Wei Du, Yang Tang, Sunney Yung Sun Leung, Le Tong, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Feng Qian
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In the fashion industry, order scheduling focuses on the assignment of
production orders to appropriate production lines. In reality, before a new
order can be put into production, a series of activities known as
pre-production events need to be completed. In addition, in real production
process, owing to various uncertainties, the daily production quantity of each
order is not always as expected. In this research, by considering the
pre-production events and the uncertainties in the daily production quantity,
robust order scheduling problems in the fashion industry are investigated with
the aid of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) called nondominated
sorting adaptive differential evolution (NSJADE). The experimental results
illustrate that it is of paramount importance to consider pre-production events
in order scheduling problems in the fashion industry. We also unveil that the
existence of the uncertainties in the daily production quantity heavily affects
the order scheduling.
Hu Chen, Yi Zhang, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Feng Lin, Peixi Liao, Jiliu Zhou, Ge Wang
Subjects: Medical Physics (physics.med-ph); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Given the potential X-ray radiation risk to the patient, low-dose CT has
attracted a considerable interest in the medical imaging field. The current
main stream low-dose CT methods include vendor-specific sinogram domain
filtration and iterative reconstruction, but they need to access original raw
data whose formats are not transparent to most users. Due to the difficulty of
modeling the statistical characteristics in the image domain, the existing
methods for directly processing reconstructed images cannot eliminate image
noise very well while keeping structural details. Inspired by the idea of deep
learning, here we combine the autoencoder, the deconvolution network, and
shortcut connections into the residual encoder-decoder convolutional neural
network (RED-CNN) for low-dose CT imaging. After patch-based training, the
proposed RED-CNN achieves a competitive performance relative to
the-state-of-art methods in both simulated and clinical cases. Especially, our
method has been favorably evaluated in terms of noise suppression, structural
preservation and lesion detection.
Anjan Dutta, Josep Lladós, Horst Bunke, Umapada Pal
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Many algorithms formulate graph matching as an optimization of an objective
function of pairwise quantification of nodes and edges of two graphs to be
matched. Pairwise measurements usually consider local attributes but disregard
contextual information involved in graph structures. We address this issue by
proposing contextual similarities between pairs of nodes. This is done by
considering the tensor product graph (TPG) of two graphs to be matched, where
each node is an ordered pair of nodes of the operand graphs. Contextual
similarities between a pair of nodes are computed by accumulating weighted
walks (normalized pairwise similarities) terminating at the corresponding
paired node in TPG. Once the contextual similarities are obtained, we formulate
subgraph matching as a node and edge selection problem in TPG. We use
contextual similarities to construct an objective function and optimize it with
a linear programming approach. Since random walk formulation through TPG takes
into account higher order information, it is not a surprise that we obtain more
reliable similarities and better discrimination among the nodes and edges.
Experimental results shown on synthetic as well as real benchmarks illustrate
that higher order contextual similarities add discriminating power and allow
one to find approximate solutions to the subgraph matching problem.
Ivet Rafegas, Maria Vanrell, Luis A. Alexandre
Comments: Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The impressive performance and plasticity of convolutional neural networks to
solve different vision problems are shadowed by their black-box nature and its
consequent lack of full understanding. To reduce this gap we propose to
describe the activity of individual neurons by quantifying their inherent
selectivity to specific properties. Our approach is based on the definition of
feature selectivity indexes that allow the ranking of neurons according to
specific properties. Here we report the results of exploring selectivity
indexes for: (a) an image feature (color); and (b) an image label (class
membership). Our contribution is a framework to seek or classify neurons by
indexing on these selectivity properties. It helps to find color selective
neurons, such as a red-mushroom neuron in layer conv4 or class selective
neurons such as dog-face neurons in layer conv5, and establishes a methodology
to derive other selectivity properties. Indexing on neuron selectivity can
statistically draw how features and classes are represented through layers at a
moment when the size of trained nets is growing and automatic tools to index
can be helpful.
Samuel Dodge, Lina Karam
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Visual saliency models have recently begun to incorporate deep learning to
achieve predictive capacity much greater than previous unsupervised methods.
However, most existing models predict saliency using local mechanisms limited
to the receptive field of the network. We propose a model that incorporates
global scene semantic information in addition to local information gathered by
a convolutional neural network. Our model is formulated as a mixture of
experts. Each expert network is trained to predict saliency for a set of
closely related images. The final saliency map is computed as a weighted
mixture of the expert networks’ output, with weights determined by a separate
gating network. This gating network is guided by global scene information to
predict weights. The expert networks and the gating network are trained
simultaneously in an end-to-end manner. We show that our mixture formulation
leads to improvement in performance over an otherwise identical non-mixture
model that does not incorporate global scene information.
Eng-Jon Ong, Sameed Husain, Miroslaw Bober
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper addresses the problem of large scale image retrieval, with the aim
of accurately ranking the similarity of a large number of images to a given
query image. To achieve this, we propose a novel Siamese network. This network
consists of two computational strands, each comprising of a CNN component
followed by a Fisher vector component. The CNN component produces dense, deep
convolutional descriptors that are then aggregated by the Fisher Vector method.
Crucially, we propose to simultaneously learn both the CNN filter weights and
Fisher Vector model parameters. This allows us to account for the evolving
distribution of deep descriptors over the course of the learning process. We
show that the proposed approach gives significant improvements over the
state-of-the-art methods on the Oxford and Paris image retrieval datasets.
Additionally, we provide a baseline performance measure for both these datasets
with the inclusion of 1 million distractors.
