privacy cannot be guaranteed simultaneously by any privacy-preserving consensus
Nikolaos Giatsoglou, Angelos Antonopoulos, Elli Kartsakli, John Vardakas, Christos Verikoukis
Comments: 6 pages, 7 figures, IEEE Global Communications Conference 2016 (GLOBECOM), Accepted
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Full-Duplex (FD) wireless and Device-to-Device (D2D) communication are two
promising technologies that aspire to enhance the spectrum and energy
efficiency of wireless networks, thus fulfilling key requirements of the 5th
generation (5G) of mobile networks. Both technologies, however, generate
excessive interference, which, if not managed effectively, threatens to
compromise system performance. To this direction, we propose two transmission
policies that enhance the communication of two interfering FD-enabled D2D
pairs, derived from game theory and optimization theory. The game-theoretic
policy allows the pairs to choose their transmission modes independently and
the optimal policy to maximize their throughput, achieving significant gains
when the pairs interfere strongly with each other.
Chenchen Zhang, Yuan Luo, Yan Chen
Comments: 9 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a new multiple access technique which
supports massive connectivity. Compared with the current Long Term Evolution
(LTE) system, it enables the overloading of active users on limited orthogonal
resources and thus meets the requirement of the fifth generation (5G) wireless
networks. However, the computation complexity of existing detection algorithms
increases exponentially with (d_f) (the degree of the resource nodes). Although
the codebooks are designed to have low density, the detection still takes
considerable time. The parameter (d_f) must be designed to be very small, which
largely limits the choice of codebooks. In this paper, a new detection
algorithm is proposed by discretizing the probability distribution functions
(PDFs) in the layer nodes (variable nodes). Given (M) as the size of one
codebook, the detection complexity of each resource node (function node) is
reduced from (O(d_f M^{d_f})) to (O(d_f^3 ln (d_f))). Its detection accuracy
can quickly approach that of the previous detection algorithms with the
decrease of sampling interval in discretization.
Geamel Alyami, Ivica Kostanic
Comments: IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT) (IEEE COMNETSAT 2016)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper focuses at the investigation of the degree of orthogonality of
channels of multiple users in densely populated indoor and outdoor scenarios.
For this purpose, a statistical millimeter wave (mmwave) MIMO channel simulator
is carefully designed using state of the art channel models. At the mmwave
frequencies, human/vehicular mobility around the mobile users may partially or
completely block the communication link. This give rise to the consideration of
new channel modeling parameter i.e. probability of a user to be in LOS
dynamics. Higher line of sight (LOS) probabilities may increase the spatial
correlation among the multiuser channels. Therefore, quantification of the
spatial separation of users in different scenarios with distinct LOS
probabilities is crucial and it is the subject of investigation of this paper.
Additionally, the mutual orthogonality of channels by changing the number of
base station (BS) antennas and inter antenna element distance (IED) have also
been investigated. Analysis shows that LOS blockage of certain scenario has
more impact at the degree of orthogonality among users as compared to the
number of BS antennas and the spacing between the antenna elements.
Lin Zhang, Guodong Zhao, Wenli Zhou, Gang Wu, Ying-Chang Liang, Shaoqian Li
Comments: Submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We study the coexistence problem in a two-tier heterogeneous network (HetNet)
with cognitive small cells. In particular, we consider an underlay HetNet,
where the cognitive small base station (C-SBS) is allowed to use the frequency
band of the macro cell with an access probability (AP) as long as the C-SBS
satisfies a preset interference probability (IP) constraint at macro user
(MUs). To enhance the AP of the C-SBS, we propose that the C-SBS exploits the
distance information between the macro base station (MBS) and MUs, namely,
MBS-MU distance information, which is contained in the signals of the MBS.
Briefly, we first enable the C-SBS to analyze the signal from the MBS to the MU
on a target frequency band, and learn the MBS-MU distance information. Then, we
calculate the upper bound of the probability that the C-SBS may interfere with
the MU, and design an AP with a closed-form expression under the IP constraint
at the MU. Numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms
the state of arts, i.e., up to (90\%) AP improvement.
Waqas Ahmad, Geamel Alyami, Ivica Kostanic
Comments: IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT) (IEEE COMNETSAT 2016)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In the conventional multiuser MIMO systems, user selection and scheduling has
previously been used as an effective way to increase the sum rate performance
of the system. However, the recent concepts of the massive MIMO systems (at
centimeter wavelength frequencies) have shown that with higher spatial
resolution of antenna arrays different users in the dense scenarios can be
spatially separated. This in turn significantly reduces the signal processing
efforts required for multiuser selection algorithms. On the other hand, recent
measurements at millimeter wave frequencies show that multipath components only
arrive from few angular directions leading to high spatial correlation between
the paths and co-located users. This paper focus at the investigation of
spatial separation among the users at the millimeter wave frequencies with
fully digital linear zero-forcing transmit precoding considering various
channel propagation parameters. Our analysis results convincingly give a proof
that multiuser selection algorithms are still important for millimeter wave
communication systems. Results also show that increased number of antenna
elements does not give a major benefit to sum rate improvements as compared to
the selection of correct number of users to be selected/scheduled.
