Hamide Ozlem Dalgic, Erkan Bostanci, Mehmet Serdar Guzel
Subjects: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Genetic Algorithms are widely used in many different optimization problems
including layout design. The layout of the shelves play an important role in
the total sales metrics for superstores since this affects the customers’
shopping behaviour. This paper employed a genetic algorithm based approach to
design shelf layout of superstores. The layout design problem was tackled by
using a novel chromosome representation which takes many different parameters
to prevent dead-ends and improve shelf visibility into consideration. Results
show that the approach can produce reasonably good layout designs in very short
amounts of time.
Abdelhamid Benaini, Achraf Berrajaa, Jaouad Boukachour, Mustapha Oudani
Subjects: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
A parallel genetic algorithm (GA) implemented on GPU clusters is proposed to
solve the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median problem. The GA uses
binary and integer encoding and genetic operators adapted to this problem. Our
GA is improved by generated initial solution with hubs located at middle nodes.
The obtained experimental results are compared with the best known solutions on
all benchmarks on instances up to 1000 nodes. Furthermore, we solve our own
randomly generated instances up to 6000 nodes. Our approach outperforms most
well-known heuristics in terms of solution quality and time execution and it
allows hitherto unsolved problems to be solved.
Mo Yu, Wenpeng Yin, Kazi Saidul Hasan, Cicero dos Santos, Bing Xiang, Bowen Zhou
Comments: Accepted by ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Relation detection is a core component for many NLP applications including
Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA). In this paper, we propose a
hierarchical recurrent neural network enhanced by residual learning that
detects KB relations given an input question. Our method uses deep residual
bidirectional LSTMs to compare questions and relation names via different
hierarchies of abstraction. Additionally, we propose a simple KBQA system that
integrates entity linking and our proposed relation detector to enable one
enhance another. Experimental results evidence that our approach achieves not
only outstanding relation detection performance, but more importantly, it helps
our KBQA system to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy for both single-relation
(SimpleQuestions) and multi-relation (WebQSP) QA benchmarks.
Min Lin
Comments: NIPS 2017 submission
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Softmax GAN is a novel variant of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The
key idea of Softmax GAN is to replace the classification loss in the original
GAN with a softmax cross-entropy loss in the sample space of one single batch.
In the adversarial learning of (N) real training samples and (M) generated
samples, the target of discriminator training is to distribute all the
probability mass to the real samples, each with probability (frac{1}{M}), and
distribute zero probability to generated data. In the generator training phase,
the target is to assign equal probability to all data points in the batch, each
with probability (frac{1}{M+N}). While the original GAN is closely related to
Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE), we show that Softmax GAN is the Importance
Sampling version of GAN. We futher demonstrate with experiments that this
simple change stabilizes GAN training.
Hongyu Guo, Colin Cherry, Jiang Su
Comments: 6 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We propose a multi-view network for text classification. Our method
automatically creates various views of its input text, each taking the form of
soft attention weights that distribute the classifier’s focus among a set of
base features. For a bag-of-words representation, each view focuses on a
different subset of the text’s words. Aggregating many such views results in a
more discriminative and robust representation. Through a novel architecture
that both stacks and concatenates views, we produce a network that emphasizes
both depth and width, allowing training to converge quickly. Using our
multi-view architecture, we establish new state-of-the-art accuracies on two
benchmark tasks.
Shubham Tulsiani, Tinghui Zhou, Alexei A. Efros, Jitendra Malik
Comments: To appear at CVPR 2017. Project webpage : this https URL
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We study the notion of consistency between a 3D shape and a 2D observation
and propose a differentiable formulation which allows computing gradients of
the 3D shape given an observation from an arbitrary view. We do so by
reformulating view consistency using a differentiable ray consistency (DRC)
term. We show that this formulation can be incorporated in a learning framework
to leverage different types of multi-view observations e.g. foreground masks,
depth, color images, semantics etc. as supervision for learning single-view 3D
prediction. We present empirical analysis of our technique in a controlled
setting. We also show that this approach allows us to improve over existing
techniques for single-view reconstruction of objects from the PASCAL VOC
Xi Yin, Xiang Yu, Kihyuk Sohn, Xiaoming Liu, Manmohan Chandraker
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Despite recent advances in face recognition using deep learning, severe
accuracy drops are observed for large pose variations in unconstrained
environments. Learning pose-invariant features is one solution, but needs
expensively labeled large scale data and carefully designed feature learning
algorithms. In this work, we focus on frontalizing faces in the wild under
various head poses, including extreme profile views. We propose a novel deep 3D
Morphable Model (3DMM) conditioned Face Frontalization Generative Adversarial
Network (GAN), termed as FF-GAN, to generate neutral head pose face images. Our
framework differs from both traditional GANs and 3DMM based modeling.
Incorporating 3DMM into the GAN structure provides shape and appearance priors
for fast convergence with less training data, while also supporting end-to-end
training. The 3DMM conditioned GAN employs not only the discriminator and
generator loss but also a new masked symmetry loss to retain visual quality
under occlusions, besides an identity loss to recover high frequency
information. Experiments on face recognition, landmark localization and 3D
reconstruction consistently show the advantage of our frontalization method on
faces in the wild datasets.Detailed results can be refered to:
this http URL
Yue Zhao, Yuanjun Xiong, Limin Wang, Zhirong Wu, Dahua Lin, Xiaoou Tang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Detecting activities in untrimmed videos is an important yet challenging
task. In this paper, we tackle the difficulties of effectively locating the
start and the end of a long complex action, which are often met by existing
methods. Our key contribution is the structured segment network, a novel
framework for temporal action detection, which models the temporal structure of
each activity instance via a structured temporal pyramid. On top of the
pyramid, we further introduce a decomposed discriminative model, which
comprises two classifiers, respectively for classifying activities and
determining completeness. This allows the framework to effectively distinguish
positive proposals from background or incomplete ones, thus leading to both
accurate recognition and localization. These components are integrated into a
unified network that can be efficiently trained in an end-to-end fashion. We
also propose a simple yet effective temporal action proposal scheme that can
generate proposals of considerably higher qualities. On two challenging
benchmarks, THUMOS14 and ActivityNet, our method remarkably outperforms
existing state-of-the-art methods by over ( 10\% ) absolute average mAP,
demonstrating superior accuracy and strong adaptivity in handling activities
with various temporal structures.
Rui Zhao, Raymond H. Chan
Comments: 12 pages, 7 numberical examples, 12 figure groups, 2 tables
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We propose a variational approach to obtain super-resolution images from
multiple low-resolution frames extracted from video clips. First the
displacement between the low-resolution frames and the reference frame are
computed by an optical flow algorithm. Then a low-rank model is used to
construct the reference frame in high-resolution by incorporating the
information of the low-resolution frames. The model has two terms: a 2-norm
data fidelity term and a nuclear-norm regularization term. Alternating
direction method of multipliers is used to solve the model. Comparison of our
methods with other models on synthetic and real video clips show that our
resulting images are more accurate with less artifacts. It also provides much
finer and discernable details.
Dim P. Papadopoulos, Jasper R. R. Uijlings, Frank Keller, Vittorio Ferrari
Comments: CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Training object class detectors typically requires a large set of images with
objects annotated by bounding boxes. However, manually drawing bounding boxes
is very time consuming. In this paper we greatly reduce annotation time by
proposing center-click annotations: we ask annotators to click on the center of
an imaginary bounding box which tightly encloses the object instance. We then
incorporate these clicks into existing Multiple Instance Learning techniques
for weakly supervised object localization, to jointly localize object bounding
boxes over all training images. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC 2007 and MS
COCO show that: (1) our scheme delivers high-quality detectors, performing
substantially better than those produced by weakly supervised techniques, with
a modest extra annotation effort; (2) these detectors in fact perform in a
range close to those trained from manually drawn bounding boxes; (3) as the
center-click task is very fast, our scheme reduces total annotation time by 9x
to 18x.
Fabio Carrara, Andrea Esuli, Fabrizio Falchi, Alejandro Moreo Fernández
Comments: Preliminary report
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The recently proposed stochastic residual networks selectively activate or
bypass the layers during training, based on independent stochastic choices,
each of which following a probability distribution that is fixed in advance. In
this paper we present a first exploration on the use of an epoch-dependent
distribution, starting with a higher probability of bypassing deeper layers and
then activating them more frequently as training progresses. Preliminary
results are mixed, yet they show some potential of adding an epoch-dependent
management of distributions, worth of further investigation.
