Benjamin Hou, Amir Alansary, Steven McDonagh, Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker, Bernhard Kainz
Comments: 8 pages, 4 figures, 6 pages supplemental material, currently under review for MICCAI 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper aims to solve a fundamental problem in intensity-based 2D/3D
registration, which concerns the limited capture range and need for very good
initialization of state-of-the-art image registration methods. We propose a
regression approach that learns to predict rotation and translations of
arbitrary 2D image slices from 3D volumes, with respect to a learned canonical
atlas co-ordinate system. To this end, we utilize Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) to learn the highly complex regression function that maps 2D image
slices into their correct position and orientation in 3D space. Our approach is
attractive in challenging imaging scenarios, where significant subject motion
complicates reconstruction performance of 3D volumes from 2D slice data. We
extensively evaluate the effectiveness of our approach quantitatively on
simulated MRI brain data with extreme random motion. We further demonstrate
qualitative results on fetal MRI where our method is integrated into a full
reconstruction and motion compensation pipeline. With our CNN regression
approach we obtain an average prediction error of 7mm on simulated data, and
convincing reconstruction quality of images of very young fetuses where
previous methods fail. We further discuss applications to Computed Tomography
and X-ray projections. Our approach is a general solution to the 2D/3D
initialization problem. It is computationally efficient, with prediction times
per slice of a few milliseconds, making it suitable for real-time scenarios.
Shanshan Huang, Yichao Xiong, Ya Zhang, Jia Wang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Hashing has played a pivotal role in large-scale image retrieval. With the
development of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), hashing learning has shown
great promise. But existing methods are mostly tuned for classification, which
are not optimized for retrieval tasks, especially for instance-level retrieval.
In this study, we propose a novel hashing method for large-scale image
retrieval. Considering the difficulty in obtaining labeled datasets for image
retrieval task in large scale, we propose a novel CNN-based unsupervised
hashing method, namely Unsupervised Triplet Hashing (UTH). The unsupervised
hashing network is designed under the following three principles: 1) more
discriminative representations for image retrieval; 2) minimum quantization
loss between the original real-valued feature descriptors and the learned hash
codes; 3) maximum information entropy for the learned hash codes. Extensive
experiments on CIFAR-10, MNIST and In-shop datasets have shown that UTH
outperforms several state-of-the-art unsupervised hashing methods in terms of
retrieval accuracy.
Alexandre Boulch
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Deep Residual Networks have reached the state of the art in many image
processing tasks such image classification. However, the cost for a gain in
accuracy in terms of depth and memory is prohibitive as it requires a higher
number of residual blocks, up to double the initial value. To tackle this
problem, we propose in this paper a way to reduce the redundant information of
the networks. We share the weights of convolutional layers between residual
blocks operating at the same spatial scale. The signal flows multiple times in
the same convolutional layer. The resulting architecture, called ShaResNet,
contains block specific layers and shared layers. These ShaResNet are trained
exactly in the same fashion as the commonly used residual networks. We show, on
the one hand, that they are almost as efficient as their sequential
counterparts while involving less parameters, and on the other hand that they
are more efficient than a residual network with the same number of parameters.
For example, a 152-layer-deep residual network can be reduced to 106
convolutional layers, i.e. a parameter gain of 39\%, while loosing less than
0.2\% accuracy on ImageNet.
Lei Han, Lu Fang
Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures; accepted by IEEE ICME 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Loop Closure Detection (LCD) has been proved to be extremely useful in global
consistent visual Simultaneously Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and
appearance-based robot relocalization. Methods exploiting binary features in
bag of words representation have recently gained a lot of popularity for their
efficiency, but suffer from low recall due to the inherent drawback that high
dimensional binary feature descriptors lack well-defined centroids. In this
paper, we propose a realtime LCD approach called MILD (Multi-Index Hashing for
Loop closure Detection), in which image similarity is measured by feature
matching directly to achieve high recall without introducing extra
computational complexity with the aid of Multi-Index Hashing (MIH). A
theoretical analysis of the approximate image similarity measurement using MIH
is presented, which reveals the trade-off between efficiency and accuracy from
a probabilistic perspective. Extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art LCD
methods demonstrate the superiority of MILD in both efficiency and accuracy.
Ziang Yan, Jian Liang, Weishen Pan, Jin Li, Changshui Zhang
Comments: 9 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Object detection when provided image-level labels instead of instance-level
labels (i.e., bounding boxes) during training is an important problem in
computer vision, since large scale image datasets with instance-level labels
are extremely costly to obtain. In this paper, we address this challenging
problem by developing an Expectation-Maximization (EM) based object detection
method using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our method is
applicable to both the weakly-supervised and semi-supervised settings.
Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC 2007 benchmark show that (1) in the weakly
supervised setting, our method provides significant detection performance
improvement over current state-of-the-art methods, (2) having access to a small
number of strongly (instance-level) annotated images, our method can almost
match the performace of the fully supervised Fast RCNN. We share our source
code at this https URL
Jeff Johnson, Matthijs Douze, Hervé Jégou
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Databases (cs.DB); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS)
Similarity search finds application in specialized database systems handling
complex data such as images or videos, which are typically represented by
high-dimensional features and require specific indexing structures. This paper
tackles the problem of better utilizing GPUs for this task. While GPUs excel at
data-parallel tasks, prior approaches are bottlenecked by algorithms that
expose less parallelism, such as k-min selection, or make poor use of the
memory hierarchy.
We propose a design for k-selection that operates at up to 55% of theoretical
peak performance, enabling a nearest neighbor implementation that is 8.5x
faster than prior GPU state of the art. We apply it in different similarity
search scenarios, by proposing optimized design for brute-force, approximate
and compressed-domain search based on product quantization. In all these
setups, we outperform the state of the art by large margins. Our implementation
enables the construction of a high accuracy k-NN graph on 95 million images
from the Yfcc100M dataset in 35 minutes, and of a graph connecting 1 billion
vectors in less than 12 hours on 4 Maxwell Titan X GPUs. We have open-sourced
our approach for the sake of comparison and reproducibility.
G Wiselin Jiji, P Johnson Durai Raj
Comments: 4 Page Abstract for ISIC 2017 Challenge
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
An automated method to detect and analyze the melanoma is presented to
improve diagnosis which will leads to the exact treatment. Image processing
techniques such as segmentation, feature descriptors and classification models
are involved in this method. In the First phase the lesion region is segmented
using CIELAB Color space Based Segmentation. Then feature descriptors such as
shape, color and texture are extracted. Finally, in the third phase lesion
region is classified as melanoma, seborrheic keratosis or nevus using multi
class O-A SVM model. Experiment with ISIC 2017 Archive skin image database has
been done and analyzed the results.
Hongdiao Wen
Comments: 4 page abstract about our solution to the challenge of Lesion Segmentation in ISBI 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Dermoscopy image detection stays a tough task due to the weak distinguishable
property of the object.Although the deep convolution neural network
signifigantly boosted the performance on prevelance computer vision tasks in
recent years,there remains a room to explore more robust and precise models to
the problem of low contrast image segmentation.Towards the challenge of Lesion
Segmentation in ISBI 2017,we built a symmetrical identity inception fully
convolution network which is based on only 10 reversible inception blocks,every
block composed of four convolution branches with combination of different layer
depth and kernel size to extract sundry semantic features.Then we proposed an
approximate loss function for jaccard index metrics to train our model.To
overcome the drawbacks of traditional convolution,we adopted the dilation
convolution and conditional random field method to rectify our segmentation.We
also introduced multiple ways to prevent the problem of overfitting.The
experimental results shows that our model achived jaccard index of 0.82 and
kept learning from epoch to epoch.
Long Chen, Junyu Dong, ShengKe Wang, Kin-Man Lam, Muwei Jian, Hua Zhang, XiaoChun Cao
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Fine-grained recognition is a challenging task due to the small
intra-category variances. Most of top-performing fine-grained recognition
methods leverage parts of objects for better performance. Therefore, part
annotations which are extremely computationally expensive are required. In this
paper, we propose a novel cascaded deep CNN detection framework for
fine-grained recognition which is trained to detect the whole object without
considering parts. Nevertheless, most of current top-performing detection
networks use the N+1 class (N object categories plus background) softmax loss,
and the background category with much more training samples dominates the
feature learning progress so that the features are not good for object
categories with fewer samples. To bridge this gap, we introduce a cascaded
structure to eliminate background and exploit a one-vs-rest loss to capture
more minute variances among different subordinate categories. Experiments show
that our proposed recognition framework achieves comparable performance with
state-of-the-art, part-free, fine-grained recognition methods on the
CUB-200-2011 Bird dataset. Moreover, our method even outperforms most of
part-based methods while does not need part annotations at the training stage
and is free from any annotations at test stage.
Weifeng Ge, Yizhou Yu
Comments: To appear in 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Deep neural networks require a large amount of labeled training data during
supervised learning. However, collecting and labeling so much data might be
infeasible in many cases. In this paper, we introduce a source-target selective
joint fine-tuning scheme for improving the performance of deep learning tasks
with insufficient training data. In this scheme, a target learning task with
insufficient training data is carried out simultaneously with another source
learning task with abundant training data. However, the source learning task
does not use all existing training data. Our core idea is to identify and use a
subset of training images from the original source learning task whose
low-level characteristics are similar to those from the target learning task,
and jointly fine-tune shared convolutional layers for both tasks. Specifically,
we compute descriptors from linear or nonlinear filter bank responses on
training images from both tasks, and use such descriptors to search for a
desired subset of training samples for the source learning task.
Experiments demonstrate that our selective joint fine-tuning scheme achieves
state-of-the-art performance on multiple visual classification tasks with
insufficient training data for deep learning. Such tasks include Caltech 256,
MIT Indoor 67, Oxford Flowers 102 and Stanford Dogs 120. In comparison to
fine-tuning without a source domain, the proposed method can improve the
classification accuracy by 2% – 10% using a single model.
Hao Yang, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Jianfei Cai, Yew Soon Ong
Comments: Accepted in CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Multi-instance multi-label (MIML) learning has many interesting applications
in computer visions, including multi-object recognition and automatic image
tagging. In these applications, additional information such as bounding-boxes,
image captions and descriptions is often available during training phrase,
which is referred as privileged information (PI). However, as existing works on
learning using PI only consider instance-level PI (privileged instances), they
fail to make use of bag-level PI (privileged bags) available in MIML learning.
Therefore, in this paper, we propose a two-stream fully convolutional network,
named MIML-FCN+, unified by a novel PI loss to solve the problem of MIML
learning with privileged bags. Compared to the previous works on PI, the
proposed MIML-FCN+ utilizes the readily available privileged bags, instead of
hard-to-obtain privileged instances, making the system more general and
practical in real world applications. As the proposed PI loss is convex and SGD
compatible and the framework itself is a fully convolutional network, MIML-FCN+
can be easily integrated with state of-the-art deep learning networks.
Moreover, the flexibility of convolutional layers allows us to exploit
structured correlations among instances to facilitate more effective training
and testing. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed MIML-FCN+, outperforming state-of-the-art methods
in the application of multi-object recognition.
