Irina Petrova, Arina Buzdalova
Comments: this is a full version of a paper which has been accepted as a student workshop paper to GECCO conference 2017
Subjects: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Learning (cs.LG)
Efficiency of single-objective optimization can be improved by introducing
some auxiliary objectives. Ideally, auxiliary objectives should be helpful.
However, in practice, objectives may be efficient on some optimization stages
but obstructive on others. In this paper we propose a modification of the EA+RL
method which dynamically selects optimized objectives using reinforcement
learning. The proposed modification prevents from losing the best found
solution. We analysed the proposed modification and compared it with the EA+RL
method and Random Local Search on XdivK, Generalized OneMax and LeadingOnes
problems. The proposed modification outperforms the EA+RL method on all problem
instances. It also outperforms the single objective approach on the most
problem instances. We also provide detailed analysis of how different
components of the considered algorithms influence efficiency of optimization.
In addition, we present theoretical analysis of the proposed modification on
the XdivK problem.
Chen Chen, Changtong Luo, Zonglin Jiang
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Symbolic regression is an important but challenging research topic in data
mining. It can detect the underlying mathematical models. Genetic programming
(GP) is one of the most popular methods for symbolic regression. However, its
convergence speed might be too slow for large scale problems with a large
number of variables. This drawback has become a bottleneck in practical
applications. In this paper, a new non-evolutionary real-time algorithm for
symbolic regression, Elite Bases Regression (EBR), is proposed. EBR generates a
set of candidate basis functions coded with parse-matrix in specific mapping
rules. Meanwhile, a certain number of elite bases are preserved and updated
iteratively according to the correlation coefficients with respect to the
target model. The regression model is then spanned by the elite bases. A
comparative study between EBR and a recent proposed machine learning method for
symbolic regression, Fast Function eXtraction (FFX), are conducted. Numerical
results indicate that EBR can solve symbolic regression problems more
Marek Rei
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We propose a sequence labeling framework with a secondary training objective,
learning to predict surrounding words for every word in the dataset. This
language modeling objective incentivises the system to learn general-purpose
patterns of semantic and syntactic composition, which are also useful for
improving accuracy on different sequence labeling tasks. The architecture was
evaluated on a range of datasets, covering the tasks of error detection in
learner texts, named entity recognition, chunking and POS-tagging. The novel
language modeling objective provided consistent performance improvements on
every benchmark, without requiring any additional annotated or unannotated
Sri Harsha Dumpala, Rupayan Chakraborty, Sunil Kumar Kopparapu
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Recurrent neural network (RNN) are being extensively used over feed-forward
neural networks (FFNN) because of their inherent capability to capture temporal
relationships that exist in the sequential data such as speech. This aspect of
RNN is advantageous especially when there is no a priori knowledge about the
temporal correlations within the data. However, RNNs require large amount of
data to learn these temporal correlations, limiting their advantage in low
resource scenarios. It is not immediately clear (a) how a priori temporal
knowledge can be used in a FFNN architecture (b) how a FFNN performs when
provided with this knowledge about temporal correlations (assuming available)
during training. The objective of this paper is to explore k-FFNN, namely a
FFNN architecture that can incorporate the a priori knowledge of the temporal
relationships within the data sequence during training and compare k-FFNN
performance with RNN in a low resource scenario. We evaluate the performance of
k-FFNN and RNN by extensive experimentation on MediaEval 2016 audio data
(“Emotional Impact of Movies” task). Experimental results show that the
performance of k-FFNN is comparable to RNN, and in some scenarios k-FFNN
performs better than RNN when temporal knowledge is injected into FFNN
architecture. The main contributions of this paper are (a) fusing a priori
knowledge into FFNN architecture to construct a k-FFNN and (b) analyzing the
performance of k-FFNN with respect to RNN for different size of training data.
Kartik Goyal, Chris Dyer, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Comments: Accepted at ACL2017 (this http URL)
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We demonstrate that a continuous relaxation of the argmax operation can be
used to create a differentiable approximation to greedy decoding for
sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. By incorporating this approximation into
the scheduled sampling training procedure (Bengio et al., 2015)–a well-known
technique for correcting exposure bias–we introduce a new training objective
that is continuous and differentiable everywhere and that can provide
informative gradients near points where previous decoding decisions change
their value. In addition, by using a related approximation, we demonstrate a
similar approach to sampled-based training. Finally, we show that our approach
outperforms cross-entropy training and scheduled sampling procedures in two
sequence prediction tasks: named entity recognition and machine translation.
Jacob Andreas, Anca Dragan, Dan Klein
Comments: To appear in ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Several approaches have recently been proposed for learning decentralized
deep multiagent policies that coordinate via a differentiable communication
channel. While these policies are effective for many tasks, interpretation of
their induced communication strategies has remained a challenge. Here we
propose to interpret agents’ messages by translating them. Unlike in typical
machine translation problems, we have no parallel data to learn from. Instead
we develop a translation model based on the insight that agent messages and
natural language strings mean the same thing if they induce the same belief
about the world in a listener. We present theoretical guarantees and empirical
evidence that our approach preserves both the semantics and pragmatics of
messages by ensuring that players communicating through a translation layer do
not suffer a substantial loss in reward relative to players with a common
Rauca D. Gaina, Simon M. Lucas, Diego Perez-Liebana
Comments: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
While Monte Carlo Tree Search and closely related methods have dominated
General Video Game Playing, recent research has demonstrated the promise of
Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms as an interesting alternative. However,
there is little attention paid to population initialization techniques in the
setting of general real-time video games. Therefore, this paper proposes the
use of population seeding to improve the performance of Rolling Horizon
Evolution and presents the results of two methods, One Step Look Ahead and
Monte Carlo Tree Search, tested on 20 games of the General Video Game AI corpus
with multiple evolution parameter values (population size and individual
length). An in-depth analysis is carried out between the results of the seeding
methods and the vanilla Rolling Horizon Evolution. In addition, the paper
presents a comparison to a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. The results are
promising, with seeding able to boost performance significantly over baseline
evolution and even match the high level of play obtained by the Monte Carlo
Tree Search.
Fabio D'Andreagiovanni, Jonatan Krolikowski, Jonad Pulaj
Comments: This is the authors’ final version of the paper published in: Esparcia-Alc’azar A., Mora A. (eds), EvoApplications 2014: Applications of Evolutionary Computation, LNCS 8602, pp. 15-26, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-45523-4\_2. The final publication is available at Springer via this http URL arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1410.5850
Journal-ref: Esparcia-Alc’azar A., Mora A. (Eds), EvoApplications 2014:
Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Springer LNCS vol. 8602, pp. 15-26,
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI)
We investigate the Robust Multiperiod Network Design Problem, a
generalization of the classical Capacitated Network Design Problem that
additionally considers multiple design periods and provides solutions protected
against traffic uncertainty. Given the intrinsic difficulty of the problem,
which proves challenging even for state-of-the art commercial solvers, we
propose a hybrid primal heuristic based on the combination of ant colony
optimization and an exact large neighborhood search. Computational experiments
on a set of realistic instances from the SNDlib show that our heuristic can
find solutions of extremely good quality with low optimality gap.
Lotfi Hajjem, Salah Benabdallah, Fouad Ben Abdelaziz
Comments: 6 pages, 2010 Second International Conference on Engineering System Management and Applications
Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Today, with the continued growth in using information and communication
technologies (ICT) for business purposes, business organizations become
increasingly dependent on their information systems. Thus, they need to protect
them from the different attacks exploiting their vulnerabilities. To do so, the
organization has to use security technologies, which may be proactive or
reactive ones. Each security technology has a relative cost and addresses
specific vulnerabilities. Therefore, the organization has to put in place the
appropriate security technologies set that minimizes the information system s
vulnerabilities with a minimal cost. This bi objective problem will be
considered as a resources allocation problem (RAP) where security technologies
represent the resources to be allocated. However, the set of vulnerabilities
may change, periodically, with the continual appearance of new ones. Therefore,
the security technologies set should be flexible to face these changes, in real
time, and the problem becomes a dynamic one. In this paper, we propose a
harmony search based algorithm to solve the bi objective dynamic resource
allocation decision model. This approach was compared to a genetic algorithm
and provided good results.
Fabio D'Andreagiovanni
Comments: This is the author’s final version of the paper published in G. Di Caro, G. Theraulaz (eds.), BIONETICS 2012: Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems. LNICST, vol. 134, pp. 3-17. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06944-9_1 ). The final publication is available at Springer via this http URL
Journal-ref: G. Di Caro, G. Theraulaz (eds.), BIONETICS 2012: Bio-Inspired
Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems. LNICST, vol. 134, pp.
3-17, Springer, Heidelberg, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06944-9_1
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI)
Base station cooperation (BSC) has recently arisen as a promising way to
increase the capacity of a wireless network. Implementing BSC adds a new design
dimension to the classical wireless network design problem: how to define the
subset of base stations (clusters) that coordinate to serve a user. Though the
problem of forming clusters has been extensively discussed from a technical
point of view, there is still a lack of effective optimization models for its
representation and algorithms for its solution. In this work, we make a further
step towards filling such gap: 1) we generalize the classical network design
problem by adding cooperation as an additional decision dimension; 2) we
develop a strong formulation for the resulting problem; 3) we define a new
hybrid solution algorithm that combines exact large neighborhood search and ant
colony optimization. Finally, we assess the performance of our new model and
algorithm on a set of realistic instances of a WiMAX network.
Fabien André (Technicolor), Anne-Marie Kermarrec (Inria), Nicolas Le Scouarnec (Technicolor)
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, published in Proceedings of ICMR’17, Bucharest, Romania, June 06-09, 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Databases (cs.DB); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Multimedia (cs.MM); Performance (cs.PF)
Efficient Nearest Neighbor (NN) search in high-dimensional spaces is a
foundation of many multimedia retrieval systems. Because it offers low
responses times, Product Quantization (PQ) is a popular solution. PQ compresses
high-dimensional vectors into short codes using several sub-quantizers, which
enables in-RAM storage of large databases. This allows fast answers to NN
queries, without accessing the SSD or HDD. The key feature of PQ is that it can
compute distances between short codes and high-dimensional vectors using
cache-resident lookup tables. The efficiency of this technique, named
Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC), remains limited because it performs many
cache accesses.
In this paper, we introduce Quick ADC, a novel technique that achieves a 3 to
6 times speedup over ADC by exploiting Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
units available in current CPUs. Efficiently exploiting SIMD requires
algorithmic changes to the ADC procedure. Namely, Quick ADC relies on two key
modifications of ADC: (i) the use 4-bit sub-quantizers instead of the standard
8-bit sub-quantizers and (ii) the quantization of floating-point distances.
This allows Quick ADC to exceed the performance of state-of-the-art systems,
e.g., it achieves a Recall@100 of 0.94 in 3.4 ms on 1 billion SIFT descriptors
(128-bit codes).
Georgia Gkioxari, Ross Girshick, Piotr Dollár, Kaiming He
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
To understand the visual world, a machine must not only recognize individual
object instances but also how they interact. Humans are often at the center of
such interactions and detecting human-object interactions is an important
practical and scientific problem. In this paper, we address the task of
detecting <human, verb, object> triplets in challenging everyday photos. We
propose a novel model that is driven by a human-centric approach. Our
hypothesis is that the appearance of a person — their pose, clothing, action
— is a powerful cue for localizing the objects they are interacting with. To
exploit this cue, our model learns to predict an action-specific density over
target object locations based on the appearance of a detected person. Our model
also jointly learns to detect people and objects, and by fusing these
predictions it efficiently infers interaction triplets in a clean, jointly
trained end-to-end system we call Interact. We validate our approach on the
recently introduced Verbs in COCO (V-COCO) dataset, where we show qualitatively
and quantitatively compelling results.
Jia Xu, René Ranftl, Vladlen Koltun
Comments: Published at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
We present an optical flow estimation approach that operates on the full
four-dimensional cost volume. This direct approach shares the structural
benefits of leading stereo matching pipelines, which are known to yield high
accuracy. To this day, such approaches have been considered impractical due to
the size of the cost volume. We show that the full four-dimensional cost volume
can be constructed in a fraction of a second due to its regularity. We then
exploit this regularity further by adapting semi-global matching to the
four-dimensional setting. This yields a pipeline that achieves significantly
higher accuracy than state-of-the-art optical flow methods while being faster
than most. Our approach outperforms all published general-purpose optical flow
methods on both Sintel and KITTI 2015 benchmarks.
Kumar S Ray, Sayandip Dutta, Anit Chakraborty
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we address the basic problem of recognizing moving objects in
video images using SP Theory of Intelligence. The concept of SP Theory of
Intelligence which is a framework of artificial intelligence, was first
introduced by Gerard J Wolff, where S stands for Simplicity and P stands for
Power. Using the concept of multiple alignment, we detect and recognize object
of our interest in video frames with multilevel hierarchical parts and
subparts, based on polythetic categories. We track the recognized objects using
the species based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). First, we extract the
multiple alignment of our object of interest from training images. In order to
recognize accurately and handle occlusion, we use the polythetic concepts on
raw data line to omit the redundant noise via searching for best alignment
representing the features from the extracted alignments. We recognize the
domain of interest from the video scenes in form of wide variety of multiple
alignments to handle scene variability. Unsupervised learning is done in the SP
model following the DONSVIC principle and natural structures are discovered via
information compression and pattern analysis. After successful recognition of
objects, we use species based PSO algorithm as the alignments of our object of
interest is analogues to observation likelihood and fitness ability of species.
Subsequently, we analyze the competition and repulsion among species with
annealed Gaussian based PSO. We have tested our algorithms on David, Walking2,
FaceOcc1, Jogging and Dudek, obtaining very satisfactory and competitive
Pei Xu
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this project, we design a real-time human-computer interaction system
based on hand gesture. The whole system consists of three components: hand
detection, gesture recognition and human-computer interaction (HCI) based on
recognition; and realizes the robust control of mouse and keyboard events with
a higher accuracy of gesture recognition. Specifically, we use the
convolutional neural network (CNN) to recognize gestures and makes it
attainable to identify relatively complex gestures using only one cheap
monocular camera. We introduce the Kalman filter to estimate the hand position
based on which the mouse cursor control is realized in a stable and smooth way.
During the HCI stage, we develop a simple strategy to avoid the false
recognition caused by noises – mostly transient, false gestures, and thus to
improve the reliability of interaction. The developed system is highly
extendable and can be used in human-robotic or other human-machine interaction
scenarios with more complex command formats rather than just mouse and keyboard
Tobias Bottger, Patrick Follmann, Michael Fauser
Comments: 10 pages, 7 Figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The accuracy of object detectors and trackers is most commonly evaluated by
the Intersection over Union (IoU) criterion. To date, most approaches are
restricted to axis-aligned or oriented boxes and, as a consequence, many
datasets are only labeled with boxes. Nevertheless, axis-aligned or oriented
boxes cannot accurately capture an object’s shape. To address this, a number of
densely segmented datasets has started to emerge in both the object detection
and the object tracking communities. However, evaluating the accuracy of object
detectors and trackers that are restricted to boxes on densely segmented data
is not straightforward. To close this gap, we introduce the relative
Intersection over Union (rIoU) accuracy measure. The measure normalizes the IoU
with the optimal box for the segmentation to generate an accuracy measure that
ranges between 0 and 1 and allows a more precise measurement of accuracies.
Furthermore, it enables an efficient and easy way to understand scenes and the
strengths and weaknesses of an object detection or tracking approach. We
display how the new measure can be efficiently calculated and present an
easy-to-use evaluation framework. The framework is tested on the DAVIS and the
VOT2016 segmentations and has been made available to the community.
Jieqing Jiao, Sebastien Ourselin
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Reconstruction of PET images is an ill-posed inverse problem and often
requires iterative algorithms to achieve good image quality for reliable
clinical use in practice, at huge computational costs. In this paper, we
consider the PET reconstruction a dense prediction problem where the large
scale contextual information is essential, and propose a novel architecture of
multi-scale fully convolutional neural networks (msfCNN) for fast PET image
reconstruction. The proposed msfCNN gains large receptive fields with both
memory and computational efficiency, by using a downscaling-upscaling structure
and dilated convolutions. Instead of pooling and deconvolution, we propose to
use the periodic shuffling operation from sub-pixel convolution and its inverse
to scale the size of feature maps without losing resolution. Residual
connections were added to improve training. We trained the proposed msfCNN
model with simulated data, and applied it to clinical PET data acquired on a
Siemens mMR scanner. The results from real oncological and neurodegenerative
cases show that the proposed msfCNN-based reconstruction outperforms the
iterative approaches in terms of computational time while achieving comparable
image quality for quantification. The proposed msfCNN model can be applied to
other dense prediction tasks, and fast msfCNN-based PET reconstruction could
facilitate the potential use of molecular imaging in interventional/surgical
procedures, where cancer surgery can particularly benefit.
Hengyue Pan, Hui Jiang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In the past few years, Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) became a
prevalent research topic. By defining two convolutional neural networks
(G-Network and D-Network) and introducing an adversarial procedure between them
during the training process, GAN has ability to generate good quality images
that look like natural images from a random vector. Besides image generation,
GAN may have potential to deal with wide range of real world problems. In this
paper, we follow the basic idea of GAN and propose a novel model for image
saliency detection, which is called Supervised Adversarial Networks (SAN).
