Liang Zheng, Yujia Huang, Huchuan Lu, Yi Yang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Pedestrian misalignment, which mainly arises from detector errors and pose
variations, is a critical problem for a robust person re-identification (re-ID)
system. With bad alignment, the background noise will significantly compromise
the feature learning and matching process. To address this problem, this paper
introduces the pose invariant embedding (PIE) as a pedestrian descriptor.
First, in order to align pedestrians to a standard pose, the PoseBox structure
is introduced, which is generated through pose estimation followed by affine
transformations. Second, to reduce the impact of pose estimation errors and
information loss during PoseBox construction, we design a PoseBox fusion (PBF)
CNN architecture that takes the original image, the PoseBox, and the pose
estimation confidence as input. The proposed PIE descriptor is thus defined as
the fully connected layer of the PBF network for the retrieval task.
Experiments are conducted on the Market-1501, CUHK03, and VIPeR datasets. We
show that PoseBox alone yields decent re-ID accuracy and that when integrated
in the PBF network, the learned PIE descriptor produces competitive performance
compared with the state-of-the-art approaches.
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we mainly contribute a simple semi-supervised pipeline which
only uses the original training set without extra data collection. It is
challenging in 1) how to obtain more training data only from the training set
and 2) how to use the newly generated data. In this work, the generative
adversarial networks (GANs) are used to generate unlabeled samples. We propose
the label smoothing regularization for outliers (LSRO) scheme. It assigns a
uniform label distribution to the unlabeled images, which regularizes the
supervised model and improves a ResNet baseline.
We verify the proposed method on a practical task: person re-identification
(re-ID). This task aims to retrieve the query person from other cameras. We
adopt DCGAN for sample generation, and a baseline convolutional neural network
(CNN) for embedding learning. In our experiment, we show that adding the
GAN-generated data effectively improves the discriminative ability of the
learned feature embedding. We evaluate the re-ID performance on two large-scale
datasets: Market1501 and CUHK03. We obtain +4.37% and +1.6% improvement in
rank-1 precision over the CNN baseline on Market1501 and CUHK03, respectively.
Libin Sun, James Hays
Comments: 13 pages, 11 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Hallucinating high frequency image details in single image super-resolution
is a challenging task. Traditional super-resolution methods tend to produce
oversmoothed output images due to the ambiguity in mapping between low and high
resolution patches. We build on recent success in deep learning based texture
synthesis and show that this rich feature space can facilitate successful
transfer and synthesis of high frequency image details to improve the visual
quality of super-resolution results on a wide variety of natural textures and
Sohrab Ferdowsi, Slava Voloshynovskiy, Dimche Kostadinov, Taras Holotyak
Comments: Submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
This paper addresses the problem of Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search
in pattern recognition where feature vectors in a database are encoded as
compact codes in order to speed-up the similarity search in large-scale
databases. Considering the ANN problem from an information-theoretic
perspective, we interpret it as an encoding which maps the original feature
vectors to a less-entropic sparse representation while requiring them to be as
informative as possible. We then define the coding gain for ANN search using
information-theoretic measures. We next show that the classical approach to
this problem which consists of binarization of the projected vectors is
sub-optimal. Instead, we show that a recently proposed ternary encoding
achieves higher coding gains.
David Harwath, James R. Glass
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Given a collection of images and spoken audio captions, we present a method
for discovering word-like acoustic units in the continuous speech signal and
grounding them to semantically relevant image regions. For example, our model
is able to detect spoken instances of the word ‘lighthouse’ within an utterance
and associate them with image regions containing lighthouses. We do not use any
form of conventional automatic speech recognition, nor do we use any text
transcriptions or conventional linguistic annotations. Our model effectively
implements a form of spoken language acquisition, in which the computer learns
not only to recognize word categories by sound, but also to enrich the words it
learns with semantics by grounding them in images.
Emanuelle Burton, Judy Goldsmith, Sven Koenig, Benjamin Kuipers, Nicholas Mattei, Toby Walsh
Comments: 29 pages including all case studies and links to video media on YouTube
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); General Literature (cs.GL)
The recent surge in interest in ethics in artificial intelligence may leave
many educators wondering how to address moral, ethical, and philosophical
issues in their AI courses. As instructors we want to develop curriculum that
not only prepares students to be artificial intelligence practitioners, but
also to understand the moral, ethical, and philosophical impacts that
artificial intelligence will have on society. In this article we provide
practical case studies and links to resources for use by AI educators. We also
provide concrete suggestions on how to integrate AI ethics into a general
artificial intelligence course and how to teach a stand-alone artificial
intelligence ethics course.
Siwar Jendoubi, Arnaud Martin, Ludovic Liétard, Boutheina Ben Yaghlane, Hend Ben Hadji
Comments: 10 pages, 1 figure ECSQARU 2015, Proceedings of the 13th European Conferences on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, 2015
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Social messages classification is a research domain that has attracted the
attention of many researchers in these last years. Indeed, the social message
is different from ordinary text because it has some special characteristics
like its shortness. Then the development of new approaches for the processing
of the social message is now essential to make its classification more
efficient. In this paper, we are mainly interested in the classification of
social messages based on their spreading on online social networks (OSN). We
proposed a new distance metric based on the Dynamic Time Warping distance and
we use it with the probabilistic and the evidential k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
classifiers to classify propagation networks (PrNets) of messages. The
propagation network is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that is used to record
propagation traces of the message, the traversed links and their types. We
tested the proposed metric with the chosen k-NN classifiers on real world
propagation traces that were collected from Twitter social network and we got
good classification accuracies.
Mario Boley, Bryan R. Goldsmith, Luca M. Ghiringhelli, Jilles Vreeken
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Databases (cs.DB)
Existing algorithms for subgroup discovery with numerical targets do not
optimize the error or target variable dispersion of the groups they find. This
often leads to unreliable or inconsistent statements about the data, rendering
practical applications, especially in scientific domains, futile. Therefore, we
here extend the optimistic estimator framework for optimal subgroup discovery
to a new class of objective functions: we show how tight estimators can be
computed efficiently for all functions that are determined by subgroup size
(non-decreasing dependence), the subgroup median value, and a dispersion
measure around the median (non-increasing dependence). In the important special
case when dispersion is measured using the average absolute deviation from the
median, this novel approach yields a linear time algorithm. Empirical
evaluation on a wide range of datasets shows that, when used within
branch-and-bound search, this approach is highly efficient and indeed discovers
subgroups with much smaller errors.