Cem M. Deniz, Spencer Hallyburton, Arakua Welbeck, Stephen Honig, Kyunghyun Cho, Gregory Chang
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures, and one table
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Osteoporosis is a public health problem characterized by increased fracture
risk secondary to low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone
tissue. Almost all fractures of the hip require hospitalization and major
surgery. Early diagnosis of osteoporosis plays an important role in preventing
osteoporotic fracture. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been successfully
performed to image trabecular bone architecture in vivo proving itself as the
practical imaging modality for bone quality assessment. However, segmentation
of the whole proximal femur is required to measure bone quality and assess
fracture risk precisely. Manual segmentation of the proximal femur is
time-intensive, limiting the use of MRI measurements in the clinical practice.
To overcome this bottleneck, robust automatic proximal femur segmentation
method is required. In this paper, we propose to use deep convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) for an automatic proximal femur segmentation using structural
MR images. We constructed a dataset with 62 volumetric MR scans that are
manually-segmented for proximal femur. We performed experiments using two
different CNN architectures and achieved a high dice similarity score of 0.95.
Bob D. de Vos, Floris F. Berendsen, Max A. Viergever, Marius Staring, Ivana Išgum
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this work we propose a deep learning network for deformable image
registration (DIRNet). The DIRNet consists of a convolutional neural network
(ConvNet) regressor, a spatial transformer, and a resampler. The ConvNet
analyzes a pair of fixed and moving images and outputs parameters for the
spatial transformer, which generates the displacement vector field that enables
the resampler to warp the moving image to the fixed image. The DIRNet is
trained end-to-end by unsupervised optimization of a similarity metric between
input image pairs. A trained DIRNet can be applied to perform registration on
unseen image pairs in one pass, thus non-iteratively. Evaluation was performed
with registration of images of handwritten digits (MNIST) and cardiac cine MR
scans (Sunnybrook Cardiac Data). The results demonstrate that registration with
DIRNet is as accurate as a conventional deformable image registration method
with substantially shorter execution times.
Hariharan Ravishankar, Prasad Sudhakar, Rahul Venkataramani, Sheshadri Thiruvenkadam, Pavan Annangi, Narayanan Babu, Vivek Vaidya
Comments: Published in MICCAI Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, 2016
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The ability to automatically learn task specific feature representations has
led to a huge success of deep learning methods. When large training data is
scarce, such as in medical imaging problems, transfer learning has been very
effective. In this paper, we systematically investigate the process of
transferring a Convolutional Neural Network, trained on ImageNet images to
perform image classification, to kidney detection problem in ultrasound images.
We study how the detection performance depends on the extent of transfer. We
show that a transferred and tuned CNN can outperform a state-of-the-art feature
engineered pipeline and a hybridization of these two techniques achieves 20\%
higher performance. We also investigate how the evolution of intermediate
response images from our network. Finally, we compare these responses to
state-of-the-art image processing filters in order to gain greater insight into
how transfer learning is able to effectively manage widely varying imaging
Jack Valmadre, Luca Bertinetto, João F. Henriques, Andrea Vedaldi, Philip H. S. Torr
Comments: To appear at CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
The Correlation Filter is an algorithm that trains a linear template to
discriminate between images and their translations. It is well suited to object
tracking because its formulation in the Fourier domain provides a fast
solution, enabling the detector to be re-trained once per frame. Previous works
that use the Correlation Filter, however, have adopted features that were
either manually designed or trained for a different task. This work is the
first to overcome this limitation by interpreting the Correlation Filter
learner, which has a closed-form solution, as a differentiable layer in a deep
neural network. This enables learning deep features that are tightly coupled to
the Correlation Filter. Experiments illustrate that our method has the
important practical benefit of allowing lightweight architectures to achieve
state-of-the-art performance at high framerates.
Hongyoon Choi, Kyong Hwan Jin
Comments: 24 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
For effective treatment of Alzheimer disease (AD), it is important to
identify subjects who are most likely to exhibit rapid cognitive decline.
Herein, we developed a novel framework based on a deep convolutional neural
network which can predict future cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment
(MCI) patients using flurodeoxyglucose and florbetapir positron emission
tomography (PET). The architecture of the network only relies on baseline PET
studies of AD and normal subjects as the training dataset. Feature extraction
and complicated image preprocessing including nonlinear warping are unnecessary
for our approach. Accuracy of prediction (84.2%) for conversion to AD in MCI
patients outperformed conventional feature-based quantification approaches. ROC
analyses revealed that performance of CNN-based approach was significantly
higher than that of the conventional quantification methods (p < 0.05). Output
scores of the network were strongly correlated with the longitudinal change in
cognitive measurements. These results show the feasibility of deep learning as
a tool for predicting disease outcome using brain images.
Xun Yang, Meng Wang, Richang Hong, Qi Tian, Yong Rui
Comments: Accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Despite the promising progress made in recent years, person re-identification
(re-ID) remains a challenging task due to the complex variations in human
appearances from different camera views. For this challenging problem, a large
variety of algorithms have been developed in the fully-supervised setting,
requiring access to a large amount of labeled training data. However, the main
bottleneck for fully-supervised re-ID is the limited availability of labeled
training samples. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a
self-trained subspace learning paradigm for person re-ID which effectively
utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data to learn a discriminative subspace
where person images across disjoint camera views can be easily matched. The
proposed approach first constructs pseudo pairwise relationships among
unlabeled persons using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. Then, with the
pseudo pairwise relationships, the unlabeled samples can be easily combined
with the labeled samples to learn a discriminative projection by solving an
eigenvalue problem. In addition, we refine the pseudo pairwise relationships
iteratively, which further improves the learning performance. A multi-kernel
embedding strategy is also incorporated into the proposed approach to cope with
the non-linearity in person’s appearance and explore the complementation of
multiple kernels. In this way, the performance of person re-ID can be greatly
enhanced when training data are insufficient. Experimental results on six
widely-used datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and its
performance can be comparable to the reported results of most state-of-the-art
fully-supervised methods while using much fewer labeled data.
Erkan Bostanci, Nadia Kanwal, Betul Bostanci, Mehmet Serdar Guzel
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Matching of binary image features is an important step in many different
computer vision applications. Conventionally, an arbitrary threshold is used to
identify a correct match from incorrect matches using Hamming distance which
may improve or degrade the matching results for different input images. This is
mainly due to the image content which is affected by the scene, lighting and
imaging conditions. This paper presents a fuzzy logic based approach for brute
force matching of image features to overcome this situation. The method was
tested using a well-known image database with known ground truth. The approach
is shown to produce a higher number of correct matches when compared against
constant distance thresholds. The nature of fuzzy logic which allows the
vagueness of information and tolerance to errors has been successfully
exploited in an image processing context. The uncertainty arising from the
imaging conditions has been overcome with the use of compact fuzzy matching
membership functions.
Karim Ahmed, Lorenzo Torresani
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We introduce an architecture for large-scale image categorization that
enables the end-to-end learning of separate visual features for the different
classes to distinguish. The proposed model consists of a deep CNN shaped like a
tree. The stem of the tree includes a sequence of convolutional layers common
to all classes. The stem then splits into multiple branches implementing
parallel feature extractors, which are ultimately connected to the final
classification layer via learned gated connections. These learned gates
determine for each individual class the subset of features to use. Such a
scheme naturally encourages the learning of a heterogeneous set of specialized
features through the separate branches and it allows each class to use the
subset of features that are optimal for its recognition. We show the generality
of our proposed method by reshaping several popular CNNs from the literature
into our proposed architecture. Our experiments on the CIFAR100, CIFAR10, and
Synth datasets show that in each case our resulting model yields a substantial
improvement in accuracy over the original CNN. Our empirical analysis also
suggests that our scheme acts as a form of beneficial regularization improving
generalization performance.