Michael Wu, Chris Dick, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Christoph Studer
Comments: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS I), Vol. 63, No. 12, Dec. 2016
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Data detection in massive multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output
(MIMO) wireless systems is among the most critical tasks due to the excessively
high implementation complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel,
equalization-based soft-output data-detection algorithm and corresponding
reference FPGA designs for wideband massive MU-MIMO systems that use orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). Our data-detection algorithm performs
approximate minimum mean-square error (MMSE) or box-constrained equalization
using coordinate descent. We deploy a variety of algorithm-level optimizations
that enable near-optimal error-rate performance at low implementation
complexity, even for systems with hundreds of base-station (BS) antennas and
thousands of subcarriers. We design a parallel VLSI architecture that uses
pipeline interleaving and can be parametrized at design time to support various
antenna configurations. We develop reference FPGA designs for massive
MU-MIMO-OFDM systems and provide an extensive comparison to existing designs in
terms of implementation complexity, throughput, and error-rate performance. For
a 128 BS antenna, 8 user massive MU-MIMO-OFDM system, our FPGA design
outperforms the next-best implementation by more than 2.6x in terms of
throughput per FPGA look-up tables.
Johan Östman, Giuseppe Durisi, Erik G. Ström, Jingya Li, Henrik Sahlin, Gianluigi Liva
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Future autonomous systems require wireless connectivity able to support
extremely stringent requirements on both latency and reliability. In this
paper, we leverage recent developments in the field of finite-blocklength
information theory to illustrate how to optimally design wireless systems in
the presence of such stringent constraints. Focusing on a multi-antenna
Rayleigh block-fading channel, we obtain bounds on the maximum number of bits
that can be transmitted within given bandwidth, latency, and reliability
constraints, using an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing system similar
to LTE. These bounds unveil the fundamental interplay between latency,
bandwidth, rate, and reliability. Furthermore, they suggest how to optimally
use the available spatial and frequency diversity. Finally, we use our bounds
to benchmark the performance of an actual coding scheme involving the
transmission of short packets.
Weidong Mei, Zhi Chen, Jun Fang
Comments: IEEE Signal Processing Letters (Volume: 23, Issue: 11, Nov. 2016)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This letter considers a two-receiver multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
Gaussian broadcast channel model with integrated services. Specifically, we
combine two sorts of service messages, and serve them simultaneously: one
multicast message intended for both receivers and one confidential message
intended for only one receiver. The confidential message is kept perfectly
secure from the unauthorized receiver. Due to the coupling of service messages,
it is intractable to seek capacity-achieving transmit covariance matrices.
Accordingly, we propose a suboptimal precoding scheme based on the generalized
singular value decomposition (GSVD). The GSVD produces several virtual
orthogonal subchannels between the transmitter and the receivers. Subchannel
allocation and power allocation between multicast message and confidential
message are jointly optimized to maximize the secrecy rate in this letter,
subject to the quality of multicast service (QoMS) constraints. Since this
problem is inherently complex, a difference-of-concave (DC) algorithm, together
with an exhaustive search, is exploited to handle the power allocation and
subchannel allocation, respectively. Numerical results are presented to
illustrate the efficacy of our proposed strategies.
Mehdi Ashraphijuo, Vaneet Aggarwal, Xiaodong Wang
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Two-way relay is potentially an effective approach to spectrum sharing and
aggregation by allowing simultaneous bidirectional transmissions between
source-destinations pairs. This paper studies the two-way (2 imes2 imes2)
relay network, a class of four-unicast networks, where there are four
source/destination nodes and two relay nodes, with each source sending a
message to its destination. We show that without relay caching the total
degrees of freedom (DoF) is bounded from above by (8/3), indicating that
bidirectional links do not double the DoF (It is known that the total DoF of
one-way (2 imes2 imes2) relay network is (2).). Further, we show that the DoF
of (8/3) is achievable for the two-way (2 imes2 imes2) relay network with
relay caching. Finally, even though the DoF of this network is no more than
(8/3) for generic channel gains, DoF of (4) can be achieved for a symmetric
configuration of channel gains.
Anurag Anshu, Dave Touchette, Penghui Yao, Nengkun Yu
Comments: v1, 36 pages, 3 figures
Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Information Theory (cs.IT)
We exhibit a Boolean function for which the quantum communication complexity
is exponentially larger than the classical information complexity. An
exponential separation in the other direction was already known from the work
of Kerenidis et. al. [SICOMP 44, pp. 1550-1572], hence our work implies that
these two complexity measures are incomparable. As classical information
complexity is an upper bound on quantum information complexity, which in turn
is equal to amortized quantum communication complexity, our work implies that a
tight direct sum result for distributional quantum communication complexity
cannot hold. The function we use to present such a separation is the Symmetric
k-ary Pointer Jumping function introduced by Rao and Sinha [ECCC TR15-057],
whose classical communication complexity is exponentially larger than its
classical information complexity. In this paper, we show that the quantum
communication complexity of this function is polynomially equivalent to its
classical communication complexity. The high-level idea behind our proof is
arguably the simplest so far for such an exponential separation between
information and communication, driven by a sequence of round-elimination
arguments, allowing us to simplify further the approach of Rao and Sinha.