Pengyu Wang, Yuan Gan, Yan Zhang, Panpan Shui
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We propose a novel fully convolutional networks architecture for shapes,
denoted as Shape Fully Convolutional Networks (SFCN). Similar to convolution
and pooling operation on image, the 3D shape is represented as a graph
structure in the SFCN architecture, based on which we first propose and
implement shape convolution and pooling operation. Meanwhile, to build our SFCN
architecture in the original image segmentation FCN architecture, we also
design and implement the generating operation with bridging function. This
ensures that the convolution and pooling operation we designed can be
successfully applied in the original FCN architecture. In this paper,we also
present a new shape segmentation based on SFCN. In contrast to existing
state-of-the-art shape segmentation methods that require the same types of
shapes as input, we allow the more general and challenging input such as mixed
datasets of different types of shapes. In our approach, SFCNs are first trained
end-to-end, triangles-to-triangles by three low-level geometric features. Then,
based on the trained SFCNs, we can complete the shape segmentation task with
high quality. Finally, The feature voting-based multilabel graph cuts is
adopted to optimize the segmentation results obtained by SFCN prediction. The
experiment results show that our method can effectively learn and predict mixed
shape datasets of either similar or different characters, and achieve excellent
segmentation results.
Pichao Wang, Wanqing Li, Zhimin Gao, Yuyao Zhang, Chang Tang, Philip Ogunbona
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Scene flow describes the motion of 3D objects in real world and potentially
could be the basis of a good feature for 3D action recognition. However, its
use for action recognition, especially in the context of convolutional neural
networks (ConvNets), has not been previously studied. In this paper, we propose
the extraction and use of scene flow for action recognition from RGB-D data.
Previous works have considered the depth and RGB modalities as separate
channels and extract features for later fusion. We take a different approach
and consider the modalities as one entity, thus allowing feature extraction for
action recognition at the beginning. Two key questions about the use of scene
flow for action recognition are addressed: how to organize the scene flow
vectors and how to represent the long term dynamics of videos based on scene
flow. In order to calculate the scene flow correctly on the available datasets,
we propose an effective self-calibration method to align the RGB and depth data
spatially without knowledge of the camera parameters. Based on the scene flow
vectors, we propose a new representation, namely, Scene Flow to Action Map
(SFAM), that describes several long term spatio-temporal dynamics for action
recognition. We adopt a channel transform kernel to transform the scene flow
vectors to an optimal color space analogous to RGB. This transformation takes
better advantage of the trained ConvNets models over ImageNet. Experimental
results indicate that this new representation can surpass the performance of
state-of-the-art methods on two large public datasets.
Peng Lei, Fuxin Li, Sinisa Todorovic
Comments: 10 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper addresses a new problem of joint object boundary detection and
boundary motion estimation in videos, which we named boundary flow estimation.
Boundary flow is an important mid-level visual cue as boundaries characterize
spatial extents of objects, and the flow indicates motions and interactions of
objects. Yet, most prior work on motion estimation has focused on dense object
motion or feature points that may not necessarily reside on boundaries. For
boundary flow estimation, we specify a new fully convolutional Siamese network
(FCSN) that jointly estimates object-level boundaries in two consecutive
frames. Boundary correspondences in the two frames are predicted by the same
FCSN with a new, unconventional deconvolution approach. Finally, the boundary
flow estimate is improved with an edgelet based filtering. Evaluation is
conducted on three tasks: boundary detection in videos, boundary flow
estimation, and optical flow estimation. On boundary detection, we achieve the
state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark VSB100 dataset. On boundary flow
estimation, we present the first results on the Sintel training dataset. For
optical flow estimation, we run the recent approach CPM-Flow but on the
augmented input with our boundary flow matches, and achieve significant
performance improvement on the Sintel benchmark.
Wenguan Wang, Jianbing Shen, Fatih Porikli
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Conventional video segmentation approaches rely heavily on appearance models.
Such methods often use appearance descriptors that have limited discriminative
power under complex scenarios. To improve the segmentation performance, this
paper presents a pyramid histogram based confidence map that incorporates
structure information into appearance statistics. It also combines geodesic
distance based dynamic models. Then, it employs an efficient measure of
uncertainty propagation using local classifiers to determine the image regions
where the object labels might be ambiguous. The final foreground cutout is
obtained by refining on the uncertain regions. Additionally, to reduce manual
labeling, our method determines the frames to be labeled by the human operator
in a principled manner, which further boosts the segmentation performance and
minimizes the labeling effort. Our extensive experimental analyses on two big
benchmarks demonstrate that our solution achieves superior performance,
favorable computational efficiency, and reduced manual labeling in comparison
to the state-of-the-art.
Wenguan Wang, Shenjian Bing
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We propose a semi-supervised video segmentation via an efficient video
representation, called as “super-trajectory”. Each super-trajectory corresponds
to a group of compact trajectories that exhibit consistent motion patterns,
similar appearance and close spatiotemporal relationships. To handle occlusions
and drifts, we develop a trajectory generation method based on probabilistic
model, which is more reasonable and interpretable than traditional trajectory
methods using hard thresholding. We then modify a density peaks based
clustering algorithm for reliably grouping trajectories, thus capturing a rich
set of spatial and temporal relations among trajectories. Via this
discriminative video representation, manual effort on the first frame can be
efficiently propagated into the rest of frames. Experimental results on
challenging benchmark demonstrate the proposed approach is capable of
distinguishing object from complex background and even re-identifying object
with long-term occlusions.
Yiyang Wang, Risheng Liu, Xiaoliang Song, Zhixun Su
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Since Non-convex and Non-smooth Matrix Factorization (NNMF) problems have
great realistic significance in applications, they attract extensive attention
in the fields of image processing and machine learning. We in this paper
propose an inexact proximal alternating direction (IPAD) method for solving
various complex NNMF problems. Our IPAD method is not a single algorithm, but a
general and flexible framework which can fuse various numerical methods into.
With a special designed error condition, the convergence properties of IPAD are
analyzed for a general formulation, and can be extended to a wider range of
problems. Moreover, an implementation method for checking the inexactness
criterion is theoretically analyzed, which is more valid than the previously
naive criteria in practice. Our IPAD algorithm is applied to a widely-concerned
sparse dictionary learning problem on both synthetic and real-world data. The
experimental results with detailed analyses and discussions are given to verify
the efficiency of IPAD method.
Yuncong Chen, David Kleinfeld, Yoav Freund
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
While modern imaging technologies such as fMRI have opened exciting new
possibilities for studying the brain in vivo, histological sections remain the
best way to study the anatomy of the brain at the level of single neurons. The
histological atlas changed little since 1909 and localizing brain regions is a
still a labor intensive process performed only by experienced neuro-anatomists.
Existing digital atlases such as the Allen Brain atlas are limited to low
resolution images which cannot identify the detailed structure of the neurons.
We have developed a digital atlas methodology that combines information about
the 3D organization of the brain and the detailed texture of neurons in
different structures. Using the methodology we developed an atlas for the mouse
brainstem and mid-brain, two regions for which there are currently no good
atlases. Our atlas is “active” in that it can be used to automatically align a
histological stack to the atlas, thus reducing the work of the neuroanatomist.
Siyu Zhu, Tianwei Shen, Lei Zhou, Runze Zhang, Tian Fang, Long Quan
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we tackle the accurate Structure from Motion (SfM) problem, in
particular camera registration, far exceeding the memory of a single compute
node. Different from the previous methods which drastically simplify the
parameters of SfM, we preserve as many cameras, tracks and their corresponding
connectivity as possible for a highly consistent and accurate SfM. By means of
a camera clustering algorithm, we divide all the cameras and associated images
into clusters and leverage such formulation to process the subsequent track
generation, local incremental SfM and final bundle adjustment in a scalable and
parallel scheme. Taking the advantages of both incremental and global SfM
methods, we apply the relative motions from local incremental SfM to the global
motion averaging framework and obtain more accurate and robust global camera
poses than the state-of-the-art methods. We intensively demonstrate the
superior performance of our method on the benchmark, Internet and our own
challenging city-scale data-sets.
Sheng Li, Jongsoo Park, Ping Tak Peter Tang
Comments: 10 pages, 2 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Sparse methods and the use of Winograd convolutions are two orthogonal
approaches each of which significantly accelerates convolution computations in
modern CNNs. Sparse Winograd merges these two and thus has the potential to
offer a combined performance benefit. Nevertheless, training convolution layers
so that the resulting Winograd kernels are sparse has not hitherto been very
successful. We introduce here a novel construction of Sparse Winograd by
introducing a substitute for the convolution layer that we call, naturally, the
Winograd layer. Such a construction allows us to prune parameters natively in
the Winograd domain. This paper presents the technical details related to the
Winograd layer and our train-and-prune procedures. We achieved more than 90%
sparsity in the Winograd parameters while maintaining the original accuracy of
AlexNet on ImageNet dataset. Our detailed performance model also projects a
speedup over convolution by dense Winograd kernels in excess of twofold.
Benjamin Planche, Ziyan Wu, Kai Ma, Shanhui Sun, Stefan Kluckner, Terrence Chen, Andreas Hutter, Sergey Zakharov, Harald Kosch, Jan Ernst
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Recent progress in computer vision has been dominated by deep neural networks
trained with large amount of labeled data. Collecting and annotating such
datasets is however a tedious, and in some contexts impossible task; hence a
recent surge in approaches that rely solely on synthetically generated data
from 3D models for their training. For depth images however, the discrepancies
with real scans noticeably affect the performance of such methods. In this
paper, we propose an innovative end-to-end framework which simulate the whole
mechanism of these devices, synthetically generating realistic depth data from
3D CAD models by comprehensively modeling vital factors such as sensor noise,
material reflectance, surface geometry, etc. Besides covering a wider range of
sensors than state-of-the-art methods, the proposed one also results in more
realistic data. Going further than previous works, we not only qualitatively
evaluate the generated scans, but also quantitatively measure through extensive
experiments and comparisons how they impact the training of neural network
algorithms for different 3D recognition tasks, demonstrating how our pipeline
seamlessly integrates such architectures; and how it consistently and
significantly enhances their performance-irrespective of the selected feature
space or intermediate representations.
Ayan Sinha, Justin Lee, Shuai Li, George Barbastathis
Comments: 6 pages, 8 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Deep learning has been proven to yield reliably generalizable answers to
numerous classification and decision tasks. Here, we demonstrate for the first
time, to our knowledge, that deep neural networks (DNNs) can be trained to
solve inverse problems in computational imaging. We experimentally demonstrate
a lens-less imaging system where a DNN was trained to recover a phase object
given a raw intensity image recorded some distance away.