Beipeng Mu, Shih-Yuan Liu, Liam Paull, John Leonard, Jonathan How
Comments: published at IROS 2016
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
Mapping and self-localization in unknown environments are fundamental
capabilities in many robotic applications. These tasks typically involve the
identification of objects as unique features or landmarks, which requires the
objects both to be detected and then assigned a unique identifier that can be
maintained when viewed from different perspectives and in different images. The
extit{data association} and extit{simultaneous localization and mapping}
(SLAM) problems are, individually, well-studied in the literature. But these
two problems are inherently tightly coupled, and that has not been
well-addressed. Without accurate SLAM, possible data associations are
combinatorial and become intractable easily. Without accurate data association,
the error of SLAM algorithms diverge easily. This paper proposes a novel
nonparametric pose graph that models data association and SLAM in a single
framework. An algorithm is further introduced to alternate between inferring
data association and performing SLAM. Experimental results show that our
approach has the new capability of associating object detections and localizing
objects at the same time, leading to significantly better performance on both
the data association and SLAM problems than achieved by considering only one
and ignoring imperfections in the other.
Luis Gomez, Raydonal Ospina, Alejandro C. Frery
Comments: Accepted for publication in Remote Sensing – Open Access Journal
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imaging plays a central role in Remote Sensing
due to, among other important features, its ability to provide high-resolution,
day-and-night and almost weather-independent images. SAR images are affected
from a granular contamination, speckle, that can be described by a
multiplicative model. Many despeckling techniques have been proposed in the
literature, as well as measures of the quality of the results they provide.
Assuming the multiplicative model, the observed image (Z) is the product of two
independent fields: the backscatter (X) and the speckle (Y). The result of any
speckle filter is (widehat X), an estimator of the backscatter (X), based
solely on the observed data (Z). An ideal estimator would be the one for which
the ratio of the observed image to the filtered one (I=Z/widehat X) is only
speckle: a collection of independent identically distributed samples from Gamma
variates. We, then, assess the quality of a filter by the closeness of (I) to
the hypothesis that it is adherent to the statistical properties of pure
speckle. We analyze filters through the ratio image they produce with regards
to first- and second-order statistics: the former check marginal properties,
while the latter verifies lack of structure. A new quantitative image-quality
index is then defined, and applied to state-of-the-art despeckling filters.
This new measure provides consistent results with commonly used quality
measures (equivalent number of looks, PSNR, MSSIM, (eta) edge correlation,
and preservation of the mean), and ranks the filters results also in agreement
with their visual analysis. We conclude our study showing that the proposed
measure can be successfully used to optimize the (often many) parameters that
define a speckle filter.
Vassileios Balntas, Karel Lenc, Andrea Vedaldi, Krystian Mikolajczyk
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we propose a novel benchmark for evaluating local image
descriptors. We demonstrate that the existing datasets and evaluation protocols
do not specify unambiguously all aspects of evaluation, leading to ambiguities
and inconsistencies in results reported in the literature. Furthermore, these
datasets are nearly saturated due to the recent improvements in local
descriptors obtained by learning them from large annotated datasets. Therefore,
we introduce a new large dataset suitable for training and testing modern
descriptors, together with strictly defined evaluation protocols in several
tasks such as matching, retrieval and classification. This allows for more
realistic, and thus more reliable comparisons in different application
scenarios. We evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art descriptors
and analyse their properties. We show that a simple normalisation of
traditional hand-crafted descriptors can boost their performance to the level
of deep learning based descriptors within a realistic benchmarks evaluation.
Yashar Deldjoo, Massimo Quadrana, Mehdi Elahi, Paolo Cremonesi
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM)
Item features play an important role in movie recommender systems, where
recommendations can be generated by using explicit or implicit preferences of
users on traditional features (attributes) such as tag, genre, and cast.
Typically, movie features are human-generated, either editorially (e.g., genre
and cast) or by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd (e.g., tag), and as such,
they are prone to noise and are expensive to collect. Moreover, these features
are often rare or absent for new items, making it difficult or even impossible
to provide good quality recommendations.
In this paper, we show that user’s preferences on movies can be better
described in terms of the mise-en-sc`ene features, i.e., the visual aspects of
a movie that characterize design, aesthetics and style (e.g., colors,
textures). We use both MPEG-7 visual descriptors and Deep Learning hidden
layers as example of mise-en-sc`ene features that can visually describe
movies. Interestingly, mise-en-sc`ene features can be computed automatically
from video files or even from trailers, offering more flexibility in handling
new items, avoiding the need for costly and error-prone human-based tagging,
and providing good scalability.
We have conducted a set of experiments on a large catalogue of 4K movies.
Results show that recommendations based on mise-en-sc`ene features
consistently provide the best performance with respect to richer sets of more
traditional features, such as genre and tag.
Prajit Ramachandran, Tom Le Paine, Pooya Khorrami, Mohammad Babaeizadeh, Shiyu Chang, Yang Zhang, Mark A. Hasegawa-Johnson, Roy H. Campbell, Thomas S. Huang
Comments: Accepted at ICLR 2017 Workshop
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Convolutional autoregressive models have recently demonstrated
state-of-the-art performance on a number of generation tasks. While fast,
parallel training methods have been crucial for their success, generation is
typically implemented in a na”{i}ve fashion where redundant computations are
unnecessarily repeated. This results in slow generation, making such models
infeasible for production environments. In this work, we describe a method to
speed up generation in convolutional autoregressive models. The key idea is to
cache hidden states to avoid redundant computation. We apply our fast
generation method to the Wavenet and PixelCNN++ models and achieve up to
(21 imes) and (183 imes) speedups respectively.
Yewen Pu, Leslie P Kaelbling, Armando Solar-Lezama
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We consider the problem of diagnosis where a set of simple observations are
used to infer a potentially complex hidden hypothesis. Finding the optimal
subset of observations is intractable in general, thus we focus on the problem
of active diagnosis, where the agent selects the next most-informative
observation based on the results of previous observations. We show that under
the assumption of uniform observation entropy, one can build an implication
model which directly predicts the outcome of the potential next observation
conditioned on the results of past observations, and selects the observation
with the maximum entropy. This approach enjoys reduced computation complexity
by bypassing the complicated hypothesis space, and can be trained on
observation data alone, learning how to query without knowledge of the hidden
Amos Korman (GANG, IRIF), Yoav Rodeh
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
We introduce the dependent doors problem as an abstraction for situations in
which one must perform a sequence of possibly dependent decisions, without
receiving feedback information on the effectiveness of previously made actions.
Informally, the problem considers a set of (d) doors that are initially closed,
and the aim is to open all of them as fast as possible. To open a door, the
algorithm knocks on it and it might open or not according to some probability
distribution. This distribution may depend on which other doors are currently
open, as well as on which other doors were open during each of the previous
knocks on that door. The algorithm aims to minimize the expected time until all
doors open. Crucially, it must act at any time without knowing whether or which
other doors have already opened. In this work, we focus on scenarios where
dependencies between doors are both positively correlated and acyclic.The
fundamental distribution of a door describes the probability it opens in the
best of conditions (with respect to other doors being open or closed). We show
that if in two configurations of (d) doors corresponding doors share the same
fundamental distribution, then these configurations have the same optimal
running time up to a universal constant, no matter what are the dependencies
between doors and what are the distributions. We also identify algorithms that
are optimal up to a universal constant factor. For the case in which all doors
share the same fundamental distribution we additionally provide a simpler
algorithm, and a formula to calculate its running time. We furthermore analyse
the price of lacking feedback for several configurations governed by standard
fundamental distributions. In particular, we show that the price is logarithmic
in (d) for memoryless doors, but can potentially grow to be linear in (d) for
other distributions.We then turn our attention to investigate precise bounds.
Even for the case of two doors, identifying the optimal sequence is an
intriguing combinatorial question. Here, we study the case of two cascading
memoryless doors. That is, the first door opens on each knock independently
with probability (p\_1). The second door can only open if the first door is
open, in which case it will open on each knock independently with probability
(p\_2). We solve this problem almost completely by identifying algorithms that
are optimal up to an additive term of 1.
Steffen Thoma, Achim Rettinger, Fabian Both
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We present a baseline approach for cross-modal knowledge fusion. Different
basic fusion methods are evaluated on existing embedding approaches to show the
potential of joining knowledge about certain concepts across modalities in a
fused concept representation.