Žiga Emeršič, Luka Lan Gabriel, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer
Comments: 12 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Object detection and segmentation represents the basis for many tasks in
computer and machine vision. In biometric recognition systems the detection of
the region-of-interest (ROI) is one of the most crucial steps in the overall
processing pipeline, significantly impacting the performance of the entire
recognition system. Existing approaches to ear detection, for example, are
commonly susceptible to the presence of severe occlusions, ear accessories or
variable illumination conditions and often deteriorate in their performance if
applied on ear images captured in unconstrained settings. To address these
shortcomings, we present in this paper a novel ear detection technique based on
convolutional encoder-decoder networks (CEDs). For our technique, we formulate
the problem of ear detection as a two-class segmentation problem and train a
convolutional encoder-decoder network based on the SegNet architecture to
distinguish between image-pixels belonging to either the ear or the non-ear
class. The output of the network is then post-processed to further refine the
segmentation result and return the final locations of the ears in the input
image. Different from competing techniques from the literature, our approach
does not simply return a bounding box around the detected ear, but provides
detailed, pixel-wise information about the location of the ears in the image.
Our experiments on a dataset gathered from the web (a.k.a. in the wild) show
that the proposed technique ensures good detection results in the presence of
various covariate factors and significantly outperforms the existing
Li Wang, Yao Lu, Hong Wang, Yinbin Zheng, Hao Ye, Xiangyang Xue
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We perform fast vehicle detection from traffic surveillance cameras. The
classic cascade object detection is revisited and a novel deep learning
framework, namely Evolving Boxes, is developed that proposes and refines the
object boxes under different feature representations. Specifically, our
framework is embedded with a light-weight proposal network to generate initial
anchor boxes as well as to early discard unlikely regions; a fine-turning
network produces detailed features for these candidate boxes. We show
intriguingly that by apply different feature fusion techniques, the initial
boxes can be refined in terms of both localization and recognition, leading to
evolved boxes. We evaluate our network on the recent DETRAC benchmark and
obtain a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art Faster RCNN by 9.5%
mAP. Further, our network achieves 9-13 FPS detection speed on a moderate
commercial GPU.
Frédéric Rayar
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
ImageNet is a large scale and publicly available image database. It currently
offers more than 14 millions of images, organised according to the WordNet
hierarchy. One of the main objective of the creators is to provide to the
research community a relevant database for visual recognition applications such
as object recognition, image classification or object localisation. However,
only a few visual descriptors of the images are available to be used by the
researchers. Only SIFT-based features have been extracted from a subset of the
collection. This technical report presents the extraction of some MPEG-7 visual
descriptors from the ImageNet database. These descriptors are made publicly
available in an effort towards open research.
Bastian Wandt, Hanno Ackermann, Bodo Rosenhahn
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper deals with motion capture of kinematic chains (e.g. human
skeletons) from monocular image sequences taken by uncalibrated cameras. We
present a method based on projecting an observation into a kinematic chain
space (KCS). An optimization of the nuclear norm is proposed that implicitly
enforces structural properties of the kinematic chain. Unlike other approaches
our method does not require specific camera or object motion and is not relying
on training data or previously determined constraints such as particular body
lengths. The proposed algorithm is able to reconstruct scenes with limited
camera motion and previously unseen motions. It is not only applicable to human
skeletons but also to other kinematic chains for instance animals or industrial
robots. We achieve state-of-the-art results on different benchmark data bases
and real world scenes.
Xiaqing Pan, Yueru Chen, C.-C. Jay Kuo
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The design, analysis and application of a volumetric convolutional neural
network (VCNN) are studied in this work. Although many CNNs have been proposed
in the literature, their design is empirical. In the design of the VCNN, we
propose a feed-forward K-means clustering algorithm to determine the filter
number and size at each convolutional layer systematically. For the analysis of
the VCNN, the cause of confusing classes in the output of the VCNN is explained
by analyzing the relationship between the filter weights (also known as anchor
vectors) from the last fully-connected layer to the output. Furthermore, a
hierarchical clustering method followed by a random forest classification
method is proposed to boost the classification performance among confusing
classes. For the application of the VCNN, we examine the 3D shape
classification problem and conduct experiments on a popular ModelNet40 dataset.
The proposed VCNN offers the state-of-the-art performance among all
volume-based CNN methods.
Anjan Dutta
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Graph-based methods are known to be successful for pattern description and
comparison purpose. However, a lot of mathematical tools are unavailable in
graph domain, thus restricting the generic graph-based techniques to be
applicable within the machine learning framework. A way to tackle this problem
is graph embedding into high dimensional space in either an explicit or
implicit manner. In this paper, we propose high order stochastic graphlet
embedding (SGE) that explicitly embed a graph into a real vector space. Our
main contribution includes a new stochastic search procedure that allows one to
efficiently parse a given graph and extract or sample unlimitedly high order
graphlets. We consider these graphlets with increasing size in order to model
local features, as well as, their complex interactions. We also introduce or
design graph hash functions with very low probability of collision to hash
those sampled graphlets for partitioning them into sets of isomorphic ones and
measure their distribution in large graph collections, which results in
accurate graph descriptions. When combined with support vector machines, these
high order graphlet-based descriptions have positive impact on the performance
of graph-based pattern comparison and classification as corroborated through
experiments on different standard benchmark databases.