Nizar Massouh, Francesca Babiloni, Tatiana Tommasi, Jay Young, Nick Hawes, Barbara Caputo
Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Databases (cs.DB); Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO)
Deep networks thrive when trained on large scale data collections. This has
given ImageNet a central role in the development of deep architectures for
visual object classification. However, ImageNet was created during a specific
period in time, and as such it is prone to aging, as well as dataset bias
issues. Moving beyond fixed training datasets will lead to more robust visual
systems, especially when deployed on robots in new environments which must
train on the objects they encounter there. To make this possible, it is
important to break free from the need for manual annotators. Recent work has
begun to investigate how to use the massive amount of images available on the
Web in place of manual image annotations. We contribute to this research thread
with two findings: (1) a study correlating a given level of noisily labels to
the expected drop in accuracy, for two deep architectures, on two different
types of noise, that clearly identifies GoogLeNet as a suitable architecture
for learning from Web data; (2) a recipe for the creation of Web datasets with
minimal noise and maximum visual variability, based on a visual and natural
language processing concept expansion strategy. By combining these two results,
we obtain a method for learning powerful deep object models automatically from
the Web. We confirm the effectiveness of our approach through object
categorization experiments using our Web-derived version of ImageNet on a
popular robot vision benchmark database, and on a lifelong object discovery
task on a mobile robot.
Panqu Wang, Pengfei Chen, Ye Yuan, Ding Liu, Zehua Huang, Xiaodi Hou, Garrison Cottrell
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Recent advances in deep learning, especially deep convolutional neural
networks (CNNs), have led to significant improvement over previous semantic
segmentation systems. Here we show how to improve pixel-wise semantic
segmentation by manipulating convolution-related operations that are better for
practical use. First, we implement dense upsampling convolution (DUC) to
generate pixel-level prediction, which is able to capture and decode more
detailed information that is generally missing in bilinear upsampling. Second,
we propose a hybrid dilated convolution (HDC) framework in the encoding phase.
This framework 1) effectively enlarges the receptive fields of the network to
aggregate global information; 2) alleviates what we call the “gridding issue”
caused by the standard dilated convolution operation. We evaluate our
approaches thoroughly on the Cityscapes dataset, and achieve a new state-of-art
result of 80.1% mIOU in the test set. We also are state-of-the-art overall on
the KITTI road estimation benchmark and the PASCAL VOC2012 segmentation task.
Pretrained models are available at this https URL
Nenad Markuš, Ivan Gogić, Igor S. Pandžić, Jörgen Ahlberg
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Ren et al. recently introduced a method for aggregating multiple decision
trees into a strong predictor by interpreting a path taken by a sample down
each tree as a binary vector and performing linear regression on top of these
vectors stacked together. They provided experimental evidence that the method
offers advantages over the usual approaches for combining decision trees
(random forests and boosting). The method truly shines when the regression
target is a large vector with correlated dimensions, such as a 2D face shape
represented with the positions of several facial landmarks. However, we argue
that their basic method is not applicable in many practical scenarios due to
large memory requirements. This paper shows how this issue can be solved
through the use of quantization and architectural changes of the predictor that
maps decision tree-derived encodings to the desired output.
Ahmed Hussain Qureshi, Yutaka Nakamura, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by IEEE-RAS ICRA’17
Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
For a safe, natural and effective human-robot social interaction, it is
essential to develop a system that allows a robot to demonstrate the
perceivable responsive behaviors to complex human behaviors. We introduce the
Multimodal Deep Attention Recurrent Q-Network using which the robot exhibits
human-like social interaction skills after 14 days of interacting with people
in an uncontrolled real world. Each and every day during the 14 days, the
system gathered robot interaction experiences with people through a
hit-and-trial method and then trained the MDARQN on these experiences using
end-to-end reinforcement learning approach. The results of interaction based
learning indicate that the robot has learned to respond to complex human
behaviors in a perceivable and socially acceptable manner.
Caroline Chaux, Laurent Duval, Jean-Christophe Pesquet
Journal-ref: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, August 2006, Volume 15,
Issue 8, p. 2397-2412
Subjects: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Functional Analysis (math.FA)
We propose a 2D generalization to the (M)-band case of the dual-tree
decomposition structure (initially proposed by N. Kingsbury and further
investigated by I. Selesnick) based on a Hilbert pair of wavelets. We
particularly address ( extit{i}) the construction of the dual basis and
( extit{ii}) the resulting directional analysis. We also revisit the necessary
pre-processing stage in the (M)-band case. While several reconstructions are
possible because of the redundancy of the representation, we propose a new
optimal signal reconstruction technique, which minimizes potential estimation
errors. The effectiveness of the proposed (M)-band decomposition is
demonstrated via denoising comparisons on several image types (natural,
texture, seismics), with various (M)-band wavelets and thresholding strategies.
Significant improvements in terms of both overall noise reduction and direction
preservation are observed.
Ofir Nachum, Mohammad Norouzi, Kelvin Xu, Dale Schuurmans
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We formulate a new notion of softmax temporal consistency that generalizes
the standard hard-max Bellman consistency usually considered in value based
reinforcement learning (RL). In particular, we show how softmax consistent
action values correspond to optimal policies that maximize entropy regularized
expected reward. More importantly, we establish that softmax consistent action
values and the optimal policy must satisfy a mutual compatibility property that
holds across any state-action subsequence. Based on this observation, we
develop a new RL algorithm, Path Consistency Learning (PCL), that minimizes the
total inconsistency measured along multi-step subsequences extracted from both
both on and off policy traces. An experimental evaluation demonstrates that PCL
significantly outperforms strong actor-critic and Q-learning baselines across
several benchmark tasks.
Jakob Foerster, Nantas Nardelli, Gregory Farquhar, Philip. H. S. Torr, Pushmeet Kohli, Shimon Whiteson
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
Many real-world problems, such as network packet routing and urban traffic
control, are naturally modeled as multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL)
problems. However, existing multi-agent RL methods typically scale poorly in
the problem size. Therefore, a key challenge is to translate the success of
deep learning on single-agent RL to the multi-agent setting. A key stumbling
block is that independent Q-learning, the most popular multi-agent RL method,
introduces nonstationarity that makes it incompatible with the experience
replay memory on which deep RL relies. This paper proposes two methods that
address this problem: 1) conditioning each agent’s value function on a
footprint that disambiguates the age of the data sampled from the replay memory
and 2) using a multi-agent variant of importance sampling to naturally decay
obsolete data. Results on a challenging decentralised variant of StarCraft unit
micromanagement confirm that these methods enable the successful combination of
experience replay with multi-agent RL.
Paulo J. L. Adeodato, Fábio C. Pereira, Rosalvo F. Oliveira Neto
Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Databases (cs.DB)
This paper presents an approach for transforming data granularity in
hierarchical databases for binary decision problems by applying regression to
categorical attributes at the lower grain levels. Attributes from a lower
hierarchy entity in the relational database have their information content
optimized through regression on the categories histogram trained on a small
exclusive labelled sample, instead of the usual mode category of the
distribution. The paper validates the approach on a binary decision task for
assessing the quality of secondary schools focusing on how logistic regression
transforms the students and teachers attributes into school attributes.
Experiments were carried out on Brazilian schools public datasets via 10-fold
cross-validation comparison of the ranking score produced also by logistic
regression. The proposed approach achieved higher performance than the usual
distribution mode transformation and equal to the expert weighing approach
measured by the maximum Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance and the area under the ROC
curve at 0.01 significance level.
Sebastian Benthall
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
In recent years prominent intellectuals have raised ethical concerns about
the consequences of artificial intelligence. One concern is that an autonomous
agent might modify itself to become “superintelligent” and, in supremely
effective pursuit of poorly specified goals, destroy all of humanity. This
paper considers and rejects the possibility of this outcome. We argue that this
scenario depends on an agent’s ability to rapidly improve its ability to
predict its environment through self-modification. Using a Bayesian model of a
reasoning agent, we show that there are important limitations to how an agent
may improve its predictive ability through self-modification alone. We conclude
that concern about this artificial intelligence outcome is misplaced and better
directed at policy questions around data access and storage.
Lenz Belzner
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Programming Languages (cs.PL)
This paper proposes Monte Carlo Action Programming, a programming language
framework for autonomous systems that act in large probabilistic state spaces
with high branching factors. It comprises formal syntax and semantics of a
nondeterministic action programming language. The language is interpreted
stochastically via Monte Carlo Tree Search. Effectiveness of the approach is
shown empirically.
Palash Dey, Nimrod Talmon, Otniel van Handel
Comments: Accepted as a full paper in AAMAS 2017
Subjects: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
We consider elections where the voters come one at a time, in a streaming
fashion, and devise space-efficient algorithms which identify an approximate
winning committee with respect to common multiwinner proportional
representation voting rules; specifically, we consider the Approval-based and
the Borda-based variants of both the Chamberlin– ourant rule and the Monroe
rule. We complement our algorithms with lower bounds. Somewhat surprisingly,
our results imply that, using space which does not depend on the number of
voters it is possible to efficiently identify an approximate representative
committee of fixed size over vote streams with huge number of voters.
Matthew Staib, Stefanie Jegelka
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
The optimal allocation of resources for maximizing influence, spread of
information or coverage, has gained attention in the past years, in particular
in machine learning and data mining. But, in applications, the parameters of
the problem are rarely known exactly, and using wrong parameters can lead to
undesirable outcomes. We hence revisit a continuous version of the Budget
Allocation or Bipartite Influence Maximization problem introduced by Alon et
al. (2012) from a robust optimization perspective, where an adversary may
choose the least favorable parameters within a confidence set. The resulting
problem is a nonconvex-concave saddle point problem (or game). We show that
this nonconvex problem can be solved exactly by leveraging connections to
continuous submodular functions, and by solving a constrained submodular
minimization problem. Although constrained submodular minimization is hard in
general, here, we establish conditions under which such a problem can be solved
to arbitrary precision (epsilon).
Lenz Belzner, Thomas Gabor
Comments: Accepted at SEsCPS @ ICSE 2017
Subjects: Software Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Systems and Control (cs.SY)
We introduce Stacked Thompson Bandits (STB) for efficiently generating plans
that are likely to satisfy a given bounded temporal logic requirement. STB uses
a simulation for evaluation of plans, and takes a Bayesian approach to using
the resulting information to guide its search. In particular, we show that
stacking multiarmed bandits and using Thompson sampling to guide the action
selection process for each bandit enables STB to generate plans that satisfy
requirements with a high probability while only searching a fraction of the
search space.
Lenz Belzner, Thomas Gabor
Comments: Accepted at SEsCPS @ ICSE 2017
Subjects: Software Engineering (cs.SE); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Machine learning enables systems to build and update domain models based on
runtime observations. In this paper, we study statistical model checking and
runtime verification for systems with this ability. Two challenges arise: (1)
Models built from limited runtime data yield uncertainty to be dealt with. (2)
There is no definition of satisfaction w.r.t. uncertain hypotheses. We propose
such a definition of subjective satisfaction based on recently introduced
satisfaction functions. We also propose the BV algorithm as a Bayesian solution
to runtime verification of subjective satisfaction under model uncertainty. BV
provides user-definable stochastic bounds for type I and II errors. We discuss
empirical results from an example application to illustrate our ideas.
Vamsi K Ithapu, Sathya N Ravi, Vikas Singh
Comments: 87 Pages; 14 figures; Under review
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We study mechanisms to characterize how the asymptotic convergence of
backpropagation in deep architectures, in general, is related to the network
structure, and how it may be influenced by other design choices including
activation type, denoising and dropout rate. We seek to analyze whether network
architecture and input data statistics may guide the choices of learning
parameters and vice versa. Given the broad applicability of deep architectures,
this issue is interesting both from theoretical and a practical standpoint.