Utku Kose, Ahmet Arslan
Comments: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables
Journal-ref: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience,
6(1-4), 2015, 15-22
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
The objective of this paper is to introduce an artificial intelligence based
optimization approach, which is inspired from Piagets theory on cognitive
development. The approach has been designed according to essential processes
that an individual may experience while learning something new or improving his
/ her knowledge. These processes are associated with the Piagets ideas on an
individuals cognitive development. The approach expressed in this paper is a
simple algorithm employing swarm intelligence oriented tasks in order to
overcome single-objective optimization problems. For evaluating effectiveness
of this early version of the algorithm, test operations have been done via some
benchmark functions. The obtained results show that the approach / algorithm
can be an alternative to the literature in terms of single-objective
optimization. The authors have suggested the name: Cognitive Development
Optimization Algorithm (CoDOA) for the related intelligent optimization
Clement Carbonnel, David A. Cohen, Martin C. Cooper, Stanislav Zivny
Subjects: Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM)
Singleton arc consistency is an important type of local consistency which has
been recently shown to solve all constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) over
constraint languages of bounded width. We aim to characterise all classes of
CSPs defined by a forbidden pattern that are solved by singleton arc
consistency and closed under removing constraints. We identify five new
patterns whose absence ensures solvability by singleton arc consistency, four
of which are provably maximal and three of which generalise 2-SAT. Combined
with simple counter-examples for other patterns, we make significant progress
towards a complete classification.
Mo Yu, Wenpeng Yin, Kazi Saidul Hasan, Cicero dos Santos, Bing Xiang, Bowen Zhou
Comments: Accepted by ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Relation detection is a core component for many NLP applications including
Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA). In this paper, we propose a
hierarchical recurrent neural network enhanced by residual learning that
detects KB relations given an input question. Our method uses deep residual
bidirectional LSTMs to compare questions and relation names via different
hierarchies of abstraction. Additionally, we propose a simple KBQA system that
integrates entity linking and our proposed relation detector to enable one
enhance another. Experimental results evidence that our approach achieves not
only outstanding relation detection performance, but more importantly, it helps
our KBQA system to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy for both single-relation
(SimpleQuestions) and multi-relation (WebQSP) QA benchmarks.
Andres Gomez, Camilo Lara, Udo Kebschull (for the ALICE Collaboration)
Comments: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 664
Journal-ref: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664 062017 (2015)
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); High Energy Physics – Experiment (hep-ex)
Grids allow users flexible on-demand usage of computing resources through
remote communication networks. A remarkable example of a Grid in High Energy
Physics (HEP) research is used in the ALICE experiment at European Organization
for Nuclear Research CERN. Physicists can submit jobs used to process the huge
amount of particle collision data produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Grids face complex security challenges. They are interesting targets for
attackers seeking for huge computational resources. Since users can execute
arbitrary code in the worker nodes on the Grid sites, special care should be
put in this environment. Automatic tools to harden and monitor this scenario
are required. Currently, there is no integrated solution for such requirement.
This paper describes a new security framework to allow execution of job
payloads in a sandboxed context. It also allows process behavior monitoring to
detect intrusions, even when new attack methods or zero day vulnerabilities are
exploited, by a Machine Learning approach. We plan to implement the proposed
framework as a software prototype that will be tested as a component of the
ALICE Grid middleware.
Hongyoon Choi, Kyong Hwan Jin
Comments: 24 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
For effective treatment of Alzheimer disease (AD), it is important to
identify subjects who are most likely to exhibit rapid cognitive decline.
Herein, we developed a novel framework based on a deep convolutional neural
network which can predict future cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment
(MCI) patients using flurodeoxyglucose and florbetapir positron emission
tomography (PET). The architecture of the network only relies on baseline PET
studies of AD and normal subjects as the training dataset. Feature extraction
and complicated image preprocessing including nonlinear warping are unnecessary
for our approach. Accuracy of prediction (84.2%) for conversion to AD in MCI
patients outperformed conventional feature-based quantification approaches. ROC
analyses revealed that performance of CNN-based approach was significantly
higher than that of the conventional quantification methods (p < 0.05). Output
scores of the network were strongly correlated with the longitudinal change in
cognitive measurements. These results show the feasibility of deep learning as
a tool for predicting disease outcome using brain images.
Leon Derczynski, Kalina Bontcheva, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter, Geraldine Wong Sak Hoi, Arkaitz Zubiaga
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Media is full of false claims. Even Oxford Dictionaries named “post-truth” as
the word of 2016. This makes it more important than ever to build systems that
can identify the veracity of a story, and the kind of discourse there is around
it. RumourEval is a SemEval shared task that aims to identify and handle
rumours and reactions to them, in text. We present an annotation scheme, a
large dataset covering multiple topics – each having their own families of
claims and replies – and use these to pose two concrete challenges as well as
the results achieved by participants on these challenges.
Daniel R. Jiang, Lina Al-Kanj, Warren B. Powell
Comments: 33 pages, 6 figures
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), most famously used in game-play artificial
intelligence (e.g., the game of Go), is a well-known strategy for constructing
approximate solutions to sequential decision problems. Its primary innovation
is the use of a heuristic, known as a default policy, to obtain Monte Carlo
estimates of downstream values for states in a decision tree. This information
is used to iteratively expand the tree towards regions of states and actions
that an optimal policy might visit. However, to guarantee convergence to the
optimal action, MCTS requires the entire tree to be expanded asymptotically. In
this paper, we propose a new technique called Primal-Dual MCTS that utilizes
sampled information relaxation upper bounds on potential actions, creating the
possibility of “ignoring” parts of the tree that stem from highly suboptimal
choices. This allows us to prove that despite converging to a partial decision
tree in the limit, the recommended action from Primal-Dual MCTS is optimal. The
new approach shows significant promise when used to optimize the behavior of a
single driver navigating a graph while operating on a ride-sharing platform.
Numerical experiments on a real dataset of 7,000 trips in New Jersey suggest
that Primal-Dual MCTS improves upon standard MCTS by producing deeper decision
trees and exhibits a reduced sensitivity to the size of the action space.
S. Stirenko, Yu. Gordienko, T. Shemsedinov, O. Alienin, Yu. Kochura, N. Gordienko, A. Rojbi, J.R. López Benito, E. Artetxe González
Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON-2017)
Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
The analysis of the current integration attempts of some modes and use cases
of user-machine interaction is presented. The new concept of the user-driven
intelligent interface is proposed on the basis of multimodal augmented reality
and brain-computer interaction for various applications: in disabilities
studies, education, home care, health care, etc. The several use cases of
multimodal augmentation are presented. The perspectives of the better human
comprehension by the immediate feedback through neurophysical channels by means
of brain-computer interaction are outlined. It is shown that brain-computer
interface (BCI) technology provides new strategies to overcome limits of the
currently available user interfaces, especially for people with functional
disabilities. The results of the previous studies of the low end consumer and
open-source BCI-devices allow us to conclude that combination of machine
learning (ML), multimodal interactions (visual, sound, tactile) with BCI will
profit from the immediate feedback from the actual neurophysical reactions
classified by ML methods. In general, BCI in combination with other modes of AR
interaction can deliver much more information than these types of interaction
themselves. Even in the current state the combined AR-BCI interfaces could
provide the highly adaptable and personal services, especially for people with
functional disabilities.
Qizhe Xie, Xuezhe Ma, Zihang Dai, Eduard Hovy
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
Knowledge bases are important resources for a variety of natural language
processing tasks but suffer from incompleteness. We propose a novel embedding
model, emph{ITransF}, to perform knowledge base completion. Equipped with a
sparse attention mechanism, ITransF discovers hidden concepts of relations and
transfer statistical strength through the sharing of concepts. Moreover, the
learned associations between relations and concepts, which are represented by
sparse attention vectors, can be interpreted easily. We evaluate ITransF on two
benchmark datasets—WN18 and FB15k for knowledge base completion and obtains
improvements on both the mean rank and Hits@10 metrics, over all baselines that
do not use additional information.
Yashar Deldjoo, Massimo Quadrana, Mehdi Elahi, Paolo Cremonesi
Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM)
Item features play an important role in movie recommender systems, where
recommendations can be generated by using explicit or implicit preferences of
users on traditional features (attributes) such as tag, genre, and cast.
Typically, movie features are human-generated, either editorially (e.g., genre
and cast) or by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd (e.g., tag), and as such,
they are prone to noise and are expensive to collect. Moreover, these features
are often rare or absent for new items, making it difficult or even impossible
to provide good quality recommendations.
In this paper, we show that user’s preferences on movies can be better
described in terms of the mise-en-sc`ene features, i.e., the visual aspects of
a movie that characterize design, aesthetics and style (e.g., colors,
textures). We use both MPEG-7 visual descriptors and Deep Learning hidden
layers as example of mise-en-sc`ene features that can visually describe
movies. Interestingly, mise-en-sc`ene features can be computed automatically
from video files or even from trailers, offering more flexibility in handling
new items, avoiding the need for costly and error-prone human-based tagging,
and providing good scalability.