Giovanni Sileno
Comments: draft version
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
With the purpose of modeling, specifying and reasoning in an integrated
fashion with procedural and declarative aspects (both commonly present in cases
or scenarios), the paper introduces Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPN), an
extension to the Petri Net notation providing an interface to logic programming
constructs. Two semantics are presented. First, a hybrid operational semantics
that separates the process component, treated with Petri nets, from the
constraint/terminological component, treated with Answer Set Programming (ASP).
Second, a denotational semantics maps the notation to ASP fully, via Event
Calculus. These two alternative specifications enable a preliminary evaluation
in terms of reasoning efficiency.
Mucahid Kutlu, Tamer Elsayed, Matthew Lease
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Employing test collections is a common way to evaluate the effectiveness of
the information retrieval systems. However, due to high cost of constructing
test collections, many researchers have proposed new methods to reduce this
cost. Guiver, Mizzaro, and Robertson [19] show that some topics are better than
others in terms of evaluation. Inspired by their work, we focus on finding a
good subset of topics from the given topic pool. We develop a learning-to-rank
based topic selection method. In our experiments with TREC Robust 2003 and
Robust 2004 test collections, we show that we are able to better select topics
with our approach vs. prior work. We also compare deep and narrow vs. wide and
shallow judging in terms of evaluation reliability and reusability. When we
select topics randomly, we find that shallow judging is preferable, as
confirming previous work. However, if we select topics intelligently, we are
able to increase reliability and reusability of test collections by reducing
topics while using more judgments per topic.
Aaron Jaech, Hetunandan Kamisetty, Eric Ringger, Charlie Clarke
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
The application of Deep Neural Networks for ranking in search engines may
obviate the need for the extensive feature engineering common to current
learning-to-rank methods. However, we show that combining simple relevance
matching features like BM25 with existing Deep Neural Net models often
substantially improves the accuracy of these models, indicating that they do
not capture essential local relevance matching signals. We describe a novel
deep Recurrent Neural Net-based model that we call Match-Tensor. The
architecture of the Match-Tensor model simultaneously accounts for both local
relevance matching and global topicality signals allowing for a rich interplay
between them when computing the relevance of a document to a query. On a large
held-out test set consisting of social media documents, we demonstrate not only
that Match-Tensor outperforms BM25 and other classes of DNNs but also that it
largely subsumes signals present in these models.
Hua Sun, Syed A. Jafar
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
A ((K, N, T, K_c)) instance of the MDS-TPIR problem is comprised of (K)
messages and (N) distributed servers. Each message is separately encoded
through a ((K_c, N)) MDS storage code. A user wishes to retrieve one message,
as efficiently as possible, while revealing no information about the desired
message index to any colluding set of up to (T) servers. The fundamental limit
on the efficiency of retrieval, i.e., the capacity of MDS-TPIR is known only at
the extremes where either (T) or (K_c) belongs to ({1,N}). The focus of this
work is a recent conjecture by Freij-Hollanti, Gnilke, Hollanti and Karpuk
which offers a general capacity expression for MDS-TPIR. We prove that the
conjecture is false by presenting as a counterexample a PIR scheme for the
setting ((K, N, T, K_c) = (2,4,2,2)), which achieves the rate (3/5), exceeding
the conjectured capacity, (4/7). Insights from the counterexample lead us to
capacity characterizations for various instances of MDS-TPIR including all
cases with ((K, N, T, K_c) = (2,N,T,N-1)), where (N) and (T) can be arbitrary.
Sohrab Ferdowsi, Slava Voloshynovskiy, Dimche Kostadinov, Taras Holotyak
Comments: Submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
This paper addresses the problem of Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search
in pattern recognition where feature vectors in a database are encoded as
compact codes in order to speed-up the similarity search in large-scale
databases. Considering the ANN problem from an information-theoretic
perspective, we interpret it as an encoding which maps the original feature
vectors to a less-entropic sparse representation while requiring them to be as
informative as possible. We then define the coding gain for ANN search using
information-theoretic measures. We next show that the classical approach to
this problem which consists of binarization of the projected vectors is
sub-optimal. Instead, we show that a recently proposed ternary encoding
achieves higher coding gains.
David Harwath, James R. Glass
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Given a collection of images and spoken audio captions, we present a method
for discovering word-like acoustic units in the continuous speech signal and
grounding them to semantically relevant image regions. For example, our model
is able to detect spoken instances of the word ‘lighthouse’ within an utterance
and associate them with image regions containing lighthouses. We do not use any
form of conventional automatic speech recognition, nor do we use any text
transcriptions or conventional linguistic annotations. Our model effectively
implements a form of spoken language acquisition, in which the computer learns
not only to recognize word categories by sound, but also to enrich the words it
learns with semantics by grounding them in images.
Aaron Jaech, Hetunandan Kamisetty, Eric Ringger, Charlie Clarke
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
The application of Deep Neural Networks for ranking in search engines may
obviate the need for the extensive feature engineering common to current
learning-to-rank methods. However, we show that combining simple relevance
matching features like BM25 with existing Deep Neural Net models often
substantially improves the accuracy of these models, indicating that they do
not capture essential local relevance matching signals. We describe a novel
deep Recurrent Neural Net-based model that we call Match-Tensor. The
architecture of the Match-Tensor model simultaneously accounts for both local
relevance matching and global topicality signals allowing for a rich interplay
between them when computing the relevance of a document to a query. On a large
held-out test set consisting of social media documents, we demonstrate not only
that Match-Tensor outperforms BM25 and other classes of DNNs but also that it
largely subsumes signals present in these models.
Christopher S. Meiklejohn
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Programming large-scale distributed applications requires new abstractions
and models to be done well. We demonstrate that these models are possible.
Following from both the FLP result and CAP theorem, we show that concurrent
programming models are necessary, but not sufficient, in the construction of
large-scale distributed systems because of the problem of failure and network
partitions: languages need to be able to capture and encode the tradeoffs
between consistency and availability.
We demonstrate two programming models, Lasp and Spry, each of which makes a
different trade-off with respects to availability. Lasp, preserving
availability and sacrificing consistency supports the design of convergent,
correct-by-construction applications. Spry, sacrificing both availability and
consistency on a per-call basis, allows declarative specification of
application-level service level agreements.
