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关键字: Linux 版本信息
Linux下获取版本信息的方法有很多, 有用cat的,也有用uname的.但我发现获取版本信息最完整的是 lsb_release
[root@localhost RucLinux]# yum install redhat-lsb -y
[root@localhost RucLinux]# lsb_release --h
FSG lsb_release v2.0 prints certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and
Distribution information.
Usage: lsb_release [OPTION]...
With no OPTION specified defaults to -v.
-v, --version
Display the version of the LSB specification against which the distribution is compliant.
-i, --id
Display the string id of the distributor.
-d, --description
Display the single line text description of the distribution.
-r, --release
Display the release number of the distribution.
-c, --codename
Display the codename according to the distribution release.
-a, --all
Display all of the above information.
-s, --short
Use short output format for information requested by other options (or version if none).
-h, --help
Display this message.