We have conducted a set of experiments on a large catalogue of 4K movies.
Results show that recommendations based on mise-en-sc`ene features
consistently provide the best performance with respect to richer sets of more
traditional features, such as genre and tag.
Kevin Jasberg, Sergej Sizov
Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
Recommender systems nowadays have many applications and are of great economic
benefit. Hence, it is imperative for success-oriented companies to compare
different of such systems and select the better one for their purposes. To this
end, various metrics of predictive accuracy are commonly used, such as the Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE), or precision and recall. All these metrics more or
less measure how well a recommender system can predict human behaviour.
Unfortunately, human behaviour is always associated with some degree of
uncertainty, making the evaluation difficult, since it is not clear whether a
deviation is system-induced or just originates from the natural variability of
human decision making. At this point, some authors speculated that we may be
reaching some Magic Barrier where this variability prevents us from getting
much more accurate.
In this article, we will extend the existing theory of the Magic Barrier into
a new probabilistic but a yet pragmatic model. In particular, we will use
methods from metrology and physics to develop easy-to-handle quantities for
computation to describe the Magic Barrier for different accuracy metrics and
provide suggestions for common application. This discussion is substantiated by
comprehensive experiments with real users and large-scale simulations on a
high-performance cluster.
Ji He, Mari Ostendorf, Xiaodong He
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
This paper addresses the problem of predicting popularity of comments in an
online discussion forum using reinforcement learning, particularly addressing
two challenges that arise from having natural language state and action spaces.
First, the state representation, which characterizes the history of comments
tracked in a discussion at a particular point, is augmented to incorporate the
global context represented by discussions on world events available in an
external knowledge source. Second, a two-stage Q-learning framework is
introduced, making it feasible to search the combinatorial action space while
also accounting for redundancy among sub-actions. We experiment with five
Reddit communities, showing that the two methods improve over previous reported
results on this task.
Mo Yu, Wenpeng Yin, Kazi Saidul Hasan, Cicero dos Santos, Bing Xiang, Bowen Zhou
Comments: Accepted by ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Relation detection is a core component for many NLP applications including
Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA). In this paper, we propose a
hierarchical recurrent neural network enhanced by residual learning that
detects KB relations given an input question. Our method uses deep residual
bidirectional LSTMs to compare questions and relation names via different
hierarchies of abstraction. Additionally, we propose a simple KBQA system that
integrates entity linking and our proposed relation detector to enable one
enhance another. Experimental results evidence that our approach achieves not
only outstanding relation detection performance, but more importantly, it helps
our KBQA system to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy for both single-relation
(SimpleQuestions) and multi-relation (WebQSP) QA benchmarks.
Mathieu Cliche
Comments: Published in Proceedings of SemEval-2017, 8 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper we describe our attempt at producing a state-of-the-art Twitter
sentiment classifier using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short
Term Memory (LSTMs) networks. Our system leverages a large amount of unlabeled
data to pre-train word embeddings. We then use a subset of the unlabeled data
to fine tune the embeddings using distant supervision. The final CNNs and LSTMs
are trained on the SemEval-2017 Twitter dataset where the embeddings are fined
tuned again. To boost performances we ensemble several CNNs and LSTMs together.
Our approach achieved first rank on all of the five English subtasks amongst 40
Steffen Eger, Johannes Daxenberger, Iryna Gurevych
Comments: To be published at ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We investigate neural techniques for end-to-end computational argumentation
mining. We frame the problem as a token-based dependency parsing as well as a
token-based sequence tagging model, including a multi-task learning setup.
Contrary to models that operate on the argument component level, we find that
framing the problem as dependency parsing leads to subpar performance results.
In contrast, less complex (local) tagging models based on BiLSTMs perform
robustly across classification scenarios, being able to catch long-range
dependencies inherent to the argumentation mining problem. Moreover, we find
that jointly learning ‘natural’ subtasks, in a multi-task learning setup,
improves performance.
Yu Su, Xifeng Yan
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Existing studies on semantic parsing mainly focus on the in-domain setting.
We formulate cross-domain semantic parsing as a domain adaptation problem:
train a semantic parser on some source domains and then adapt it to the target
domain. Due to the diversity of logical forms in different domains, this
problem presents unique and intriguing challenges. By converting logical forms
into canonical utterances in natural language, we reduce semantic parsing to
paraphrasing, and develop an attentive sequence-to-sequence paraphrase model
that is general and flexible to adapt to different domains. We discover two
problems, small micro variance and large macro variance, of pre-trained word
embeddings that hurdle their direct use in neural networks, and propose
standardization techniques as a remedy. On the popular Overnight dataset, which
contains eight domains, we show that both cross-domain training and
standardized pre-trained word embeddings can bring significant improvement.
Tong Chen, Lin Wu, Xue Li, Jun Zhang, Hongzhi Yin, Yang Wang
Comments: 9 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI)
The proliferation of social media in communication and information
dissemination has made it an ideal platform for spreading rumors. Automatically
debunking rumors at their stage of diffusion is known as extit{early rumor
detection}, which refers to dealing with sequential posts regarding disputed
factual claims with certain variations and highly textual duplication over
time. Thus, identifying trending rumors demands an efficient yet flexible model
that is able to capture long-range dependencies among postings and produce
distinct representations for the accurate early detection. However, it is a
challenging task to apply conventional classification algorithms to rumor
detection in earliness since they rely on hand-crafted features which require
intensive manual efforts in the case of large amount of posts. This paper
presents a deep attention model on the basis of recurrent neural networks (RNN)
to learn extit{selectively} temporal hidden representations of sequential
posts for identifying rumors. The proposed model delves soft-attention into the
recurrence to simultaneously pool out distinct features with particular focus
and produce hidden representations that capture contextual variations of
relevant posts over time. Extensive experiments on real datasets collected from
social media websites demonstrate that (1) the deep attention based RNN model
outperforms state-of-the-arts that rely on hand-crafted features; (2) the
introduction of soft attention mechanism can effectively distill relevant parts
to rumors from original posts in advance; (3) the proposed method detects
rumors more quickly and accurately than competitors.
Leon Derczynski, Kalina Bontcheva, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter, Geraldine Wong Sak Hoi, Arkaitz Zubiaga
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Media is full of false claims. Even Oxford Dictionaries named “post-truth” as
the word of 2016. This makes it more important than ever to build systems that
can identify the veracity of a story, and the kind of discourse there is around
it. RumourEval is a SemEval shared task that aims to identify and handle
rumours and reactions to them, in text. We present an annotation scheme, a
large dataset covering multiple topics – each having their own families of
claims and replies – and use these to pose two concrete challenges as well as
the results achieved by participants on these challenges.
Yu Su, Honglei Liu, Semih Yavuz, Izzeddin Gur, Huan Sun, Xifeng Yan
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Recent studies have shown that embedding textual relations using deep neural
networks greatly helps relation extraction. However, many existing studies rely
on supervised learning; their performance is dramatically limited by the
availability of training data. In this work, we generalize textual relation
embedding to the distant supervision setting, where much larger-scale but noisy
training data is available. We propose leveraging global statistics of
relations, i.e., the co-occurrence statistics of textual and knowledge base
relations collected from the entire corpus, to embed textual relations. This
approach turns out to be more robust to the training noise introduced by
distant supervision. On a popular relation extraction dataset, we show that the
learned textual relation embeddings can be used to augment existing relation
extraction models and significantly improve their performance. Most remarkably,
for the top 1,000 relational facts discovered by the best existing model, the
precision can be improved from 83.9% to 89.3%.
Qizhe Xie, Xuezhe Ma, Zihang Dai, Eduard Hovy
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
Knowledge bases are important resources for a variety of natural language
processing tasks but suffer from incompleteness. We propose a novel embedding
model, emph{ITransF}, to perform knowledge base completion. Equipped with a
sparse attention mechanism, ITransF discovers hidden concepts of relations and
transfer statistical strength through the sharing of concepts. Moreover, the
learned associations between relations and concepts, which are represented by
sparse attention vectors, can be interpreted easily. We evaluate ITransF on two
benchmark datasets—WN18 and FB15k for knowledge base completion and obtains
improvements on both the mean rank and Hits@10 metrics, over all baselines that
do not use additional information.