Yuqing Zhu, Jianxun Liu, Mengying Guo, Wenlong Ma, Guolei Yi, Yungang Bao
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Although ACID is the previous golden rule for transaction support, durability
is now not a basic requirement for data storage. Rather, high availability is
becoming the first-class property required by online applications. We show that
high availability of data is almost surely a stronger property than durability.
We thus propose ACIA (Atomic, Consistency, Isolation, Availability) as the new
standard for transaction support. Essentially, the shift from ACID to ACIA is
due to the change of assumed conditions for data management. Four major
condition changes exist. With ACIA transactions, more diverse requirements can
be flexibly supported for applications through the specification of consistency
levels, isolation levels and fault tolerance levels. Clarifying the ACIA
properties enables the exploitation of techniques used for ACID transactions,
as well as bringing about new challenges for research.
Paras Jain, Chirag Tailor, Sam Ford, Liexiao Ding, Michael Phillips, Fang Liu, Nagi Gebraeel, Duen Horng Chau
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Power-generating assets (e.g., jet engines, gas turbines) are often
instrumented with tens to hundreds of sensors for monitoring physical and
performance degradation. Anomaly detection algorithms highlight deviations from
predetermined benchmarks with the goal of detecting incipient faults. We are
developing an integrated system to address three key challenges within
analyzing sensor data from power-generating assets: (1) difficulty in ingesting
and analyzing data from large numbers of machines; (2) prevalence of false
alarms generated by anomaly detection algorithms resulting in unnecessary
downtime and maintenance; and (3) lack of an integrated visualization that
helps users understand and explore the flagged anomalies and relevant sensor
context in the energy domain. We present preliminary results and our key
findings in addressing these challenges. Our system’s scalable event ingestion
framework, based on OpenTSDB, ingests nearly 400,000 sensor data samples per
seconds using a 30 machine cluster. To reduce false alarm rates, we leverage
the False Discovery Rate (FDR) algorithm which significantly reduces the number
of false alarms. Our visualization tool presents the anomalies and associated
content flagged by the FDR algorithm to inform users and practitioners in their
decision making process. We believe our integrated platform will help reduce
maintenance costs significantly while increasing asset lifespan. We are working
to extend our system on multiple fronts, such as scaling to more data and more
compute nodes (70 in total).
Ivo Kubjas, Vitaly Skachek
Comments: Submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Assume a distributed system with two users, each user possesses a collection
of binary strings. We introduce a new problem termed function computation on
the reconciled data, which generalizes a set reconciliation problem in the
literature. It is shown that any deterministic protocol that computes a sum and
a product of reconciled sets of nonnegative integers has to communicate at
least (2^n + n – 1) and (2^n + n – 3) bits in the worst-case scenario,
respectively, where (n) is the length of the binary string representations of
the numbers. Connections to other problems in computer science, such as set
disjointness and finding the intersection, are established, yielding a variety
of additional bounds on the communication complexity. A protocol, which is
based on use of a family of hash functions is presented, and its
characteristics are analyzed.
Konstantinos Slavakis, Shiva Salsabilian, David S. Wack, Sarah F. Muldoon, Henry E. Baidoo-Williams, Jean M. Vettel, Matthew Cieslak, Scott T. Grafton
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
This paper advocates Riemannian multi-manifold modeling in the context of
network-wide non-stationary time-series analysis. Time-series data, collected
sequentially over time and across a network, yield features which are viewed as
points in or close to a union of multiple submanifolds of a Riemannian
manifold, and distinguishing disparate time series amounts to clustering
multiple Riemannian submanifolds. To support the claim that exploiting the
latent Riemannian geometry behind many statistical features of time series is
beneficial to learning from network data, this paper focuses on brain networks
and puts forth two feature-generation schemes for network-wide dynamic time
series. The first is motivated by Granger-causality arguments and uses an
auto-regressive moving average model to map low-rank linear vector subspaces,
spanned by column vectors of appropriately defined observability matrices, to
points into the Grassmann manifold. The second utilizes (non-linear)
dependencies among network nodes by introducing kernel-based partial
correlations to generate points in the manifold of positive-definite matrices.
Capitilizing on recently developed research on clustering Riemannian
submanifolds, an algorithm is provided for distinguishing time series based on
their geometrical properties, revealed within Riemannian feature spaces.
Extensive numerical tests demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms
classical and state-of-the-art techniques in clustering brain-network
states/structures hidden beneath synthetic fMRI time series and brain-activity
signals generated from real brain-network structural connectivity matrices.
Lijun Zhang, Tianbao Yang, Rong Jin, Zhi-Hua Zhou
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
To cope with changing environments, recent literature in online learning has
introduced the concepts of adaptive regret and dynamic regret independently. In
this paper, we illustrate an intrinsic connection between these two concepts by
showing that the dynamic regret can be expressed in terms of the adaptive
regret and the functional variation. This observation implies that strongly
adaptive algorithms can be directly leveraged to minimize the dynamic regret.
As a result, we present a series of strongly adaptive algorithms whose dynamic
regrets are minimax optimal for convex functions, exponentially concave
functions, and strongly convex functions, respectively. To the best of our
knowledge, this is first time that such kind of dynamic regret bound is
established for exponentially concave functions. Moreover, all of those
adaptive algorithms do not need any prior knowledge of the functional
variation, which is a significant advantage over previous specialized methods
for minimizing dynamic regret.
Pranay Gankidi, Jekan Thangavelautham
Comments: 8 pages, 10 figures in Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Robotics (cs.RO)
Autonomous control systems onboard planetary rovers and spacecraft benefit
from having cognitive capabilities like learning so that they can adapt to
unexpected situations in-situ. Q-learning is a form of reinforcement learning
and it has been efficient in solving certain class of learning problems.
However, embedded systems onboard planetary rovers and spacecraft rarely
implement learning algorithms due to the constraints faced in the field, like
processing power, chip size, convergence rate and costs due to the need for
radiation hardening. These challenges present a compelling need for a portable,
low-power, area efficient hardware accelerator to make learning algorithms
practical onboard space hardware. This paper presents a FPGA implementation of
Q-learning with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). This method matches the
massive parallelism inherent in neural network software with the fine-grain
parallelism of an FPGA hardware thereby dramatically reducing processing time.