Specifically, SAN also trains two models simultaneously: the G-Network takes
natural images as inputs and generates corresponding saliency maps (synthetic
saliency maps), and the D-Network is trained to determine whether one sample is
a synthetic saliency map or ground-truth saliency map. However, different from
GAN, the proposed method uses fully supervised learning to learn both G-Network
and D-Network by applying class labels of the training set. Moreover, a novel
kind of layer call conv-comparison layer is introduced into the D-Network to
further improve the saliency performance by forcing the high-level feature of
synthetic saliency maps and ground-truthes as similar as possible. Experimental
results on Pascal VOC 2012 database show that the SAN model can generate high
quality saliency maps for many complicate natural images.
Xiao Han
Comments: Submission for ISBI’2017 LiTS Challenge ISIC2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Liver lesion segmentation is an important step for liver cancer diagnosis,
treatment planning and treatment evaluation. LiTS (Liver Tumor Segmentation
Challenge) provides a common testbed for comparing different automatic liver
lesion segmentation methods. We participate in this challenge by developing a
deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) method. The particular DCNN model
works in 2.5D in that it takes a stack of adjacent slices as input and produces
the segmentation map corresponding to the center slice. The model has 32 layers
in total and makes use of both long range concatenation connections of U-Net
[1] and short-range residual connections from ResNet [2]. The model was trained
using the 130 LiTS training datasets and achieved an average Dice score of 0.67
when evaluated on the 70 test CT scans, which ranked first for the LiTS
challenge at the time of the ISBI 2017 conference.
Chang-Ryeol Lee, Kuk-Jin Yoon
Comments: 14 pages, 8 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Rolling Shutter (RS) cameras have become popularized because of low-cost
imaging capability. However, the RS cameras suffer from undesirable artifacts
when the camera or the subject is moving, or illumination condition changes.
For that reason, Monocular Visual Odometry (MVO) with RS cameras produces
inaccurate ego-motion estimates. Previous works solve this RS distortion
problem with motion prediction from images and/or inertial sensors. However,
the MVO still has trouble in handling the RS distortion when the camera motion
changes abruptly (e.g. vibration of mobile cameras causes extremely fast motion
instantaneously). To address the problem, we propose the novel MVO algorithm in
consideration of the geometric characteristics of RS cameras. The key idea of
the proposed algorithm is the new RS essential matrix which incorporates the
instantaneous angular and linear velocities at each frame. Our algorithm
produces accurate and robust ego-motion estimates in an online manner, and is
applicable to various mobile applications with RS cameras. The superiority of
the proposed algorithm is validated through quantitative and qualitative
comparison on both synthetic and real dataset.
Congqi Cao, Yifan Zhang, Chunjie Zhang, Hanqing Lu
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Three dimensional convolutional neural networks (3D CNNs) have been
established as a powerful tool to simultaneously learn features from both
spatial and temporal dimensions, which is suitable to be applied to video-based
action recognition. In this work, we propose not to directly use the
activations of fully-connected layers of a 3D CNN as the video feature, but to
use selective convolutional layer activations to form a discriminative
descriptor for video. It pools the feature on the convolutional layers under
the guidance of body joint positions. Two schemes of mapping body joints into
convolutional feature maps for pooling are discussed. The body joint positions
can be obtained from any off-the-shelf skeleton estimation algorithm. The
helpfulness of the body joint guided feature pooling with inaccurate skeleton
estimation is systematically evaluated. To make it end-to-end and do not rely
on any sophisticated body joint detection algorithm, we further propose a
two-stream bilinear model which can learn the guidance from the body joints and
capture the spatio-temporal features simultaneously. In this model, the body
joint guided feature pooling is conveniently formulated as a bilinear product
operation. Experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the
effectiveness of body joint guided pooling which achieves promising
Shu Zhang, Hui Yu, Ting Wang, Junyu Dong, Honghai Liu
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
With the increasing demands of applications in virtual reality such as 3D
films, virtual Human-Machine Interactions and virtual agents, the analysis of
3D human face analysis is considered to be more and more important as a
fundamental step for those virtual reality tasks. Due to information provided
by an additional dimension, 3D facial reconstruction enables aforementioned
tasks to be achieved with higher accuracy than those based on 2D facial
analysis. The denser the 3D facial model is, the more information it could
provide. However, most existing dense 3D facial reconstruction methods require
complicated processing and high system cost. To this end, this paper presents a
novel method that simplifies the process of dense 3D facial reconstruction by
employing only one frame of depth data obtained with an off-the-shelf RGB-D
sensor. The experiments showed competitive results with real world data.
Y.-J. Cho, J.-H. Park, S.-A. Kim, K. Lee, K.-J. Yoon
Comments: 10 pages, 10 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Person re-identification(re-id) is the task of recognizing and identifying a
person across multiple views in multi-camera networks. Although there has been
much progress in person re-id, the person re-id in large-scale multi-camera
networks still remains a challenging task because of the spatio-temporal
uncertainty and high complexity due to large numbers of cameras and people. To
handle these difficulties, additional information such as camera network
topology should be provided, which is also difficult to automatically estimate.
In this paper, we propose a unified framework which jointly solves both person
re-id and camera network topology inference problems with minimal prior
knowledge about the environments. The proposed framework takes general
multi-camera network environments into account and can be applied to online
person re-id in large-scale multi-camera networks. To effectively show the
superiority of the proposed framework, we also provide a new person re-id
dataset with full annotations, named SLP, captured in the synchronized
multi-camera network. Experimental results using public and our datasets show
that the proposed methods are promising for both person re-id and camera
topology inference tasks.
Biao Hou, Zaidao Wen, Licheng Jiao, Qian Wu
Comments: Submitted to IEEE TGRS
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Sparsity-regularized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging framework has
shown its remarkable performance to generate a feature enhanced high resolution
image, in which a sparsity-inducing regularizer is involved by exploiting the
sparsity priors of some visual features in the underlying image. However, since
the simple prior of low level features are insufficient to describe different
semantic contents in the image, this type of regularizer will be incapable of
distinguishing between the target of interest and unconcerned background
clutters. As a consequence, the features belonging to the target and clutters
are simultaneously affected in the generated image without concerning their
underlying semantic labels. To address this problem, we propose a novel
semantic information guided framework for target oriented SAR image formation,
which aims at enhancing the interested target scatters while suppressing the
background clutters. Firstly, we develop a new semantics-specific regularizer
for image formation by exploiting the statistical properties of different
semantic categories in a target scene SAR image. In order to infer the semantic
label for each pixel in an unsupervised way, we moreover induce a novel
high-level prior-driven regularizer and some semantic causal rules from the
prior knowledge. Finally, our regularized framework for image formation is
further derived as a simple iteratively reweighted (ell_1) minimization
problem which can be conveniently solved by many off-the-shelf solvers.
Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our
framework for SAR image formation in terms of target enhancement and clutters
suppression, compared with the state of the arts. Additionally, the proposed
framework opens a new direction of devoting some machine learning strategies to
image formation, which can benefit the subsequent decision making tasks.
Han-Mu Park, Kuk-Jin Yoon
Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures, conference submitted
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Multi-attributed graph matching is a problem of finding correspondences
between two sets of data while considering their complex properties described
in multiple attributes. However, the information of multiple attributes is
likely to be oversimplified during a process that makes an integrated
attribute, and this degrades the matching accuracy. For that reason, a
multi-layer graph structure-based algorithm has been proposed recently. It can
effectively avoid the problem by separating attributes into multiple layers.
Nonetheless, there are several remaining issues such as a scalability problem
caused by the huge matrix to describe the multi-layer structure and a
back-projection problem caused by the continuous relaxation of the quadratic
assignment problem. In this work, we propose a novel multi-attributed graph
matching algorithm based on the multi-layer graph factorization. We reformulate
the problem to be solved with several small matrices that are obtained by
factorizing the multi-layer structure. Then, we solve the problem using a
convex-concave relaxation procedure for the multi-layer structure. The proposed
algorithm exhibits better performance than state-of-the-art algorithms based on
the single-layer structure.
Benjamin Busam, Tolga Birdal, Nassir Navab
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Time-varying, smooth trajectory estimation is of great interest to the vision
community for accurate and well behaving 3D systems. In this paper, we propose
a novel principal component local regression filter acting directly on the
Riemannian manifold of unit dual quaternions (mathbb{D} mathbb{H}_1). We
first present a numerically stable Lie algebra of the dual quaternions. Then,
we introduce (exp) and (log) operators. Unlike state of the art path
smoothing methods which either operate on (SEleft(3
ight)) of rotation
matrices or the hypersphere (mathbb{H}_1) of quaternions, we treat the
orientation and translation jointly on the dual quaternion quadric in the
7-dimensional real projective space (mathbb{R}mathbb{P}^7). In the end, we
provide an outlier-robust IRLS algorithm for generic pose filtering exploiting
this manifold structure. Besides our theoretical contributions, our experiments
on synthetic and real data show the advantages of the manifold aware filtering
on pose tracking and smoothing.
Hong Sun, Chen-guang Liu, Cheng-wei Sang
Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This article addresses the image denoising problem in the situations of
strong noise. We propose a dual sparse decomposition method. This method makes
a sub-dictionary decomposition on the over-complete dictionary in the sparse
decomposition. The sub-dictionary decomposition makes use of a novel criterion
based on the occurrence frequency of atoms of the over-complete dictionary over
the data set. The experimental results demonstrate that the
dual-sparse-decomposition method surpasses state-of-art denoising performance
in terms of both peak-signal-to-noise ratio and
structural-similarity-index-metric, and also at subjective visual quality.
Zhiyuan Zha, Xinggan Zhang, Yu Wu, Qiong Wang, Lan Tang
Comments: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1611.08983
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Since the matrix formed by nonlocal similar patches in a natural image is of
low rank, the nuclear norm minimization (NNM) has been widely used for image
restoration. However, NNM tends to over-shrink the rank components and treats
the different rank components equally, thus limits its capability and
flexibility. This paper proposes a new approach for image restoration based
ADMM framework via non-convex weighted Schatten (p)-norm minimization (WSNM).
To make the proposed model tractable and robust, we have developed the
alternative direction multiplier method (ADMM) framework to solve the proposed
non-convex model. Experimental results on image deblurring and image inpainting
have shown that the proposed approach outperforms many current state-of-the-art
methods in both of PSNR and visual perception.
Zhiyuan Zha, Xinggan Zhang, Yu Wu, Qiong Wang, Lan Tang
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Compressive sensing (CS) has attracted considerable research from
signal/image processing communities. Recent studies further show that
structured or group sparsity often leads to more powerful signal reconstruction
techniques in various CS taskes. Unlike the conventional sparsity-promoting
convex regularization methods, this paper proposes a new approach for image
compressive sensing recovery using group sparse coding via non-convex weighted
(ell_p) minimization. To make our scheme tractable and robust, an iterative
shrinkage/thresholding (IST) algorithm based technique is adopted to solve the
above non-convex (ell_p) minimization problem efficiently. Experimental
results have shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms many
state-of-the-art techniques for image CS recovery.
Yandong Guo, Cheng Lu, Jan P. Allebach, Charles A. Bouman
Comments: CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The inherent noise in the observed (e.g., scanned) binary document image
degrades the image quality and harms the compression ratio through breaking the
pattern repentance and adding entropy to the document images. In this paper, we
design a cost function in Bayesian framework with dictionary learning.
Minimizing our cost function produces a restored image which has better quality
than that of the observed noisy image, and a dictionary for representing and
encoding the image. After the restoration, we use this dictionary (from the
same cost function) to encode the restored image following the
symbol-dictionary framework by JBIG2 standard with the lossless mode.
Experimental results with a variety of document images demonstrate that our
method improves the image quality compared with the observed image, and
simultaneously improves the compression ratio. For the test images with
synthetic noise, our method reduces the number of flipped pixels by 48.2% and
improves the compression ratio by 36.36% as compared with the best encoding
methods. For the test images with real noise, our method visually improves the
image quality, and outperforms the cutting-edge method by 28.27% in terms of
the compression ratio.
Yufei Wang, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Scott Cohen, Garrison W. Cottrell
Comments: Accepted by CVPR 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Recently, there has been a lot of interest in automatically generating
descriptions for an image. Most existing language-model based approaches for
this task learn to generate an image description word by word in its original
word order. However, for humans, it is more natural to locate the objects and
their relationships first, and then elaborate on each object, describing
notable attributes. We present a coarse-to-fine method that decomposes the
original image description into a skeleton sentence and its attributes, and
generates the skeleton sentence and attribute phrases separately. By this
decomposition, our method can generate more accurate and novel descriptions
than the previous state-of-the-art. Experimental results on the MS-COCO and a
larger scale Stock3M datasets show that our algorithm yields consistent
improvements across different evaluation metrics, especially on the SPICE
metric, which has much higher correlation with human ratings than the
conventional metrics. Furthermore, our algorithm can generate descriptions with
varied length, benefiting from the separate control of the skeleton and
attributes. This enables image description generation that better accommodates
user preferences.
Christopher Ham, Simon Lucey, Surya Singh
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, for supplementary material file, see this https URL
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Recent advances in 3D vision have demonstrated the strengths of photometric
bundle adjustment. By directly minimizing reprojected pixel errors, instead of
geometric reprojection errors, such methods can achieve sub-pixel alignment
accuracy in both high and low textured regions. Typically, these problems are
solved using a forwards compositional Lucas-Kanade formulation parameterized by
6-DoF rigid camera poses and a depth per point in the structure. For large
problems the most CPU-intensive component of the pipeline is the creation and
factorization of the Hessian matrix at each iteration. For many warps, the
inverse compositional formulation can offer significant speed-ups since the
Hessian need only be inverted once. In this paper, we show that an ordinary
inverse compositional formulation does not work for warps of this type of
parameterization due to ill-conditioning of its partial derivatives. However,
we show that it is possible to overcome this limitation by introducing the
concept of a proxy template image. We show an order of magnitude improvement in
speed, with little effect on quality, going from forwards to inverse
compositional in our own photometric bundle adjustment method designed for
object-centric structure from motion. This means less processing time for large
systems or denser reconstructions under the same real-time constraints. We
additionally show that this theory can be readily applied to existing methods
by integrating it with the recently released Direct Sparse Odometry SLAM
Anoop Cherian, Stephen Gould
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Most successful deep learning models for action recognition generate
predictions for short video clips, which are later aggregated into a longer
time-frame action descriptor by computing a statistic over these predictions.
Zeroth (max) or first order (average) statistic are commonly used. In this
paper, we explore the benefits of using second-order statistics. Specifically,
we propose a novel end-to-end learnable action pooling scheme, temporal
correlation pooling, that generates an action descriptor for a video sequence
by capturing the similarities between the temporal evolution of per-frame CNN
features across the video. Such a descriptor, while being computationally
cheap, also naturally encodes the co-activations of multiple CNN features,
thereby providing a richer characterization of actions than their first-order
counterparts. We also propose higher-order extensions of this scheme by
computing correlations after embedding the CNN features in a reproducing kernel
Hilbert space. We provide experiments on four standard and fine-grained action
recognition datasets. Our results clearly demonstrate the advantages of
higher-order pooling schemes, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Fei Wang, Mengqing Jiang, Chen Qian, Shuo Yang, Cheng Li, Honggang Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang
Comments: accepted to CVPR2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this work, we propose “Residual Attention Network”, a convolutional neural
network using attention mechanism which can incorporate with state-of-art feed
forward network architecture in an end-to-end training fashion. Our Residual
Attention Network is built by stacking Attention Modules which generate
attention-aware features. The attention-aware features from different modules
change adaptively as layers going deeper. Inside each Attention Module,
bottom-up top-down feedforward structure is used to unfold the feedforward and
feedback attention process into a single feedforward process. Importantly, we
propose attention residual learning to train very deep Residual Attention
Networks which can be easily scaled up to hundreds of layers. Extensive
analyses are conducted on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets to verify the
effectiveness of every module mentioned above. Our Residual Attention Network
achieves state-of-the-art object recognition performance on three benchmark
datasets including CIFAR-10 (3.90% error), CIFAR-100 (20.45% error) and
ImageNet (4.8% single model and single crop, top-5 error). Note that, our
method achieves 0.6% top-1 accuracy improvement with 46% trunk depth and 69%
forward FLOPs comparing to ResNet-200. The experiment also demonstrates that
our network is robust against noisy labels.
Pierre Sermanet, Corey Lynch, Jasmine Hsu, Sergey Levine
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations entirely
from unlabeled videos recorded from multiple viewpoints. This is particularly
relevant to robotic imitation learning, which requires a viewpoint-invariant
understanding of the relationships between humans and their environment,
including object interactions, attributes and body pose. We train our
representations using a triplet loss, where multiple simultaneous viewpoints of
the same observation are attracted in the embedding space, while being repelled
from temporal neighbors which are often visually similar but functionally
different. This signal encourages our model to discover attributes that do not
change across viewpoint, but do change across time, while ignoring nuisance
variables such as occlusions, motion blur, lighting and background. Our
experiments demonstrate that such a representation even acquires some degree of
invariance to object instance. We demonstrate that our model can correctly
identify corresponding steps in complex object interactions, such as pouring,
across different videos with different instances. We also show what is, to the
best of our knowledge, the first self-supervised results for end-to-end
imitation learning of human motions by a real robot.