Yang Chen, Xiangyong Cao, Qian Zhao, Deyu Meng, Zongben Xu
Comments: 13 pages, 14 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising has been attracting much research
attention in remote sensing area due to its importance in improving the HSI
qualities. The existing HSI denoising methods mainly focus on specific spectral
and spatial prior knowledge in HSIs, and share a common underlying assumption
that the embedded noise in HSI is independent and identically distributed
(i.i.d.). In real scenarios, however, the noise existed in a natural HSI is
always with much more complicated non-i.i.d. statistical structures and the
under-estimation to this noise complexity often tends to evidently degenerate
the robustness of current methods. To alleviate this issue, this paper attempts
the first effort to model the HSI noise using a non-i.i.d. mixture of Gaussians
(NMoG) noise assumption, which is finely in accordance with the noise
characteristics possessed by a natural HSI and thus is capable of adapting
various noise shapes encountered in real applications. Then we integrate such
noise modeling strategy into the low-rank matrix factorization (LRMF) model and
propose a NMoG-LRMF model in the Bayesian framework. A variational Bayes
algorithm is designed to infer the posterior of the proposed model. All
involved parameters can be recursively updated in closed-form. Compared with
the current techniques, the proposed method performs more robust beyond the
state-of-the-arts, as substantiated by our experiments implemented on synthetic
and real noisy HSIs.
Bas J. Pijnacker Hordijk, Kirk Y.W. Scheper, Guido C.H.E. de Croon
Comments: 29 pages, 14 figures, under peer review
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Small flying robots can perform landing maneuvers using bio-inspired optical
flow by maintaining a constant divergence. However, optical flow is typically
estimated from frame sequences recorded by standard miniature cameras. This
requires processing full images on-board, limiting the update rate of
divergence measurements, and thus the speed of the control loop and the robot.
Event-based cameras overcome these limitations by only measuring pixel-level
brightness changes at microsecond temporal accuracy, hence providing an
efficient mechanism for optical flow estimation. This paper presents, to the
best of our knowledge, the first work integrating event-based optical flow
estimation into the control loop of a flying robot. We extend an existing
‘local plane fitting’ algorithm to obtain an improved and more computationally
efficient optical flow estimation method, valid for a wide range of optical
flow velocities. This method is validated for real event sequences. In
addition, a method for estimating the divergence from event-based optical flow
is introduced, which accounts for the aperture problem. The developed
algorithms are implemented in a constant divergence landing controller on-board
of a quadrotor. Experiments show that, using event-based optical flow, accurate
divergence estimates can be obtained over a wide range of speeds. This enables
the quadrotor to perform very fast landing maneuvers.
Holger R. Roth, Le Lu, Nathan Lay, Adam P. Harrison, Amal Farag, Andrew Sohn, Ronald M. Summers
Comments: This version was submitted to IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging on Dec. 18th, 2016. The content of this article is covered by US Patent Applications of 62/345,606# and 62/450,681#
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Accurate and automatic organ segmentation from 3D radiological scans is an
important yet challenging problem for medical image analysis. Specifically, the
pancreas demonstrates very high inter-patient anatomical variability in both
its shape and volume. In this paper, we present an automated system using 3D
computed tomography (CT) volumes via a two-stage cascaded approach: pancreas
localization and segmentation. For the first step, we localize the pancreas
from the entire 3D CT scan, providing a reliable bounding box for the more
refined segmentation step. We introduce a fully deep-learning approach, based
on an efficient application of holistically-nested convolutional networks
(HNNs) on the three orthogonal axial, sagittal, and coronal views. The
resulting HNN per-pixel probability maps are then fused using pooling to
reliably produce a 3D bounding box of the pancreas that maximizes the recall.
We show that our introduced localizer compares favorably to both a conventional
non-deep-learning method and a recent hybrid approach based on spatial
aggregation of superpixels using random forest classification. The second,
segmentation, phase operates within the computed bounding box and integrates
semantic mid-level cues of deeply-learned organ interior and boundary maps,
obtained by two additional and separate realizations of HNNs. By integrating
these two mid-level cues, our method is capable of generating
boundary-preserving pixel-wise class label maps that result in the final
pancreas segmentation. Quantitative evaluation is performed on a publicly
available dataset of 82 patient CT scans using 4-fold cross-validation (CV). We
achieve a Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 81.27+/-6.27% in validation,
which significantly outperforms previous state-of-the art methods that report
DSCs of 71.80+/-10.70% and 78.01+/-8.20%, respectively, using the same dataset.
Christian Blum, Maria J. Blesa
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
The longest arc-preserving common subsequence problem is an NP-hard
combinatorial optimization problem from the field of computational biology.
This problem finds applications, in particular, in the comparison of
arc-annotated Ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequences. In this work we propose a
simple, hybrid evolutionary algorithm to tackle this problem. The most
important feature of this algorithm concerns a crossover operator based on
solution merging. In solution merging, two or more solutions to the problem are
merged, and an exact technique is used to find the best solution within this
union. It is experimentally shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms a
heuristic from the literature.
Eric Eaton, Sven Koenig, Claudia Schulz, Francesco Maurelli, John Lee, Joshua Eckroth, Mark Crowley, Richard G. Freedman, Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, Tiago Machado, Tom Williams
Comments: Working paper in the 7th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-17)
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY)
The 7th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence
(EAAI’17, co-chaired by Sven Koenig and Eric Eaton) launched the EAAI New and
Future AI Educator Program to support the training of early-career university
faculty, secondary school faculty, and future educators (PhD candidates or
postdocs who intend a career in academia). As part of the program, awardees
were asked to address one of the following “blue sky” questions:
* How could/should Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses incorporate ethics
into the curriculum?
* How could we teach AI topics at an early undergraduate or a secondary
school level?
* AI has the potential for broad impact to numerous disciplines. How could we
make AI education more interdisciplinary, specifically to benefit
non-engineering fields?
This paper is a collection of their responses, intended to help motivate
discussion around these issues in AI education.