Mars Science Laboratory currently uses Xilinx-Space-grade Virtex FPGA devices
for image processing, pyrotechnic operation control and obstacle avoidance. We
simulate and program our architecture on a Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGA. The
architectural implementation for a single neuron Q-learning and a more complex
Multilayer Perception (MLP) Q-learning accelerator has been demonstrated. The
results show up to a 43-fold speed up by Virtex 7 FPGAs compared to a
conventional Intel i5 2.3 GHz CPU. Finally, we simulate the proposed
architecture using the Symphony simulator and compiler from Xilinx, and
evaluate the performance and power consumption.
Zhengping Che, Yu Cheng, Zhaonan Sun, Yan Liu
Comments: NIPS 2016 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health (ML4HC)
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
The widespread availability of electronic health records (EHRs) promises to
usher in the era of personalized medicine. However, the problem of extracting
useful clinical representations from longitudinal EHR data remains challenging.
In this paper, we explore deep neural network models with learned medical
feature embedding to deal with the problems of high dimensionality and
temporality. Specifically, we use a multi-layer convolutional neural network
(CNN) to parameterize the model and is thus able to capture complex non-linear
longitudinal evolution of EHRs. Our model can effectively capture local/short
temporal dependency in EHRs, which is beneficial for risk prediction. To
account for high dimensionality, we use the embedding medical features in the
CNN model which hold the natural medical concepts. Our initial experiments
produce promising results and demonstrate the effectiveness of both the medical
feature embedding and the proposed convolutional neural network in risk
prediction on cohorts of congestive heart failure and diabetes patients
compared with several strong baselines.
Chao Qu, Huan Xu
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
In this paper, we consider stochastic Dual Coordinate (SDCA) extbf{ without}
strongly convex or convex assumption, which covers many useful models such as
Lasso, group Lasso, and logistic regression with (ell_1) regularization,
corrected Lasso and linear regression with SCAD regularizer. We prove that
under some mild condition called restricted strong convexity satisfied by above
examples, the convergence rate is still extbf{linear } up to the statistical
precision of model which is much sharp than the previous work with sub-linear
Francisco Macedo, M. Rosário Oliveira, António Pacheco, Rui Valadas
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
Feature selection problems arise in a variety of applications, such as
microarray analysis, clinical prediction, text categorization, image
classification and face recognition, multi-label learning, and classification
of internet traffic. Among the various classes of methods, forward feature
selection methods based on mutual information have become very popular and are
widely used in practice. However, comparative evaluations of these methods have
been limited by being based on specific datasets and classifiers. In this
paper, we develop a theoretical framework that allows evaluating the methods
based on their theoretical properties. Our framework is grounded on the
properties of the target objective function that the methods try to
approximate, and on a novel categorization of features, according to their
contribution to the explanation of the class; we derive upper and lower bounds
for the target objective function and relate these bounds with the feature
types. Then, we characterize the types of approximations taken by the methods,
and analyze how these approximations cope with the good properties of the
target objective function. Additionally, we develop a distributional setting
designed to illustrate the various deficiencies of the methods, and provide
several examples of wrong feature selections. Based on our work, we identify
clearly the methods that should be avoided, and the methods that currently have
the best performance.
Patrick Schäfer, Ulf Leser
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Time series (TS) occur in many scientific and commercial applications,
ranging from earth surveillance to industry automation to the smart grids. An
important type of TS analysis is classification, which can, for instance,
improve energy load forecasting in smart grids by detecting the types of
electronic devices based on their energy consumption profiles recorded by
automatic sensors. Such sensor-driven applications are very often characterized
by (a) very long TS and (b) very large TS datasets needing classification.
However, current methods to time series classification (TSC) cannot cope with
such data volumes at acceptable accuracy; they are either scalable but offer
only inferior classification quality, or they achieve state-of-the-art
classification quality but cannot scale to large data volumes.
In this paper, we present WEASEL (Word ExtrAction for time SEries
cLassification), a novel TSC method which is both scalable and accurate. Like
other state-of-the-art TSC methods, WEASEL transforms time series into feature
vectors, using a sliding-window approach, which are then analyzed through a
machine learning classifier. The novelty of WEASEL lies in its specific method
for deriving features, resulting in a much smaller yet much more discriminative
feature set. On the popular UCR benchmark of 85 TS datasets, WEASEL is more
accurate than the best current non-ensemble algorithms at orders-of-magnitude
lower classification and training times, and it is almost as accurate as
ensemble classifiers, whose computational complexity makes them inapplicable
even for mid-size datasets. The outstanding robustness of WEASEL is also
confirmed by experiments on two real smart grid datasets, where it
out-of-the-box achieves almost the same accuracy as highly tuned,
domain-specific methods.
Srikanth Jagabathula, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Ashwin Venkataraman
Comments: 51 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables
Subjects: Methodology (stat.ME); Learning (cs.LG); Applications (stat.AP); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We consider the problem of segmenting a large population of customers into
non-overlapping groups with similar preferences, using diverse preference
observations such as purchases, ratings, clicks, etc. over subsets of items. We
focus on the setting where the universe of items is large (ranging from
thousands to millions) and unstructured (lacking well-defined attributes) and
each customer provides observations for only a few items. These data
characteristics limit the applicability of existing techniques in marketing and
machine learning. To overcome these limitations, we propose a model-based
projection technique, which transforms the diverse set of observations into a
more comparable scale and deals with missing data by projecting the transformed
data onto a low-dimensional space. We then cluster the projected data to obtain
the customer segments. Theoretically, we derive precise necessary and
sufficient conditions that guarantee asymptotic recovery of the true customer
segments. Empirically, we demonstrate the speed and performance of our method
in two real-world case studies: (a) 84% improvement in the accuracy of new
movie recommendations on the MovieLens data set and (b) 6% improvement in the
performance of similar item recommendations algorithm on an offline dataset at
eBay. We show that our method outperforms standard latent-class and
demographic-based techniques.