Alberto Garcia-Garcia, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Sergiu Oprea, Victor Villena-Martinez, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez
Comments: Submitted to TPAMI on Apr. 22, 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Image semantic segmentation is more and more being of interest for computer
vision and machine learning researchers. Many applications on the rise need
accurate and efficient segmentation mechanisms: autonomous driving, indoor
navigation, and even virtual or augmented reality systems to name a few. This
demand coincides with the rise of deep learning approaches in almost every
field or application target related to computer vision, including semantic
segmentation or scene understanding. This paper provides a review on deep
learning methods for semantic segmentation applied to various application
areas. Firstly, we describe the terminology of this field as well as mandatory
background concepts. Next, the main datasets and challenges are exposed to help
researchers decide which are the ones that best suit their needs and their
targets. Then, existing methods are reviewed, highlighting their contributions
and their significance in the field. Finally, quantitative results are given
for the described methods and the datasets in which they were evaluated,
following up with a discussion of the results. At last, we point out a set of
promising future works and draw our own conclusions about the state of the art
of semantic segmentation using deep learning techniques.
Cenek Albl, Zuzana Kukelova, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Jan Heller, Matej Smid, Tomas Pajdla
Comments: 12 pages, 9 figures, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We present new methods for simultaneously estimating camera geometry and time
shift from video sequences from multiple unsynchronized cameras. Algorithms for
simultaneous computation of a fundamental matrix or a homography with unknown
time shift between images are developed. Our methods use minimal correspondence
sets (eight for fundamental matrix and four and a half for homography) and
therefore are suitable for robust estimation using RANSAC. Furthermore, we
present an iterative algorithm that extends the applicability on sequences
which are significantly unsynchronized, finding the correct time shift up to
several seconds. We evaluated the methods on synthetic and wide range of real
world datasets and the results show a broad applicability to the problem of
camera synchronization.
Muhammad Imran Razzak, Saeeda Naz, Ahmad Zaib
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Healthcare sector is totally different from other industry. It is on high
priority sector and people expect highest level of care and services regardless
of cost. It did not achieve social expectation even though it consume huge
percentage of budget. Mostly the interpretations of medical data is being done
by medical expert. In terms of image interpretation by human expert, it is
quite limited due to its subjectivity, the complexity of the image, extensive
variations exist across different interpreters, and fatigue. After the success
of deep learning in other real world application, it is also providing exciting
solutions with good accuracy for medical imaging and is seen as a key method
for future applications in health secotr. In this chapter, we discussed state
of the art deep learning architecture and its optimization used for medical
image segmentation and classification. In the last section, we have discussed
the challenges deep learning based methods for medical imaging and open
research issue.
Saad Bin Ahmed, Saeeda Naz, Muhammad Imran Razzak, Rubiyah Yousaf
Comments: 6 pages, 8 Figures, 3 Tables, Accepted in IEEE Workshop on Arabic Script Analysis and Recognition (ASAR) 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
The technological advancement and sophistication in cameras and gadgets
prompt researchers to have focus on image analysis and text understanding. The
deep learning techniques demonstrated well to assess the potential for
classifying text from natural scene images as reported in recent years. There
are variety of deep learning approaches that prospects the detection and
recognition of text, effectively from images. In this work, we presented Arabic
scene text recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) as a deep
learning classifier. As the scene text data is slanted and skewed, thus to deal
with maximum variations, we employ five orientations with respect to single
occurrence of a character. The training is formulated by keeping filter size 3
x 3 and 5 x 5 with stride value as 1 and 2. During text classification phase,
we trained network with distinct learning rates. Our approach reported
encouraging results on recognition of Arabic characters from segmented Arabic
scene images.
Sungeun Hong, Woobin Im, Hyun S. Yang
Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, supplementary material link >> this https URL
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In the context of multimedia content, a modality can be defined as a type of
data item such as text, images, music, and videos. Up to now, only limited
research has been conducted on cross-modal retrieval of suitable music for a
specified video or vice versa. Moreover, much of the existing research relies
on metadata such as keywords, tags, or associated description that must be
individually produced and attached posterior. This paper introduces a new
content-based, cross-modal retrieval method for video and music that is
implemented through deep neural networks. The proposed model consists of a
two-branch network that extracts features from the two different modalities and
embeds them into a single embedding space. We train the network via cross-modal
ranking loss such that videos and music with similar semantics end up close
together in the embedding space. In addition, to preserve inherent
characteristics within each modality, the proposed single-modal structure loss
was also used for training. Owing to the lack of a dataset to evaluate
cross-modal video-music tasks, we constructed a large-scale video-music pair
benchmark. Finally, we introduced reasonable quantitative and qualitative
experimental protocols. The experimental results on our dataset are expected to
be a baseline for subsequent studies of less-mature video-to-music and music-to
video related tasks.
Shima Alizadeh, Azar Fazel
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We have developed convolutional neural networks (CNN) for a facial expression
recognition task. The goal is to classify each facial image into one of the
seven facial emotion categories considered in this study. We trained CNN models
with different depth using gray-scale images. We developed our models in Torch
and exploited Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computation in order to expedite
the training process. In addition to the networks performing based on raw pixel
data, we employed a hybrid feature strategy by which we trained a novel CNN
model with the combination of raw pixel data and Histogram of Oriented
Gradients (HOG) features. To reduce the overfitting of the models, we utilized
different techniques including dropout and batch normalization in addition to
L2 regularization. We applied cross validation to determine the optimal
hyper-parameters and evaluated the performance of the developed models by
looking at their training histories. We also present the visualization of
different layers of a network to show what features of a face can be learned by
CNN models.
Siyuan Qiao, Wei Shen, Weichao Qiu, Chenxi Liu, Alan Yuille
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Motivated by product detection in supermarkets, this paper studies the
problem of object proposal generation in supermarket images and other natural
images. We argue that estimation of object scales in images is helpful for
generating object proposals, especially for supermarket images where object
scales are usually within a small range. Therefore, we propose to estimate
object scales of images before generating object proposals. The proposed method
for predicting object scales is called ScaleNet. To validate the effectiveness
of ScaleNet, we build three supermarket datasets, two of which are real-world
datasets used for testing and the other one is a synthetic dataset used for
training. In short, we extend the previous state-of-the-art object proposal
methods by adding a scale prediction phase. The resulted method outperforms the
previous state-of-the-art on the supermarket datasets by a large margin. We
also show that the approach works for object proposal on other natural images
and it outperforms the previous state-of-the-art object proposal methods on the
MS COCO dataset. The supermarket datasets, the virtual supermarkets, and the
tools for creating more synthetic datasets will be made public.
Yuval Nirkin, Iacopo Masi, Anh Tuan Tran, Tal Hassner, Gerard Medioni
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
We show that even when face images are unconstrained and arbitrarily paired,
face swapping between them is actually quite simple. To this end, we make the
following contributions. (a) Instead of tailoring systems for face
segmentation, as others previously proposed, we show that a standard fully
convolutional network (FCN) can achieve remarkably fast and accurate
segmentations, provided that it is trained on a rich enough example set. For
this purpose, we describe novel data collection and generation routines which
provide challenging segmented face examples. (b) We use our segmentations to
enable robust face swapping under unprecedented conditions. (c) Unlike previous
work, our swapping is robust enough to allow for extensive quantitative tests.
To this end, we use the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) benchmark and measure
the effect of intra- and inter-subject face swapping on recognition. We show
that our intra-subject swapped faces remain as recognizable as their sources,
testifying to the effectiveness of our method. In line with well known
perceptual studies, we show that better face swapping produces less
recognizable inter-subject results. This is the first time this effect was
quantitatively demonstrated for machine vision systems.
Sandipan Banerjee, John S. Bernhard, Walter J. Scheirer, Kevin W. Bowyer, Patrick J. Flynn
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we propose a novel face synthesis approach that can generate
an arbitrarily large number of synthetic images of both real and synthetic
identities. Thus a face image dataset can be expanded in terms of the number of
identities represented and the number of images per identity using this
approach, without the identity-labeling and privacy complications that come
from downloading images from the web. To measure the visual fidelity and
uniqueness of the synthetic face images and identities, we conducted face
matching experiments with both human participants and a CNN pre-trained on a
dataset of 2.6M real face images. To evaluate the stability of these synthetic
faces, we trained a CNN model with an augmented dataset containing close to
200,000 synthetic faces. We used a snapshot of this trained CNN to recognize
extremely challenging frontal (real) face images. Experiments showed training
with the augmented faces boosted the face recognition performance of the CNN.
Mathieu Cliche, David Rosenberg, Dhruv Madeka, Connie Yee
Comments: Submitted to ECML PKDD 2017 proceedings, 16 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Charts are an excellent way to convey patterns and trends in data, but they
do not facilitate further modeling of the data or close inspection of
individual data points. We present a fully automated system for extracting the
numerical values of data points from images of scatter plots. We use deep
learning techniques to identify the key components of the chart, and optical
character recognition together with robust regression to map from pixels to the
coordinate system of the chart. We focus on scatter plots with linear scales,
which already have several interesting challenges. Previous work has done fully
automatic extraction for other types of charts, but to our knowledge this is
the first approach that is fully automatic for scatter plots. Our method
performs well, achieving successful data extraction on 89% of the plots in our
test set.
Spandana Gella, Frank Keller
Comments: To appear in Proceedings of ACL 2017, 8 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
A large amount of recent research has focused on tasks that combine language
and vision, resulting in a proliferation of datasets and methods. One such task
is action recognition, whose applications include image annotation, scene
under- standing and image retrieval. In this survey, we categorize the existing
ap- proaches based on how they conceptualize this problem and provide a
detailed review of existing datasets, highlighting their di- versity as well as
advantages and disad- vantages. We focus on recently devel- oped datasets which
link visual informa- tion with linguistic resources and provide a fine-grained
syntactic and semantic anal- ysis of actions in images.
Wei-Lun Chao, Hexiang Hu, Fei Sha
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Visual question answering (QA) has attracted a lot of attention lately, seen
essentially as a form of (visual) Turing test that artificial intelligence
should strive to achieve. In this paper, we study a crucial component of this
task: how can we design good datasets for the task? We focus on the design of
multiple-choice based datasets where the learner has to select the right answer
from a set of candidate ones including the target (i.e. the correct one) and
the decoys (i.e. the incorrect ones). Through careful analysis of the results
attained by state-of-the-art learning models and human annotators on existing
datasets, we show the design of the decoy answers has a significant impact on
how and what the learning models learn from the datasets. In particular, the
resulting learner can ignore the visual information, the question, or the both
while still doing well on the task. Inspired by this, we propose automatic
procedures to remedy such design deficiencies. We apply the procedures to
re-construct decoy answers for two popular visual QA datasets as well as to
create a new visual QA dataset from the Visual Genome project, resulting in the
largest dataset for this task. Extensive empirical studies show that the design
deficiencies have been alleviated in the remedied datasets and the performance
on them is likely a more faithful indicator of the difference among learning
models. The datasets are released and publicly available via
this http URL
Hong Zhao
Comments: 55 pages, 18 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.03950
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Though the deep learning is pushing the machine learning to a new stage,
basic theories of machine learning are still limited. The principle of
learning, the role of the a prior knowledge, the role of neuron bias, and the
basis for choosing neural transfer function and cost function, etc., are still
far from clear. In this paper, we present a general theoretical framework for
machine learning. We classify the prior knowledge into common and
problem-dependent parts, and consider that the aim of learning is to maximally
incorporate them. The principle we suggested for maximizing the former is the
design risk minimization principle, while the neural transfer function, the
cost function, as well as pretreatment of samples, are endowed with the role
for maximizing the latter. The role of the neuron bias is explained from a
different angle. We develop a Monte Carlo algorithm to establish the
input-output responses, and we control the input-output sensitivity of a
learning machine by controlling that of individual neurons. Applications of
function approaching and smoothing, pattern recognition and classification, are
provided to illustrate how to train general learning machines based on our
theory and algorithm. Our method may in addition induce new applications, such
as the transductive inference.
Raghavendra Chalapathy (University of Sydney and Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC)), Aditya Krishna Menon (Data61/CSIRO and the Australian National University), Sanjay Chawla (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU)
Comments: Submitted for review ECML PKDD 2017 Skopje, Macedonia 18-22 September the European Conference On Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
PCA is a classical statistical technique whose simplicity and maturity has
seen it find widespread use as an anomaly detection technique. However, it is
limited in this regard by being sensitive to gross perturbations of the input,
and by seeking a linear subspace that captures normal behaviour. The first
issue has been dealt with by robust PCA, a variant of PCA that explicitly
allows for some data points to be arbitrarily corrupted, however, this does not
resolve the second issue, and indeed introduces the new issue that one can no
longer inductively find anomalies on a test set. This paper addresses both
issues in a single model, the robust autoencoder. This method learns a
nonlinear subspace that captures the majority of data points, while allowing
for some data to have arbitrary corruption. The model is simple to train and
leverages recent advances in the optimisation of deep neural networks.
Experiments on a range of real-world datasets highlight the model’s
Steven Prestwich, Roberto Rossi, Armagan Tarim
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Stochastic Constraint Programming (SCP) is an extension of Constraint
Programming (CP) used for modelling and solving problems involving constraints
and uncertainty. SCP inherits excellent modelling abilities and filtering
algorithms from CP, but so far it has not been applied to large problems.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) extends Dynamic Programming to large stochastic
problems, but is problem-specific and has no generic solvers. We propose a
hybrid combining the scalability of RL with the modelling and constraint
filtering methods of CP. We implement a prototype in a CP system and
demonstrate its usefulness on SCP problems.
Raluca D. Gaina, Jialin Liu, Simon M. Lucas, Diego Perez-Liebana
Journal-ref: Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10199, Springer, Cham., p. 418-434, 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Monte Carlo Tree Search techniques have generally dominated General Video
Game Playing, but recent research has started looking at Evolutionary
Algorithms and their potential at matching Tree Search level of play or even
outperforming these methods. Online or Rolling Horizon Evolution is one of the
options available to evolve sequences of actions for planning in General Video
Game Playing, but no research has been done up to date that explores the
capabilities of the vanilla version of this algorithm in multiple games. This
study aims to critically analyse the different configurations regarding
population size and individual length in a set of 20 games from the General
Video Game AI corpus. Distinctions are made between deterministic and
stochastic games, and the implications of using superior time budgets are
studied. Results show that there is scope for the use of these techniques,
which in some configurations outperform Monte Carlo Tree Search, and also
suggest that further research in these methods could boost their performance.
Joseph Walton-Rivers, Piers R. Williams, Richard Bartle, Diego Perez-Liebana, Simon M. Lucas
Comments: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation (2017)
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Agent modelling involves considering how other agents will behave, in order
to influence your own actions. In this paper, we explore the use of agent
modelling in the hidden-information, collaborative card game Hanabi. We
implement a number of rule-based agents, both from the literature and of our
own devising, in addition to an Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search
(IS-MCTS) agent. We observe poor results from IS-MCTS, so construct a new,
predictor version that uses a model of the agents with which it is paired. We
observe a significant improvement in game-playing strength from this agent in
comparison to IS-MCTS, resulting from its consideration of what the other
agents in a game would do. In addition, we create a flawed rule-based agent to
highlight the predictor’s capabilities with such an agent.
Kamolwan Kunanusont, Simon M. Lucas, Diego Perez-Liebana
Comments: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
General Video Game Artificial Intelligence is a general game playing
framework for Artificial General Intelligence research in the video-games
domain. In this paper, we propose for the first time a screen capture learning
agent for General Video Game AI framework. A Deep Q-Network algorithm was
applied and improved to develop an agent capable of learning to play different
games in the framework. After testing this algorithm using various games of
different categories and difficulty levels, the results suggest that our
proposed screen capture learning agent has the potential to learn many
different games using only a single learning algorithm.
Rauca D. Gaina, Simon M. Lucas, Diego Perez-Liebana
Comments: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2017
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
While Monte Carlo Tree Search and closely related methods have dominated
General Video Game Playing, recent research has demonstrated the promise of
Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms as an interesting alternative. However,
there is little attention paid to population initialization techniques in the
setting of general real-time video games. Therefore, this paper proposes the
use of population seeding to improve the performance of Rolling Horizon
Evolution and presents the results of two methods, One Step Look Ahead and
Monte Carlo Tree Search, tested on 20 games of the General Video Game AI corpus
with multiple evolution parameter values (population size and individual
length). An in-depth analysis is carried out between the results of the seeding
methods and the vanilla Rolling Horizon Evolution. In addition, the paper
presents a comparison to a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. The results are
promising, with seeding able to boost performance significantly over baseline
evolution and even match the high level of play obtained by the Monte Carlo
Tree Search.
Tomasz Tajmajer
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Robotics (cs.RO)
In this work we present a method for using Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) in
multi-objective tasks. Deep Q-Networks provide remarkable performance in single
objective tasks learning from high-level visual perception. However, in many
scenarios (e.g in robotics), the agent needs to pursue multiple objectives
simultaneously. We propose an architecture in which separate DQNs are used to
control the agent’s behaviour with respect to particular objectives. In this
architecture we use signal suppression, known from the (Brooks) subsumption
architecture, to combine outputs of several DQNs into a single action. Our
architecture enables the decomposition of the agent’s behaviour into
controllable and replaceable sub-behaviours learned by distinct modules. To
evaluate our solution we used a game-like simulator in which an agent –
provided with high-level visual input – pursues multiple objectives in a 2D
world. Our solution provides benefits of modularity, while its performance is
comparable to the monolithic approach.