Hongyu Guo, Colin Cherry, Jiang Su
Comments: 6 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We propose a multi-view network for text classification. Our method
automatically creates various views of its input text, each taking the form of
soft attention weights that distribute the classifier’s focus among a set of
base features. For a bag-of-words representation, each view focuses on a
different subset of the text’s words. Aggregating many such views results in a
more discriminative and robust representation. Through a novel architecture
that both stacks and concatenates views, we produce a network that emphasizes
both depth and width, allowing training to converge quickly. Using our
multi-view architecture, we establish new state-of-the-art accuracies on two
benchmark tasks.
Andres Gomez, Camilo Lara, Udo Kebschull (for the ALICE Collaboration)
Comments: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 664
Journal-ref: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664 062017 (2015)
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); High Energy Physics – Experiment (hep-ex)
Grids allow users flexible on-demand usage of computing resources through
remote communication networks. A remarkable example of a Grid in High Energy
Physics (HEP) research is used in the ALICE experiment at European Organization
for Nuclear Research CERN. Physicists can submit jobs used to process the huge
amount of particle collision data produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Grids face complex security challenges. They are interesting targets for
attackers seeking for huge computational resources. Since users can execute
arbitrary code in the worker nodes on the Grid sites, special care should be
put in this environment. Automatic tools to harden and monitor this scenario
are required. Currently, there is no integrated solution for such requirement.
This paper describes a new security framework to allow execution of job
payloads in a sandboxed context. It also allows process behavior monitoring to
detect intrusions, even when new attack methods or zero day vulnerabilities are
exploited, by a Machine Learning approach. We plan to implement the proposed
framework as a software prototype that will be tested as a component of the
ALICE Grid middleware.
Dennis Olivetti
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
The (CONGEST) model for distributed network computing is well suited for
analyzing the impact of limiting the throughput of a network on its capacity to
solve tasks efficiently. For many “global” problems there exists a lower bound
of (Omega(D + sqrt{n/B})), where (B) is the amount of bits that can be
exchanged between two nodes in one round of communication, (n) is the number of
nodes and (D) is the diameter of the graph. Typically, upper bounds are given
only for the case (B=O(log n)), or for the case (B = +infty). For (B=O(log
n)), the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) construction problem can be solved in (O(D
+ sqrt{n}log^* n)) rounds, and the Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem
can be ((1+epsilon))-approximated in (widetilde{O}(epsilon^{-O(1)}
(D+sqrt{n}) )) rounds. We extend these results by providing algorithms with a
complexity parametric on (B). We show that, for any (B=Omega(log n)), there
exists an algorithm that constructs a MST in (widetilde{O}(D + sqrt{n/B}))
rounds, and an algorithm that ((1+epsilon))-approximate the SSSP problem in
(widetilde{O}(epsilon^{-O(1)} (D+sqrt{n/B}) )) rounds. We also show that
there exist problems that are bandwidth insensitive.
Alkida Balliu, Dennis Olivetti
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
We consider the problem of routing in presence of faults in undirected
weighted graphs. More specifically, we focus on the design of compact
name-independent fault-tolerant routing schemes, where the designer of the
scheme is not allowed to assign names to nodes, i.e., the name of a node is
just its identifier. Given a set (F) of faulty (or forbidden) edges, the goal
is to route from a source node (s) to a target (t) avoiding the forbidden edges
in (F).
Given any name-dependent fault-tolerant routing scheme and any
name-independent routing scheme, we show how to use them as a black box to
construct a name-independent fault-tolerant routing scheme. In particular, we
present a name-independent routing scheme able to handle any set (F) of
forbidden edges. This has stretch (O(k^2,|F|^3(|F|+log^2 n)log D)), where
(D) is the diameter of the graph. It uses tables of size ( widetilde{O}(k,
n^{1/k}(k + deg(v)))) bits at every node (v), where (deg(v)) is the degree of
node (v). In the context of networks that suffer only from occasional failures,
we present a name-independent routing scheme that handles only (1) fault at a
time, and another routing scheme that handles at most (2) faults at a time. The
former uses (widetilde{O}(k^2, n^{1/k} + k,deg(v))) bits of memory per node,
with stretch (O(k^3log D)). The latter consumes in average ( widetilde{O}(k^2
,n^{1/k} + deg(v))) bits of memory per node, with stretch (O(k^2log D)).
Alkida Balliu, Pierre Fraigniaud
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
On the one hand, the correctness of routing protocols in networks is an issue
of utmost importance for guaranteeing the delivery of messages from any source
to any target. On the other hand, a large collection of routing schemes have
been proposed during the last two decades, with the objective of transmitting
messages along short routes, while keeping the routing tables small.
Regrettably, all these schemes share the property that an adversary may modify
the content of the routing tables with the objective of, e.g., blocking the
delivery of messages between some pairs of nodes, without being detected by any
In this paper, we present a simple certification mechanism which enables the
nodes to locally detect any alteration of their routing tables. In particular,
we show how to locally verify the stretch-3 routing scheme by Thorup and Zwick
[SPAA 2001] by adding certificates of (widetilde{O}(sqrt{n})) bits at each
node in (n)-node networks, that is, by keeping the memory size of the same
order of magnitude as the original routing tables. We also propose a new
name-independent routing scheme using routing tables of size
(widetilde{O}(sqrt{n})) bits. This new routing scheme can be locally verified
using certificates on (widetilde{O}(sqrt{n})) bits. Its stretch is3 if using
handshaking, and 5 otherwise.
Daniel Reiter Horn, Ken Elkabany, Chris Lesniewski-Laas, Keith Winstein
Comments: 12 pages
Journal-ref: Proc. NSDI 2017, Boston. p1-15
Subjects: Multimedia (cs.MM); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Graphics (cs.GR); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI)
We report the design, implementation, and deployment of Lepton, a
fault-tolerant system that losslessly compresses JPEG images to 77% of their
original size on average. Lepton replaces the lowest layer of baseline JPEG
compression-a Huffman code-with a parallelized arithmetic code, so that the
exact bytes of the original JPEG file can be recovered quickly. Lepton matches
the compression efficiency of the best prior work, while decoding more than
nine times faster and in a streaming manner. Lepton has been released as
open-source software and has been deployed for a year on the Dropbox
file-storage backend. As of February 2017, it had compressed more than 203 PiB
of user JPEG files, saving more than 46 PiB.
S. Stirenko, Yu. Gordienko, T. Shemsedinov, O. Alienin, Yu. Kochura, N. Gordienko, A. Rojbi, J.R. López Benito, E. Artetxe González
Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON-2017)
Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
The analysis of the current integration attempts of some modes and use cases
of user-machine interaction is presented. The new concept of the user-driven
intelligent interface is proposed on the basis of multimodal augmented reality
and brain-computer interaction for various applications: in disabilities
studies, education, home care, health care, etc. The several use cases of
multimodal augmentation are presented. The perspectives of the better human
comprehension by the immediate feedback through neurophysical channels by means
of brain-computer interaction are outlined. It is shown that brain-computer
interface (BCI) technology provides new strategies to overcome limits of the
currently available user interfaces, especially for people with functional
disabilities. The results of the previous studies of the low end consumer and
open-source BCI-devices allow us to conclude that combination of machine
learning (ML), multimodal interactions (visual, sound, tactile) with BCI will
profit from the immediate feedback from the actual neurophysical reactions
classified by ML methods. In general, BCI in combination with other modes of AR
interaction can deliver much more information than these types of interaction
themselves. Even in the current state the combined AR-BCI interfaces could
provide the highly adaptable and personal services, especially for people with
functional disabilities.
Franco Manessi, Alessandro Rozza, Mario Manzo
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Many different classification tasks need to manage structured data, which are
usually modeled as graphs. Moreover, these graphs can be dynamic, meaning that
the vertices/edges of each graph may change during time. Our goal is to jointly
exploit structured data and temporal information through the use of a neural
network model. To the best of our knowledge, this task has not been addressed
using these kind of architectures. For this reason, we propose two novel
approaches, which combine Long Short-Term Memory networks and Graph
Convolutional Networks to learn long short-term dependencies together with
graph structure. The quality of our methods is confirmed by the promising
results achieved.
Min Lin
Comments: NIPS 2017 submission
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Softmax GAN is a novel variant of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The
key idea of Softmax GAN is to replace the classification loss in the original
GAN with a softmax cross-entropy loss in the sample space of one single batch.