As another application of the techniques that we develop, we give a simple
proof for an optimal trade-off between Alice’s and Bob’s communication while
computing the related Greater-Than function on n bits: say Bob communicates at
most b bits, then Alice must send n/exp(O(b)) bits to Bob. This holds even when
allowing pre-shared entanglement. We also present a classical protocol
achieving this bound.
Felix Leditzky
Comments: 200 pages, 11 figures. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, November 2016. Includes results from arXiv:1308.5961, arXiv:1403.2543, arXiv:1407.6616, arXiv:1506.02635, and arXiv:1604.02119 (see Section 1.4 for detailed information)
Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT); Mathematical Physics (math-ph)
This dissertation investigates relative entropies, also called generalized
divergences, and how they can be used to characterize information-theoretic
tasks in quantum information theory. The main goal is to further refine
characterizations of the optimal rates for quantum source coding, state
redistribution, and measurement compression with quantum side information via
second order asymptotic expansions and strong converse theorems. The
dissertation consists of a mathematical and an information-theoretic part. In
the mathematical part, we focus on the (alpha)-sandwiched R’enyi divergence
((alpha)-SRD). We first investigate the limit (alpha o 0) to determine
whether this recovers the well-known (0)-R’enyi relative divergence. We then
prove various new results for entropic quantities derived from the
(alpha)-SRD, including dimension bounds and useful bounds in terms of the
fidelity between two quantum states. Furthermore, we derive a necessary and
sufficient algebraic condition for equality in the data processing inequality
(viz. monotonicity under quantum operations) for the (alpha)-SRD, and give
applications to entropic bounds. In the information-theoretic part, we first
derive the second order asymptotics of visible quantum source coding using a
mixed source. For the achievability part, we develop universal quantum source
codes achieving a given second order rate for a memoryless source. As a
corollary of the main result, we obtain the second order asymptotics of quantum
source coding using a single memoryless source. We then prove strong converse
theorems for state redistribution (with or without feedback) and measurement
compression with quantum side information. The key ingredients in proving these
theorems are the aforementioned fidelity bounds on R’enyi entropic quantities
derived from the (alpha)-SRD.
M. Amin Rahimian, Ali Jadbabaie
Comments: American Control Conference (ACC), 2015
Subjects: Applications (stat.AP); Information Theory (cs.IT); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Probability (math.PR); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
This work investigates the case of a network of agents that attempt to learn
some unknown state of the world amongst the finitely many possibilities. At
each time step, agents all receive random, independently distributed private
signals whose distributions are dependent on the unknown state of the world.
However, it may be the case that some or any of the agents cannot distinguish
between two or more of the possible states based only on their private
observations, as when several states result in the same distribution of the
private signals. In our model, the agents form some initial belief (probability
distribution) about the unknown state and then refine their beliefs in
accordance with their private observations, as well as the beliefs of their
neighbors. An agent learns the unknown state when her belief converges to a
point mass that is concentrated at the true state. A rational agent would use
the Bayes’ rule to incorporate her neighbors’ beliefs and own private signals
over time. While such repeated applications of the Bayes’ rule in networks can
become computationally intractable, in this paper, we show that in the
canonical cases of directed star, circle or path networks and their
combinations, one can derive a class of memoryless update rules that replicate
that of a single Bayesian agent but replace the self beliefs with the beliefs
of the neighbors. This way, one can realize an exponentially fast rate of
learning similar to the case of Bayesian (fully rational) agents. The proposed
rules are a special case of the Learning without Recall.
Mohammad Aghababaie Alavijeh, Behrouz Maham, Zhu Han, Walid Saad
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Information Theory (cs.IT)
One significant challenge in cognitive radio networks is to design a
framework in which the selfish secondary users are obliged to interact with
each other truthfully. Moreover, due to the vulnerability of these networks
against jamming attacks, designing anti-jamming defense mechanisms is equally
important. %providing the security defense is also of great importance. In this
paper, we propose a truthful mechanism, robust against the jamming, for a
dynamic stochastic cognitive radio network consisting of several selfish
secondary users and a malicious user. In this model, each secondary user
participates in an auction and wish to use the unjammed spectrum, and the
malicious user aims at jamming a channel by corrupting the communication link.
A truthful auction mechanism is designed among the secondary users.
Furthermore, a zero-sum game is formulated between the set of secondary users
and the malicious user. This joint problem is then cast as a randomized
two-level auctions in which the first auction allocates the vacant channels,
and then the second one assigns the remaining unallocated channels. We have
also changed this solution to a trustful distributed scheme. Simulation results
show that the distributed algorithm can achieve a performance that is close to
the centralized algorithm, without the added overhead and complexity.