Thomas C. King
Journal-ref: SIKS Dissertation Series No. 2016-41
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
This dissertation is motivated by the need, in today’s globalist world, for a
precise way to enable governments, organisations and other regulatory bodies to
evaluate the constraints they place on themselves and others. An organisation’s
modus operandi is enacting and fulfilling contracts between itself and its
participants. Yet, organisational contracts should respect external laws, such
as those setting out data privacy rights and liberties. Contracts can only be
enacted by following contract law processes, which often require bilateral
agreement and consideration. Governments need to legislate whilst understanding
today’s context of national and international governance hierarchy where law
makers shun isolationism and seek to influence one another. Governments should
avoid punishment by respecting constraints from international treaties and
human rights charters. Governments can only enact legislation by following
their own, pre-existing, law making procedures. In other words, institutions,
such as laws and contracts are designed and enacted under constraints.
Jia Xu, René Ranftl, Vladlen Koltun
Comments: Published at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
We present an optical flow estimation approach that operates on the full
four-dimensional cost volume. This direct approach shares the structural
benefits of leading stereo matching pipelines, which are known to yield high
accuracy. To this day, such approaches have been considered impractical due to
the size of the cost volume. We show that the full four-dimensional cost volume
can be constructed in a fraction of a second due to its regularity. We then
exploit this regularity further by adapting semi-global matching to the
four-dimensional setting. This yields a pipeline that achieves significantly
higher accuracy than state-of-the-art optical flow methods while being faster
than most. Our approach outperforms all published general-purpose optical flow
methods on both Sintel and KITTI 2015 benchmarks.
Elena Kochkina, Maria Liakata, Isabelle Augenstein
Comments: SemEval 2017 RumourEval: Determining rumour veracity and support for rumours (SemEval 2017 Task 8, Subtask A)
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
This paper describes team Turing’s submission to SemEval 2017 RumourEval:
Determining rumour veracity and support for rumours (SemEval 2017 Task 8,
Subtask A). Subtask A addresses the challenge of rumour stance classification,
which involves identifying the attitude of Twitter users towards the
truthfulness of the rumour they are discussing. Stance classification is
considered to be an important step towards rumour verification, therefore
performing well in this task is expected to be useful in debunking false
rumours. In this work we classify a set of Twitter posts discussing rumours
into either supporting, denying, questioning or commenting on the underlying
rumours. We propose a LSTM-based sequential model that, through modelling the
conversational structure of tweets, which achieves an accuracy of 0.784 on the
RumourEval test set outperforming all other systems in Subtask A.
Wei-Lun Chao, Hexiang Hu, Fei Sha
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Visual question answering (QA) has attracted a lot of attention lately, seen
essentially as a form of (visual) Turing test that artificial intelligence
should strive to achieve. In this paper, we study a crucial component of this
task: how can we design good datasets for the task? We focus on the design of
multiple-choice based datasets where the learner has to select the right answer
from a set of candidate ones including the target (i.e. the correct one) and
the decoys (i.e. the incorrect ones). Through careful analysis of the results
attained by state-of-the-art learning models and human annotators on existing
datasets, we show the design of the decoy answers has a significant impact on
how and what the learning models learn from the datasets. In particular, the
resulting learner can ignore the visual information, the question, or the both
while still doing well on the task. Inspired by this, we propose automatic
procedures to remedy such design deficiencies. We apply the procedures to
re-construct decoy answers for two popular visual QA datasets as well as to
create a new visual QA dataset from the Visual Genome project, resulting in the
largest dataset for this task. Extensive empirical studies show that the design
deficiencies have been alleviated in the remedied datasets and the performance
on them is likely a more faithful indicator of the difference among learning
models. The datasets are released and publicly available via
this http URL
Sida I. Wang, Samuel Ginn, Percy Liang, Christoper D. Manning
Comments: 10 pages, ACL2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Learning (cs.LG)
Our goal is to create a convenient natural language interface for performing
well-specified but complex actions such as analyzing data, manipulating text,
and querying databases. However, existing natural language interfaces for such
tasks are quite primitive compared to the power one wields with a programming
language. To bridge this gap, we start with a core programming language and
allow users to “naturalize” the core language incrementally by defining
alternative, more natural syntax and increasingly complex concepts in terms of
compositions of simpler ones. In a voxel world, we show that a community of
users can simultaneously teach a common system a diverse language and use it to
build hundreds of complex voxel structures. Over the course of three days,
these users went from using only the core language to using the naturalized
language in 85.9\% of the last 10K utterances.
Hong Zhao
Comments: 55 pages, 18 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.03950
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Though the deep learning is pushing the machine learning to a new stage,
basic theories of machine learning are still limited. The principle of
learning, the role of the a prior knowledge, the role of neuron bias, and the
basis for choosing neural transfer function and cost function, etc., are still
far from clear. In this paper, we present a general theoretical framework for
machine learning. We classify the prior knowledge into common and
problem-dependent parts, and consider that the aim of learning is to maximally
incorporate them. The principle we suggested for maximizing the former is the
design risk minimization principle, while the neural transfer function, the
cost function, as well as pretreatment of samples, are endowed with the role
for maximizing the latter. The role of the neuron bias is explained from a
different angle. We develop a Monte Carlo algorithm to establish the
input-output responses, and we control the input-output sensitivity of a
learning machine by controlling that of individual neurons. Applications of
function approaching and smoothing, pattern recognition and classification, are
provided to illustrate how to train general learning machines based on our
theory and algorithm. Our method may in addition induce new applications, such
as the transductive inference.
Alberto Garcia-Garcia, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Sergiu Oprea, Victor Villena-Martinez, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez
Comments: Submitted to TPAMI on Apr. 22, 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Image semantic segmentation is more and more being of interest for computer
vision and machine learning researchers. Many applications on the rise need
accurate and efficient segmentation mechanisms: autonomous driving, indoor
navigation, and even virtual or augmented reality systems to name a few. This
demand coincides with the rise of deep learning approaches in almost every
field or application target related to computer vision, including semantic
segmentation or scene understanding. This paper provides a review on deep
learning methods for semantic segmentation applied to various application
areas. Firstly, we describe the terminology of this field as well as mandatory
background concepts. Next, the main datasets and challenges are exposed to help
researchers decide which are the ones that best suit their needs and their
targets. Then, existing methods are reviewed, highlighting their contributions
and their significance in the field. Finally, quantitative results are given
for the described methods and the datasets in which they were evaluated,
following up with a discussion of the results. At last, we point out a set of
promising future works and draw our own conclusions about the state of the art
of semantic segmentation using deep learning techniques.
Daniel R. Jiang, Warren B. Powell
Comments: 51 pages, 9 figures
Subjects: Optimization and Control (math.OC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
In this paper, we consider a finite-horizon Markov decision process (MDP) for
which the objective at each stage is to minimize a quantile-based risk measure
(QBRM) of the sequence of future costs; we call the overall objective a dynamic
quantile-based risk measure (DQBRM). In particular, we consider optimizing
dynamic risk measures where the one-step risk measures are QBRMs, a class of
risk measures that includes the popular value at risk (VaR) and the conditional
value at risk (CVaR). Although there is considerable theoretical development of
risk-averse MDPs in the literature, the computational challenges have not been
explored as thoroughly. We propose a data-driven or simulation-based
approximate dynamic programming (ADP) algorithm to solve the risk-averse
sequential decision problem. In addition, we address the issue of inefficient
sampling for risk applications in simulated settings and present a procedure,
based on importance sampling, to direct samples toward the “risky region” as
the ADP algorithm progresses. Finally, we show numerical results of our
algorithms in the context of an application involving risk-averse bidding for
energy storage.
Salman Mohammed, Nimesh Ghelani, Jimmy Lin
Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI)
We tackle the challenge of topic classification of tweets in the context of
analyzing a large collection of curated streams by news outlets and other
organizations to deliver relevant content to users. Our approach is novel in
applying distant supervision based on semi-automatically identifying curated
streams that are topically focused (for example, on politics, entertainment, or
sports). These streams provide a source of labeled data to train topic
classifiers that can then be applied to categorize tweets from more
topically-diffuse streams. Experiments on both noisy labels and human
ground-truth judgments demonstrate that our approach yields good topic
classifiers essentially “for free”, and that topic classifiers trained in this
manner are able to dynamically adjust for topic drift as news on Twitter
Fabien André (Technicolor), Anne-Marie Kermarrec (Inria), Nicolas Le Scouarnec (Technicolor)
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, published in Proceedings of ICMR’17, Bucharest, Romania, June 06-09, 2017
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Databases (cs.DB); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Multimedia (cs.MM); Performance (cs.PF)
Efficient Nearest Neighbor (NN) search in high-dimensional spaces is a
foundation of many multimedia retrieval systems. Because it offers low
responses times, Product Quantization (PQ) is a popular solution. PQ compresses
high-dimensional vectors into short codes using several sub-quantizers, which
enables in-RAM storage of large databases. This allows fast answers to NN
queries, without accessing the SSD or HDD. The key feature of PQ is that it can
compute distances between short codes and high-dimensional vectors using
cache-resident lookup tables. The efficiency of this technique, named
Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC), remains limited because it performs many
cache accesses.
In this paper, we introduce Quick ADC, a novel technique that achieves a 3 to
6 times speedup over ADC by exploiting Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
units available in current CPUs. Efficiently exploiting SIMD requires
algorithmic changes to the ADC procedure. Namely, Quick ADC relies on two key
modifications of ADC: (i) the use 4-bit sub-quantizers instead of the standard
8-bit sub-quantizers and (ii) the quantization of floating-point distances.
This allows Quick ADC to exceed the performance of state-of-the-art systems,
e.g., it achieves a Recall@100 of 0.94 in 3.4 ms on 1 billion SIFT descriptors
(128-bit codes).
Günce Keziban Orman, Vincent Labatut (LIA), Ahmet Teoman Naskali
Comments: Physica A, Elsevier, 2017
Subjects: Social and Information Networks (cs.SI); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph)
Dynamic Networks are a popular way of modeling and studying the behavior of
evolving systems. However, their analysis constitutes a relatively recent
subfield of Network Science, and the number of available tools is consequently
much smaller than for static networks. In this work, we propose a method
specifically designed to take advantage of the longitudinal nature of dynamic
networks. It characterizes each individual node by studying the evolution of
its direct neighborhood, based on the assumption that the way this neighborhood
changes reflects the role and position of the node in the whole network. For
this purpose, we define the concept of extit{neighborhood event}, which
corresponds to the various transformations such groups of nodes can undergo,
and describe an algorithm for detecting such events. We demonstrate the
interest of our method on three real-world networks: DBLP, LastFM and Enron. We
apply frequent pattern mining to extract meaningful information from temporal
sequences of neighborhood events. This results in the identification of
behavioral trends emerging in the whole network, as well as the individual
characterization of specific nodes. We also perform a cluster analysis, which
reveals that, in all three networks, one can distinguish two types of nodes
exhibiting different behaviors: a very small group of active nodes, whose
neighborhood undergo diverse and frequent events, and a very large group of
stable nodes.
L. Elisa Celis, Damian Straszak, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Information Retrieval (cs.IR)
The problem of ranking a set of items is fundamental in today’s data-driven
world. Ranking algorithms lie at the core of applications such as search
engines, news feeds, and recommendation systems. However, recent events have
pointed to the fact that algorithmic bias in rankings, which results in
decreased fairness or diversity in the type of content presented, can promote
stereotypes and propagate injustices. Motivated by such applications, we
initiate the study of the traditional ranking problem with additional fairness
constraints. Given a collection of items along with 1) the value of placing an
item at a particular position, 2) the collection of possibly non-disjoint
attributes (e.g., gender, race) of each item and 3) a collection of fairness
constraints that upper bound the number of items with each attribute that are
allowed to appear in the top positions of the ranking, the goal is to output a
ranking that maximizes value while respecting the constraints. This problem
encapsulates various well-studied problems related to matching as special cases
and turns out to be hard to approximate even with simple constraints.
Our main technical contributions are exact and approximation algorithms and
hardness results that, together, come close to settling the approximability of
the constrained ranking maximization problem. Technically, our main results
rely on novel insights about the standard linear programming relaxation for the
constrained matching problem when the objective function satisfies certain
properties that appear in common ranking metrics such as DCG, Spearman’s rho or
Bradley-Terry, along with the structure of fairness constraints. Overall, our
results contribute to the growing set of algorithms that can counter
algorithmic bias, and the structural insights obtained may find use in other
algorithmic contexts related to ranking problems.
Federico Monti, Michael M. Bronstein, Xavier Bresson
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Numerical Analysis (cs.NA); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Matrix completion models are among the most common formulations of
recommender systems. Recent works have showed a boost of performance of these
techniques when introducing the pairwise relationships between users/items in
the form of graphs, and imposing smoothness priors on these graphs. However,
such techniques do not fully exploit the local stationarity structures of
user/item graphs, and the number of parameters to learn is linear w.r.t. the
number of users and items. We propose a novel approach to overcome these
limitations by using geometric deep learning on graphs. Our matrix completion
architecture combines graph convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural
networks to learn meaningful statistical graph-structured patterns and the
non-linear diffusion process that generates the known ratings. This neural
network system requires a constant number of parameters independent of the
matrix size. We apply our method on both synthetic and real datasets, showing
that it outperforms state-of-the-art techniques.
Mathieu Cliche, David Rosenberg, Dhruv Madeka, Connie Yee
Comments: Submitted to ECML PKDD 2017 proceedings, 16 pages
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Charts are an excellent way to convey patterns and trends in data, but they
do not facilitate further modeling of the data or close inspection of
individual data points. We present a fully automated system for extracting the
numerical values of data points from images of scatter plots. We use deep
learning techniques to identify the key components of the chart, and optical
character recognition together with robust regression to map from pixels to the
coordinate system of the chart. We focus on scatter plots with linear scales,
which already have several interesting challenges. Previous work has done fully
automatic extraction for other types of charts, but to our knowledge this is
the first approach that is fully automatic for scatter plots. Our method
performs well, achieving successful data extraction on 89% of the plots in our
test set.
Murathan Kurfalı, Ahmet Üstün, Burcu Can
Comments: 12 pages, accepted and presented at the CICLING 2017 – 18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
In this paper, we introduce a trie-structured Bayesian model for unsupervised
morphological segmentation. We adopt prior information from different sources
in the model. We use neural word embeddings to discover words that are
morphologically derived from each other and thereby that are semantically
similar. We use letter successor variety counts obtained from tries that are
built by neural word embeddings. Our results show that using different
information sources such as neural word embeddings and letter successor variety
as prior information improves morphological segmentation in a Bayesian model.
Our model outperforms other unsupervised morphological segmentation models on
Turkish and gives promising results on English and German for scarce resources.
Trang Tran, Shubham Toshniwal, Mohit Bansal, Kevin Gimpel, Karen Livescu, Mari Ostendorf
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Sound (cs.SD)
In conversational speech, the acoustic signal provides cues that help
listeners disambiguate difficult parses. For automatically parsing a spoken
utterance, we introduce a model that integrates transcribed text and
acoustic-prosodic features using a convolutional neural network over energy and
pitch trajectories coupled with an attention-based recurrent neural network
that accepts text and word-based prosodic features. We find that different
types of acoustic-prosodic features are individually helpful, and together
improve parse F1 scores significantly over a strong text-only baseline. For
this study with known sentence boundaries, error analysis shows that the main
benefit of acoustic-prosodic features is in sentences with disfluencies and
that attachment errors are most improved.
Elena Kochkina, Maria Liakata, Isabelle Augenstein
Comments: SemEval 2017 RumourEval: Determining rumour veracity and support for rumours (SemEval 2017 Task 8, Subtask A)
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
This paper describes team Turing’s submission to SemEval 2017 RumourEval:
Determining rumour veracity and support for rumours (SemEval 2017 Task 8,
Subtask A). Subtask A addresses the challenge of rumour stance classification,
which involves identifying the attitude of Twitter users towards the
truthfulness of the rumour they are discussing. Stance classification is
considered to be an important step towards rumour verification, therefore
performing well in this task is expected to be useful in debunking false
rumours. In this work we classify a set of Twitter posts discussing rumours
into either supporting, denying, questioning or commenting on the underlying
rumours. We propose a LSTM-based sequential model that, through modelling the
conversational structure of tweets, which achieves an accuracy of 0.784 on the
RumourEval test set outperforming all other systems in Subtask A.
Johannes Daxenberger, Steffen Eger, Ivan Habernal, Christian Stab, Iryna Gurevych
Comments: Under review
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Argument mining has become a popular research area in NLP. It typically
includes the identification of argumentative components, e.g. claims, as the
central component of an argument. We perform a qualitative analysis across six
different datasets and show that these appear to conceptualize claims quite
differently. To learn about the consequences of such different
conceptualizations of claim for practical applications, we carried out
extensive experiments using state-of-the-art feature-rich and deep learning
systems, to identify claims in a cross-domain fashion. While the divergent
perception of claims in different datasets is indeed harmful to cross-domain
classification, we show that there are shared properties on the lexical level
as well as system configurations that can help to overcome these gaps.
Dmitry Ustalov, Alexander Panchenko, Chris Biemann
Comments: 12 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, accepted to ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
This paper presents a new graph-based approach that induces synsets using
synonymy dictionaries and word embeddings. First, we build a weighted graph of
synonyms extracted from commonly available resources, such as Wiktionary.
Second, we apply word sense induction to deal with ambiguous words. Finally, we
cluster the disambiguated version of the ambiguous input graph into synsets.