Marwin Segler, Mike Preuß, Mark P. Waller
Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph)
Retrosynthesis is a technique to plan the chemical synthesis of organic
molecules, for example drugs, agro- and fine chemicals. In retrosynthesis, a
search tree is built by analysing molecules recursively and dissecting them
into simpler molecular building blocks until one obtains a set of known
building blocks. The search space is intractably large, and it is difficult to
determine the value of retrosynthetic positions. Here, we propose to model
retrosynthesis as a Markov Decision Process. In combination with a Deep Neural
Network policy learned from essentially the complete published knowledge of
chemistry, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) can be used to evaluate positions. In
exploratory studies, we demonstrate that MCTS with neural network policies
outperforms the traditionally used best-first search with hand-coded
Wei Du, Yang Tang, Sunney Yung Sun Leung, Le Tong, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Feng Qian
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
In the fashion industry, order scheduling focuses on the assignment of
production orders to appropriate production lines. In reality, before a new
order can be put into production, a series of activities known as
pre-production events need to be completed. In addition, in real production
process, owing to various uncertainties, the daily production quantity of each
order is not always as expected. In this research, by considering the
pre-production events and the uncertainties in the daily production quantity,
robust order scheduling problems in the fashion industry are investigated with
the aid of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) called nondominated
sorting adaptive differential evolution (NSJADE). The experimental results
illustrate that it is of paramount importance to consider pre-production events
in order scheduling problems in the fashion industry. We also unveil that the
existence of the uncertainties in the daily production quantity heavily affects
the order scheduling.
Nut Limsopatham, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Searching patients based on the relevance of their medical records is
challenging because of the inherent implicit knowledge within the patients’
medical records and queries. Such knowledge is known to the medical
practitioners but may be hidden from a search system. For example, when
searching for the patients with a heart disease, medical practitioners commonly
know that patients who are taking the amiodarone medicine are relevant, since
this drug is used to combat heart disease. In this article, we argue that
leveraging such implicit knowledge improves the retrieval effectiveness, since
it provides new evidence to infer the relevance of patients’ medical records
towards a query. Specifically, built upon existing conceptual representation
for both medical records and queries, we proposed a novel expansion of queries
that infers additional conceptual relationships from domain-specific resources
as well as by extracting informative concepts from the top-ranked patients’
medical records. We evaluate the retrieval effectiveness of our proposed
approach in the context of the TREC 2011 and 2012 Medical Records track. Our
results show the effectiveness of our approach to model the implicit knowledge
in patient search, whereby the retrieval performance is significantly improved
over both an effective conceptual representation baseline and an existing
semantic query expansion baseline. In addition, we provide an analysis of the
types of queries that the proposed approach is likely to be effective.
Frédéric Rayar
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
ImageNet is a large scale and publicly available image database. It currently
offers more than 14 millions of images, organised according to the WordNet
hierarchy. One of the main objective of the creators is to provide to the
research community a relevant database for visual recognition applications such
as object recognition, image classification or object localisation. However,
only a few visual descriptors of the images are available to be used by the
researchers. Only SIFT-based features have been extracted from a subset of the
collection. This technical report presents the extraction of some MPEG-7 visual
descriptors from the ImageNet database. These descriptors are made publicly
available in an effort towards open research.
Panthadeep Bhattacharjee, Amit Awekar
Comments: 6 pages, Accepted at ECIR 2017
Subjects: Databases (cs.DB); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Incremental data mining algorithms process frequent updates to dynamic
datasets efficiently by avoiding redundant computation. Existing incremental
extension to shared nearest neighbor density based clustering (SNND) algorithm
cannot handle deletions to dataset and handles insertions only one point at a
time. We present an incremental algorithm to overcome both these bottlenecks by
efficiently identifying affected parts of clusters while processing updates to
dataset in batch mode. We show effectiveness of our algorithm by performing
experiments on large synthetic as well as real world datasets. Our algorithm is
up to four orders of magnitude faster than SNND and requires up to 60% extra
memory than SNND while providing output identical to SNND.
Guanfeng Liang, Ulas C. Kozat
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Performance (cs.PF)
Our paper presents solutions using erasure coding, parallel connections to
storage cloud and limited chunking (i.e., dividing the object into a few
smaller segments) together to significantly improve the delay performance of
uploading and downloading data in and out of cloud storage.
TOFEC is a strategy that helps front-end proxy adapt to level of workload by
treating scalable cloud storage (e.g. Amazon S3) as a shared resource requiring
admission control. Under light workloads, TOFEC creates more smaller chunks and
uses more parallel connections per file, minimizing service delay. Under heavy
workloads, TOFEC automatically reduces the level of chunking (fewer chunks with
increased size) and uses fewer parallel connections to reduce overhead,
resulting in higher throughput and preventing queueing delay. Our trace-driven
simulation results show that TOFEC’s adaptation mechanism converges to an
appropriate code that provides the optimal delay-throughput trade-off without
reducing system capacity. Compared to a non-adaptive strategy optimized for
throughput, TOFEC delivers 2.5x lower latency under light workloads; compared
to a non-adaptive strategy optimized for latency, TOFEC can scale to support
over 3x as many requests.
Deepak Gupta, Shubham Tripathi, Asif Ekbal, Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Comments: 5 pages, ICON 2016
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Use of social media has grown dramatically during the last few years. Users
follow informal languages in communicating through social media. The language
of communication is often mixed in nature, where people transcribe their
regional language with English and this technique is found to be extremely
popular. Natural language processing (NLP) aims to infer the information from
these text where Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging plays an important role in
getting the prosody of the written text. For the task of PoS tagging on
Code-Mixed Indian Social Media Text, we develop a supervised system based on
Conditional Random Field classifier. In order to tackle the problem
effectively, we have focused on extracting rich linguistic features. We
participate in three different language pairs, ie. English-Hindi,
English-Bengali and English-Telugu on three different social media platforms,
Twitter, Facebook & WhatsApp. The proposed system is able to successfully
assign coarse as well as fine-grained PoS tag labels for a given a code-mixed
sentence. Experiments show that our system is quite generic that shows
encouraging performance levels on all the three language pairs in all the
Scott A. Hale, Irene Eleta
Journal-ref: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems, CHI 2017
Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computers and Society (cs.CY)
The number and quality of user reviews greatly affects consumer purchasing
decisions. While reviews in all languages are increasing, it is still often the
case (especially for non-English speakers) that there are only a few reviews in
a person’s first language. Using an online experiment, we examine the value
that potential purchasers receive from interfaces showing additional reviews in
a second language. The results paint a complicated picture with both positive
and negative reactions to the inclusion of foreign-language reviews. Roughly
26-28% of subjects clicked to see translations of the foreign-language content
when given the opportunity, and those who did so were more likely to select the
product with foreign-language reviews than those who did not.