Using properties of general nonconvex objectives (with first-order
information), we first build the association between structural, distributional
and learnability aspects of the network vis-`a-vis their interaction with
parameter convergence rates. We identify a nice relationship between feature
denoising and dropout, and construct families of networks that achieve the same
level of convergence. We then derive a workflow that provides systematic
guidance regarding the choice of network sizes and learning parameters often
mediated4 by input statistics. Our technical results are corroborated by an
extensive set of evaluations, presented in this paper as well as independent
empirical observations reported by other groups. We also perform experiments
showing the practical implications of our framework for choosing the best
fully-connected design for a given problem.
Yang Fan, Fei Tian, Tao Qin, Jiang Bian, Tie-Yan Liu
Comments: A preliminary version will appear in ICLR 2017, workshop track. this https URL¬eId=SyJNmVqgg
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Machine learning is essentially the sciences of playing with data. An
adaptive data selection strategy, enabling to dynamically choose different data
at various training stages, can reach a more effective model in a more
efficient way. In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning
framework, which we call emph{ extbf{N}eural extbf{D}ata extbf{F}ilter}
( extbf{NDF}), to explore automatic and adaptive data selection in the
training process. In particular, NDF takes advantage of a deep neural network
to adaptively select and filter important data instances from a sequential
stream of training data, such that the future accumulative reward (e.g., the
convergence speed) is maximized. In contrast to previous studies in data
selection that is mainly based on heuristic strategies, NDF is quite generic
and thus can be widely suitable for many machine learning tasks. Taking neural
network training with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as an example,
comprehensive experiments with respect to various neural network modeling
(e.g., multi-layer perceptron networks, convolutional neural networks and
recurrent neural networks) and several applications (e.g., image classification
and text understanding) demonstrate that NDF powered SGD can achieve comparable
accuracy with standard SGD process by using less data and fewer iterations.
Isaac J. Sledge, Jose C. Principe
Comments: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Games
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Conventional reinforcement learning methods for Markov decision processes
rely on weakly-guided, stochastic searches to drive the learning process. It
can therefore be difficult to predict what agent behaviors might emerge. In
this paper, we consider an information-theoretic approach for performing
constrained stochastic searches that promote the formation of risk-averse to
risk-favoring behaviors. Our approach is based on the value of information, a
criterion that provides an optimal trade-off between the expected return of a
policy and the policy’s complexity. As the policy complexity is reduced, there
is a high chance that the agents will eschew risky actions that increase the
long-term rewards. The agents instead focus on simply completing their main
objective in an expeditious fashion. As the policy complexity increases, the
agents will take actions, regardless of the risk, that seek to decrease the
long-term costs. A minimal-cost policy is sought in either case; the obtainable
cost depends on a single, tunable parameter that regulates the degree of policy
We evaluate the performance of value-of-information-based policies on a
stochastic version of Ms. Pac-Man. A major component of this paper is
demonstrating that ranges of policy complexity values yield different game-play
styles and analyzing why this occurs. We show that low-complexity policies aim
to only clear the environment of pellets while avoiding invulnerable ghosts.
Higher-complexity policies implement multi-modal strategies that compel the
agent to seek power-ups and chase after vulnerable ghosts, both of which reduce
the long-term costs.
Ahmed Hussain Qureshi, Yutaka Nakamura, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by IEEE-RAS ICRA’17
Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
For a safe, natural and effective human-robot social interaction, it is
essential to develop a system that allows a robot to demonstrate the
perceivable responsive behaviors to complex human behaviors. We introduce the
Multimodal Deep Attention Recurrent Q-Network using which the robot exhibits
human-like social interaction skills after 14 days of interacting with people
in an uncontrolled real world. Each and every day during the 14 days, the
system gathered robot interaction experiences with people through a
hit-and-trial method and then trained the MDARQN on these experiences using
end-to-end reinforcement learning approach. The results of interaction based
learning indicate that the robot has learned to respond to complex human
behaviors in a perceivable and socially acceptable manner.
Finale Doshi-Velez, Been Kim
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
As machine learning systems become ubiquitous, there has been a surge of
interest in interpretable machine learning: systems that provide explanation
for their outputs. These explanations are often used to qualitatively assess
other criteria such as safety or non-discrimination. However, despite the
interest in interpretability, there is very little consensus on what
interpretable machine learning is and how it should be measured. In this
position paper, we first define interpretability and describe when
interpretability is needed (and when it is not). Next, we suggest a taxonomy
for rigorous evaluation and expose open questions towards a more rigorous
science of interpretable machine learning.
AmirEmad Ghassami, Saber Salehkaleybar, Negar Kiyavash
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We study the problem of causal structure learning over a set of random
variables when the experimenter is allowed to perform at most (M) experiments
in a non-adaptive manner. We consider the optimal learning strategy in terms of
minimizing the portions of the structure that remains unknown given the limited
number of experiments in both Bayesian and minimax setting. We characterize the
theoretical optimal solution and propose an algorithm, which designs the
experiments efficiently in terms of time complexity. We show that for bounded
degree graphs, in the minimax case and in the Bayesian case with uniform
priors, our proposed algorithm is a (
ho)-approximation algorithm, where
ho) is independent of the order of the underlying graph. Simulations on both
synthetic and real data show that the performance of our algorithm is very
close to the optimal solution.
Aditya Grover, Stefano Ermon
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We propose a new approach for using unsupervised boosting to create an
ensemble of generative models, where models are trained in sequence to correct
earlier mistakes. Our meta-algorithmic framework can leverage any existing base
learner that permits likelihood evaluation, including recent latent variable
models. Further, our approach allows the ensemble to include discriminative
models trained to distinguish real data from model-generated data. We show
theoretical conditions under which incorporating a new model in the ensemble
will improve the fit and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of boosting
on density estimation and sample generation on synthetic and benchmark real
Marina Sokolova, Vera Sazonova, Kanyi Huang, Rudraneel Chakraboty, Stan Matwin
Comments: 13 pages, 6 tables
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We present results of empirical studies on positive speech on Twitter. By
positive speech we understand speech that works for the betterment of a given
situation, in this case relations between different communities in a
conflict-prone country. We worked with four Twitter data sets. Through
semi-manual opinion mining, we found that positive speech accounted for < 1% of
the data . In fully automated studies, we tested two approaches: unsupervised
statistical analysis, and supervised text classification based on distributed
word representation. We discuss benefits and challenges of those approaches and
report empirical evidence obtained in the study.
Asli Celikyilmaz, Li Deng, Lihong Li, Chong Wang
Comments: 8 pages + Abstract + 3 figures
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
In scaffolding teaching, students are gradually asked questions to build
background knowledge, clear up confusions, learn to be attentive, and improve
comprehension. Inspired by this approach, we explore methods for teaching
machines to learn to reason over text documents through asking questions about
the past information. We address three key challenges in teaching and learning
to reason: 1) the need for an effective architecture that learns from the
information in text and keeps it in memory; 2) the difficulty of self-assessing
what is learned at any given point and what is left to be learned; 3) the
difficulty of teaching reasoning in a scalable way. To address the first
challenge, we present the Scaffolding Network, an attention-based neural
network agent that can reason over a dynamic memory. It learns a policy using
reinforcement learning to incrementally register new information about concepts
and their relations. For the second challenge, we describe a question simulator
as part of the scaffolding network that learns to continuously question the
agent about the information processed so far. Through questioning, the agent
learns to correctly answer as many questions as possible. For the last
challenge, we explore training with reduced annotated data. We evaluate on
synthetic and real datasets, demonstrating that our model competes well with
the state-of-the-art methods, especially when less supervision is used.
John P. Lalor, Hao Wu, Hong Yu
Comments: 10 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Item Response Theory (IRT) allows for measuring ability of Machine Learning
models as compared to a human population. However, it is difficult to create a
large dataset to train the ability of deep neural network models (DNNs). We
propose fine-tuning as a new training process, where a model pre-trained on a
large dataset is fine-tuned with a small supplemental training set. Our results
show that fine-tuning can improve the ability of a state-of-the-art DNN model
for Recognizing Textual Entailment tasks.
Mokhtar Billami (LIF), Núria Gala (LIF)
Comments: in French, Journ’ees internationales d’Analyse statistique des Donn’ees Textuelles (JADT), Jun 2016, Nice, France
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Word sense disambiguation (WSD) improves many Natural Language Processing
(NLP) applications such as Information Retrieval, Machine Translation or
Lexical Simplification. WSD is the ability of determining a word sense among
different ones within a polysemic lexical unit taking into account the context.
The most straightforward approach uses a semantic proximity measure between the
word sense candidates of the target word and those of its context. Such a
method very easily entails a combinatorial explosion. In this paper, we propose
two methods based on distributional analysis which enable to reduce the
exponential complexity without losing the coherence. We present a comparison
between the selection of distributional neighbors and the linearly nearest
neighbors. The figures obtained show that selecting distributional neighbors
leads to better results.
Mokhtar Billami (LIF)
Comments: in French
Journal-ref: 22`eme Conf’erence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues
Naturelles et 17`eme Rencontre des ‘Etudiants Chercheurs en Informatique
pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, Jun 2015, CAEN, France. 22`eme
Conf’erence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles et 17`eme
Rencontre des ‘Etudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement
Automatique des Langues, pp.13–24, 2015
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Word sense disambiguation improves many Natural Language Processing (NLP)
applications such as Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, Machine
Translation, or Lexical Simplification. Roughly speaking, the aim is to choose
for each word in a text its best sense. One of the most popular method
estimates local semantic similarity relatedness between two word senses and
then extends it to all words from text. The most direct method computes a rough
score for every pair of word senses and chooses the lexical chain that has the
best score (we can imagine the exponential complexity that returns this
comprehensive approach). In this paper, we propose to use a combinatorial
optimization metaheuristic for choosing the nearest neighbors obtained by
distributional selection around the word to disambiguate. The test and the
evaluation of our method concern a corpus written in French by means of the
semantic network BabelNet. The obtained accuracy rate is 78 % on all names and
verbs chosen for the evaluation.
Stefano Bennati, Evangelos Pournaras
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Big data collection practices using Internet of Things (IoT) pervasive
technologies are often privacy-intrusive and result in surveillance, profiling,
and discriminatory actions over citizens. On the other hand, real-time data
analytics and aggregate information open up tremendous opportunities for
managing and regulating infrastructures of smart grids and smart cities in a
more efficient and sustainable way. The privacy-enhancing aggregation of
distributed sensor data is the research focus and challenge tackled in this
paper. A baseline scenario is considered in which IoT sensor data are sent
directly to an untrustworthy central aggregator. Users are enabled to choose
their privacy level by reducing the quality of the shared data. There is a
trade-off between the quality of data and the accuracy level of data analytics.