Hua Sun, Syed A. Jafar
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
A ((K, N, T, K_c)) instance of the MDS-TPIR problem is comprised of (K)
messages and (N) distributed servers. Each message is separately encoded
through a ((K_c, N)) MDS storage code. A user wishes to retrieve one message,
as efficiently as possible, while revealing no information about the desired
message index to any colluding set of up to (T) servers. The fundamental limit
on the efficiency of retrieval, i.e., the capacity of MDS-TPIR is known only at
the extremes where either (T) or (K_c) belongs to ({1,N}). The focus of this
work is a recent conjecture by Freij-Hollanti, Gnilke, Hollanti and Karpuk
which offers a general capacity expression for MDS-TPIR. We prove that the
conjecture is false by presenting as a counterexample a PIR scheme for the
setting ((K, N, T, K_c) = (2,4,2,2)), which achieves the rate (3/5), exceeding
the conjectured capacity, (4/7). Insights from the counterexample lead us to
capacity characterizations for various instances of MDS-TPIR including all
cases with ((K, N, T, K_c) = (2,N,T,N-1)), where (N) and (T) can be arbitrary.
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kr. Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger
Comments: 5 pages
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We consider the problem of quantifying the information shared by a pair of
random variables (X_{1},X_{2}) about another variable (S). We propose a new
measure of shared information, called extractable shared information that is
left monotonic; that is, the information shared about (S) is bounded from below
by the information shared about (f(S)) for any function (f). We show that our
measure leads to a new nonnegative decomposition of the mutual information
(I(S;X_1X_2)) into shared, complementary and unique components. We study
properties of this decomposition and show that a left monotonic shared
information is not compatible with a Blackwell interpretation of unique
information. We also discuss whether it is possible to have a decomposition in
which both shared and unique information are left monotonic.
Venkat Anantharam
Comments: EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Probability (math.PR); Statistics Theory (math.ST)
Atar, Chowdhary and Dupuis have recently exhibited a variational formula for
exponential integrals of bounded measurable functions in terms of R’enyi
divergences. We develop a variational characterization of the R’enyi
divergences between two probability distributions on a measurable sace in terms
of relative entropies. When combined with the elementary variational formula
for exponential integrals of bounded measurable functions in terms of relative
entropy, this yields the variational formula of Atar, Chowdhary and Dupuis as a
corollary. We also develop an analogous variational characterization of the
R’enyi divergence rates between two stationary finite state Markov chains in
terms of relative entropy rates. When combined with Varadhan’s variational
characterization of the spectral radius of square matrices with nonnegative
entries in terms of relative entropy, this yields an analog of the variational
formula of Atar, Chowdary and Dupuis in the framework of finite state Markov
Tobias Gruber, Sebastian Cammerer, Jakob Hoydis, Stephan ten Brink
Comments: accepted for CISS 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We revisit the idea of using deep neural networks for one-shot decoding of
random and structured codes, such as polar codes. Although it is possible to
achieve maximum a posteriori (MAP) bit error rate (BER) performance for both
code families and for short codeword lengths, we observe that (i) structured
codes are easier to learn and (ii) the neural network is able to generalize to
codewords that it has never seen during training for structured, but not for
random codes. These results provide some evidence that neural networks can
learn a form of decoding algorithm, rather than only a simple classifier. We
introduce the metric normalized validation error (NVE) in order to further
investigate the potential and limitations of deep learning-based decoding with
respect to performance and complexity.
Hiroshi Nagaoka
Comments: Submitted to IEEE ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Statistics Theory (math.ST)
We give a characterization of statistical models on finite sets which are
statistically equivalent to probability simplexes in terms of (alpha)-families
including exponential families and mixture families. The subject has a close
relation to some fundamental aspects of information geometry such as
(alpha)-connections and autoparallelity.
Jonathan Detchart, Jérôme Lacan
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The complexity of software implementations of MDS erasure codes mainly
depends on the efficiency of the finite field operations implementation. In
this paper, we propose a method to reduce the complexity of the finite field
multiplication by using fast transforms between a field and a ring to perform
the multiplication in a ring. We show that moving to a ring reduces the
complexity of the operations. Then, we show that this construction allows the
use of simple scheduling to reduce the number of operations.
Apostolos Destounis, Mari Kobayashi, Georgios Paschos, Asma Ghorbel
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI)
The performance of existing emph{coded caching} schemes is sensitive to
worst channel quality, a problem which is exacerbated when communicating over
fading channels. In this paper we address this limitation in the following
manner: emph{in short-term}, we allow transmissions to subsets of users with
good channel quality, avoiding users with fades, while emph{in long-term} we
ensure fairness across the different users.Our online scheme combines (i) joint
scheduling and power control for the broadcast channel with fading, and (ii)
congestion control for ensuring the optimal long-term average performance. We
restrict the caching operations to the decentralized scheme of
cite{maddah2013decentralized}, and subject to this restriction we prove that
our scheme has near-optimal overall performance with respect to the convex
alpha-fairness coded caching optimization. By tuning the coefficient alpha, the
operator can differentiate user performance with respect to video delivery
rates achievable by coded caching.
We demonstrate via simulations our scheme’s superiority over legacy coded
caching and unicast opportunistic scheduling, which are identified as special
cases of our general framework.
Sergey Tridenski, Ram Zamir
Comments: This paper is self-contained, and serves also as an addendum to our paper “Exponential source/channel duality”
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Here we write in a unified fashion (using “R(P, Q, D)”) the random coding
exponents in channel coding and lossy source coding. We derive their explicit
forms and show, that, for a given random codebook distribution Q, the channel
decoding error exponent can be viewed as an encoding success exponent in lossy
source coding, and the channel correct-decoding exponent can be viewed as an
encoding failure exponent in lossy source coding. We then extend the channel
exponents to arbitrary D, which corresponds for D > 0 to erasure decoding and
for D < 0 to list decoding. For comparison, we also derive the exact random
coding exponent for Forney’s optimum tradeoff decoder.
Sergey Tridenski, Ram Zamir
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We propose a source/channel duality in the exponential regime, where
success/failure in source coding parallels error/correctness in channel coding,
and a distortion constraint becomes a log-likelihood ratio (LLR) threshold. We
establish this duality by first deriving exact exponents for lossy coding of a
memoryless source P, at distortion D, for a general i.i.d. codebook
distribution Q, for both encoding success (R < R(P,Q,D)) and failure (R >
R(P,Q,D)). We then turn to maximum likelihood (ML) decoding over a memoryless
channel P with an i.i.d. input Q, and show that if we substitute P=QP, Q=Q, and
D=0 under the LLR distortion measure, then the exact exponents for
decoding-error (R < I(Q, P)) and strict correct-decoding (R > I(Q, P)) follow
as special cases of the exponents for source encoding success/failure,
respectively. Moreover, by letting the threshold D take general values, the
exact random-coding exponents for erasure (D > 0) and list decoding (D < 0)
under the simplified Forney decoder are obtained. Finally, we derive the exact
random-coding exponent for Forney’s optimum tradeoff erasure/list decoder, and
show that at the erasure regime it coincides with Forney’s lower bound and with
the simplified decoder exponent.