Petr Kuznetsov, Thibault Rieutord
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
The paper proposes a surprisingly simple characterization of a large class of
models of distributed computing, via an agreement function: for each set of
processes, the function determines the best level of set consensus these
processes can reach. We show that the task computability of a large class of
steady adversaries that includes, in particular superset-closed and symmetric
one, is precisely captured by agreement functions.
Hui Liu, Tao Cui, Wei Leng, Linbo Zhang
Comments: in Chinese
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
For the parallel computation of partial differential equations, one key is
the grid partitioning. It requires that each process owns the same amount of
computations, and also, the partitioning quality should be proper to reduce the
communications among processes. When calculating the partial differential
equations using adaptive finite element methods, the grid and the basis
functions adjust in each iteration, which introduce load balancing issues. The
grid should be redistributed dynamically. This paper studies dynamic load
balancing algorithms and the implementation on the adaptive finite element
platform PHG. The numerical experiments show that algorithms studied in this
paper have good partitioning quality, and they are efficient.
Yuqing Zhu, Jianxun Liu, Mengying Guo, Wenlong Ma, Yungang Bao
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
This document outlines the approach to supporting cross-node transactions
over a Redis cluster.
Mei-Mei Gu, Rong-Xia Hao, Shuming Zhou
Comments: 16 pages, 2 figures
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Combinatorics (math.CO)
The data center networks (D_{n,k}), proposed in 2008, has many desirable
features such as high network capacity. A kind of generalization of
diagnosability for network (G) is (g)-good-neighbor diagnosability which is
denoted by (t_g(G)). Let (kappa^g(G)) be the (R^g)-connectivity. Lin et. al.
in [IEEE Trans. on Reliability, 65 (3) (2016) 1248–1262] and Xu et. al in
[Theor. Comput. Sci. 659 (2017) 53–63] gave the same problem independently
that: the relationship between the (R^g)-connectivity (kappa^g(G)) and
(t_g(G)) of a general graph (G) need to be studied in the future. In this
paper, this open problem is solved for general regular graphs. We firstly
establish the relationship of (kappa^g(G)) and (t_g(G)), and obtain that
(t_g(G)=kappa^g(G)+g) under some conditions. Secondly, we obtain the
(g)-good-neighbor diagnosability of (D_{k,n}) which are
(t_g(D_{k,n})=(g+1)(k-1)+n+g) for (1leq gleq n-1) under the PMC model and the
MM model, respectively. Further more, we show that (D_{k,n}) is tightly super
((n+k-1))-connected for (ngeq 2) and (kgeq 2) and we also prove that the
largest connected component of the survival graph contains almost all of the
remaining vertices in (D_{k,n}) when (2k+n-2) vertices removed.
Mathias Seuret, Michele Alberti, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper, we present a novel approach for initializing deep neural
networks, i.e., by turning PCA into neural layers. Usually, the initialization
of the weights of a deep neural network is done in one of the three following
ways: 1) with random values, 2) layer-wise, usually as Deep Belief Network or
as auto-encoder, and 3) re-use of layers from another network (transfer
learning). Therefore, typically, many training epochs are needed before
meaningful weights are learned, or a rather similar dataset is required for
seeding a fine-tuning of transfer learning. In this paper, we describe how to
turn a PCA into an auto-encoder, by generating an encoder layer of the PCA
parameters and furthermore adding a decoding layer. We analyze the
initialization technique on real documents. First, we show that a PCA-based
initialization is quick and leads to a very stable initialization. Furthermore,
for the task of layout analysis we investigate the effectiveness of PCA-based
initialization and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art random weight
initialization methods.
Eugene Vorontsov, Chiheb Trabelsi, Samuel Kadoury, Chris Pal
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
It is well known that it is challenging to train deep neural networks and
recurrent neural networks for tasks that exhibit long term dependencies. The
vanishing or exploding gradient problem is a well known issue associated with
these challenges. One approach to addressing vanishing and exploding gradients
is to use either soft or hard constraints on weight matrices so as to encourage
or enforce orthogonality. Orthogonal matrices preserve gradient norm during
backpropagation and can therefore be a desirable property; however, we find
that hard constraints on orthogonality can negatively affect the speed of
convergence and model performance. This paper explores the issues of
optimization convergence, speed and gradient stability using a variety of
different methods for encouraging or enforcing orthogonality. In particular we
propose a weight matrix factorization and parameterization strategy through
which we can bound matrix norms and therein control the degree of expansivity
induced during backpropagation.
Emilie Kaufmann (SEQUEL, CRIStAL, CNRS), Aurélien Garivier (IMT)
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Statistics Theory (math.ST); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Over the past few years, the multi-armed bandit model has become increasingly
popular in the machine learning community, in part because of applications
including online content optimization. This paper reviews two different
sequential learning tasks that have been considered in the bandit literature ;
they can be formulated as (sequentially) learning the distribution that has the
highest mean among a set of distributions, with some constraints on the
learning process. For both of them (regret minimization and best arm
identification), we present (asymptotically) optimal algorithms, some of which
are quite recent. We compare the behavior of the sampling rule of each
algorithm as well as the complexity terms associated to each problem.