Our meta-clustering approach lets us use an efficient hard clustering algorithm
to perform a fuzzy clustering of the graph. Despite its simplicity, our
approach shows excellent results, outperforming five competitive
state-of-the-art methods in terms of F-score on three gold standard datasets
for English and Russian derived from large-scale manually constructed lexical
Marek Rei
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We propose a sequence labeling framework with a secondary training objective,
learning to predict surrounding words for every word in the dataset. This
language modeling objective incentivises the system to learn general-purpose
patterns of semantic and syntactic composition, which are also useful for
improving accuracy on different sequence labeling tasks. The architecture was
evaluated on a range of datasets, covering the tasks of error detection in
learner texts, named entity recognition, chunking and POS-tagging. The novel
language modeling objective provided consistent performance improvements on
every benchmark, without requiring any additional annotated or unannotated
Ella Rabinovich, Noam Ordan, Shuly Wintner
Comments: ACL2017, 11 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Translation has played an important role in trade, law, commerce, politics,
and literature for thousands of years. Translators have always tried to be
invisible; ideal translations should look as if they were written originally in
the target language. We show that traces of the source language remain in the
translation product to the extent that it is possible to uncover the history of
the source language by looking only at the translation. Specifically, we
automatically reconstruct phylogenetic language trees from monolingual texts
(translated from several source languages). The signal of the source language
is so powerful that it is retained even after two phases of translation. This
strongly indicates that source language interference is the most dominant
characteristic of translated texts, overshadowing the more subtle signals of
universal properties of translation.
Chris Hokamp, Qun Liu
Comments: Accepted as a long paper at ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We present Grid Beam Search (GBS), an algorithm which extends beam search to
allow the inclusion of pre-specified lexical constraints. The algorithm can be
used with any model that generates a sequence ( mathbf{hat{y}} =
{y_{0}ldots y_{T}} ), by maximizing ( p(mathbf{y} | mathbf{x}) =
prodlimits_{t}p(y_{t} | mathbf{x}; {y_{0} ldots y_{t-1}}) ). Lexical
constraints take the form of phrases or words that must be present in the
output sequence. This is a very general way to incorporate additional knowledge
into a model’s output without requiring any modification of the model
parameters or training data. We demonstrate the feasibility and flexibility of
Lexically Constrained Decoding by conducting experiments on Neural
Interactive-Predictive Translation, as well as Domain Adaptation for Neural
Machine Translation. Experiments show that GBS can provide large improvements
in translation quality in interactive scenarios, and that, even without any
user input, GBS can be used to achieve significant gains in performance in
domain adaptation scenarios.
He He, Anusha Balakrishnan, Mihail Eric, Percy Liang
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We study a symmetric collaborative dialogue setting in which two agents, each
with private knowledge, must strategically communicate to achieve a common
goal. The open-ended dialogue state in this setting poses new challenges for
existing dialogue systems. We collected a dataset of 11K human-human dialogues,
which exhibits interesting lexical, semantic, and strategic elements. To model
both structured knowledge and unstructured language, we propose a neural model
with dynamic knowledge graph embeddings that evolve as the dialogue progresses.
Automatic and human evaluations show that our model is both more effective at
achieving the goal and more human-like than baseline neural and rule-based
Spandana Gella, Frank Keller
Comments: To appear in Proceedings of ACL 2017, 8 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
A large amount of recent research has focused on tasks that combine language
and vision, resulting in a proliferation of datasets and methods. One such task
is action recognition, whose applications include image annotation, scene
under- standing and image retrieval. In this survey, we categorize the existing
ap- proaches based on how they conceptualize this problem and provide a
detailed review of existing datasets, highlighting their di- versity as well as
advantages and disad- vantages. We focus on recently devel- oped datasets which
link visual informa- tion with linguistic resources and provide a fine-grained
syntactic and semantic anal- ysis of actions in images.
Wei-Lun Chao, Hexiang Hu, Fei Sha
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Visual question answering (QA) has attracted a lot of attention lately, seen
essentially as a form of (visual) Turing test that artificial intelligence
should strive to achieve. In this paper, we study a crucial component of this
task: how can we design good datasets for the task? We focus on the design of
multiple-choice based datasets where the learner has to select the right answer
from a set of candidate ones including the target (i.e. the correct one) and
the decoys (i.e. the incorrect ones). Through careful analysis of the results
attained by state-of-the-art learning models and human annotators on existing
datasets, we show the design of the decoy answers has a significant impact on
how and what the learning models learn from the datasets. In particular, the
resulting learner can ignore the visual information, the question, or the both
while still doing well on the task. Inspired by this, we propose automatic
procedures to remedy such design deficiencies. We apply the procedures to
re-construct decoy answers for two popular visual QA datasets as well as to
create a new visual QA dataset from the Visual Genome project, resulting in the
largest dataset for this task. Extensive empirical studies show that the design
deficiencies have been alleviated in the remedied datasets and the performance
on them is likely a more faithful indicator of the difference among learning
models. The datasets are released and publicly available via
this http URL
Jan Buys, Phil Blunsom
Comments: 12 pages; Accepted to ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Parsing sentences to linguistically-expressive semantic representations is a
key goal of Natural Language Processing. Yet statistical parsing has focused
almost exclusively on bilexical dependencies or domain-specific logical forms.
We propose a neural encoder-decoder transition-based parser which is the first
full-coverage semantic graph parser for Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS). The
model architecture uses stack-based embedding features, predicting graphs
jointly with unlexicalized predicates and their token alignments. Our parser is
more accurate than attention-based baselines on MRS, and on an additional
Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) benchmark, and GPU batch processing makes
it an order of magnitude faster than a high-precision grammar-based parser.
Further, the 86.69% Smatch score of our MRS parser is higher than the
upper-bound on AMR parsing, making MRS an attractive choice as a semantic
Qingyu Zhou, Nan Yang, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou
Comments: 10 pages; To appear in ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We propose a selective encoding model to extend the sequence-to-sequence
framework for abstractive sentence summarization. It consists of a sentence
encoder, a selective gate network, and an attention equipped decoder. The
sentence encoder and decoder are built with recurrent neural networks. The
selective gate network constructs a second level sentence representation by
controlling the information flow from encoder to decoder. The second level
representation is tailored for sentence summarization task, which leads to
better performance. We evaluate our model on the English Gigaword, DUC 2004 and
MSR abstractive sentence summarization datasets. The experimental results show
that the proposed selective encoding model outperforms the state-of-the-art
baseline models.
Michael Bloodgood, Benjamin Strauss
Comments: 10 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables; to appear in the Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vancouver, Canada, 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Global constraints and reranking have not been used in cognates detection
research to date. We propose methods for using global constraints by performing
rescoring of the score matrices produced by state of the art cognates detection
systems. Using global constraints to perform rescoring is complementary to
state of the art methods for performing cognates detection and results in
significant performance improvements beyond current state of the art
performance on publicly available datasets with different language pairs and
various conditions such as different levels of baseline state of the art
performance and different data size conditions, including with more realistic
large data size conditions than have been evaluated with in the past.
Deng Cai, Hai Zhao, Zhisong Zhang, Yuan Xin, Yongjian Wu, Feiyue Huang
Comments: To appear in ACL2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Neural models with minimal feature engineering have achieved competitive
performance against traditional methods for the task of Chinese word
segmentation. However, both training and working procedures of the current
neural models are computationally inefficient. This paper presents a greedy
neural word segmenter with balanced word and character embedding inputs to
alleviate the existing drawbacks. Our segmenter is truly end-to-end, capable of
performing segmentation much faster and even more accurate than
state-of-the-art neural models on Chinese benchmark datasets.
Kazuya Kawakami, Chris Dyer, Phil Blunsom
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Fixed-vocabulary language models fail to account for one of the most
characteristic statistical facts of natural language: the frequent creation and
reuse of new word types. Although character-level language models offer a
partial solution in that they can create word types not attested in the
training corpus, they do not capture the “bursty” distribution of such words.
In this paper, we augment a hierarchical LSTM language model that generates
sequences of word tokens character by character with a caching mechanism that
learns to reuse previously generated words. To validate our model we construct
a new open-vocabulary language modeling corpus (the Multilingual Wikipedia
Corpus, MWC) from comparable Wikipedia articles in 7 typologically diverse
languages and demonstrate the effectiveness of our model across this range of
Kartik Goyal, Chris Dyer, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Comments: Accepted at ACL2017 (this http URL)
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We demonstrate that a continuous relaxation of the argmax operation can be
used to create a differentiable approximation to greedy decoding for
sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. By incorporating this approximation into
the scheduled sampling training procedure (Bengio et al., 2015)–a well-known
technique for correcting exposure bias–we introduce a new training objective
that is continuous and differentiable everywhere and that can provide
informative gradients near points where previous decoding decisions change
their value. In addition, by using a related approximation, we demonstrate a
similar approach to sampled-based training. Finally, we show that our approach
outperforms cross-entropy training and scheduled sampling procedures in two
sequence prediction tasks: named entity recognition and machine translation.
Jacob Andreas, Anca Dragan, Dan Klein
Comments: To appear in ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Several approaches have recently been proposed for learning decentralized
deep multiagent policies that coordinate via a differentiable communication
channel. While these policies are effective for many tasks, interpretation of
their induced communication strategies has remained a challenge. Here we
propose to interpret agents’ messages by translating them. Unlike in typical
machine translation problems, we have no parallel data to learn from. Instead
we develop a translation model based on the insight that agent messages and
natural language strings mean the same thing if they induce the same belief
about the world in a listener. We present theoretical guarantees and empirical
evidence that our approach preserves both the semantics and pragmatics of
messages by ensuring that players communicating through a translation layer do
not suffer a substantial loss in reward relative to players with a common
Sida I. Wang, Samuel Ginn, Percy Liang, Christoper D. Manning
Comments: 10 pages, ACL2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Learning (cs.LG)
Our goal is to create a convenient natural language interface for performing
well-specified but complex actions such as analyzing data, manipulating text,
and querying databases. However, existing natural language interfaces for such
tasks are quite primitive compared to the power one wields with a programming
language. To bridge this gap, we start with a core programming language and
allow users to “naturalize” the core language incrementally by defining
alternative, more natural syntax and increasingly complex concepts in terms of
compositions of simpler ones. In a voxel world, we show that a community of
users can simultaneously teach a common system a diverse language and use it to
build hundreds of complex voxel structures. Over the course of three days,
these users went from using only the core language to using the naturalized
language in 85.9\% of the last 10K utterances.
Masashi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Noji, Yuji Matsumoto
Comments: long paper (11 pages) accepted to ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We propose a new A* CCG parsing model in which the probability of a tree is
decomposed into factors of CCG categories and its syntactic dependencies both
defined on bi-directional LSTMs. Our factored model allows the precomputation
of all probabilities and runs very efficiently, while modeling sentence
structures explicitly via dependencies. Our model achieves the state-of-the-art
results on English and Japanese CCG parsing.
Lijun Wu, Yingce Xia, Li Zhao, Fei Tian, Tao Qin, Jianhuang Lai, Tie-Yan Liu
Comments: In submission to IJCAI’17
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper, we study a new learning paradigm for Neural Machine
Translation (NMT). Instead of maximizing the likelihood of the human
translation as in previous works, we minimize the distinction between human
translation and the translation given by a NMT model. To achieve this goal,
inspired by the recent success of generative adversarial networks (GANs), we
employ an adversarial training architecture and name it as Adversarial-NMT. In
Adversarial-NMT, the training of the NMT model is assisted by an adversary,
which is an elaborately designed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The goal
of the adversary is to differentiate the translation result generated by the
NMT model from that by human. The goal of the NMT model is to produce high
quality translations so as to cheat the adversary. A policy gradient method is
leveraged to co-train the NMT model and the adversary. Experimental results on
ightarrow)French and German(
ightarrow)English translation tasks
show that Adversarial-NMT can achieve significantly better translation quality
than several strong baselines.
Yusuke Oda, Philip Arthur, Graham Neubig, Koichiro Yoshino, Satoshi Nakamura
Comments: Accepted as a long paper at ACL2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
In this paper, we propose a new method for calculating the output layer in
neural machine translation systems. The method is based on predicting a binary
code for each word and can reduce computation time/memory requirements of the
output layer to be logarithmic in vocabulary size in the best case. In
addition, we also introduce two advanced approaches to improve the robustness
of the proposed model: using error-correcting codes and combining softmax and
binary codes. Experiments on two English-Japanese bidirectional translation
tasks show proposed models achieve BLEU scores that approach the softmax, while
reducing memory usage to the order of less than 1/10 and improving decoding
speed on CPUs by x5 to x10.
Rahma Chaabouni, Ewan Dunbar, Neil Zeghidour, Emmanuel Dupoux
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
Recent works have explored deep architectures for learning multimodal speech
representation (e.g. audio and images, articulation and audio) in a supervised
way. Here we investigate the role of combining different speech modalities,
i.e. audio and visual information representing the lips movements, in a weakly
supervised way using Siamese networks and lexical same-different side
information. In particular, we ask whether one modality can benefit from the
other to provide a richer representation for phone recognition in a weakly
supervised setting. We introduce mono-task and multi-task methods for merging
speech and visual modalities for phone recognition. The mono-task learning
consists in applying a Siamese network on the concatenation of the two
modalities, while the multi-task learning receives several different
combinations of modalities at train time. We show that multi-task learning
enhances discriminability for visual and multimodal inputs while minimally
impacting auditory inputs. Furthermore, we present a qualitative analysis of
the obtained phone embeddings, and show that cross-modal visual input can
improve the discriminability of phonological features which are visually
discernable (rounding, open/close, labial place of articulation), resulting in
representations that are closer to abstract linguistic features than those
based on audio only.
Rui Meng, Sanqiang Zhao, Shuguang Han, Daqing He, Peter Brusilovsky, Yu Chi
Comments: 11 pages. Accepted by ACL2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Keyphrase provides highly-summative information that can be effectively used
for understanding, organizing and retrieving text content. Though previous
studies have provided many workable solutions for automated keyphrase
extraction, they commonly divided the to-be-summarized content into multiple
text chunks, then ranked and selected the most meaningful ones. These
approaches could neither identify keyphrases that do not appear in the text,
nor capture the real semantic meaning behind the text. We propose a generative
model for keyphrase prediction with an encoder-decoder framework, which can
effectively overcome the above drawbacks. We name it as deep keyphrase
generation since it attempts to capture the deep semantic meaning of the
content with a deep learning method. Empirical analysis on six datasets
demonstrates that our proposed model not only achieves a significant
performance boost on extracting keyphrases that appear in the source text, but
also can generate absent keyphrases based on the semantic meaning of the text.
Code and dataset are available at this https URL
Adams Wei Yu, Hongrae Lee, Quoc V. Le
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
Recurrent Neural Networks are showing much promise in many sub-areas of
natural language processing, ranging from document classification to machine
translation to automatic question answering. Despite their promise, many
recurrent models have to read the whole text word by word, making it slow to
handle long documents. For example, it is difficult to use a recurrent network
to read a book and answer questions about it. In this paper, we present an
approach of reading text while skipping irrelevant information if needed. The
underlying model is a recurrent network that learns how far to jump after
reading a few words of the input text. We employ a standard policy gradient
method to train the model to make discrete jumping decisions. In our benchmarks
on four different tasks, including number prediction, sentiment analysis, news
article classification and automatic Q&A, our proposed model, a modified LSTM
with jumping, is up to 6 times faster than the standard sequential LSTM, while
maintaining the same or even better accuracy.
Vlad Niculae, Joonsuk Park, Claire Cardie
Comments: Accepted for publication at ACL 2017. 11 pages, 5 figures. Code at this https URL and data at this http URL
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We propose a novel factor graph model for argument mining, designed for
settings in which the argumentative relations in a document do not necessarily
form a tree structure. (This is the case in over 20% of the web comments
dataset we release.) Our model jointly learns elementary unit type
classification and argumentative relation prediction. Moreover, our model
supports SVM and RNN parametrizations, can enforce structure constraints (e.g.,
transitivity), and can express dependencies between adjacent relations and
propositions. Our approaches outperform unstructured baselines in both web
comments and argumentative essay datasets.
Hao Peng, Sam Thomson, Noah A. Smith
Comments: Proceedings of ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We present a deep neural architecture that parses sentences into three
semantic dependency graph formalisms. By using efficient, nearly arc-factored
inference and a bidirectional-LSTM composed with a multi-layer perceptron, our
base system is able to significantly improve the state of the art for semantic
dependency parsing, without using hand-engineered features or syntax. We then
explore two multitask learning approaches—one that shares parameters across
formalisms, and one that uses higher-order structures to predict the graphs
jointly. We find that both approaches improve performance across formalisms on
average, achieving a new state of the art. Our code is open-source and
available at this https URL
Sayan Ghosh, Mathieu Chollet, Eugene Laksana, Louis-Philippe Morency, Stefan Scherer
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Human verbal communication includes affective messages which are conveyed
through use of emotionally colored words. There has been a lot of research in
this direction but the problem of integrating state-of-the-art neural language
models with affective information remains an area ripe for exploration. In this
paper, we propose an extension to an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) language
model for generating conversational text, conditioned on affect categories. Our
proposed model, Affect-LM enables us to customize the degree of emotional
content in generated sentences through an additional design parameter.
Perception studies conducted using Amazon Mechanical Turk show that Affect-LM
generates naturally looking emotional sentences without sacrificing grammatical
correctness. Affect-LM also learns affect-discriminative word representations,
and perplexity experiments show that additional affective information in
conversational text can improve language model prediction.