Sohrab Ferdowsi, Slava Voloshynovskiy, Dimche Kostadinov, Taras Holotyak
Comments: Submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
This paper addresses the problem of Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search
in pattern recognition where feature vectors in a database are encoded as
compact codes in order to speed-up the similarity search in large-scale
databases. Considering the ANN problem from an information-theoretic
perspective, we interpret it as an encoding which maps the original feature
vectors to a less-entropic sparse representation while requiring them to be as
informative as possible. We then define the coding gain for ANN search using
information-theoretic measures. We next show that the classical approach to
this problem which consists of binarization of the projected vectors is
sub-optimal. Instead, we show that a recently proposed ternary encoding
achieves higher coding gains.
Razane Tajeddine, Oliver W. Gnilke, David Karpuk, Ragnar Freij-Hollanti, Camilla Hollanti, Salim El Rouayheb
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In Private Information Retrieval (PIR), one wants to download a file from a
database without revealing to the database which file is being downloaded. Much
attention has been paid to the case of the database being encoded across
several servers, subsets of which can collude to attempt to deduce the
requested file. With the goal of studying the achievable PIR rates in realistic
scenarios, we generalize results for coded data from the case of all subsets of
servers of size (t) colluding, to arbitrary subsets of the servers. We
investigate the effectiveness of previous strategies in this new scenario, and
present new results in the case where the servers are partitioned into disjoint
colluding groups.
Laurent Schmalen, Vahid Aref, Fanny Jardel
Comments: submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We consider spatially coupled low-density parity-check codes with finite
smoothing parameters. A finite smoothing parameter is important for designing
practical codes that are decoded using low-complexity windowed decoders. By
optimizing the amount of coupling between spatial positions, we show that we
can construct codes with excellent thresholds and small rate loss, even with
the lowest possible smoothing parameter and large variable node degrees, which
are required for low error floors. We also establish that the decoding
convergence speed is faster with non-uniformly coupled codes, which we verify
by density evolution of windowed decoding with a finite number of iterations.
We also show that by only slightly increasing the smoothing parameter,
practical codes with potentially low error floors and thresholds close to
capacity can be constructed. Finally, we give some indications on protograph
Valerio Bioglio, Frederic Gabry, Ingmar Land, Jean-Claude Belfiore
Comments: Submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, we propose a construction for multikernel polar codes based on
the maximization of the minimum distance. Compared to the original construction
based on density evolution, our new design shows particular advantages for
short code lengths, where the polarization effect has less impact on the
performance than the distances of the code. We introduce and compute the
minimum-distance profile and provide a simple greedy algorithm for the code
design. Compared to state-of-the art punctured or shortened Arikan polar codes,
multi-kernel polar codes with our new design show significantly improved
error-rate performance.
Alex Karrila, Niko R. Väisänen, David Karpuk, Camilla Hollanti
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, we study lattice coding for Rician fading wireless channels.
This is motivated in particular by preliminary studies suggesting the Rician
fading model for millimeter-wavelength wireless communications. We restrict to
lattice codes arising from rotations of (mathbb{Z}^n), and to a single-input
single-output (SISO) channel. We observe that several lattice design criteria
suggest the optimality of Hadamard rotations. For instance, we prove that
Hadamard rotations maximize the diamond-packing density among all rotated
(mathbb{Z}^n) lattices. Finally, we provide simulations to show that Hadamard
rotations outperform optimal algebraic rotations and cross-packing lattices in
the Rician channel.
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kr. Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost, Nils Bertschinger, David Wolpert
Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Suppose we have a pair of information channels, (kappa_{1},kappa_{2}) with
a common input. The Blackwell order is a partial order over channels that
compares (kappa_{1}) and (kappa_{2}) by the maximal expected utility an agent
can obtain when decisions are based on the outputs of (kappa_{1}) and
(kappa_{2}). Equivalently, (kappa_{1}) is said to be Blackwell-inferior to
(kappa_{2}) if and only if (kappa_{1}) can be constructed by garbling the
output of (kappa_{2}). A related partial order stipulates that (kappa_{2}) is
more capable than (kappa_{1}) if the mutual information between the input and
output is larger for (kappa_{2}) than for (kappa_{1}) for any distribution
over inputs. If one channel is Blackwell-inferior to another then it must be
less capable. However examples are known where (kappa_{1}) is less capable
than (kappa_{2}) even though it is not Blackwell-inferior. We give a new
example of this phenomenon in which (kappa_{1}) is constructed by
coarse-graining the inputs of (kappa_{2}). Such a coarse-graining is a special
kind of “pre-garbling” of the channel inputs. This example directly establishes
that the expected value of the shared utility function for the coarse-grained
channel is larger than it is for the non-coarse-grained channel. This is
surprising, as one might think that coarse-graining can only destroy
information and lead to inferior channels.
Wanchun Liu, Kaibin Huang, Xiangyun Zhou, Salman Durrani
Comments: submitted for possible journal publications
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is an emerging concept of network connectivity
at anytime and anywhere for billions of everyday objects, which has recently
attracted tremendous attentions from both the industry and academia. The rapid
growth of IoT has been driven by recent advancements in consumer electronics,
wireless network densification, 5G communication technologies [e.g., millimeter
wave and massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO)], and
cloud-computing enabled big-data analytics. One of the remaining key challenges
for IoT is the limited network lifetime due to massive IoT devices being
powered by batteries with finite capacities. The low-power and low-complexity
backscatter communications (BackCom) has emerged to be a promising technology
for tackling the challenge. In this article, we present an overview of the
active area by discussing basic principles, system and network architectures
and relevant techniques. Last, we describe the IoT applications for BackCom and
how the technology can solve the energy challenge for IoT.