A grouping mechanism is introduced that improves privacy over the baseline
scenario by sharing aggregated group data with the aggregator. The group-level
aggregation step obfuscates the individual sensor data, in a similar fashion as
differential privacy techniques and homomorphic encryption schemes, thus
inference of privacy-sensitive information from single sensors becomes
computationally harder compared to the baseline scenario. The mechanism
improves individual privacy over the baseline, without an impact on accuracy.
Furthermore, if groups are large enough, the mechanism improves the privacy
independently of individual choices. Inter-group effects such as the influence
of individual choices on the privacy of other group members are investigated.
Finally, several grouping strategies are evaluated and compared, and the
implications for the design of an incentive mechanism are discussed.
Jan-Peter Calliess
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Techniques known as Nonlinear Set Membership prediction, Kinky Inference or
Lipschitz Interpolation are fast and numerically robust approaches to
nonparametric machine learning that have been proposed to be utilised in the
context of system identification and learning-based control. They utilise
presupposed Lipschitz properties in order to compute inferences over unobserved
function values. Unfortunately, most of these approaches rely on exact
knowledge about the input space metric as well as about the Lipschitz constant.
Furthermore, existing techniques to estimate the Lipschitz constants from the
data are not robust to noise or seem to be ad-hoc and typically are decoupled
from the ultimate learning and prediction task. To overcome these limitations,
we propose an approach for optimising parameters of the presupposed metrics by
minimising validation set prediction errors. To avoid poor performance due to
local minima, we propose to utilise Lipschitz properties of the optimisation
objective to ensure global optimisation success. The resulting approach is a
new flexible method for nonparametric black-box learning. We provide
experimental evidence of the competitiveness of our approach on artificial as
well as on real data.
Raphael Petegrosso, Wei Zhang, Zhuliu Li, Yousef Saad, Rui Kuang
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
The success of semi-supervised learning crucially relies on the scalability
to a huge amount of unlabelled data that are needed to capture the underlying
manifold structure for better classification. Since computing the pairwise
similarity between the training data is prohibitively expensive in most kinds
of input data, currently, there is no general ready-to-use semi-supervised
learning method/tool available for learning with tens of millions or more data
points. In this paper, we adopted the idea of two low-rank label propagation
algorithms, GLNP (Global Linear Neighborhood Propagation) and Kernel Nystr”om
Approximation, and implemented the parallelized version of the two algorithms
accelerated with Nesterov’s accelerated projected gradient descent for Big-data
Label Propagation (BigLP).
The parallel algorithms are tested on five real datasets ranging from 7000 to
10,000,000 in size and a simulation dataset of 100,000,000 samples. In the
experiments, the implementation can scale up to datasets with 100,000,000
samples and hundreds of features and the algorithms also significantly improved
the prediction accuracy when only a very small percentage of the data is
labeled. The results demonstrate that the BigLP implementation is highly
scalable to big data and effective in utilizing the unlabeled data for
semi-supervised learning.
Kenji Kawaguchi, Bo Xie, Le Song
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We propose semi-random features for nonlinear function approximation.
Semi-random features are defined as the product of a random nonlinear switching
unit and a linear adjustable unit. The flexibility of semi-random feature lies
between the fully adjustable units in deep learning and the random features
used in kernel methods. We show that semi-random features possess a collection
of nice theoretical properties despite the non-convex nature of its learning
problem. In experiments, we show that semi-random features can match the
performance of neural networks by using slightly more units, and it outperforms
random features by using significantly fewer units. Semi-random features
provide an interesting data point in between kernel methods and neural networks
to advance our understanding of the challenge of nonlinear function
approximation, and it opens up new avenues to tackle the challenge further.
Jungseul Ok, Sewoong Oh, Jinwoo Shin, Yunhun Jang, Yung Yi
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Crowdsourcing platforms emerged as popular venues for purchasing human
intelligence at low cost for large volume of tasks. As many low-paid workers
are prone to give noisy answers, one of the fundamental questions is how to
identify more reliable workers and exploit this heterogeneity to infer the true
answers. Despite significant research efforts for classification tasks with
discrete answers, little attention has been paid to regression tasks where the
answers take continuous values. We consider the task of recovering the position
of target objects, and introduce a new probabilistic model capturing the
heterogeneity of the workers. We propose the belief propagation (BP) algorithm
for inferring the positions and prove that it achieves optimal mean squared
error by comparing its performance to that of an oracle estimator. Our
experimental results on synthetic datasets confirm our theoretical predictions.
We further emulate a crowdsourcing system using PASCAL visual object classes
datasets and show that de-noising the crowdsourced data using BP can
significantly improve the performance for the downstream vision task.
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Ji Feng
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper, we propose gcForest, a decision tree ensemble approach with
performance highly competitive to deep neural networks. In contrast to deep
neural networks which require great effort in hyper-parameter tuning, gcForest
is much easier to train. Actually, even when gcForest is applied to different
data from different domains, excellent performance can be achieved by almost
same settings of hyper-parameters. The training process of gcForest is
efficient and scalable. In our experiments its training time running on a PC is
comparable to that of deep neural networks running with GPU facilities, and the
efficiency advantage may be more apparent because gcForest is naturally apt to
parallel implementation. Furthermore, in contrast to deep neural networks which
require large-scale training data, gcForest can work well even when there are
only small-scale training data. Moreover, as a tree-based approach, gcForest
should be easier for theoretical analysis than deep neural networks.
Daniel Zoran, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Charles Blundell
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Nearest neighbor (kNN) methods have been gaining popularity in recent years
in light of advances in hardware and efficiency of algorithms. There is a
plethora of methods to choose from today, each with their own advantages and
disadvantages. One requirement shared between all kNN based methods is the need
for a good representation and distance measure between samples.
We introduce a new method called differentiable boundary tree which allows
for learning deep kNN representations. We build on the recently proposed
boundary tree algorithm which allows for efficient nearest neighbor
classification, regression and retrieval. By modelling traversals in the tree
as stochastic events, we are able to form a differentiable cost function which
is associated with the tree’s predictions. Using a deep neural network to
transform the data and back-propagating through the tree allows us to learn
good representations for kNN methods.
We demonstrate that our method is able to learn suitable representations
allowing for very efficient trees with a clearly interpretable structure.
Matthew Staib, Stefanie Jegelka
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
The optimal allocation of resources for maximizing influence, spread of
information or coverage, has gained attention in the past years, in particular
in machine learning and data mining. But, in applications, the parameters of
the problem are rarely known exactly, and using wrong parameters can lead to
undesirable outcomes. We hence revisit a continuous version of the Budget
Allocation or Bipartite Influence Maximization problem introduced by Alon et
al. (2012) from a robust optimization perspective, where an adversary may
choose the least favorable parameters within a confidence set. The resulting
problem is a nonconvex-concave saddle point problem (or game). We show that
this nonconvex problem can be solved exactly by leveraging connections to
continuous submodular functions, and by solving a constrained submodular
minimization problem. Although constrained submodular minimization is hard in
general, here, we establish conditions under which such a problem can be solved
to arbitrary precision (epsilon).
Shao-Bo Lin, Jinshan Zeng, Xiangyu Chang
Comments: This paper has been accepted by Neural Computation
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
This paper aims at refined error analysis for binary classification using
support vector machine (SVM) with Gaussian kernel and convex loss. Our first
result shows that for some loss functions such as the logistic loss and
exponential loss, SVM with Gaussian kernel can reach the almost optimal
learning rate, provided the regression function is smooth. Our second result
shows that, for a large number of loss functions, under some Tsybakov noise
assumption, if the regression function is infinitely smooth, then SVM with
Gaussian kernel can achieve the learning rate of order (m^{-1}), where (m) is
the number of samples.
Vamsi K Ithapu, Sathya N Ravi, Vikas Singh
Comments: 87 Pages; 14 figures; Under review
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We study mechanisms to characterize how the asymptotic convergence of
backpropagation in deep architectures, in general, is related to the network
structure, and how it may be influenced by other design choices including
activation type, denoising and dropout rate. We seek to analyze whether network
architecture and input data statistics may guide the choices of learning
parameters and vice versa. Given the broad applicability of deep architectures,
this issue is interesting both from theoretical and a practical standpoint.
Using properties of general nonconvex objectives (with first-order
information), we first build the association between structural, distributional
and learnability aspects of the network vis-`a-vis their interaction with
parameter convergence rates. We identify a nice relationship between feature
denoising and dropout, and construct families of networks that achieve the same
level of convergence. We then derive a workflow that provides systematic
guidance regarding the choice of network sizes and learning parameters often
mediated4 by input statistics. Our technical results are corroborated by an
extensive set of evaluations, presented in this paper as well as independent
empirical observations reported by other groups. We also perform experiments
showing the practical implications of our framework for choosing the best
fully-connected design for a given problem.
Shengjia Zhao, Jiaming Song, Stefano Ermon
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We propose a new family of optimization criteria for variational
auto-encoding models, generalizing the standard evidence lower bound. We
provide conditions under which they recover the data distribution and learn
latent features, and formally show that common issues such as blurry samples
and uninformative latent features arise when these conditions are not met.
Based on these new insights, we propose a new sequential VAE model that can
generate sharp samples on the LSUN image dataset based on pixel-wise
reconstruction loss, and propose an optimization criterion that encourages
unsupervised learning of informative latent features.
Ozsel Kilinc, Ismail Uysal
Comments: Submitted to ICML 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
In this paper, we propose a novel method to enrich the representation
provided to the output layer of feedforward neural networks in the form of an
auto-clustering output layer (ACOL) which enables the network to naturally
create sub-clusters under the provided main class la- bels. In addition, a
novel regularization term is introduced which allows ACOL to encourage the
neural network to reveal its own explicit clustering objective. While the
underlying process of finding the subclasses is completely unsupervised,
semi-supervised learning is also possible based on the provided classification
objective. The results show that ACOL can achieve a 99.2% clustering accuracy
for the semi-supervised case when partial class labels are presented and a 96%
accuracy for the unsupervised clustering case. These findings represent a
paradigm shift especially when it comes to harnessing the power of deep
networks for primary and secondary clustering applications in large datasets.
Yang Fan, Fei Tian, Tao Qin, Jiang Bian, Tie-Yan Liu
Comments: A preliminary version will appear in ICLR 2017, workshop track. this https URL¬eId=SyJNmVqgg
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Machine learning is essentially the sciences of playing with data. An
adaptive data selection strategy, enabling to dynamically choose different data
at various training stages, can reach a more effective model in a more
efficient way. In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning
framework, which we call emph{ extbf{N}eural extbf{D}ata extbf{F}ilter}
( extbf{NDF}), to explore automatic and adaptive data selection in the
training process. In particular, NDF takes advantage of a deep neural network
to adaptively select and filter important data instances from a sequential
stream of training data, such that the future accumulative reward (e.g., the
convergence speed) is maximized. In contrast to previous studies in data
selection that is mainly based on heuristic strategies, NDF is quite generic
and thus can be widely suitable for many machine learning tasks. Taking neural
network training with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as an example,
comprehensive experiments with respect to various neural network modeling
(e.g., multi-layer perceptron networks, convolutional neural networks and
recurrent neural networks) and several applications (e.g., image classification
and text understanding) demonstrate that NDF powered SGD can achieve comparable
accuracy with standard SGD process by using less data and fewer iterations.