Vivak Patel
Comments: 17 pages, 4 figures, 4 Tables
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Computation (stat.CO)
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is widely used in machine learning problems
to efficiently perform empirical risk minimization, yet, in practice, SGD is
known to stall before reaching the actual minimizer of the empirical risk. SGD
stalling has often been attributed to its sensitivity to the conditioning of
the problem; however, as we demonstrate, SGD will stall even when applied to a
simple linear regression problem with unity condition number for standard
learning rates. Thus, in this work, we numerically demonstrate and
mathematically argue that stalling is a crippling and generic limitation of SGD
and its variants in practice. Once we have established the problem of stalling,
we introduce a framework for hedging against its effects, which (1) deters SGD
and its variants from stalling, (2) still provides convergence guarantees, and
(3) makes SGD and its variants more practical methods for minimization.
Mirbek Turduev, Çağrı Latifoğlu, İbrahim Halil Giden, Y. Sinan Hanay
Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures
Subjects: Optics (physics.optics); Learning (cs.LG)
We present a novel approach based on machine learning for designing photonic
structures. In particular, we focus on strong light confinement that allows the
design of an efficient free-space-to-waveguide coupler which is made of Si-
slab overlying on the top of silica substrate. The learning algorithm is
implemented using bitwise square Si- cells and the whole optimized device has a
footprint of (oldsymbol{2 , mu m imes 1, mu m}), which is the smallest
size ever achieved numerically. To find the effect of Si- slab thickness on the
sub-wavelength focusing and strong coupling characteristics of optimized
photonic structure, we carried out three-dimensional time-domain numerical
calculations. Corresponding optimum values of full width at half maximum and
coupling efficiency were calculated as (oldsymbol{0.158 lambda}) and
(oldsymbol{-1.87,dB}) with slab thickness of (oldsymbol{280nm}). Compared
to the conventional counterparts, the optimized lens and coupler designs are
easy-to-fabricate via optical lithography techniques, quite compact, and can
operate at telecommunication wavelengths. The outcomes of the presented study
show that machine learning can be beneficial for efficient photonic designs in
various potential applications such as polarization-division, beam manipulation
and optical interconnects.
Jiecao Chen, He Sun, David P. Woodruff, Qin Zhang
Comments: A preliminary version of this paper appeared at the 30th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Learning (cs.LG)
Clustering large datasets is a fundamental problem with a number of
applications in machine learning. Data is often collected on different sites
and clustering needs to be performed in a distributed manner with low
communication. We would like the quality of the clustering in the distributed
setting to match that in the centralized setting for which all the data resides
on a single site. In this work, we study both graph and geometric clustering
problems in two distributed models: (1) a point-to-point model, and (2) a model
with a broadcast channel. We give protocols in both models which we show are
nearly optimal by proving almost matching communication lower bounds. Our work
highlights the surprising power of a broadcast channel for clustering problems;
roughly speaking, to spectrally cluster (n) points or (n) vertices in a graph
distributed across (s) servers, for a worst-case partitioning the communication
complexity in a point-to-point model is (n cdot s), while in the broadcast
model it is (n + s). A similar phenomenon holds for the geometric setting as
well. We implement our algorithms and demonstrate this phenomenon on real life
datasets, showing that our algorithms are also very efficient in practice.
Filip Korzeniowski, Gerhard Widmer
Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Learning (cs.LG)
Chord recognition systems use temporal models to post-process frame-wise
chord preditions from acoustic models. Traditionally, first-order models such
as Hidden Markov Models were used for this task, with recent works suggesting
to apply Recurrent Neural Networks instead. Due to their ability to learn
longer-term dependencies, these models are supposed to learn and to apply
musical knowledge, instead of just smoothing the output of the acoustic model.
In this paper, we argue that learning complex temporal models at the level of
audio frames is futile on principle, and that non-Markovian models do not
perform better than their first-order counterparts. We support our argument
through three experiments on the McGill Billboard dataset. The first two show
1) that when learning complex temporal models at the frame level, improvements
in chord sequence modelling are marginal; and 2) that these improvements do not
translate when applied within a full chord recognition system. The third, still
rather preliminary experiment gives first indications that the use of complex
sequential models for chord prediction at higher temporal levels might be more
A.G.Ramm, C. Van
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Suppose the data consist of a set (S) of points (x_j, 1 leq j leq J),
distributed in a bounded domain (D subset R^N), where (N) and (J) are large
numbers. In this paper an algorithm is proposed for checking whether there
exists a manifold (mathbb{M}) of low dimension near which many of the points
of (S) lie and finding such (mathbb{M}) if it exists. There are many dimension
reduction algorithms, both linear and non-linear. Our algorithm is simple to
implement and has some advantages compared with the known algorithms. If there
is a manifold of low dimension near which most of the data points lie, the
proposed algorithm will find it. Some numerical results are presented
illustrating the algorithm and analyzing its performance compared to the
classical PCA (principal component analysis) and Isomap.
Marwin Segler, Mike Preuß, Mark P. Waller
Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph)
Retrosynthesis is a technique to plan the chemical synthesis of organic
molecules, for example drugs, agro- and fine chemicals. In retrosynthesis, a
search tree is built by analysing molecules recursively and dissecting them
into simpler molecular building blocks until one obtains a set of known
building blocks. The search space is intractably large, and it is difficult to
determine the value of retrosynthetic positions. Here, we propose to model
retrosynthesis as a Markov Decision Process. In combination with a Deep Neural
Network policy learned from essentially the complete published knowledge of
chemistry, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) can be used to evaluate positions. In
exploratory studies, we demonstrate that MCTS with neural network policies
outperforms the traditionally used best-first search with hand-coded
Jisu Bae, Sun Hong Lim, Jin Hyeok Yoo, Jun Won Choi
Comments: 6 pages
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, we propose an efficient beam tracking method for mobility
scenario in mmWave-band communications. When the position of the mobile changes
in mobility scenario, the base-station needs to perform beam training
frequently to track the time-varying channel, thereby spending significant
resources for training beams. In order to reduce the training overhead, we
propose a new beam training approach called “beam tracking” which exploits the
continuous nature of time varying angle of departure (AoD) for beam selection.