Eldho K. Thomas, Vitaly Skachek
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Linear batch codes and codes for private information retrieval (PIR) with a
query size (t) and a restricted size (r) of the reconstruction sets are
studied. New bounds on the parameters of such codes are derived for small
values of (t) or of (r) by providing corresponding constructions. By building
on the ideas of Cadambe and Mazumdar, a new bound in a recursive form is
derived for batch codes and PIR codes.
Muryong Kim, Yitao Chen, Sriram Vishwanath
Comments: A short version submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We derive inner and outer bounds on the capacity region for a class of
three-user partially connected interference channels. We focus on the impact of
topology, interference alignment, and interplay between interference and noise.
The representative channels we consider are the ones that have clear
interference alignment gain. For these channels, Z-channel type outer bounds
are tight to within a constant gap from capacity. We present near-optimal
achievable schemes based on rate-splitting and lattice alignment.
Emmanuel Abbe, Joao Pereira, Amit Singer
Comments: 5 pages, submitted to ISIT
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The Boolean multireference alignment problem consists in recovering a Boolean
signal from multiple shifted and noisy observations. In this paper we obtain an
expression for the error exponent of the maximum A posteriori decoder. This
expression is used to characterize the number of measurements needed for signal
recovery in the low SNR regime, in terms of higher order autocorrelations of
the signal. The characterization is explicit for various signal dimensions,
such as prime and even dimensions.
Sudarsan V. S. Ranganathan, Dariush Divsalar, Richard D. Wesel
Comments: Longer version of a submission to 2017 International Symposium on Information Theory
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Protograph-based Raptor-like low-density parity-check codes (PBRL codes) are
a recently proposed family of easily encodable and decodable rate-compatible
LDPC (RC-LDPC) codes. These codes have an excellent iterative decoding
threshold and performance across all design rates. PBRL codes designed thus
far, for both long and short block-lengths, have been based on optimizing the
iterative decoding threshold of the protograph of the RC code family at various
design rates.
In this work, we propose a design method to obtain better quasi-cyclic (QC)
RC-LDPC codes with PBRL structure for short block-lengths (of a few hundred
bits). We achieve this by maximizing an upper bound on the minimum distance of
any QC-LDPC code that can be obtained from the protograph of a PBRL ensemble.
The obtained codes outperform the original PBRL codes at short block-lengths by
significantly improving the error floor behavior at all design rates.
Furthermore, we identify a reduction in complexity of the design procedure,
facilitated by the general structure of a PBRL ensemble.
Yasemin Karacora, Tolunay Seyfi, Aly El Gamal
Comments: 5 pages, submitted to International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2017)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this work, we explore the potential and optimal use of transmitter
cooperation in large wireless networks with deep fading conditions. We consider
a linear interference network with K transmitter-receiver pairs, where each
transmitter can be connected to two neighboring receivers. Long-term
fluctuations (shadow fading) in the wireless channel can lead to any link being
erased with probability p. Each receiver is interested in one unique message
that can be available at two transmitters. The considered rate criterion is the
per user degrees of freedom (puDoF) as K goes to infinity. Prior to this work,
the optimal assignment of messages to transmitters were identified in the two
limits p -> 0 and p -> 1. We identify new schemes that achieve average puDoF
values that are higher than the state of the art for a significant part of the
range 0 < p < 1. The key idea to our results is to understand that the role of
cooperation shifts from increasing the probability of delivering a message to
its intended destination at high values of p, to interference cancellation at
low values of p. Our schemes are based on an algorithm that achieves the
optimal puDoF value, when restricted to a given message assignment as well as
the use of interference avoidance zero-forcing schemes.
Manik Singhal, Aly El Gamal
Comments: 5 pages, submitted to International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2017)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We study information theoretic models of interference networks that consist
of K Base Station (BS) – Mobile Terminal (MT) pairs. Each BS is connected to
the MT carrying the same index as well as L following MTs. We fix the value of
L and study large networks as K goes to infinity. We assume that each MT can be
associated with Nc BSs, and these associations are determined by a cloud-based
controller that has a global view of the network. An MT has to be associated
with a BS, in order for the BS to transmit its message in the downlink, or
decode its message in the uplink. In previous work, the cell associations that
maximize the average uplink-downlink per user degrees of freedom (puDoF) were
identified for the case when L=1. Further, when only the downlink is
considered, the problem was settled for all values of L when we are restricted
to use only zero-forcing interference cancellation schemes. In this work, we
first propose puDoF inner bounds for arbitrary values of L when only the uplink
is considered, and characterize the uplink puDoF value when Nc > L-1. We then
introduce new achievable average uplink-downlink puDoF, and conjecture that the
new scheme is optimal for all values of L, when we restrict our attention to
zero-forcing schemes.
Nikita Polyanskii, Vasiliy Usatyuk, Ilya Vorobyev
Comments: 5 pages, 2 columns
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In the given paper we present a novel approach for constructing a QC-LDPC
code of smaller length by lifting a given QC-LDPC code. The proposed method can
be considered as a generalization of floor lifting. Also we prove several
probabilistic statements concerning a theoretical improvement of the method
with respect to the number of small cycles. Making some offline calculation of
scale parameter it is possible to construct a sequence of QC-LDPC codes with
different circulant sizes generated from a single exponent matrix using only
floor and scale operations. The only parameter we store in memory is a constant
needed for scaling.
D. Ciuonzo, P. Salvo Rossi
Comments: accepted in IEEE Signal Processing Letters
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We derive the asymptotic distribution of the null spectrum of the well-known
Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) in its computational Time-Reversal (TR)
form. The result pertains to a single-frequency non-colocated multistatic
scenario and several TR-MUSIC variants are here investigated. The analysis
builds upon the 1st-order perturbation of the singular value decomposition and
allows a simple characterization of null-spectrum moments (up to the 2nd
order). This enables a comparison in terms of spectrums stability. Finally, a
numerical analysis is provided to confirm the theoretical findings.
Natalia Silberstein, Tuvi Etzion, Moshe Schwartz
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Ever-increasing amounts of data are created and processed in internet-scale
companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. The efficient storage of such
copious amounts of data has thus become a fundamental and acute problem in
modern computing. No single machine can possibly satisfy such immense storage
demands. Therefore, distributed storage systems (DSS), which rely on tens of
thousands of storage nodes, are the only viable solution. Such systems are
broadly used in all modern internet-scale systems. However, the design of a DSS
poses a number of crucial challenges, markedly different from single-user
storage systems. Such systems must be able to reconstruct the data efficiently,
to overcome failure of servers, to correct errors, etc. Lots of research was
done in the last few years to answer these challenges and the research is
increasing in parallel to the increasing amount of stored data.