Isaac J. Sledge, Jose C. Principe
Comments: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Games
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Conventional reinforcement learning methods for Markov decision processes
rely on weakly-guided, stochastic searches to drive the learning process. It
can therefore be difficult to predict what agent behaviors might emerge. In
this paper, we consider an information-theoretic approach for performing
constrained stochastic searches that promote the formation of risk-averse to
risk-favoring behaviors. Our approach is based on the value of information, a
criterion that provides an optimal trade-off between the expected return of a
policy and the policy’s complexity. As the policy complexity is reduced, there
is a high chance that the agents will eschew risky actions that increase the
long-term rewards. The agents instead focus on simply completing their main
objective in an expeditious fashion. As the policy complexity increases, the
agents will take actions, regardless of the risk, that seek to decrease the
long-term costs. A minimal-cost policy is sought in either case; the obtainable
cost depends on a single, tunable parameter that regulates the degree of policy
We evaluate the performance of value-of-information-based policies on a
stochastic version of Ms. Pac-Man. A major component of this paper is
demonstrating that ranges of policy complexity values yield different game-play
styles and analyzing why this occurs. We show that low-complexity policies aim
to only clear the environment of pellets while avoiding invulnerable ghosts.
Higher-complexity policies implement multi-modal strategies that compel the
agent to seek power-ups and chase after vulnerable ghosts, both of which reduce
the long-term costs.
Xinyu Li, Yanyi Zhang, Jianyu Zhang, Yueyang Chen, Shuhong Chen, Yue Gu, Moliang Zhou, Richard A. Farneth, Ivan Marsic, Randall S. Burd
Comments: 16 pages, 11 figures
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC)
Process modeling and understanding is fundamental for advanced human-computer
interfaces and automation systems. Recent research focused on activity
recognition, but little work has focused on process progress detection from
sensor data. We introduce a real-time, sensor-based system for modeling,
recognizing and estimating the completeness of a process. We implemented a
multimodal CNN-LSTM structure to extract the spatio-temporal features from
different sensory datatypes. We used a novel deep regression structure for
overall completeness estimation. By combining process completeness estimation
with a Gaussian mixture model, our system can predict the process phase using
the estimated completeness. We also introduce the rectified hyperbolic tangent
(rtanh) activation function and conditional loss to help the training process.
Using the completeness estimation result and performance speed calculations, we
also implemented an online estimator of remaining time. We tested this system
using data obtained from a medical process (trauma resuscitation) and sport
events (swim competition). Our system outperformed existing implementations for
phase prediction during trauma resuscitation and achieved over 80% of process
phase detection accuracy with less than 9% completeness estimation error and
time remaining estimation error less than 18% of duration in both dataset.
Haihao Lu, Kenji Kawaguchi
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In deep learning, extit{depth}, as well as extit{nonlinearity}, create
non-convex loss surfaces. Then, does depth alone create bad local minima? In
this paper, we prove that without nonlinearity, depth alone does not create bad
local minima, although it induces non-convex loss surface. Using this insight,
we greatly simplify a recently proposed proof to show that all of the local
minima of feedforward deep linear neural networks are global minima. Our
theoretical result generalizes previous results with fewer assumptions.
Saber Salehkaleybar, Jalal Etesami, Negar Kiyavash
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We study the problem of learning the dependency graph between random
processes in a vector auto regressive (VAR) model from samples when a subset of
the variables are latent. We show that the dependencies among the observed
processes can be identified successfully under some conditions on the VAR
model. Moreover, we can recover the length of all directed paths between any
two observed processes which pass through latent part. By utilizing this
information, we reconstruct the latent subgraph with minimum number of nodes
uniquely if its topology is a directed tree. Furthermore, we propose an
algorithm that finds all possible minimal latent networks if there exists at
most one directed path of each length between any two observed nodes through
the latent part. Experimental results on various synthetic and real-world
datasets validate our theoretical results.
AmirEmad Ghassami, Saber Salehkaleybar, Negar Kiyavash
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We study the problem of causal structure learning over a set of random
variables when the experimenter is allowed to perform at most (M) experiments
in a non-adaptive manner. We consider the optimal learning strategy in terms of
minimizing the portions of the structure that remains unknown given the limited
number of experiments in both Bayesian and minimax setting. We characterize the
theoretical optimal solution and propose an algorithm, which designs the
experiments efficiently in terms of time complexity. We show that for bounded
degree graphs, in the minimax case and in the Bayesian case with uniform
priors, our proposed algorithm is a (
ho)-approximation algorithm, where
ho) is independent of the order of the underlying graph. Simulations on both
synthetic and real data show that the performance of our algorithm is very
close to the optimal solution.
Christopher Tosh, Sanjoy Dasgupta
Comments: 18 pages, 2 figures
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
To date, the tightest upper and lower-bounds for the active learning of
general concept classes have been in terms of a parameter of the learning
problem called the splitting index. We provide, for the first time, an
efficient algorithm that is able to realize this upper bound, and we
empirically demonstrate its good performance.
Amir Dezfouli, Edwin V. Bonilla, Richard Nock
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We propose a network structure discovery model for continuous observations
that generalizes linear causal models by incorporating a Gaussian process (GP)
prior on a network-independent component, and random sparsity and weight
matrices as the network-dependent parameters. This approach provides flexible
modeling of network-independent trends in the observations as well as
uncertainty quantification around the discovered network structure. We
establish a connection between our model and multi-task GPs and develop an
efficient stochastic variational inference algorithm for it. Furthermore, we
formally show that our approach is numerically stable and in fact numerically
easy to carry out almost everywhere on the support of the random variables
involved. Finally, we evaluate our model on three applications, showing that it
outperforms previous approaches. We provide a qualitative and quantitative
analysis of the structures discovered for domains such as the study of the full
genome regulation of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Amit Daniely
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We show that the standard stochastic gradient decent (SGD) algorithm is
guaranteed to learn, in polynomial time, a function that is competitive with
the best function in the conjugate kernel space, as defined in Daniely, Frostig
and Singer (2016). The result holds for log-depth networks from a rich family
of architectures. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first polynomial-time
guarantee for the standard neural network learning algorithm for networks of
depth (ge 3).
Amit Daniely
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Let (f:mathbb{S}^{d-1} imes mathbb{S}^{d-1} omathbb{S}) be a function of
the form (f(mathbf{x},mathbf{x}’) = g(langlemathbf{x},mathbf{x}’
for (g:[-1,1] o mathbb{R}). We give a simple proof that shows that poly-size
depth two neural networks with (exponentially) bounded weights cannot
approximate (f) whenever (g) cannot be approximated by a low degree polynomial.
Moreover, for many (g)’s, such as (g(x)=sin(pi d^3x)), the number of neurons
must be (2^{Omegaleft(dlog(d)
ight)}). Furthermore, the result holds
w.r.t. the uniform distribution on (mathbb{S}^{d-1} imes mathbb{S}^{d-1}).
As many functions of the above form can be well approximated by poly-size depth
three networks with poly-bounded weights, this establishes a separation between
depth two and depth three networks w.r.t. the uniform distribution on
(mathbb{S}^{d-1} imes mathbb{S}^{d-1}).
Aditya Grover, Stefano Ermon
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We propose a new approach for using unsupervised boosting to create an
ensemble of generative models, where models are trained in sequence to correct
earlier mistakes. Our meta-algorithmic framework can leverage any existing base
learner that permits likelihood evaluation, including recent latent variable
models. Further, our approach allows the ensemble to include discriminative
models trained to distinguish real data from model-generated data. We show
theoretical conditions under which incorporating a new model in the ensemble
will improve the fit and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of boosting
on density estimation and sample generation on synthetic and benchmark real
Dustin Tran, Rajesh Ranganath, David M. Blei
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG); Computation (stat.CO); Methodology (stat.ME)
Implicit probabilistic models are a very flexible class for modeling data.
They define a process to simulate observations, and unlike traditional models,
they do not require a tractable likelihood function. In this paper, we develop
two families of models: hierarchical implicit models and deep implicit models.
They combine the idea of implicit densities with hierarchical Bayesian modeling
and deep neural networks. The use of implicit models with Bayesian analysis has
in general been limited by our ability to perform accurate and scalable
inference. We develop a variational inference algorithm for implicit models.
Key to our method is specifying a variational family that is also implicit.
This matches the model’s flexibility and allows for accurate approximation of
the posterior. Our method scales up implicit models to sizes previously not
possible and opens the door to new modeling designs. We demonstrate diverse
applications: a large-scale physical simulator for predator-prey populations in
ecology; a Bayesian generative adversarial network for discrete data; and a
deep implicit model for text generation.
Ofir Nachum, Mohammad Norouzi, Kelvin Xu, Dale Schuurmans
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We formulate a new notion of softmax temporal consistency that generalizes
the standard hard-max Bellman consistency usually considered in value based
reinforcement learning (RL). In particular, we show how softmax consistent
action values correspond to optimal policies that maximize entropy regularized
expected reward. More importantly, we establish that softmax consistent action
values and the optimal policy must satisfy a mutual compatibility property that
holds across any state-action subsequence. Based on this observation, we
develop a new RL algorithm, Path Consistency Learning (PCL), that minimizes the
total inconsistency measured along multi-step subsequences extracted from both
both on and off policy traces. An experimental evaluation demonstrates that PCL
significantly outperforms strong actor-critic and Q-learning baselines across
several benchmark tasks.
Jakob Foerster, Nantas Nardelli, Gregory Farquhar, Philip. H. S. Torr, Pushmeet Kohli, Shimon Whiteson
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
Many real-world problems, such as network packet routing and urban traffic
control, are naturally modeled as multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL)
problems. However, existing multi-agent RL methods typically scale poorly in
the problem size. Therefore, a key challenge is to translate the success of
deep learning on single-agent RL to the multi-agent setting. A key stumbling
block is that independent Q-learning, the most popular multi-agent RL method,
introduces nonstationarity that makes it incompatible with the experience
replay memory on which deep RL relies. This paper proposes two methods that
address this problem: 1) conditioning each agent’s value function on a
footprint that disambiguates the age of the data sampled from the replay memory
and 2) using a multi-agent variant of importance sampling to naturally decay
obsolete data. Results on a challenging decentralised variant of StarCraft unit
micromanagement confirm that these methods enable the successful combination of
experience replay with multi-agent RL.
Werner Zellinger, Thomas Grubinger, Edwin Lughofer, Thomas Natschläger, Susanne Saminger-Platz
Comments: Published in ICLR 2017
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
The learning of domain-invariant representations in the context of domain
adaptation with neural networks is considered. We propose a new regularization
method that minimizes the domain-specific latent feature representations
directly in the hidden activation space. Although some standard distribution
matching approaches exist that can be interpreted as the matching of weighted
sums of moments, e.g. Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), an explicit order-wise
matching of higher order moments has not been considered before. We propose to
match the higher order central moments of probability distributions by means of
order-wise moment differences. Our model does not require computationally
expensive distance and kernel matrix computations. We utilize the equivalent
representation of probability distributions by moment sequences to define a new
distance function, called Central Moment Discrepancy (CMD). We prove that CMD
is a metric on the set of probability distributions on a compact interval. We
further prove that convergence of probability distributions on compact
intervals w.r.t. the new metric implies convergence in distribution of the
respective random variables. We test our approach on two different benchmark
data sets for object recognition (Office) and sentiment analysis of product
reviews (Amazon reviews). CMD achieves a new state-of-the-art performance on
most domain adaptation tasks of Office and outperforms networks trained with
MMD, Variational Fair Autoencoders and Domain Adversarial Neural Networks on
Amazon reviews. In addition, a post-hoc parameter sensitivity analysis shows
that the new approach is stable w.r.t. parameter changes in a certain interval.