In the adversarial learning of (N) real training samples and (M) generated
samples, the target of discriminator training is to distribute all the
probability mass to the real samples, each with probability (frac{1}{M}), and
distribute zero probability to generated data. In the generator training phase,
the target is to assign equal probability to all data points in the batch, each
with probability (frac{1}{M+N}). While the original GAN is closely related to
Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE), we show that Softmax GAN is the Importance
Sampling version of GAN. We futher demonstrate with experiments that this
simple change stabilizes GAN training.
Yehezkel S. Resheff, Amit Mandelbaum, Daphna Weinshall
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Deep learning has become the method of choice in many application domains of
machine learning in recent years, especially for multi-class classification
tasks. The most common loss function used in this context is the cross-entropy
loss, which reduces to the log loss in the typical case when there is a single
correct response label. While this loss is insensitive to the identity of the
assigned class in the case of misclassification, in practice it is often the
case that some errors may be more detrimental than others. Here we present the
bilinear-loss (and related log-bilinear-loss) which differentially penalizes
the different wrong assignments of the model. We thoroughly test this method
using standard models and benchmark image datasets. As one application, we show
the ability of this method to better contain error within the correct
super-class, in the hierarchically labeled CIFAR100 dataset, without affecting
the overall performance of the classifier.
Ziqiang Shi, Rujie Liu
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
In this paper, we explicitly extract and model jointly multi-view information
from short utterances of the individuals, such as speaker identity and text
contents. During the development stage, a deep neural network (DNN) that will
be used to extract j-vector, is initialized and trained with the speech frames
as input and the actual side information of the utterance as flat output
block-wise one-hot labels. In the case of text dependent speaker verification,
since there is no one-one mapping between input frames and text content labels,
a syllable aware DNN is trained to provide compact lexical representation, the
s-vector of the utterance. These two vectors (j-vector and s-vector) will be
combined together to become a multi-view vector representation of the utterance
during the enrollment and evaluation stages. In order to better describe such
multi-view vectors, we propose a multi-view probability linear discriminant
analysis (PLDA) model which incorporates both within-speaker/text and
between-speaker/text variation. In verification we calculate the likelihood
that the two multi-view vectors belonging to the same speaker and text or not,
and the likelihood will be used in decision-making. Large scale experiments for
the open-set condition showed that our approach leads to 0.26\% EER, 2.7\% EER,
and 1.34\% EER for impost wrong, impostor correct, and target wrong
Prajit Ramachandran, Tom Le Paine, Pooya Khorrami, Mohammad Babaeizadeh, Shiyu Chang, Yang Zhang, Mark A. Hasegawa-Johnson, Roy H. Campbell, Thomas S. Huang
Comments: Accepted at ICLR 2017 Workshop
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Convolutional autoregressive models have recently demonstrated
state-of-the-art performance on a number of generation tasks. While fast,
parallel training methods have been crucial for their success, generation is
typically implemented in a na”{i}ve fashion where redundant computations are
unnecessarily repeated. This results in slow generation, making such models
infeasible for production environments. In this work, we describe a method to
speed up generation in convolutional autoregressive models. The key idea is to
cache hidden states to avoid redundant computation. We apply our fast
generation method to the Wavenet and PixelCNN++ models and achieve up to
(21 imes) and (183 imes) speedups respectively.
Milad Zafar Nezhad, Dongxiao Zhu, Xiangrui Li, Kai Yang, Phillip Levy
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper, we propose a new deep feature selection method based on deep
architecture. Our method uses stacked auto-encoders for feature representation
in higher-level abstraction. We developed and applied a novel feature learning
approach to a specific precision medicine problem, which focuses on assessing
and prioritizing risk factors for hypertension (HTN) in a vulnerable
demographic subgroup (African-American). Our approach is to use deep learning
to identify significant risk factors affecting left ventricular mass indexed to
body surface area (LVMI) as an indicator of heart damage risk. The results show
that our feature learning and representation approach leads to better results
in comparison with others.
Jinghui Chen, Lingxiao Wang, Xiao Zhang, Quanquan Gu
Comments: 32 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
We consider the phase retrieval problem of recovering the unknown signal from
the magnitude-only measurements, where the measurements can be contaminated by
both sparse arbitrary corruption and bounded random noise. We propose a new
nonconvex algorithm for robust phase retrieval, namely Robust Wirtinger Flow,
to jointly estimate the unknown signal and the sparse corruption. We show that
our proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge linearly to the unknown true
signal up to a minimax optimal statistical precision in such a challenging
setting. Compared with existing robust phase retrieval methods, we improved the
statistical error rate by a factor of (sqrt{n/m}) where (n) is the dimension
of the signal and (m) is the sample size, provided a refined characterization
of the corruption fraction requirement, and relaxed the lower bound condition
on the number of corruption. In the noise-free case, our algorithm converges to
the unknown signal at a linear rate and achieves optimal sample complexity up
to a logarithm factor. Thorough experiments on both synthetic and real datasets
corroborate our theory.
Cem M. Deniz, Spencer Hallyburton, Arakua Welbeck, Stephen Honig, Kyunghyun Cho, Gregory Chang
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures, and one table
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Osteoporosis is a public health problem characterized by increased fracture
risk secondary to low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone
tissue. Almost all fractures of the hip require hospitalization and major
surgery. Early diagnosis of osteoporosis plays an important role in preventing
osteoporotic fracture. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been successfully
performed to image trabecular bone architecture in vivo proving itself as the
practical imaging modality for bone quality assessment. However, segmentation
of the whole proximal femur is required to measure bone quality and assess
fracture risk precisely. Manual segmentation of the proximal femur is
time-intensive, limiting the use of MRI measurements in the clinical practice.
To overcome this bottleneck, robust automatic proximal femur segmentation
method is required. In this paper, we propose to use deep convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) for an automatic proximal femur segmentation using structural
MR images. We constructed a dataset with 62 volumetric MR scans that are
manually-segmented for proximal femur. We performed experiments using two
different CNN architectures and achieved a high dice similarity score of 0.95.
Yewen Pu, Leslie P Kaelbling, Armando Solar-Lezama
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We consider the problem of diagnosis where a set of simple observations are
used to infer a potentially complex hidden hypothesis. Finding the optimal
subset of observations is intractable in general, thus we focus on the problem
of active diagnosis, where the agent selects the next most-informative
observation based on the results of previous observations. We show that under
the assumption of uniform observation entropy, one can build an implication
model which directly predicts the outcome of the potential next observation
conditioned on the results of past observations, and selects the observation
with the maximum entropy. This approach enjoys reduced computation complexity
by bypassing the complicated hypothesis space, and can be trained on
observation data alone, learning how to query without knowledge of the hidden
Steffen Thoma, Achim Rettinger, Fabian Both
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
We present a baseline approach for cross-modal knowledge fusion. Different
basic fusion methods are evaluated on existing embedding approaches to show the
potential of joining knowledge about certain concepts across modalities in a
fused concept representation.
Jack Valmadre, Luca Bertinetto, João F. Henriques, Andrea Vedaldi, Philip H. S. Torr
Comments: To appear at CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
The Correlation Filter is an algorithm that trains a linear template to
discriminate between images and their translations. It is well suited to object
tracking because its formulation in the Fourier domain provides a fast
solution, enabling the detector to be re-trained once per frame. Previous works
that use the Correlation Filter, however, have adopted features that were
either manually designed or trained for a different task. This work is the
first to overcome this limitation by interpreting the Correlation Filter
learner, which has a closed-form solution, as a differentiable layer in a deep
neural network. This enables learning deep features that are tightly coupled to
the Correlation Filter. Experiments illustrate that our method has the
important practical benefit of allowing lightweight architectures to achieve
state-of-the-art performance at high framerates.
Tao Wu, David Gleich
Subjects: Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Users form information trails as they browse the web, checkin with a
geolocation, rate items, or consume media. A common problem is to predict what
a user might do next for the purposes of guidance, recommendation, or
prefetching. First-order and higher-order Markov chains have been widely used
methods to study such sequences of data. First-order Markov chains are easy to
estimate, but lack accuracy when history matters. Higher-order Markov chains,
in contrast, have too many parameters and suffer from overfitting the training
data. Fitting these parameters with regularization and smoothing only offers
mild improvements. In this paper we propose the retrospective higher-order
Markov process (RHOMP) as a low-parameter model for such sequences. This model
is a special case of a higher-order Markov chain where the transitions depend
retrospectively on a single history state instead of an arbitrary combination
of history states. There are two immediate computational advantages: the number
of parameters is linear in the order of the Markov chain and the model can be
fit to large state spaces. Furthermore, by providing a specific structure to
the higher-order chain, RHOMPs improve the model accuracy by efficiently
utilizing history states without risks of overfitting the data. We demonstrate
how to estimate a RHOMP from data and we demonstrate the effectiveness of our
method on various real application datasets spanning geolocation data, review
sequences, and business locations. The RHOMP model uniformly outperforms
higher-order Markov chains, Kneser-Ney regularization, and tensor
factorizations in terms of prediction accuracy.
