Calculated Metrics(自定义计算指标),是一个很好用的功能,早在我做数据分析产品的时候就已经做过该功能的调研与上线,自定义指标无外乎就是对现有指标的加减乘除运算,一方面可以简化我们报表中的额外公式计算,另外一方面也可以弥补GA中的一些功能缺陷。我们主要可以做以下几种尝试:
- 生成基于用户层级的数据指标
- 生成可用于细分查看的漏斗目标
- 自动计算AdWords广告的ROAS和CPA
- Avg. Cost per Session: {{Cost}} / {{Sessions}} – Currency (Decimal)
At times when we run PPC campaigns we want to know what the costs per session are. The metric CPC sometimes isn’t accurate enough when there are multiple sessions per User.
- Avg. Engagement: {{Total Engaged Time}} / {{Page Views}} – Time
Engagement on Page is very important for us. By dividing it by Pageviews we have a better insight in how long somebody is staying on a typical page per session.
- Avg. Events Per Session: {{Total Events}} / {{Sessions}} – Float
By sending over 750 million events to Google Analytics monthly we want to know how many events that is per Session so we can either use it for engagement analysis and to track our limits of our Google Analytics account.
- Avg. Events Per User: {{Total Events}} / {{Users}} – Float
Same metrics as the one above, but as a User can do multiple sessions, we also want to know how many events that is per individual.
- Avg. Order Value (No Shipping / Tax): ( {{Revenue}} – {{Delivery}} – {{Tax}} ) / {{Transactions}} – Currency (Decimal)
As you send along tax + shipping costs, we want to make sure we capture the actual average order value, which is the number with these fees subtracted.
- Avg. User Duration: {{Session Duration}} / {{Users}} – Time
Easy one – how long is a User staying on The Next Web. Normally you could only use the Session Duration or the Time on Page, but it’s not possible on a User level.
- Cost of Acquisition: {{Cost}} / {{Revenue}} – Currency (Decimal)
The acquisition costs for the revenue that we’re making.
- Customer Lifetime Value: {{Revenue}} * ( {{Transactions}} / {{Users}} ) – Currency (Decimal)
The amount of time a User spends with us and their value due to that.
- Effective Revenue Share: {{Cost}} / {{Revenue}} – Percent
The acquisition costs for the revenue we’re making, but this time as a percentage.
- Non-Bounce Rate: ( {{Sessions}} – {{Bounces}} ) / {{Sessions}} – Percent
The percentage rate of people who bounce is obviously already one of the most important metrics. But we also wanted to know the opposite percentage – how many people don’t bounce.
- Non-Bounces: {{Sessions}} – {{Bounces}} – Integer
The same metric, but this time as an integer.
- Non-landing pages pageviews: {{Unique Page Views}} – {{Entrances}} – Integer
The landing pages report is awesome for measure traffic to a page, but sometimes in a content report you also want to know how many Pageviews came from internal sources or how many Pageviews came from somewhere else.
- Pages / User: {{Page Views}} / {{Users}} – Float
Pageviews per Sessions is a default metric. But as a publisher we’d like to know how many Pageviews a User is doing in total so we can calculate at some point what his/her loyalty is.
- Publisher Revenue per User: ( {{AdX Revenue}} + {{AdSense Revenue}} ) / {{Users}} – Currency (Decimal)
Publisher Revenue is the actual revenue from Adx (our backfill ad network) + AdSense revenue (the work we momentarily use for AMP). Divided by the number of Users provided this decimal currency tells us with how many we make on backfill per User.
- Return On Investment: ( {{Revenue}} – ( {{Cost}} + ( {{Revenue}} / 2 ) ) ) / ( {{Cost}} + ( {{Revenue}} / 2 ) ) – Percent
- Revenue (No Shipping / Tax): {{Revenue}} – {{Delivery}} – {{Tax}} – Currency (Decimal)
Similar to a previous metric, but we want to know what our revenue is subtracting shipping costs and tax. With this number we know the actual revenue for The Next Web much more accurately.
- Revenue after Refunds: {{Revenue}} – {{Refund Amount}} – Currency (Decimal)
Revenue isn’t revenue when you have to deal with refunds. By subtracting that from the actual revenue we know how much money we really make.
- Revenue per Session: {{Revenue}} / {{Sessions}} – Currency (Decimal)
How much we make on average based on a sessions. A great metric to use when you’re analyzing PPC campaigns.
- Revenue per User: {{Revenue}} / {{Users}} – Currency (Decimal)
How much revenue we make based on the number of Users. An important metric, as we have so much reach but don’t make that much on a User metric. If this metric goes up overtime we know we do our works well as marketers + sales people.
- Sessions / Clicks: {{Sessions}} / {{Clicks}} – Float
Checking if our tracking is working correctly when we report more sessions then clicks or the other way around. An important one for PPC campaigns.
- Sessions / User: {{Sessions}} / {{Users}} – Float
How many sessions a User does on average. Always above 1 obviously, but when this number increases it says a lot about the loyalty + retention of our users. A simple metric but unfortunately not a default one.
- Total Events / Unique Events: – Float
If you send over 750 million events monthly, a lot of them will be duplicates. So we want to know how many we send are unique.
- Transactions per User: {{Transactions}} / {{Users}} – Float
Makes sense hopefully – how many transactions a User is doing on average.
- User Ecommerce Conversion Rate: {{Transactions}} / {{Users}} – Percent
Ecommerce Conversion Rate is by default calculated based on Session Level. But if a User is doing multiple conversions we want to know what his/her conversion rate is. For us as a publisher the User is more important than the Sessions.
AdWords Register CPA
AdWords ROI
Cart to Purchase Rate
Detail to Cart Rate
User Ecommerce Conversion Rate