Mark Hughes, Irene Li, Spyros Kotoulas, Toyotaro Suzumura
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We present an approach to automatically classify clinical text at a sentence
level. We are using deep convolutional neural networks to represent complex
features. We train the network on a dataset providing a broad categorization of
health information. Through a detailed evaluation, we demonstrate that our
method outperforms several approaches widely used in natural language
processing tasks by about 15%.
Lotem Peled, Roi Reichart
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Sarcasm is a form of speech in which speakers say the opposite of what they
truly mean in order to convey a strong sentiment. In other words, “Sarcasm is
the giant chasm between what I say, and the person who doesn’t get it.”. In
this paper we present the novel task of sarcasm interpretation, defined as the
generation of a non-sarcastic utterance conveying the same message as the
original sarcastic one. We introduce a novel dataset of 3000 sarcastic tweets,
each interpreted by five human judges. Addressing the task as monolingual
machine translation (MT), we experiment with MT algorithms and evaluation
measures. We then present SIGN: an MT based sarcasm interpretation algorithm
that targets sentiment words, a defining element of textual sarcasm. We show
that while the scores of n-gram based automatic measures are similar for all
interpretation models, SIGN’s interpretations are scored higher by humans for
adequacy and sentiment polarity. We conclude with a discussion on future
research directions for our new task.
Nafise Sadat Moosavi, Michael Strube
Comments: 6 pages, ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Lexical features are a major source of information in state-of-the-art
coreference resolvers. Lexical features implicitly model some of the linguistic
phenomena at a fine granularity level. They are especially useful for
representing the context of mentions. In this paper we investigate a drawback
of using many lexical features in state-of-the-art coreference resolvers. We
show that if coreference resolvers mainly rely on lexical features, they can
hardly generalize to unseen domains. Furthermore, we show that the current
coreference resolution evaluation is clearly flawed by only evaluating on a
specific split of a specific dataset in which there is a notable overlap
between the training, development and test sets.
Thomas Kober, Julie Weeds, Jeremy Reffin, David Weir
Comments: to appear at ACL 2017 (short papers)
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Count-based distributional semantic models suffer from sparsity due to
unobserved but plausible co-occurrences in any text collection. This problem is
amplified for models like Anchored Packed Trees (APTs), that take the
grammatical type of a co-occurrence into account. We therefore introduce a
novel form of distributional inference that exploits the rich type structure in
APTs and infers missing data by the same mechanism that is used for semantic
Stephan Holzer, Nancy Lynch
Comments: Full version of a brief announcement with the same title that appeared at the 30th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Paris, France, September 2016. 17 pages
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
We adapt a recent algorithm by Ghaffari [SODA’16] for computing a Maximal
Independent Set in the LOCAL model, so that it works in the significantly
weaker BEEP model. For networks with maximum degree (Delta), our algorithm
terminates locally within time (O((log Delta + log (1/epsilon)) cdot
log(1/epsilon))), with probability at least (1 – epsilon). The key idea of
the modification is to replace explicit messages about transmission
probabilities with estimates based on the number of received messages.
After the successful introduction (and implicit use) of local analysis, e.g.,
by Barenboim et al. [JACM’16], Chung et al. [PODC’14], Ghaffari [SODA’16], and
Halldorsson et al. [PODC’15], we study this concept in the BEEP model for the
first time.
By doing so, we improve over local bounds that are implicitly derived from
previous work (that uses traditional global analysis) on computing a Maximal
Independent Set in the eep model for a large range of values of the parameter
(Delta). At the same time, we show that our algorithm in the eep model only
needs to pay a (log(1/epsilon)) factor in the runtime compared to the best
known MIS algorithm in the much more powerful local model. We demonstrate that
this overhead is negligible, as communication via beeps can be implemented
using significantly less resources than communication in the LOCAL model. In
particular, when looking at implementing these models, one round of the local
model needs at least (O(Delta)) time units, while one round in the BEEP model
needs (O(logDelta)) time units, an improvement that diminishes the loss of a
(log(1/epsilon)) factor in most settings.
Zhe Zhang, Brian Bockelman
Comments: Proceedings for 22nd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2016)
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
ROOT provides an flexible format used throughout the HEP community. The
number of use cases – from an archival data format to end-stage analysis – has
required a number of tradeoffs to be exposed to the user. For example, a high
“compression level” in the traditional DEFLATE algorithm will result in a
smaller file (saving disk space) at the cost of slower decompression (costing
CPU time when read). At the scale of the LHC experiment, poor design choices
can result in terabytes of wasted space or wasted CPU time. We explore and
attempt to quantify some of these tradeoffs. Specifically, we explore: the use
of alternate compressing algorithms to optimize for read performance; an
alternate method of compressing individual events to allow efficient random
access; and a new approach to whole-file compression. Quantitative results are
given, as well as guidance on how to make compression decisions for different
use cases.
Florian Schornbaum, Ulrich Rüde
Comments: 38 pages, 17 figures, 11 tables
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
In this article, we present a novel approach for block-structured adaptive
mesh refinement (AMR) that is suitable for extreme-scale parallelism. All data
structures are designed such that the size of the meta data in each distributed
processor memory remains bounded independent of the processor number. In all
stages of the AMR process, we use only distributed algorithms. No central
resources such as a master process or replicated data are employed, so that an
unlimited scalability can be achieved. For the dynamic load balancing in
particular, we propose to exploit the hierarchical nature of the
block-structured domain partitioning by creating a lightweight, temporary copy
of the core data structure. This copy acts as a local and fully distributed
proxy data structure. It does not contain simulation data, but only provides
topological information about the domain partitioning into blocks. Ultimately,
this approach enables an inexpensive, local, diffusion-based dynamic load
balancing scheme.
We demonstrate the excellent performance and the full scalability of our new
AMR implementation for two architecturally different petascale supercomputers.
Benchmarks on an IBM Blue Gene/Q system with a mesh containing 3.7 trillion
unknowns distributed to 458,752 processes confirm the applicability for future
extreme-scale parallel machines. The algorithms proposed in this article
operate on blocks that result from the domain partitioning. This concept and
its realization support the storage of arbitrary data. In consequence, the
software framework can be used for different simulation methods, including mesh
based and meshless methods. In this article, we demonstrate fluid simulations
based on the lattice Boltzmann method.
Peng Sun, Yonggang Wen, Ta Nguyen Binh Duong, Shengen Yan
Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Many cluster management systems (CMSs) have been proposed to share a single
cluster with multiple distributed computing systems. However, none of the
existing approaches can handle distributed machine learning (ML) workloads
given the following criteria: high resource utilization, fair resource
allocation and low sharing overhead. To solve this problem, we propose a new
CMS named Dorm, incorporating a dynamically-partitioned cluster management
mechanism and an utilization-fairness optimizer. Specifically, Dorm uses the
container-based virtualization technique to partition a cluster, runs one
application per partition, and can dynamically resize each partition at
application runtime for resource efficiency and fairness. Each application
directly launches its tasks on the assigned partition without petitioning for
resources frequently, so Dorm imposes flat sharing overhead. Extensive
performance evaluations showed that Dorm could simultaneously increase the
resource utilization by a factor of up to 2.32, reduce the fairness loss by a
factor of up to 1.52, and speed up popular distributed ML applications by a
factor of up to 2.72, compared to existing approaches. Dorm’s sharing overhead
is less than 5% in most cases.
Phil Trinder, Natalia Chechina, Nikolaos Papaspyrou, Konstantinos Sagonas, Simon Thompson, Stephen Adams, Stavros Aronis, Robert Baker, Eva Bihari, Olivier Boudeville, Francesco Cesarini, Maurizio Di Stefano, Sverker Eriksson, Viktoria Fordos, Amir Ghaffari, Aggelos Giantsios, Rickard Green, Csaba Hoch, David Klaftenegger, Huiqing Li, Kenneth Lundin, Kenneth Mackenzie, Katerina Roukounaki, Yiannis Tsiouris, Kjell Winblad
Subjects: Programming Languages (cs.PL); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Distributed actor languages are an effective means of constructing scalable
reliable systems, and the Erlang programming language has a well-established
and influential model. While Erlang model conceptually provides reliable
scalability, it has some inherent scalability limits and these force developers
to depart from the model at scale. This article establishes the scalability
limits of Erlang systems, and reports the work to improve the language
We systematically study the scalability limits of Erlang and address the
issues at the virtual machine (VM), language, and tool levels. More
specifically: (1) We have evolved the Erlang VM so that it can work effectively
in large scale single-host multicore and NUMA architectures. We have made
important architectural improvements to the Erlang/OTP. (2) We have designed
and implemented Scalable Distributed (SD) Erlang libraries to address
language-level scalability issues, and provided and validated a set of
semantics for the new language constructs. (3) To make large Erlang systems
easier to deploy, monitor, and debug we have developed and made open source
releases of five complementary tools, some specific to SD Erlang.
Throughout the article we use two case studies to investigate the
capabilities of our new technologies and tools: a distributed hash table based
Orbit calculation and Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO). Chaos Monkey experiments
show that two versions of ACO survive random process failure and hence that SD
Erlang preserves the Erlang reliability model. Even for programs with no global
recovery data to maintain, SD Erlang partitions the network to reduce network
traffic and hence improves performance of the Orbit and ACO benchmarks above 80
hosts. ACO measurements show that maintaining global recovery data dramatically
limits scalability; however scalability is recovered by partitioning the
recovery data.
Hanwen Wu, Hongwei Xi
Subjects: Programming Languages (cs.PL); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
Session types offer a type-based discipline for enforcing communication
protocols in distributed programming. We have previously formalized simple
session types in the setting of multi-threaded (lambda)-calculus with linear
types. In this work, we build upon our earlier work by presenting a form of
dependent session types (of DML-style). The type system we formulate provides
linearity and duality guarantees with no need for any runtime checks or special
encodings. Our formulation of dependent session types is the first of its kind,
and it is particularly suitable for practical implementation. As an example, we
describe one implementation written in ATS that compiles to an Erlang/Elixir
Mohammed S. Elbamby, Mehdi Bennis, Walid Saad
Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted in EuCNC 2017
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, the fundamental problem of distribution and proactive caching
of computing tasks in fog networks is studied under latency and reliability
constraints. In the proposed scenario, computing can be executed either locally
at the user device or offloaded to an edge cloudlet. Moreover, cloudlets
exploit both their computing and storage capabilities by proactively caching
popular task computation results to minimize computing latency. To this end, a
clustering method to group spatially proximate user devices with mutual task
popularity interests and their serving cloudlets is proposed. Then, cloudlets
can proactively cache the popular tasks’ computations of their cluster members
to minimize computing latency. Additionally, the problem of distributing tasks
to cloudlets is formulated as a matching game in which a cost function of
computing delay is minimized under latency and reliability constraints.
Simulation results show that the proposed scheme guarantees reliable
computations with bounded latency and achieves up to 91% decrease in computing
latency as compared to baseline schemes.
Miroslaw Blocho, Jakub Nalepa
Comments: 4 pages, presented at the Work in Progress Session at PDP 2017
Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
This paper presents the pessimistic time complexity analysis of the parallel
algorithm for minimizing the fleet size in the pickup and delivery problem with
time windows. We show how to estimate the pessimistic complexity step by step.
This approach can be easily adopted to other parallel algorithms for solving
complex transportation problems.
Mieczysław A. Kłopotek
Comments: 37 pages
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
We define the notion of a well-clusterable data set from the point of view of
the objective of (k)-means clustering algorithm and common sense. The novelty
introduced here is that one can a posteriori (after running (k)-means) check if
the data set is well-clusterable or not.
Sri Harsha Dumpala, Rupayan Chakraborty, Sunil Kumar Kopparapu
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Recurrent neural network (RNN) are being extensively used over feed-forward
neural networks (FFNN) because of their inherent capability to capture temporal
relationships that exist in the sequential data such as speech. This aspect of
RNN is advantageous especially when there is no a priori knowledge about the
temporal correlations within the data. However, RNNs require large amount of
data to learn these temporal correlations, limiting their advantage in low
resource scenarios. It is not immediately clear (a) how a priori temporal
knowledge can be used in a FFNN architecture (b) how a FFNN performs when
provided with this knowledge about temporal correlations (assuming available)
during training. The objective of this paper is to explore k-FFNN, namely a
FFNN architecture that can incorporate the a priori knowledge of the temporal
relationships within the data sequence during training and compare k-FFNN
performance with RNN in a low resource scenario. We evaluate the performance of
k-FFNN and RNN by extensive experimentation on MediaEval 2016 audio data
(“Emotional Impact of Movies” task). Experimental results show that the
performance of k-FFNN is comparable to RNN, and in some scenarios k-FFNN
performs better than RNN when temporal knowledge is injected into FFNN
architecture. The main contributions of this paper are (a) fusing a priori
knowledge into FFNN architecture to construct a k-FFNN and (b) analyzing the
performance of k-FFNN with respect to RNN for different size of training data.
ByeoungDo Kim, Chang Mook Kang, Seung Hi Lee, Hyunmin Chae, Jaekyum Kim, Chung Choo Chung, Jun Won Choi
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
In this paper, we propose an efficient vehicle trajectory prediction
framework based on recurrent neural network. Basically, the characteristic of
the vehicle’s trajectory is different from that of regular moving objects since
it is affected by various latent factors including road structure, traffic
rules, and driver’s intention. Previous state of the art approaches use
sophisticated vehicle behavior model describing these factors and derive the
complex trajectory prediction algorithm, which requires a system designer to
conduct intensive model optimization for practical use. Our approach is
data-driven and simple to use in that it learns complex behavior of the
vehicles from the massive amount of trajectory data through deep neural network
model. The proposed trajectory prediction method employs the recurrent neural
network called long short-term memory (LSTM) to analyze the temporal behavior
and predict the future coordinate of the surrounding vehicles. The proposed
scheme feeds the sequence of vehicles’ coordinates obtained from sensor
measurements to the LSTM and produces the probabilistic information on the
future location of the vehicles over occupancy grid map. The experiments
conducted using the data collected from highway driving show that the proposed
method can produce reasonably good estimate of future trajectory.
Avishek Ghosh, Sayak Ray Chowdhury, Aditya Gopalan
Comments: Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
We consider the problem of online learning in misspecified linear stochastic
multi-armed bandit problems. Regret guarantees for state-of-the-art linear
bandit algorithms such as Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty Linear bandit
(OFUL) hold under the assumption that the arms expected rewards are perfectly
linear in their features. It is, however, of interest to investigate the impact
of potential misspecification in linear bandit models, where the expected
rewards are perturbed away from the linear subspace determined by the arms
features. Although OFUL has recently been shown to be robust to relatively
small deviations from linearity, we show that any linear bandit algorithm that
enjoys optimal regret performance in the perfectly linear setting (e.g., OFUL)
must suffer linear regret under a sparse additive perturbation of the linear
model. In an attempt to overcome this negative result, we define a natural
class of bandit models characterized by a non-sparse deviation from linearity.
We argue that the OFUL algorithm can fail to achieve sublinear regret even
under models that have non-sparse deviation.We finally develop a novel bandit
algorithm, comprising a hypothesis test for linearity followed by a decision to
use either the OFUL or Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm. For perfectly
linear bandit models, the algorithm provably exhibits OFULs favorable regret
performance, while for misspecified models satisfying the non-sparse deviation
property, the algorithm avoids the linear regret phenomenon and falls back on
UCBs sublinear regret scaling. Numerical experiments on synthetic data, and on
recommendation data from the public Yahoo! Learning to Rank Challenge dataset,
empirically support our findings.
Constantinos Daskalakis, Nishanth Dikkala, Nick Gravin
Comments: 35 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS)
Classical distribution testing assumes access to i.i.d. samples from the
distributions that are being tested. We initiate the study of Markov chain
testing, assuming access to a single sample from the Markov Chains that are
being tested. In particular, we get to observe a single trajectory X_0 ,…,X_t
,… of an unknown Markov Chain M, for which we do not even get to control the
distribution of the starting state X_0 . Our goal is to test whether M is
identical to a model Markov Chain M_0 . In the first part of the paper, we
propose a measure of difference between two Markov chains, which captures the
scaling behavior of the total variation distance between words sampled from the
Markov chains as the length of these words grows. We provide efficient and
sample near- optimal testers for identity testing under our proposed measure of
difference. In the second part of the paper, we study Markov chains whose state
space is exponential in their description, providing testers for testing
identity of card shuffles. We apply our results to testing the validity of the
Gilbert, Shannon, and Reeds model for the riffle shuffle.
Federico Monti, Michael M. Bronstein, Xavier Bresson
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Numerical Analysis (cs.NA); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Matrix completion models are among the most common formulations of
recommender systems. Recent works have showed a boost of performance of these
techniques when introducing the pairwise relationships between users/items in
the form of graphs, and imposing smoothness priors on these graphs. However,
such techniques do not fully exploit the local stationarity structures of
user/item graphs, and the number of parameters to learn is linear w.r.t. the
number of users and items. We propose a novel approach to overcome these
limitations by using geometric deep learning on graphs. Our matrix completion
architecture combines graph convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural
networks to learn meaningful statistical graph-structured patterns and the
non-linear diffusion process that generates the known ratings. This neural
network system requires a constant number of parameters independent of the
matrix size. We apply our method on both synthetic and real datasets, showing
that it outperforms state-of-the-art techniques.
