windows上也有os watcher:OSWFW。
Windows XP (x86 & x64)
Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
Windows 8 (x86 & x64)
Windows 2003 R1 & R2 (x86 and x64)
Windows 2008 R1 & R2 (x86 & x64)
Windows 2012
可以在MOS中Doc ID 433472.1下载。
Start of Operating System Watcher for Windows 此时不应有 6.1。 C:\oswfw>
1 win键+R打开“运行”对话框,输入regedit打开注册表编辑器。
2 找到 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe]
3 修改”CodePage”=十进制,65001
c:\oswfw_2_5.1>oswatcher 30 24
Start of Operating System Watcher for Windows Processing: OSWThread OSWSystem OSWServer_Work_Queue OSWProcessor OSWProcess OSWLogicalDisk OSWPhysicalDisk OSWPagingFile OSWNetstat OSWMemory OSWCache Config Dir: c:\oswfw Output File Directory: c$\oswfw Output File Type: csv Snapshot Interval: 00:00:30 seconds Runtime Interval: 0024:00:00 (/du 0024:00) hours Node List: JIMMYHE OSWatcher for Windows written by: Kevin Reardon, Center of Expertise, Oracle Corporation Starting OSWatcher for Windows V2.5.1 on 周三 2017/02/22 Creating Archive Directories: Node JIMMYHE created Archive Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWThread Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWSystem Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWServer_Work_Queue Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWProcessor Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWProcess Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWLogicalDisk Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWPhysicalDisk Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWPagingFile Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWNetstat Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWMemory Node JIMMYHE created Archive\OSWCache Creating OSWatcher Counters Create Counter: OSWThread Start Counter: OSWThread Create Counter: OSWSystem Start Counter: OSWSystem Create Counter: OSWServer_Work_Queue Start Counter: OSWServer_Work_Queue Create Counter: OSWProcessor Start Counter: OSWProcessor Create Counter: OSWProcess Start Counter: OSWProcess Create Counter: OSWLogicalDisk Start Counter: OSWLogicalDisk Create Counter: OSWPhysicalDisk Start Counter: OSWPhysicalDisk Create Counter: OSWPagingFile Start Counter: OSWPagingFile Create Counter: OSWNetstat Start Counter: OSWNetstat Create Counter: OSWMemory Start Counter: OSWMemory Create Counter: OSWCache Start Counter: OSWCache Create OSWCleanup ERROR: Unable to establish existence of the account specified. Data Collector Set Type Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSWCache Counter Running OSWLogicalDisk Counter Running OSWMemory Counter Running OSWNetstat Counter Running OSWPagingFile Counter Running OSWPhysicalDisk Counter Running OSWProcess Counter Running OSWProcessor Counter Running OSWServer_Work_Queue Counter Running OSWSystem Counter Running OSWThread Counter Running The command completed successfully. The status of OSWClenanup on JIMMYHE is: JIMMYHE c:\oswfw>
Doc ID 433472.1 – OS Watcher For Windows (OSWFW) User Guide