The source code of the experiments is publicly available.
Alexandre Boulch
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Deep Residual Networks have reached the state of the art in many image
processing tasks such image classification. However, the cost for a gain in
accuracy in terms of depth and memory is prohibitive as it requires a higher
number of residual blocks, up to double the initial value. To tackle this
problem, we propose in this paper a way to reduce the redundant information of
the networks. We share the weights of convolutional layers between residual
blocks operating at the same spatial scale. The signal flows multiple times in
the same convolutional layer. The resulting architecture, called ShaResNet,
contains block specific layers and shared layers. These ShaResNet are trained
exactly in the same fashion as the commonly used residual networks. We show, on
the one hand, that they are almost as efficient as their sequential
counterparts while involving less parameters, and on the other hand that they
are more efficient than a residual network with the same number of parameters.
For example, a 152-layer-deep residual network can be reduced to 106
convolutional layers, i.e. a parameter gain of 39\%, while loosing less than
0.2\% accuracy on ImageNet.
Weihua Hu, Takeru Miyato, Seiya Tokui, Eiichi Matsumoto, Masashi Sugiyama
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
Learning discrete representations of data is a central machine learning task
because of the compactness of the representations and ease of interpretation.
The task includes clustering and hash learning as special cases. Deep neural
networks are promising to be used because they can model the non-linearity of
data and scale to large datasets. However, their model complexity is huge, and
therefore, we need to carefully regularize the networks in order to learn
useful representations that exhibit intended invariance for applications of
interest. To this end, we propose a method called Information Maximizing Self
Augmented Training (IMSAT). In IMSAT, we use data augmentation to impose the
invariance on discrete representations. More specifically, we encourage the
predicted representations of augmented data points to be close to those of the
original data points in an end-to-end fashion. At the same time, we maximize
the information-theoretic dependency between data and their mapped
representations of data. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets show that
IMSAT produces state-of-the-art results for both clustering and unsupervised
hash learning.
Tongliang Liu, Gábor Lugosi, Gergely Neu, Dacheng Tao
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
We introduce a notion of algorithmic stability of learning algorithms—that
we term hypothesis stability—that captures stability of the hypothesis output
by the learning algorithm in the normed space of functions from which
hypotheses are selected. The main result of the paper bounds the generalization
error of any learning algorithm in terms of its hypothesis stability. The
bounds are based on martingale inequalities in the Banach space to which the
hypotheses belong. We apply the general bounds to bound the performance of some
learning algorithms based on empirical risk minimization and stochastic
gradient descent.
Mahito Sugiyama, Karsten M. Borgwardt
Comments: 19 pages, 4 figures
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG); Methodology (stat.ME)
Significant pattern mining, the search for sets of binary features that are
statistically significantly enriched in a class of objects, is of fundamental
importance in a wide range of applications from economics to statistical
genetics. Still, all existing approaches make the restrictive assumption that
the features are binary and require a binarization of continuous data during
preprocessing, which often leads to a loss of information. Here, we solve the
open problem of significant pattern mining on continuous variables. Our
approach detects all patterns that are statistically significantly associated
with a class of interest, while rigorously correcting for multiple testing. Key
to this approach is the use of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient to
represent the frequency of a pattern. Our experiments demonstrate that our
novel approach detects true patterns with higher precision and recall than
competing methods that require a prior binarization of the data.
Pan Xu, Jian Ma, Quanquan Gu
Comments: 29 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
We study the estimation of the latent variable Gaussian graphical model
(LVGGM), where the precision matrix is the superposition of a sparse matrix and
a low-rank matrix. In order to speed up the estimation of the sparse plus
low-rank components, we propose a sparsity constrained maximum likelihood
estimator based on matrix factorization, and an efficient alternating gradient
descent algorithm with hard thresholding to solve it. Our algorithm is orders
of magnitude faster than the convex relaxation based methods for LVGGM. In
addition, we prove that our algorithm is guaranteed to linearly converge to the
unknown sparse and low-rank components up to the optimal statistical precision.
Experiments on both synthetic and genomic data demonstrate the superiority of
our algorithm over the state-of-the-art algorithms and corroborate our theory.
Finale Doshi-Velez, Been Kim
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
As machine learning systems become ubiquitous, there has been a surge of
interest in interpretable machine learning: systems that provide explanation
for their outputs. These explanations are often used to qualitatively assess
other criteria such as safety or non-discrimination. However, despite the
interest in interpretability, there is very little consensus on what
interpretable machine learning is and how it should be measured. In this
position paper, we first define interpretability and describe when
interpretability is needed (and when it is not). Next, we suggest a taxonomy
for rigorous evaluation and expose open questions towards a more rigorous
science of interpretable machine learning.
David Balduzzi, Marcus Frean, Lennox Leary, JP Lewis, Kurt Wan-Duo Ma, Brian McWilliams
Comments: 14 pages, 6 figures
Subjects: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
A long-standing obstacle to progress in deep learning is the problem of
vanishing and exploding gradients. The problem has largely been overcome
through the introduction of carefully constructed initializations and batch
normalization. Nevertheless, architectures incorporating skip-connections such
as resnets perform much better than standard feedforward architectures despite
well-chosen initialization and batch normalization. In this paper, we identify
the shattered gradients problem. Specifically, we show that the correlation
between gradients in standard feedforward networks decays exponentially with
depth resulting in gradients that resemble white noise. In contrast, the
gradients in architectures with skip-connections are far more resistant to
shattering decaying sublinearly. Detailed empirical evidence is presented in
support of the analysis, on both fully-connected networks and convnets.
Finally, we present a new “looks linear” (LL) initialization that prevents
shattering. Preliminary experiments show the new initialization allows to train
very deep networks without the addition of skip-connections.
Lei Wang
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures, and half page appendix
Subjects: Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Boltzmann machines are physics informed generative models with wide
applications in machine learning. They can learn the probability distribution
from an input dataset and generate new samples accordingly. Applying them back
to physics, the Boltzmann machines are ideal recommender systems to accelerate
Monte Carlo simulation of physical systems due to their flexibility and
effectiveness. More intriguingly, we show that the generative sampling of the
Boltzmann Machines can even discover unknown cluster Monte Carlo algorithms.
The creative power comes from the latent representation of the Boltzmann
machines, which learn to mediate complex interactions and identify clusters of
the physical system. We demonstrate these findings with concrete examples of
the classical Ising model with and without four spin plaquette interactions.
Our results endorse a fresh research paradigm where intelligent machines are
designed to create or inspire human discovery of innovative algorithms.
Joshua Saxe, Konstantin Berlin
Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Learning (cs.LG)
For years security machine learning research has promised to obviate the need
for signature based detection by automatically learning to detect indicators of
attack. Unfortunately, this vision hasn’t come to fruition: in fact, developing
and maintaining today’s security machine learning systems can require
engineering resources that are comparable to that of signature-based detection
systems, due in part to the need to develop and continuously tune the
“features” these machine learning systems look at as attacks evolve. Deep
learning, a subfield of machine learning, promises to change this by operating
on raw input signals and automating the process of feature design and
extraction. In this paper we propose the eXpose neural network, which uses a
deep learning approach we have developed to take generic, raw short character
strings as input (a common case for security inputs, which include artifacts
like potentially malicious URLs, file paths, named pipes, named mutexes, and
registry keys), and learns to simultaneously extract features and classify
using character-level embeddings and convolutional neural network. In addition
to completely automating the feature design and extraction process, eXpose
outperforms manual feature extraction based baselines on all of the intrusion
detection problems we tested it on, yielding a 5%-10% detection rate gain at
0.1% false positive rate compared to these baselines.
Yazhou Yang, Marco Loog
Comments: 6 pages, 1 figure, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2016, Cancun, Mexico
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
Many active learning methods belong to the retraining-based approaches, which
select one unlabeled instance, add it to the training set with its possible
labels, retrain the classification model, and evaluate the criteria that we
base our selection on. However, since the true label of the selected instance
is unknown, these methods resort to calculating the average-case or worse-case
performance with respect to the unknown label. In this paper, we propose a
different method to solve this problem. In particular, our method aims to make
use of the uncertainty information to enhance the performance of
retraining-based models. We apply our method to two state-of-the-art algorithms
and carry out extensive experiments on a wide variety of real-world datasets.
The results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and
indicate it can reduce human labeling efforts in many real-life applications.
Emma Pierson, Sam Corbett-Davies, Sharad Goel
Comments: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
Threshold tests have recently been proposed as a robust method for detecting
bias in lending, hiring, and policing decisions. For example, in the case of
credit extensions, these tests aim to estimate the bar for granting loans to
white and minority applicants, with a higher inferred threshold for minorities
indicative of discrimination. This technique, however, requires fitting a
Bayesian latent variable model for which inference is often computationally
challenging. Here we develop a method for fitting threshold tests that is more
than 75 times faster than the existing approach, reducing computation from
hours to minutes. We demonstrate this technique by analyzing 2.7 million police
stops of pedestrians in New York City between 2008 and 2012. To achieve these
performance gains, we introduce and analyze a flexible family of probability
distributions on the interval [0, 1] — which we call discriminant
distributions — that is computationally efficient to work with. These
discriminant distributions may aid inference in a variety of applications
beyond threshold tests.
Yishay Mansour, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Zhiwei Steven Wu
Subjects: Computer Science and Game Theory (cs.GT); Learning (cs.LG)
Most modern systems strive to learn from interactions with users, and many
engage in emph{exploration}: making potentially suboptimal choices for the
sake of acquiring new information. We initiate a study of the interplay between
emph{exploration and competition}—how such systems balance the exploration
for learning and the competition for users. Here the users play three distinct
roles: they are customers that generate revenue, they are sources of data for
learning, and they are self-interested agents which choose among the competing
As a model, we consider competition between two multi-armed bandit algorithms
faced with the same bandit instance. Users arrive one by one and choose among
the two algorithms, so that each algorithm makes progress if and only if it is
chosen. We ask whether and to which extent competition incentivizes
emph{innovation}: adoption of better algorithms. We investigate this issue for
several models of user response, as we vary the degree of rationality and
competitiveness in the model. Effectively, we map out the “competition vs.
innovation” relationship, a well-studied theme in economics.