Han Bao, Tomoya Sakai, Issei Sato, Masashi Sugiyama
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a variation of traditional supervised
learning problems where data (referred to as bags) are composed of sub-elements
(referred to as instances) and only bag labels are available. MIL has a variety
of applications such as content-based image retrieval, text categorization and
medical diagnosis. Most of the previous work for MIL assume that the training
bags are fully labeled. However, it is often difficult to obtain an enough
number of labeled bags in practical situations, while many unlabeled bags are
available. A learning framework called PU learning (positive and unlabeled
learning) can address this problem. In this paper, we propose a convex PU
learning method to solve an MIL problem. We experimentally show that the
proposed method achieves better performance with significantly lower
computational costs than an existing method for PU-MIL.
Raghavendra Chalapathy (University of Sydney and Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC)), Aditya Krishna Menon (Data61/CSIRO and the Australian National University), Sanjay Chawla (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU)
Comments: Submitted for review ECML PKDD 2017 Skopje, Macedonia 18-22 September the European Conference On Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
PCA is a classical statistical technique whose simplicity and maturity has
seen it find widespread use as an anomaly detection technique. However, it is
limited in this regard by being sensitive to gross perturbations of the input,
and by seeking a linear subspace that captures normal behaviour. The first
issue has been dealt with by robust PCA, a variant of PCA that explicitly
allows for some data points to be arbitrarily corrupted, however, this does not
resolve the second issue, and indeed introduces the new issue that one can no
longer inductively find anomalies on a test set. This paper addresses both
issues in a single model, the robust autoencoder. This method learns a
nonlinear subspace that captures the majority of data points, while allowing
for some data to have arbitrary corruption. The model is simple to train and
leverages recent advances in the optimisation of deep neural networks.
Experiments on a range of real-world datasets highlight the model’s
Michal Derezinski, Dhruv Mahajan, S. Sathiya Keerthi, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Markus Weimer
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG)
We propose Batch-Expansion Training (BET), a framework for running a batch
optimizer on a gradually expanding dataset. As opposed to stochastic
approaches, batches do not need to be resampled i.i.d. at every iteration, thus
making BET more resource efficient in a distributed setting, and when
disk-access is constrained. Moreover, BET can be easily paired with most batch
optimizers, does not require any parameter-tuning, and compares favorably to
existing stochastic and batch methods. We show that when the batch size grows
exponentially with the number of outer iterations, BET achieves optimal
( ilde{O}(1/epsilon)) data-access convergence rate for strongly convex
Mahdi Zarei
Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper we introduce a new feature selection algorithm to remove the
irrelevant or redundant features in the data sets. In this algorithm the
importance of a feature is based on its fitting to the Catastrophe model.
Akaike information crite- rion value is used for ranking the features in the
data set. The proposed algorithm is compared with well-known RELIEF feature
selection algorithm. Breast Cancer, Parkinson Telemonitoring data and Slice
locality data sets are used to evaluate the model.
Pratik Jawanpuria, Bamdev Mishra
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
We propose a novel optimization approach for learning a low-rank matrix which
is also constrained to be in a given linear subspace. Low-rank constraints are
regularly employed in applications such as recommender systems and multi-task
learning. In addition, several system identification problems require a
learning matrix with both low-rank and linear subspace constraints. We model
the classical nuclear norm regularized formulation as an equivalent saddle
point minimax problem. This decouples the low-rank and the linear subspace
constraints onto separate factors. Motivated by large-scale problems, we
reformulate the minimax problem via a rank constrained non-convex surrogate.
This translates into an optimization problem on the Riemannian spectrahedron
manifold. We exploit the Riemannian structure to propose efficient first- and
second-order algorithms. The duality theory allows to compute the duality gap
for a candidate solution and our approach easily accommodates popular
non-smooth loss functions, e.g., the absolute-value loss. We effortlessly scale
on the Netflix data set on both matrix completion and robust matrix completion
problems, obtaining state-of-the-art generalization performance. Additionally,
we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in Hankel matrix learning and
multi-task learning problems.
Trang Tran, Shubham Toshniwal, Mohit Bansal, Kevin Gimpel, Karen Livescu, Mari Ostendorf
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Sound (cs.SD)
In conversational speech, the acoustic signal provides cues that help
listeners disambiguate difficult parses. For automatically parsing a spoken
utterance, we introduce a model that integrates transcribed text and
acoustic-prosodic features using a convolutional neural network over energy and
pitch trajectories coupled with an attention-based recurrent neural network
that accepts text and word-based prosodic features. We find that different
types of acoustic-prosodic features are individually helpful, and together
improve parse F1 scores significantly over a strong text-only baseline. For
this study with known sentence boundaries, error analysis shows that the main
benefit of acoustic-prosodic features is in sentences with disfluencies and
that attachment errors are most improved.
Sahand Negahban, Sewoong Oh, Kiran K. Thekumparampil, Jiaming Xu
Comments: 64 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1506.07947
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
When tracking user-specific online activities, each user’s preference is
revealed in the form of choices and comparisons. For example, a user’s purchase
history tracks her choices, i.e. which item was chosen among a subset of
offerings. A user’s comparisons are observed either explicitly as in movie
ratings or implicitly as in viewing times of news articles. Given such
individualized ordinal data, we address the problem of collaboratively learning
representations of the users and the items. The learned features can be used to
predict a user’s preference of an unseen item to be used in recommendation
systems. This also allows one to compute similarities among users and items to
be used for categorization and search. Motivated by the empirical successes of
the MultiNomial Logit (MNL) model in marketing and transportation, and also
more recent successes in word embedding and crowdsourced image embedding, we
pose this problem as learning the MNL model parameters that best explains the
data. We propose a convex optimization for learning the MNL model, and show
that it is minimax optimal up to a logarithmic factor by comparing its
performance to a fundamental lower bound. This characterizes the minimax sample
complexity of the problem, and proves that the proposed estimator cannot be
improved upon other than by a logarithmic factor. Further, the analysis
identifies how the accuracy depends on the topology of sampling via the
spectrum of the sampling graph. This provides a guideline for designing surveys
when one can choose which items are to be compared. This is accompanies by
numerical simulations on synthetic and real datasets confirming our theoretical
Irina Petrova, Arina Buzdalova
Comments: this is a full version of a paper which has been accepted as a student workshop paper to GECCO conference 2017
Subjects: Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Learning (cs.LG)
Efficiency of single-objective optimization can be improved by introducing
some auxiliary objectives. Ideally, auxiliary objectives should be helpful.
However, in practice, objectives may be efficient on some optimization stages
but obstructive on others. In this paper we propose a modification of the EA+RL
method which dynamically selects optimized objectives using reinforcement
learning. The proposed modification prevents from losing the best found
solution. We analysed the proposed modification and compared it with the EA+RL
method and Random Local Search on XdivK, Generalized OneMax and LeadingOnes
problems. The proposed modification outperforms the EA+RL method on all problem
instances. It also outperforms the single objective approach on the most
problem instances. We also provide detailed analysis of how different
components of the considered algorithms influence efficiency of optimization.
In addition, we present theoretical analysis of the proposed modification on
the XdivK problem.
Marek Rei
Comments: ACL 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We propose a sequence labeling framework with a secondary training objective,
learning to predict surrounding words for every word in the dataset. This
language modeling objective incentivises the system to learn general-purpose
patterns of semantic and syntactic composition, which are also useful for
improving accuracy on different sequence labeling tasks. The architecture was
evaluated on a range of datasets, covering the tasks of error detection in
learner texts, named entity recognition, chunking and POS-tagging. The novel
language modeling objective provided consistent performance improvements on
every benchmark, without requiring any additional annotated or unannotated
Yuki Fujimoto, Toru Ohira
Comments: 16pages
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Learning (cs.LG)
We present here a new model and algorithm which performs an efficient Natural
gradient descent for Multilayer Perceptrons. Natural gradient descent was
originally proposed from a point of view of information geometry, and it
performs the steepest descent updates on manifolds in a Riemannian space. In
particular, we extend an approach taken by the “Whitened neural networks”
model. We make the whitening process not only in feed-forward direction as in
the original model, but also in the back-propagation phase. Its efficacy is
shown by an application of this “Bidirectional whitened neural networks” model
to a handwritten character recognition data (MNIST data).
Wei-Lun Chao, Hexiang Hu, Fei Sha
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Visual question answering (QA) has attracted a lot of attention lately, seen
essentially as a form of (visual) Turing test that artificial intelligence
should strive to achieve. In this paper, we study a crucial component of this
task: how can we design good datasets for the task? We focus on the design of
multiple-choice based datasets where the learner has to select the right answer
from a set of candidate ones including the target (i.e. the correct one) and
the decoys (i.e. the incorrect ones). Through careful analysis of the results
attained by state-of-the-art learning models and human annotators on existing
datasets, we show the design of the decoy answers has a significant impact on
how and what the learning models learn from the datasets. In particular, the
resulting learner can ignore the visual information, the question, or the both
while still doing well on the task. Inspired by this, we propose automatic
procedures to remedy such design deficiencies. We apply the procedures to
re-construct decoy answers for two popular visual QA datasets as well as to
create a new visual QA dataset from the Visual Genome project, resulting in the
largest dataset for this task. Extensive empirical studies show that the design
deficiencies have been alleviated in the remedied datasets and the performance
on them is likely a more faithful indicator of the difference among learning
models. The datasets are released and publicly available via
this http URL
Manlio De Domenico
Comments: 9 pages, 7 figures
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 168301 (2017)
Subjects: Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph); Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn); Learning (cs.LG); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI)
Collective phenomena emerge from the interaction of natural or artificial
units with a complex organization. The interplay between structural patterns
and dynamics might induce functional clusters that, in general, are different
from topological ones. In biological systems, like the human brain, the overall
functionality is often favored by the interplay between connectivity and
synchronization dynamics, with functional clusters that do not coincide with
anatomical modules in most cases. In social, socio-technical and engineering
systems, the quest for consensus favors the emergence of clusters.
Despite the unquestionable evidence for mesoscale organization of many
complex systems and the heterogeneity of their inter-connectivity, a way to
predict and identify the emergence of functional modules in collective
phenomena continues to elude us. Here, we propose an approach based on random
walk dynamics to define the diffusion distance between any pair of units in a
networked system. Such a metric allows to exploit the underlying diffusion
geometry to provide a unifying framework for the intimate relationship between
metastable synchronization, consensus and random search dynamics in complex
networks, pinpointing the functional mesoscale organization of synthetic and
biological systems.
Michael Bloodgood, Benjamin Strauss
Comments: 10 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables; to appear in the Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vancouver, Canada, 2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Global constraints and reranking have not been used in cognates detection
research to date. We propose methods for using global constraints by performing
rescoring of the score matrices produced by state of the art cognates detection
systems. Using global constraints to perform rescoring is complementary to
state of the art methods for performing cognates detection and results in
significant performance improvements beyond current state of the art
performance on publicly available datasets with different language pairs and
various conditions such as different levels of baseline state of the art
performance and different data size conditions, including with more realistic
large data size conditions than have been evaluated with in the past.
Kartik Goyal, Chris Dyer, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Comments: Accepted at ACL2017 (this http URL)
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
We demonstrate that a continuous relaxation of the argmax operation can be
used to create a differentiable approximation to greedy decoding for
sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. By incorporating this approximation into
the scheduled sampling training procedure (Bengio et al., 2015)–a well-known
technique for correcting exposure bias–we introduce a new training objective
that is continuous and differentiable everywhere and that can provide
informative gradients near points where previous decoding decisions change
their value. In addition, by using a related approximation, we demonstrate a
similar approach to sampled-based training. Finally, we show that our approach
outperforms cross-entropy training and scheduled sampling procedures in two
sequence prediction tasks: named entity recognition and machine translation.
Sida I. Wang, Samuel Ginn, Percy Liang, Christoper D. Manning
Comments: 10 pages, ACL2017
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Learning (cs.LG)
Our goal is to create a convenient natural language interface for performing
well-specified but complex actions such as analyzing data, manipulating text,
and querying databases. However, existing natural language interfaces for such
tasks are quite primitive compared to the power one wields with a programming
language. To bridge this gap, we start with a core programming language and
allow users to “naturalize” the core language incrementally by defining
alternative, more natural syntax and increasingly complex concepts in terms of
compositions of simpler ones. In a voxel world, we show that a community of
users can simultaneously teach a common system a diverse language and use it to
build hundreds of complex voxel structures. Over the course of three days,
these users went from using only the core language to using the naturalized
language in 85.9\% of the last 10K utterances.
Lijun Wu, Yingce Xia, Li Zhao, Fei Tian, Tao Qin, Jianhuang Lai, Tie-Yan Liu
Comments: In submission to IJCAI’17
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
In this paper, we study a new learning paradigm for Neural Machine
Translation (NMT). Instead of maximizing the likelihood of the human
translation as in previous works, we minimize the distinction between human
translation and the translation given by a NMT model. To achieve this goal,
inspired by the recent success of generative adversarial networks (GANs), we
employ an adversarial training architecture and name it as Adversarial-NMT. In
Adversarial-NMT, the training of the NMT model is assisted by an adversary,
which is an elaborately designed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The goal
of the adversary is to differentiate the translation result generated by the
NMT model from that by human. The goal of the NMT model is to produce high
quality translations so as to cheat the adversary. A policy gradient method is
leveraged to co-train the NMT model and the adversary. Experimental results on
ightarrow)French and German(
ightarrow)English translation tasks
show that Adversarial-NMT can achieve significantly better translation quality
than several strong baselines.
Rahma Chaabouni, Ewan Dunbar, Neil Zeghidour, Emmanuel Dupoux
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
Recent works have explored deep architectures for learning multimodal speech
representation (e.g. audio and images, articulation and audio) in a supervised
way. Here we investigate the role of combining different speech modalities,
i.e. audio and visual information representing the lips movements, in a weakly
supervised way using Siamese networks and lexical same-different side
information. In particular, we ask whether one modality can benefit from the
other to provide a richer representation for phone recognition in a weakly
supervised setting. We introduce mono-task and multi-task methods for merging
speech and visual modalities for phone recognition. The mono-task learning
consists in applying a Siamese network on the concatenation of the two
modalities, while the multi-task learning receives several different
combinations of modalities at train time. We show that multi-task learning
enhances discriminability for visual and multimodal inputs while minimally
impacting auditory inputs. Furthermore, we present a qualitative analysis of
the obtained phone embeddings, and show that cross-modal visual input can
improve the discriminability of phonological features which are visually
discernable (rounding, open/close, labial place of articulation), resulting in
representations that are closer to abstract linguistic features than those
based on audio only.
Hong Zhao
Comments: 55 pages, 18 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.03950
Subjects: Machine Learning (stat.ML); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Learning (cs.LG)
Though the deep learning is pushing the machine learning to a new stage,
basic theories of machine learning are still limited. The principle of
learning, the role of the a prior knowledge, the role of neuron bias, and the
basis for choosing neural transfer function and cost function, etc., are still
far from clear. In this paper, we present a general theoretical framework for
machine learning. We classify the prior knowledge into common and
problem-dependent parts, and consider that the aim of learning is to maximally
incorporate them. The principle we suggested for maximizing the former is the
design risk minimization principle, while the neural transfer function, the
cost function, as well as pretreatment of samples, are endowed with the role
for maximizing the latter. The role of the neuron bias is explained from a
different angle. We develop a Monte Carlo algorithm to establish the
input-output responses, and we control the input-output sensitivity of a
learning machine by controlling that of individual neurons. Applications of
function approaching and smoothing, pattern recognition and classification, are
provided to illustrate how to train general learning machines based on our
theory and algorithm. Our method may in addition induce new applications, such
as the transductive inference.
Adams Wei Yu, Hongrae Lee, Quoc V. Le
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Learning (cs.LG)
Recurrent Neural Networks are showing much promise in many sub-areas of
natural language processing, ranging from document classification to machine
translation to automatic question answering. Despite their promise, many
recurrent models have to read the whole text word by word, making it slow to
handle long documents. For example, it is difficult to use a recurrent network
to read a book and answer questions about it. In this paper, we present an
approach of reading text while skipping irrelevant information if needed. The
underlying model is a recurrent network that learns how far to jump after
reading a few words of the input text. We employ a standard policy gradient
method to train the model to make discrete jumping decisions. In our benchmarks
on four different tasks, including number prediction, sentiment analysis, news
article classification and automatic Q&A, our proposed model, a modified LSTM
with jumping, is up to 6 times faster than the standard sequential LSTM, while
maintaining the same or even better accuracy.
Ismail Aydogdu
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Inspired by the Z2Z4-additive codes, linear codes over Z2^r x(Z2+uZ2)^s have
been introduced by Aydogdu et al. more recently. Although these family of codes
are similar to each other, linear codes over Z2^r x(Z2+uZ2)^s have some
advantages compared to Z2Z4-additive codes. A code is called constant
weight(one weight) if all the codewords have the same weight. It is well known
that constant weight or one weight codes have many important applications. In
this paper, we study the structure of one weight Z2Z2[u]-linear and cyclic
codes. We classify these type of one weight codes and also give some
illustrative examples.
Ido Tal
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Fast polarization is an important and useful property of polar codes. It was
proved for the binary polarizing (2 imes 2) kernel by Arikan and Telatar. The
proof was later generalized by Sasoglu. We give a simplified proof.
Ismail Aydogdu, Fatmanur Gursoy
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper we study Z2Z4Z8-additive codes, which are the extension of
recently introduced Z2Z4-additive codes. We determine the standard forms of the
generator and parity-check matrices of Z2Z4Z8-additive codes. Moreover, we
investigate Z2Z4Z8-cyclic codes giving their generator polynomials and spanning
sets. We also give some illustrative examples of both Z2Z4Z8-additive codes and
Z2Z4Z8-cyclic codes.