Daniel R. Jiang, Lina Al-Kanj, Warren B. Powell
Comments: 33 pages, 6 figures
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), most famously used in game-play artificial
intelligence (e.g., the game of Go), is a well-known strategy for constructing
approximate solutions to sequential decision problems. Its primary innovation
is the use of a heuristic, known as a default policy, to obtain Monte Carlo
estimates of downstream values for states in a decision tree. This information
is used to iteratively expand the tree towards regions of states and actions
that an optimal policy might visit. However, to guarantee convergence to the
optimal action, MCTS requires the entire tree to be expanded asymptotically. In
this paper, we propose a new technique called Primal-Dual MCTS that utilizes
sampled information relaxation upper bounds on potential actions, creating the
possibility of “ignoring” parts of the tree that stem from highly suboptimal
choices. This allows us to prove that despite converging to a partial decision
tree in the limit, the recommended action from Primal-Dual MCTS is optimal. The
new approach shows significant promise when used to optimize the behavior of a
single driver navigating a graph while operating on a ride-sharing platform.
Numerical experiments on a real dataset of 7,000 trips in New Jersey suggest
that Primal-Dual MCTS improves upon standard MCTS by producing deeper decision
trees and exhibits a reduced sensitivity to the size of the action space.
Li Chen, Mingwei Zhang, Chih-Yuan Yang, Ravi Sahita
Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
A growing number of threats to Android phones creates challenges for malware
detection. Manually labeling the samples into benign or different malicious
families requires tremendous human efforts, while it is comparably easy and
cheap to obtain a large amount of unlabeled APKs from various sources.
Moreover, the fast-paced evolution of Android malware continuously generates
derivative malware families. These families often contain new signatures, which
can escape detection when using static analysis. These practical challenges can
also cause traditional supervised machine learning algorithms to degrade in
In this paper, we propose a framework that uses model-based semi-supervised
(MBSS) classification scheme on the dynamic Android API call logs. The
semi-supervised approach efficiently uses the labeled and unlabeled APKs to
estimate a finite mixture model of Gaussian distributions via conditional
expectation-maximization and efficiently detects malwares during out-of-sample
testing. We compare MBSS with the popular malware detection classifiers such as
support vector machine (SVM), (k)-nearest neighbor (kNN) and linear
discriminant analysis (LDA). Under the ideal classification setting, MBSS has
competitive performance with 98\% accuracy and very low false positive rate for
in-sample classification. For out-of-sample testing, the out-of-sample test
data exhibit similar behavior of retrieving phone information and sending to
the network, compared with in-sample training set. When this similarity is
strong, MBSS and SVM with linear kernel maintain 90\% detection rate while
(k)NN and LDA suffer great performance degradation. When this similarity is
slightly weaker, all classifiers degrade in performance, but MBSS still
performs significantly better than other classifiers.
Qizhe Xie, Xuezhe Ma, Zihang Dai, Eduard Hovy
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Learning (cs.LG)
Knowledge bases are important resources for a variety of natural language
processing tasks but suffer from incompleteness. We propose a novel embedding
model, emph{ITransF}, to perform knowledge base completion. Equipped with a
sparse attention mechanism, ITransF discovers hidden concepts of relations and
transfer statistical strength through the sharing of concepts. Moreover, the
learned associations between relations and concepts, which are represented by
sparse attention vectors, can be interpreted easily. We evaluate ITransF on two
benchmark datasets—WN18 and FB15k for knowledge base completion and obtains
improvements on both the mean rank and Hits@10 metrics, over all baselines that
do not use additional information.
Hongyu Guo, Colin Cherry, Jiang Su
Comments: 6 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We propose a multi-view network for text classification. Our method
automatically creates various views of its input text, each taking the form of
soft attention weights that distribute the classifier’s focus among a set of
base features. For a bag-of-words representation, each view focuses on a
different subset of the text’s words. Aggregating many such views results in a
more discriminative and robust representation. Through a novel architecture
that both stacks and concatenates views, we produce a network that emphasizes
both depth and width, allowing training to converge quickly. Using our
multi-view architecture, we establish new state-of-the-art accuracies on two
benchmark tasks.
Hamdi Joudeh, Bruno Clerckx
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We study the degrees of freedom (DoF) of a (K)-user parallel MISO broadcast
channel with arbitrary levels of partial CSIT over each subchannel. We derive a
sum-DoF upperbound which depends on the average CSIT quality of each user. This
upperbound is shown to be tight under total order, i.e. when the order of users
with respect to their CSIT qualities is preserved over all subchannels. In this
case, it is shown that separate coding over each subchannel is optimum in a
sum-DoF sense.
Thomas A. Courtade, Guangyue Han, Yaochen Wu
Comments: 3 pages
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We give a counterexample to the vector generalization of Costa’s entropy
power inequality (EPI) due to Liu, Liu, Poor and Shamai. In particular, the
claimed inequality can fail if the matix-valued parameter in the convex
combination does not commute with the covariance of the additive Gaussian
noise. Conversely, the inequality holds if these two matrices commute.
K Gautam Shenoy, Vinod Sharma
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to IEEE Globecom 2017 conference
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
A fiber optic channel is modeled in a variety of ways; from the simple
additive white complex Gaussian noise model, to models that incorporate memory
in the channel. Because of Kerr nonlinearity, a simple model is not a good
approximation to an optical fiber. Hence we study a fiber optic channel with
finite memory and provide an achievable bound on channel capacity that improves
upon a previously known bound.
Megumi Kaneko, Gene Cheung, Weng-tai Su, Chia-Wen Lin
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The design of energy and spectrally efficient Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
is crucial to support the upcoming expansion of IoT/M2M mobile data traffic. In
this work, we consider an energy harvesting WSN where sensor data are
periodically reported to a Fusion Center (FC) by a sparse set of active
sensors. Unlike most existing works, the transmit power levels of each sensor
are assumed to be unknown at the FC in this distributed setting. We address the
inverse problem of joint signal / power restoration at the FC- a challenging
under-determined separation problem. To regularize the ill-posed problem, we
assume both a graph-signal smoothness prior (signal is smooth with respect to a
graph modeling spatial correlation among sensors) and a sparsity power prior
for the two unknown variables. We design an efficient algorithm by alternately
fixing one variable and solving for the other until convergence. Specifically,
when the signal is fixed, we solve for the power vector using Simplex pivoting
in linear programming (LP) to iteratively identify sparse feasible solutions,
locally minimizing an objective. Simulation results show that our proposal can
achieve very low reconstruction errors and outperform conventional schemes
under reasonable assumptions
Xiao-Wen Chang, Jinming Wen, Chintha Tellambura
Comments: to appear in ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In communications, one frequently needs to detect a parameter vector (hbx)
in a box from a linear model. The box-constrained rounding detector (x^sBR)
and Babai detector (x^sBB) are often used to detect (hbx) due to their high
probability of correct detection, which is referred to as success probability,
and their high efficiency of implimentation. It is generally believed that the
success probability (P^sBR) of (x^sBR) is not larger than the success
probability (P^sBB) of (x^sBB). In this paper, we first present formulas for
(P^sBR) and (P^sBB) for two different situations: (hbx) is deterministic and
(hbx) is uniformly distributed over the constraint box. Then, we give a simple
example to show that (P^sBR) may be strictly larger than (P^sBB) if (hbx) is
deterministic, while we rigorously show that (P^sBRleq P^sBB) always holds
if (hbx) is uniformly distributed over the constraint box.
Samah A. M. Ghanem
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We propose a piggybacking scheme for network coding where strong source
inputs piggyback the weaker ones, a scheme necessary and sufficient to achieve
the cut-set upper bound at high/low-snr regime, a new asymptotically optimal
operational regime for the multihop Amplify and Forward (AF) networks.