We show that transmission of only two training beams is enough to track the
time-varying AoD at good accuracy. We derive the optimal selection of beam pair
which minimizes Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) for AoD estimation averaged over
statistical distribution of the AoD. Our numerical results demonstrate that the
proposed beam tracking scheme produces better AoD estimation than the
conventional beam training protocol with less training overhead.
Somphong Jitman, Ekkasit Sangwisut
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The hulls of linear and cyclic codes have been extensively studied due to
their wide applications.
In this paper, the average dimension of the Hermitian hull of constacyclic
codes of length (n) over a finite field (mathbb{F}_{q^2}) is determined
together with some upper and lower bounds. It turns out that either the average
dimension of the Hermitian hull of constacyclic codes of length (n) over
(mathbb{F}_{q^2}) is zero or it grows the same rate as (n). Comparison to the
average dimension of the Euclidean hull of cyclic codes is discussed as well.
Maria Antonieta Alvarez, Umberto Spagnolini
Comments: to be published in IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Massive co-located devices require new paradigms to allow proper network
connectivity. Internet of things (IoT) is the paradigm that offers a solution
for the inter-connectivity of devices, but in dense IoT networks time
synchronization is a critical aspect. Further, the scalability is another
crucial aspect. This paper focuses on synchronization for uncoordinated dense
networks without any external timing reference. Two synchronization methods are
proposed and compared: i) conventional synchronization that copes with the high
density of nodes by frame collision-avoidance methods (e.g., CSMA/CA) to avoid
the superimposition (or collision) of synchronization signals; and ii)
distributed synchronization that exploits the frames’ collision to drive the
network to a global synchronization. The distributed synchronization algorithm
allows the network to reach a timing synchronization status based on a common
beacon with the same signature broadcasted by every device. The superimposition
of beacons from all the other devices enables the network synchronization,
rather than preventing it. Numerical analysis evaluates the synchronization
performance based on the convergence time and synchronization dispersion, both
on collision and non-collision scenario, by investigating the scalability of
the network. Results prove that in dense network the ensemble of signatures
provides remarkable improvements of synchronization performance compared to
conventional master-slave reference.
Matthew Hawes, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Wei Liu
Comments: This is an extended version of a paper published in IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing. If citing this work please use the information for the published version
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The design of sparse spatially stretched tripole arrays is an important but
also challenging task and this paper proposes for the very first time efficient
solutions to this problem. Unlike for the design of traditional sparse antenna
arrays, the developed approaches optimise both the dipole locations and
orientations. The novelty of the paper consists in formulating these
optimisation problems into a form that can be solved by the proposed
compressive sensing and Bayesian compressive sensing based approaches. The
performance of the developed approaches is validated and it is shown that
accurate approximation of a reference response can be achieved with a 67%
reduction in the number of dipoles required as compared to an equivalent
uniform spatially stretched tripole array, leading to a significant reduction
in the cost associated with the resulting arrays.
Philipp Walk, Peter Jung, Babak Hassibi
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Providing short-message communication and simultaneous channel estimation for
sporadic and fast fading scenarios is a challenge for future wireless networks.
In this work we propose a novel blind communication and deconvolution scheme by
using Huffman sequences, which allows to solve three important tasks in one
step: (i) determination of the transmit power (ii) identification of the
discrete-time FIR channel by providing a maximum delay of less than (L/2) and
(iii) simultaneously communicating (L-1) bits of information. Our signal
reconstruction uses a recent semi-definite program that can recover two unknown
signals from their auto-correlations and cross-correlations. This convex
algorithm is stable and operates fully deterministic without any further
channel assumptions.
Cem Güneri, Ferruh Özbudak, Buket Özkaya, Elif Saçıkara, Zahra Sepasdar, Patrick Solé
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Generalized quasi-cyclic (GQC) codes form a natural generalization of
quasi-cyclic (QC) codes. They are viewed here as mixed alphabet codes over a
family of ring alphabets. Decomposing these rings into local rings by the
Chinese Remainder Theorem yields a decomposition of GQC codes into a sum of
concatenated codes. This decomposition leads to a trace formula, a minimum
distance bound, and to a criteria for the GQC code to be self-dual or to be
linear complementary dual (LCD). Explicit long GQC codes that are LCD, but not
QC, are exhibited.
Trung-Anh Do, Sang-Woon Jeon, Won-Yong Shin
Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Part of this paper was presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI)
We analyze the optimal throughput–delay trade-off in content-centric mobile
heterogeneous networks (HetNets), where each node moves according to the random
walk mobility model and requests a content object from the library
independently at random, according to a Zipf popularity distribution. Instead
of allowing access to all content objects via costly backhaul, we consider a
more practical scenario where mobile nodes and base stations (BSs), each having
a finite-size cache space, are able to cache a subset of content objects so
that each request is served by other mobile nodes or BSs via multihop
transmissions. Under a given caching strategy, we first characterize a
fundamental throughput–delay trade-off in terms of scaling laws by introducing
a general content delivery multihop routing protocol. Then, the optimal
throughput–delay trade-off is characterized by presenting the optimal cache
allocation strategy, which jointly finds the replication sets at mobile nodes
and BSs via nontrivial variable decoupling. In addition, computer simulations
are performed to validate our analytical results. We also show that the optimal
strategy strictly outperforms a baseline approach, where the replication sets
at mobile nodes and BSs are optimized separately.