The main goal of this paper is to consider codes which have two of the most
important features of distributed storage systems, namely, locality and
availability. Our codes are array codes which are based on subspaces of a
linear space over a finite field. We present several constructions of such
codes which are (q)-analog to some of the known block codes. Some of these
codes possess independent intellectual merit. We examine the locality and
availability of the constructed codes. In particular we distinguish between two
types of locality and availability, node vs.~symbol, locality and availability.
To our knowledge this is the first time that such a distinction is given in the
Ivo Kubjas, Vitaly Skachek
Comments: Submitted to ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Assume a distributed system with two users, each user possesses a collection
of binary strings. We introduce a new problem termed function computation on
the reconciled data, which generalizes a set reconciliation problem in the
literature. It is shown that any deterministic protocol that computes a sum and
a product of reconciled sets of nonnegative integers has to communicate at
least (2^n + n – 1) and (2^n + n – 3) bits in the worst-case scenario,
respectively, where (n) is the length of the binary string representations of
the numbers. Connections to other problems in computer science, such as set
disjointness and finding the intersection, are established, yielding a variety
of additional bounds on the communication complexity. A protocol, which is
based on use of a family of hash functions is presented, and its
characteristics are analyzed.
Zhichao Sheng, Hoang D. Tuan, Trung Q. Duong, H. Vincent Poor
Comments: 26 pages, 9 figures
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper considers the joint design of user power allocation and relay
beamforming in relaying communications, in which multiple pairs of
single-antenna users exchange information with each other via multiple-antenna
relays in two time slots. All users transmit their signals to the relays in the
first time slot while the relays broadcast the beamformed signals to all users
in the second time slot. The aim is to maximize the system’s energy efficiency
(EE) subject to quality-of-service (QoS) constraints in terms of exchange
throughput requirements. The QoS constraints are nonconvex with many nonlinear
cross-terms, so finding a feasible point is already computationally
challenging. The sum throughput appears in the numerator while the total
consumption power appears in the denominator of the EE objective function. The
former is a nonconcave function and the latter is a nonconvex function, making
fractional programming useless for EE optimization. Nevertheless, efficient
iterations of low complexity to obtain its optimized solutions are developed.
The performances of the multiple-user and multiple-relay networks under various
scenarios are evaluated to show the merit of the paper development.
Nesrine Cherif, Imène Trigui, Sofiène Affes
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This letter presents a unified analytical framework for relay-assisted mixed
FSO/RF transmission. In addition to accounting for different FSO detection
techniques, the mathematical model offers a twofold unification of mixed FSO/RF
systems by considering mixed M’alaga-(mathcal{M})/(kappa)-(mu) shadowed
fading, which includes as special cases nearly all linear turbulence/fading
models adopted in the open literature.
Avinash Vem, Nagaraj T. Janakiraman, Krishna R. Narayanan
Comments: Part of this work is submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We consider the problem of non-adaptive group testing of (N) items out of
which (K) or less items are known to be defective. We propose a testing scheme
based on left-and-right-regular sparse-graph codes and a simple iterative
decoder. We show that for any arbitrarily small (epsilon>0) our scheme
requires only (m=c_epsilon Klog frac{c_1N}{K}) tests to recover
((1-epsilon)) fraction of the defective items with high probability (w.h.p)
i.e., with probability approaching (1) asymptotically in (N) and (K), where the
value of constants (c_epsilon) and (ell) are a function of the desired error
floor (epsilon) and constant (c_1=frac{ell}{c_epsilon}) (observed to be
approximately equal to 1 for various values of (epsilon)). More importantly
the iterative decoding algorithm has a sub-linear computational complexity of
(mathcal{O}(Klog frac{N}{K})) which is known to be optimal. Also for (m=c_2
Klog Klog frac{N}{K}) tests our scheme recovers the extit{whole} set of
defective items w.h.p. These results are valid for both noiseless and noisy
versions of the problem as long as the number of defective items scale
sub-linearly with the total number of items, i.e., (K=o(N)). The simulation
results validate the theoretical results by showing a substantial improvement
in the number of tests required when compared to the testing scheme based on
left-regular sparse-graphs.
Birenjith Sasidharan, Myna Vajha, P. Vijay Kumar
Comments: submitted to ISIT 2017. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1607.07335
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper presents an explicit construction for an
(((n=2qt,k=2q(t-1),d=n-(q+1)), (alpha = q(2q)^{t-1},eta =
frac{alpha}{q}))) regenerating code over a field (mathbb{F}_Q) operating at
the Minimum Storage Regeneration (MSR) point. The MSR code can be constructed
to have rate (k/n) as close to (1) as desired, sub-packetization level (alpha
leq r^{frac{n}{r}}) for (r=(n-k)), field size (Q) no larger than (n) and
where all code symbols can be repaired with the same minimum data download.
This is the first-known construction of such an MSR code for (d<(n-1)).
Amr Abdelaziz, C. Emre Koksal, Hesham El Gamal, Ashraf D. Elbayoumy
Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Compound MIMO wiretap channel with double sided uncertainty is considered
under channel mean information model. In mean information model, channel
variations is centered around its mean value which is fed back to the
transmitter. We show that the worst case main channel is anti-parallel to the
channel mean information resulting in an overall unit rank channel. Further,
the worst eavesdropper channel is shown to be isotropic around its mean
information. Accordingly, beamforming is shown to be the optimal signaling
strategy. We show that the saddle point property holds under mean information
model, and thus, compound secrecy capacity equals to the worst case capacity
over the class of uncertainty. We show that, null steering (NS) beamforming is
the optimal beamforming direction, that is, transmission in the direction
orthogonal to the eavesdropper mean channel direction maintaining the maximum
possible gain in mean main channel direction. An equivalence relation with MIMO
wiretap channel with Rician fading is established. Simulation results show that
NS beamforming outperforms both maximum ratio transmission (MRT) and zero
forcing (ZF) beamforming approaches over the entire SNR range.