Nizar Massouh, Francesca Babiloni, Tatiana Tommasi, Jay Young, Nick Hawes, Barbara Caputo
Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Databases (cs.DB); Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO)
Deep networks thrive when trained on large scale data collections. This has
given ImageNet a central role in the development of deep architectures for
visual object classification. However, ImageNet was created during a specific
period in time, and as such it is prone to aging, as well as dataset bias
issues. Moving beyond fixed training datasets will lead to more robust visual
systems, especially when deployed on robots in new environments which must
train on the objects they encounter there. To make this possible, it is
important to break free from the need for manual annotators. Recent work has
begun to investigate how to use the massive amount of images available on the
Web in place of manual image annotations. We contribute to this research thread
with two findings: (1) a study correlating a given level of noisily labels to
the expected drop in accuracy, for two deep architectures, on two different
types of noise, that clearly identifies GoogLeNet as a suitable architecture
for learning from Web data; (2) a recipe for the creation of Web datasets with
minimal noise and maximum visual variability, based on a visual and natural
language processing concept expansion strategy. By combining these two results,
we obtain a method for learning powerful deep object models automatically from
the Web. We confirm the effectiveness of our approach through object
categorization experiments using our Web-derived version of ImageNet on a
popular robot vision benchmark database, and on a lifelong object discovery
task on a mobile robot.
Tan Tai Do, Emil Björnson, Erik G. Larsson, S. Mohammad Razavizadeh
Comments: submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics and Security
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We design a jamming-resistant receiver scheme to enhance the robustness of a
massive MIMO uplink system against jamming. We assume that a jammer attacks the
system both in the pilot and data transmission phases. The key feature of the
proposed scheme is that, in the pilot phase, we estimate not only the
legitimate channel, but also the jamming channel by exploiting a purposely
unused pilot sequence. The jamming channel estimate is used to constructed
linear receive filters that reject the impact of the jamming signal. The
performance of the proposed scheme is analytically evaluated using asymptotic
properties of massive MIMO. The optimal regularized zero-forcing receiver and
the optimal power allocation are also studied. Numerical results are provided
to verify our analysis and show that the proposed scheme greatly improves the
achievable rates, as compared to conventional receivers. Interestingly, the
proposed scheme works particularly well under strong jamming attacks, since the
improved estimate of the jamming channel outweighs the extra jamming power.
Zhiguo Ding, Linglong Dai, Robert Schober, H. Vincent Poor
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Finite resolution analog beamforming (FRAB) has been recognized as an
effective approach to reduce hardware costs in massive multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) and millimeter-wave networks. However, the use of FRAB
means that the beamformers are not perfectly aligned with the users’ channels
and multiple users may be assigned similar or even identifical beamformers.
This letter shows how non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) can be used to
exploit this feature of FRAB, where a single FRAB based beamformer is shared by
multiple users. Both analytical and simulation results are provided to
demonstrate the excellent performance achieved by this new NOMA transmission
Wence Zhang, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Cunhua Pan, Ming Chen, Jianxin Dai, Bingyang Wu, Xu Bao
Comments: Accepted in IEEE TWC
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper we study widely-linear precoding techniques to mitigate
in-phase/quadrature-phase (IQ) imbalance (IQI) in the downlink of large-scale
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We adopt a real-valued signal
model which takes into account the IQI at the transmitter and then develop
widely-linear zero-forcing (WL-ZF), widely-linear matched filter (WL-MF),
widely-linear minimum mean-squared error (WL-MMSE) and widely-linear
block-diagonalization (WL-BD) type precoding algorithms for both {color{red}
single- and multiple-antenna users.} We also present a performance analysis of
WL-ZF and WL-BD. It is proved that without IQI, WL-ZF has exactly the same
multiplexing gain and power offset as ZF, while when IQI exists, WL-ZF achieves
the same multiplexing gain as ZF with ideal IQ branches, but with a minor power
loss which is related to the system scale and the IQ parameters. We also
compare the performance of WL-BD with BD. The analysis shows that with ideal IQ
branches, WL-BD has the same data rate as BD, while when IQI exists, WL-BD
achieves the same multiplexing gain as BD without IQ imbalance. Numerical
results verify the analysis and show that the proposed widely-linear type
precoding methods significantly outperform their conventional counterparts with
IQI and approach those with ideal IQ branches.
Anum Ali, Nuria González-Prelcic, Robert W. Heath Jr
Comments: 30 pages, 11 figures
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication is one feasible solution for high
data-rate applications like vehicular-to-everything communication and next
generation cellular communication. Configuring mmWave links, which can be done
through channel estimation or beam-selection, however, is a source of
significant overhead. In this paper, we propose to use spatial information
extracted at sub-6 GHz to help establish the mmWave link. First, we review the
prior work on frequency dependent channel behavior and outline a simulation
strategy to generate multi-band frequency dependent channels. Second, assuming:
(i) narrowband channels and a fully digital architecture at sub-6 GHz; and (ii)
wideband frequency selective channels, OFDM signaling, and an analog
architecture at mmWave, we outline strategies to incorporate sub-6 GHz spatial
information in mmWave compressed beam selection. We formulate compressed
beam-selection as a weighted sparse signal recovery problem, and obtain the
weighting information from sub-6 GHz channels. In addition, we outline a
structured precoder/combiner design to tailor the training to out-of-band
information. We also extend the proposed out-of-band aided compressed
beam-selection approach to leverage information from all active OFDM
subcarriers. The simulation results for achievable rate show that out-of-band
aided beam-selection can reduce the training overhead of in-band only
beam-selection by 4x.
Maciej Skorski
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
It is well established that the notion of min-entropy fails to satisfy the
emph{chain rule} of the form (H(X,Y) = H(X|Y)+H(Y)), known for Shannon
Entropy. Such a property would help to analyze how min-entropy is split among
smaller blocks. Problems of this kind arise for example when constructing
extractors and dispersers.
We show that any sequence of variables exhibits a very strong strong
block-source structure (conditional distributions of blocks are nearly flat)
when we emph{spoil few correlated bits}. This implies, conditioned on the
spoiled bits, that emph{splitting-recombination properties} hold. In
particular, we have many nice properties that min-entropy doesn’t obey in
general, for example strong chain rules, “information can’t hurt” inequalities,
equivalences of average and worst-case conditional entropy definitions and
others. Quantitatively, for any sequence (X_1,ldots,X_t) of random variables
over an alphabet (mathcal{X}) we prove that, when conditioned on (m = tcdot
O( loglog|mathcal{X}| + loglog(1/epsilon) + log t)) bits of auxiliary
information, all conditional distributions of the form (X_i|X_{<i}) are
(epsilon)-close to be nearly flat (only a constant factor away). The argument
is combinatorial (based on simplex coverings).
This result may be used as a generic tool for emph{exhibiting block-source
structures}. We demonstrate this by reproving the fundamental converter due to
Nisan and Zuckermann (emph{J. Computer and System Sciences, 1996}), which
shows that sampling blocks from a min-entropy source roughly preserves the
entropy rate. Our bound implies, only by straightforward chain rules, an
additive loss of (o(1)) (for sufficiently many samples), which qualitatively
meets the first tighter analysis of this problem due to Vadhan
(emph{CRYPTO’03}), obtained by large deviation techniques.
Isaac J. Sledge, Jose C. Principe
Comments: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Games
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Conventional reinforcement learning methods for Markov decision processes
rely on weakly-guided, stochastic searches to drive the learning process. It
can therefore be difficult to predict what agent behaviors might emerge. In
this paper, we consider an information-theoretic approach for performing
constrained stochastic searches that promote the formation of risk-averse to
risk-favoring behaviors. Our approach is based on the value of information, a
criterion that provides an optimal trade-off between the expected return of a
policy and the policy’s complexity. As the policy complexity is reduced, there
is a high chance that the agents will eschew risky actions that increase the
long-term rewards. The agents instead focus on simply completing their main
objective in an expeditious fashion. As the policy complexity increases, the
agents will take actions, regardless of the risk, that seek to decrease the
long-term costs. A minimal-cost policy is sought in either case; the obtainable
cost depends on a single, tunable parameter that regulates the degree of policy
We evaluate the performance of value-of-information-based policies on a
stochastic version of Ms. Pac-Man. A major component of this paper is
demonstrating that ranges of policy complexity values yield different game-play
styles and analyzing why this occurs. We show that low-complexity policies aim
to only clear the environment of pellets while avoiding invulnerable ghosts.
Higher-complexity policies implement multi-modal strategies that compel the
agent to seek power-ups and chase after vulnerable ghosts, both of which reduce
the long-term costs.
Sarah E. Marzen, James P. Crutchfield
Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures; Supplementary materials, 5 pages, 1 figure; this http URL
Subjects: Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech); Information Theory (cs.IT); Chaotic Dynamics (nlin.CD); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Scientific explanation often requires inferring maximally predictive features
from a given data set. Unfortunately, the collection of minimal maximally
predictive features for most stochastic processes is uncountably infinite. In
such cases, one compromises and instead seeks nearly maximally predictive
features. Here, we derive upper-bounds on the rates at which the number and the
coding cost of nearly maximally predictive features scales with desired
predictive power. The rates are determined by the fractal dimensions of a
process’ mixed-state distribution. These results, in turn, show how widely-used
finite-order Markov models can fail as predictors and that mixed-state
predictive features offer a substantial improvement.
A.S. Trushechkin, E.O. Kiktenko, A.K. Fedorov
Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures
Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Decoy-state quantum key distribution is a standard tool for long-distance
quantum communications. An important issue in this field is the processing the
decoy-state statistics taking into account statistical fluctuations (or
“finite-key effects”). In this work, we propose and analyse an option for decoy
statistics processing, which is based on the central limit theorem. We discuss
such practical issues as inclusion of the failure probability of the decoy
states statistical estimates in the total failure probability of a QKD protocol
and also taking into account the deviations of the binomially distributed
random variables used in the estimations from the Gaussian distribution. The
results of numerical simulations show that the obtained estimations are quite
tight. The proposed technique can be used as a part of post-processing
procedures for industrial quantum key distribution systems.
Wei Su, Yongguang Yu
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Information Theory (cs.IT)
How can we approach the truth in a society? It may depend on various factors.
In this paper, using a well-established truth seeking model, we show that the
persistent free information flow will bring us to the truth. Here the free
information flow is modeled as the environmental random noise that could alter
one’s cognition. Without the random noise, the model predicts that the truth
can only be captured by the truth seekers who own active perceptive ability of
the truth and their believers, while the other individuals may stick to
falsehood. But under the influence of the random noise, we strictly prove that
even there is only one truth seeker in the group, all individuals will finally
approach the truth.
Wei Su, Ge Chen, Yongguang Yu
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Eliminating disagreement in a group is usually beneficial to the social
stability. In this paper, using the well-known Hegselmann-Krause (HK) model, we
design a quite simple strategy that could resolve the opinion difference of the
system in finite time and induce the opinions synchronized to a targeted value.
To be specific, we intentionally introduce weak random noise to only one agent
to affect its opinion in the evolution and also a leader agent with fixed
opinion in a divisive group, then strictly prove that the disagreement is
finally eliminated and the opinions get synchronized to the leader’s opinion in
finite time. Other than that, we calculate the finite stopping time when the
opinions synchronously reach the objective opinion value, which could provide
further guide for designing more efficient noise intervention strategy.