Chung Chan, Ali Al-Bashabsheh, Qiaoqiao Zhou
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Motivated by the fact that entities in a social network or biological system
often interact by exchanging information, we propose an efficient
info-clustering algorithm that can group entities into communities using a
parametric max-flow algorithm. This is a meaningful special case of the
info-clustering paradigm where the dependency structure is graphical and can be
learned readily from data.
David J. Galas, T. Gregory Dewey, James Kunert-Graf, Nikita A. Sakhanenko
Comments: 22 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Inferring and comparing complex, multivariable probability density functions
is a fundamental problem in several fields, including probabilistic learning,
network theory, and data analysis. Classification and prediction are the two
faces of this class of problem. We take an approach here that simplifies many
aspects of these problems by presenting a structured series expansion of the
Kullback-Leibler divergence – a function central to information theory – and
devise a distance metric based on this divergence. Using the M”obius inversion
duality between multivariable entropies and multivariable interaction
information, we express the divergence as an additive series in the number of
interacting variables. Truncations of this series yield approximations based on
the number of interacting variables. The first few terms of the
expansion-truncation are illustrated and shown to lead naturally to familiar
approximations, including the well-known Kirkwood superposition approximation.
Truncation can also induce a simple relation between the multi-information and
the interaction information. A measure of distance between distributions, based
on Kullback-Leibler divergence, is then described and shown to be a true
metric. Finally, the expansion is shown to generate a hierarchy of metrics and
connects it to information geometry formalisms. These results provide a general
approach for systematic approximations in numbers of interactions or
connections, and a related quantitative metric.
A.G.Ramm, C. Van
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Suppose the data consist of a set (S) of points (x_j, 1 leq j leq J),
distributed in a bounded domain (D subset R^N), where (N) and (J) are large
numbers. In this paper an algorithm is proposed for checking whether there
exists a manifold (mathbb{M}) of low dimension near which many of the points
of (S) lie and finding such (mathbb{M}) if it exists. There are many dimension
reduction algorithms, both linear and non-linear. Our algorithm is simple to
implement and has some advantages compared with the known algorithms. If there
is a manifold of low dimension near which most of the data points lie, the
proposed algorithm will find it. Some numerical results are presented
illustrating the algorithm and analyzing its performance compared to the
classical PCA (principal component analysis) and Isomap.
Yuta Sakai, Ken-ichi Iwata
Comments: 61 pages, 6 figures; typos added, references added for Section V; A brief version of this paper was submitted to the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2017)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This study examines sharp bounds on Arimoto’s conditional R’enyi entropy of
order (eta) with a fixed another one of distinct order (alpha
eq eta).
Arimoto inspired the relation between the R’enyi entropy and the
(ell_{r})-norm of probability distributions, and he introduced a conditional
version of the R’enyi entropy. From this perspective, we analyze the
(ell_{r})-norms of particular distributions. As results, we identify specific
probability distributions whose achieve our sharp bounds on the conditional
R’enyi entropy. The sharp bounds derived in this study can be applicable to
other information measures, e.g., the minimum average probability of error, the
Bhattacharyya parameter, Gallager’s reliability function (E_{0}), and Sibson’s
(alpha)-mutual information, whose are strictly monotone functions of the
conditional R’enyi entropy.
Hemani Kaushal, Georges Kaddoum, Virander Kumar Jain, Subrat Kar
Comments: 14 pages, 11 figures
Subjects: Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det); Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, the effect of transmitter beam size on the performance of free
space optical (FSO) communication has been determined experimentally.
Irradiance profile for varying turbulence strength is obtained using optical
turbulence generating (OTG) chamber inside laboratory environment. Based on the
results, an optimum beam size is investigated using the semi-analytical method.
Moreover, the combined effects of atmospheric scintillation and beam wander
induced pointing errors are considered in order to determine the optimum beam
size that minimizes the bit error rate (BER) of the system for a fixed
transmitter power and link length. The results show that the optimum beam size
increases with the increase in zenith angle but has negligible effect with the
increase in fade threshold level at low turbulence levels and has a marginal
effect at high turbulence levels. Finally, the obtained outcome is useful for
FSO system design and BER performance analysis.
Amirhossein Reisizadehmobarakeh, Saurav Prakash, Ramtin Pedarsani, Salman Avestimehr
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Information Theory (cs.IT)
In large-scale distributed computing clusters, such as Amazon EC2, there are
several types of “system noise” that can result in major degradation of
performance: system failures, bottlenecks due to limited communication
bandwidth, latency due to straggler nodes, etc. On the other hand, these
systems enjoy abundance of redundancy — a vast number of computing nodes and
large storage capacity. There have been recent results that demonstrate the
impact of coding for efficient utilization of computation and storage
redundancy to alleviate the effect of stragglers and communication bottlenecks
in homogeneous clusters. In this paper, we focus on general heterogeneous
distributed computing clusters consisting of a variety of computing machines
with different capabilities. We propose a coding framework for speeding up
distributed computing in heterogeneous clusters with straggling servers by
trading redundancy for reducing the latency of computation. In particular, we
propose Heterogeneous Coded Matrix Multiplication (HCMM) algorithm for
performing distributed matrix multiplication over heterogeneous clusters that
is provably asymptotically optimal. Moreover, if the number of worker nodes in
the cluster is (n), we show that HCMM is (Theta(log n)) times faster than any
uncoded scheme. We further provide numerical results demonstrating significant
speedups of up to (49\%) and (34\%) for HCMM in comparison to the “uncoded” and
“homogeneous coded” schemes, respectively.