Feng Shu, Wei Zhu, Xiangwei Zhou, Jun Li, Jinhui Lu
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In the paper, we make an investigation of robust beamforming for secure
directional modulation in the multi-user multiple-input and multiple output
(MU-MIMO) systems in the presence of direction angle measurement errors. When
statistical knowledge of direction angle measurement errors is unavailable, a
novel robust beamforming scheme of combining main-lobe-integration (MLI) and
leakage is proposed to simultaneously transmit multiple different independent
parallel confidential message streams to the associated multiple distinct
desired users. The proposed scheme includes two steps: designing the
beamforming vectors of the useful confidential messages and constructing
artificial noise (AN) projection matrix. Here, in its first step, the
beamforming vectors for the useful confidential messages of desired user k are
given by minimizing the useful signal power leakage from main-lobe of desired
user k to the sum of main-lobes of the remaining desired directions plus
main-lobes of all eavesdropper directions. In its second step, the AN
projection matrix is constructed by simultaneously maximizing the AN power
leakage to all eavesdropper directions such that all eavesdroppers are
disrupted seriously, where AN is viewed by the transmitter as a useful signal
for eavedroppers. Due to independent beamforming vectors for different desired
users, a more secure transmission is achieved. Compared with conventional
non-robust methods, the proposed method can provide a significant improvement
in bit error rate along the desired directions and secrecy-sum-rate towards
multiple desired users without needing statistical property or distribution of
angle measurement errors.
Hannu Reittu, Fülöp Bazsó, Ilkka Norros
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
A method for compression of large graphs and non-negative matrices to a block
structure is proposed. Szemer’edi’s regularity lemma is used as heuristic
motivation of the significance of stochastic block models. Another ingredient
of the method is Rissanen’s minimum description length principle (MDL). We
propose practical algorithms and provide theoretical results on the accuracy of
the method.
Nicholas Coxon (GRACE)
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Computational Complexity (cs.CC); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR)
We present quasi-linear time systematic encoding algorithms for multiplicity
codes. The algorithms have their origins in the fast multivariate interpolation
and evaluation algorithms of van der Hoeven and Schost (2013), which we
generalise to address certain Hermite-type interpolation and evaluation
problems. By providing fast encoding algorithms for multiplicity codes, we
remove an obstruction on the road to the practical application of the private
information retrieval protocol of Augot, Levy-dit-Vehel and Shikfa (2014).
Ferdinando Cicalese, Luisa Gargano, Ugo Vaccaro
Comments: To appear in ISIT 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
It is well known that the entropy (H(X)) of a finite random variable is
always greater or equal to the entropy (H(f(X))) of a function (f) of (X), with
equality if and only if (f) is one-to-one. In this paper, we give tights bounds
on (H(f(X))) when the function (f) is not one-to-one, and we illustrate a few
scenarios where this matters. As an intermediate step towards our main result,
we prove a lower bound on the entropy of a probability distribution, when only
a bound on the ratio between the maximum and the minimum probability is known.
Our lower bound improves previous results in the literature, and it could find
applications outside the present scenario.
H. Zhang, N. Liu, X. Chu, K. Long, A. Aghvami, V. C. M. Leung
Comments: to appear in IEEE Communications Magazine
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The fifth-generation (5G) networks are expected to be able to satisfy users’
different quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. Network slicing is a promising
technology for 5G networks to provide services tailored for users’ specific QoS
demands. Driven by the increased massive wireless data traffic from different
application scenarios, efficient resource allocation schemes should be
exploited to improve the flexibility of network resource allocation and
capacity of 5G networks based on network slicing. Due to the diversity of 5G
application scenarios, new mobility management schemes are greatly needed to
guarantee seamless handover in network slicing based 5G systems. In this
article, we introduce a logical architecture for network slicing based 5G
systems, and present a scheme for managing mobility between different access
networks, as well as a joint power and subchannel allocation scheme in
spectrum-sharing two-tier systems based on network slicing, where both the
co-tier interference and cross-tier interference are taken into account.
Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed resource allocation scheme can
flexibly allocate network resources between different slices in 5G systems.
Finally, several open issues and challenges in network slicing based 5G
networks are discussed, including network reconstruction, network slicing
management and cooperation with other 5G technologies.
H. Zhang, S. Huang, C. Jiang, K. Long, V. C. M. Leung, H. Vincent Poor
Comments: to appear, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication technologies have recently emerged as
an attractive solution to meet the exponentially increasing demand on mobile
data traffic. Moreover, ultra dense networks (UDNs) combined with mmWave
technology are expected to increase both energy efficiency and spectral
efficiency. In this paper, user association and power allocation in mmWave
based UDNs is considered with attention to load balance constraints, energy
harvesting by base stations, user quality of service requirements, energy
efficiency, and cross-tier interference limits. The joint user association and
power optimization problem is modeled as a mixed-integer programming problem,
which is then transformed into a convex optimization problem by relaxing the
user association indicator and solved by Lagrangian dual decomposition. An
iterative gradient user association and power allocation algorithm is proposed
and shown to converge rapidly to an optimal point. The complexity of the
proposed algorithm is analyzed and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme
compared with existing methods is verified by simulations.
Yu-Chih Huang, Yi Hong, Emanuele Viterbo
Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in 2017 IEEE ISIT
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
We study the problem of constructing good space-time codes for broadcasting
(K) independent messages over a MIMO network to (L) users, where each user
demands all the messages and already has a subset of messages as side
information. As a first attempt, we consider the (2 imes 2) case and propose
golden-coded index coding by partitioning the golden codes into (K) subcodes,
one for each message. The proposed scheme is shown to have the property that
for any side information configuration, the minimum determinant of the code
increases exponentially with the amount of information contained in the side
Chanki Kim, Jong-Seon No
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Recently, error correcting codes in the erasure channel have drawn great
attention for various applications such as distributed storage systems and
wireless sensor networks, but many of their decoding algorithms are not
practical because they have higher decoding complexity and longer delay. Thus,
the automorphism group decoder (AGD) for cyclic codes in the erasure channel
was introduced, which has good erasure decoding performance with low decoding
complexity. In this paper, we propose new two-stage AGDs (TS-AGDs) for cyclic
codes in the erasure channel by modifying the parity check matrix and
introducing the preprocessing stage to the AGD scheme. The proposed TS-AGD has
been analyzed for the perfect codes, BCH codes, and maximum distance separable
(MDS) codes. Through numerical analysis, it is shown that the proposed decoding
algorithm has good erasure decoding performance with lower decoding complexity
and delay than the conventional AGD. For some cyclic codes, it is shown that
the proposed TS-AGD achieves the perfect decoding in the erasure channel, that
is, the same decoding performance as the maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. For
MDS codes, TS-AGDs with the expanded parity check matrix and the submatrix
inversion are also proposed and analyzed.
Austin Collins, Yury Polyanskiy
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper we consider a channel model that is often used to describe the
mobile wireless scenario: multiple-antenna additive white Gaussian noise
channels subject to random (fading) gain with full channel state information at
the receiver. Dynamics of the fading process are approximated by a
piecewise-constant process (frequency non-selective isotropic block fading).
This work addresses the finite blocklength fundamental limits of this channel
model. Specifically, we give a formula for the channel dispersion — a quantity
governing the delay required to achieve capacity. Multiplicative nature of the
fading disturbance leads to a number of interesting technical difficulties that
required us to enhance traditional methods for finding channel dispersion.
Alas, one difficulty remains: the converse (impossibility) part of our result
holds under an extra constraint on the growth of the peak-power with
Our results demonstrate, for example, that while capacities of (n_t imes
n_r) and (n_r imes n_t) antenna configurations coincide (under fixed received
power), the coding delay can be quite sensitive to this switch. For example, at
the received SNR of (20) dB the (16 imes 100) system achieves capacity with
codes of length (delay) which is only (60\%) of the length required for the
(100 imes 16) system. Another interesting implication is that for the MISO
channel, the dispersion-optimal coding schemes require employing orthogonal
designs such as Alamouti’s scheme — a surprising observation considering the
fact that Alamouti’s scheme was designed for reducing demodulation errors, not
improving coding rate.
Yansha Deng, Adam Noel, Weisi Guo, Arumugam Nallanathan, Maged Elkashlan
Comments: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1605.08311
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Information delivery using chemical molecules is an integral part of biology
at multiple distance scales and has attracted recent interest in bioengineering
and communication theory. An under-explored area is the performance of
large-scale molecular communications systems, where multiple transmitters are
randomly distributed over space. The collective signal strength at the receiver
(i.e., the expected number of observed molecules), resulting from a large
number of transmitters at random distances (e.g., due to mobility), can have a
major impact on the reliability and efficiency of a molecular communication
system. Modelling the transmitters as a homogeneous Poisson point process
capture the random spatial patterns of transmitters in the free diffusion fluid
environment. Analyzing the collective signal from multiple diffusion sources
can be computationally and analytically challenging. In this paper, we present
the first tractable analytical model for the collective signal strength due to
randomly-placed transmitters in a three-dimensional (3D) large-scale molecular
communication system, either with or without degradation. By applying
stochastic geometry, we derive analytical expressions for the expected number
of observed molecules and the bit error probability at a fully absorbing
receiver and a passive receiver under binary concentration shift keying. Our
results reveal that the collective signal strength at both types of receivers
increases proportionally with increasing transmitter density, and the minimum
bit error probability can be improved by introducing molecule degradation. More
importantly, the proposed framework dramatically simplifies the analysis, and
can be generalized to the analysis of other types of receiver and other
performance characteristics in large-scale molecular communication systems.
Iman Valiulahi, Hamid Fathi, Sajad Daei, Farzan Haddadi
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, we provide a method to recover off-the-grid frequencies of a
signal in two-dimensional (2-D) line spectral estimation. Most of the
literature in this field focuses on the case in which the only information is
spectral sparsity in a continuous domain and does not consider prior
information. However, in many applications such as radar and sonar, one has
extra information about the spectrum of the signal of interest. The common way
of accommodating prior information is to use weighted atomic norm minimization.
We present a new semidefinite program using the theory of positive
trigonometric polynomials that incorporate this prior information into 2-D line
spectral estimation. Specifically, we assume prior knowledge of 2-D frequency
subbands in which signal frequency components are located. Our approach
improves the recovery performance compared with the previous work that does not
consider prior information. Through numerical experiments, we find out that the
amount of this improvement depends on prior information we have about the
locations of the true frequencies.
Ehab Salahat, Ahmed Kulaib, Nazar Ali, Raed Shubair
Comments: Accepted in IEEE European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC17), Oulu, Finland,12-15 Jun. 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
Wireless communications literature is very rich with empirical studies and
measurement campaigns that study the nature of the wireless propagation
channel. However, despite their undoubted usefulness, many of these studies
have omitted a fundamental yet key feature of the physical signal propagation,
that is, wireless propagation asymmetry. This feature does not agree with the
electromagnetic reciprocity theorem, and the many research papers that adopt
wireless channel symmetry, and hence rendering their modeling, unexpectedly,
inaccurate. Besides, asymmetry is unquestionably an important characteristic of
wireless channels, which needs to be accurately characterized for
vehicular/mobile communications, 5G networks, and associated applications such
as indoor/outdoor localization. This paper presents a modest and a preliminary
study that reports potential causes of propagation asymmetry. Measurements
conducted on Khalifa University campus in UAE show that wireless channels are
symmetric in the absence of symmetry impairments. Therefore, care should be
taken when considering some practical wireless propagation scenarios. Key
conclusions and recommendation are summarized. We believe that this study will
be inspiring for the academic community and will trigger further investigations
within wireless propagation assumptions.
Jinkyu Kang, Osvaldo Simeone, Joonhyuk Kang
Comments: It is accepted for publications on IEEE Communications Letters
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI)
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) enables the “softwarization” of network
functions, which are implemented on virtual machines hosted on Commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) servers. Both the composition of the virtual network
functions (VNFs) into a forwarding graph (FG) at the logical layer and the
embedding of the FG on the servers need to take into account the
less-than-carrier-grade reliability of COTS components. This work investigates
the trade-off between end-to-end reliability and computational load per server
via the joint design of VNF chain composition (CC) and FG embedding (FGE) under
the assumption of a bipartite FG that consists of controller and regular VNFs.
Evaluating the reliability criterion within a probabilistic model, analytical
insights are first provided for a simplified disconnected FG. Then, a block
coordinate descent method based on mixed-integer linear programming is proposed
to tackle the joint optimization of CC and FGE. Via simulation results, it is
observed that a joint design of CC and FGE leads to substantial performance
gains compared to separate optimization approaches.
Yiwei Zhang, Gennian Ge
Comments: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
The problem of private information retrieval gets renewed attentions in
recent years due to its information-theoretic reformulation and applications in
distributed storage systems. PIR capacity is the maximal number of bits
privately retrieved per one bit of downloaded bit. The capacity has been fully
solved for some degenerating cases. For a general case where the database is
both coded and colluded, the exact capacity remains unknown. We build a general
private information retrieval scheme for MDS coded databases with colluding
servers. Our scheme achieves the rate ((1+R+R^2+cdots+R^{M-1})), where
(R=1-frac{{{N-T}choose K}}{{Nchoose K}}). Compared to existing PIR schemes,
our scheme performs better for a certain range of parameters and is suitable
for any underlying MDS code used in the distributed storage system.
Xiaowen Cao, Feng Wang, Jie Xu, Rui Zhang, Shuguang Cui
Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper considers a three-node mobile edge computing (MEC) system that
consists of a user node having latency-constrained computation tasks to be
executed, a helper node, and an access point (AP) attached with an MEC server.
We propose a novel joint computation and communication cooperation approach,
where the helper uses its local computation and communication resources to help
the user’s task execution. In particular, we develop a four-slot protocol to
enable this approach. In the first slot, the user offloads part of its tasks to
the helper, such that the helper can cooperatively compute them on behalf of
the user in the remaining time. In the second and third slots, the helper acts
as a decode-and-forward (DF) relay for cooperative communication, in order to
help the user offload another part of the tasks to the AP for remote execution.
In the fourth slot, the helper and the AP send the computation results back to
the user. We jointly optimize the computation and communication resource
allocation at both the user and the helper, so as to minimize their total
energy consumption while satisfying the user’s computation latency constraint.
Numerical results show that the proposed joint computation and communication
cooperation approach outperforms other benchmark schemes without such a joint
Stefano Buzzi, Carmen D'Andrea
Comments: 6 pages. Presented at the 21st ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Berlin, March 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper proposes the use of subspace tracking algorithms for performing
MIMO channel estimation at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. Using a
subspace approach, we develop a protocol enabling the estimation of the right
(resp. left) singular vectors at the transmitter (resp. receiver) side; then,
we adapt the projection approximation subspace tracking with deflation (PASTd)
and the orthogonal Oja (OOJA) algorithms to our framework and obtain two
channel estimation algorithms. The hybrid analog/digital nature of the
beamformer is also explicitly taken into account at the algorithm design stage.
Numerical results show that the proposed estimation algorithms are effective,
and that they perform better than two relevant competing alternatives available
in the open literature.
Stefano Buzzi, Carmen D'Andrea
Comments: 3 pages. To be presented at the Poster Session of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Oulu, Finland, June 2017
Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT)
This paper focuses on multiuser MIMO channel estimation and data transmission
at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. The proposed approach relies on the
time-division-duplex (TDD) protocol and is based on two distinct phases. First
of all, the Base Station (BS) sends a suitable probing signal so that all the
Mobile Stations (MSs), using a subspace tracking algorithm, can estimate the
dominant left singular vectors of their BS-to-MS propagation channel. Then,
each MS, using the estimated dominant left singular vectors as pre-coding
beamformers, sends a suitable pilot sequence so that the BS can estimate the
corresponding right dominant channel singular vectors and the corresponding
eigenvalues. The low-complexity projection approximation subspace tracking with
deflation (PASTd) algorithm is used at the MSs for dominant subspace
estimation, while pilot-matched (PM) and zero-forcing (ZF) reception is used at
the BS. The proposed algorithms can be used in conjuction with an analog RF
beamformer and are shown to exhibit very good performance.
Jack Fitzsimons, Diego Granziol, Kurt Cutajar, Michael Osborne, Maurizio Filippone, Stephen Roberts
Comments: 16 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, 2 algorithms
Subjects: Numerical Analysis (cs.NA); Information Theory (cs.IT); Computation (stat.CO); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
The scalable calculation of matrix determinants has been a bottleneck to the
widespread application of many machine learning methods such as determinantal
point processes, Gaussian processes, generalised Markov random fields, graph
models and many others. In this work, we estimate log determinants under the
framework of maximum entropy, given information in the form of moment
constraints from stochastic trace estimation. The estimates demonstrate a
significant improvement on state-of-the-art alternative methods, as shown on a
wide variety of UFL sparse matrices. By taking the example of a general Markov
random field, we also demonstrate how this approach can significantly
accelerate inference in large-scale learning methods involving the log
Elton Yechao Zhu, Quntao Zhuang, Peter W. Shor
Comments: 12 pages
Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Information Theory (cs.IT)
Finding the optimal encoding strategies can be challenging for communication
using quantum channels, as classical and quantum capacities may be
superadditive. Entanglement assistance can often simplify this task, as the
entanglement-assisted classical capacity for any channel is additive, making
entanglement across channel uses unnecessary. If the entanglement assistance is
limited, the picture is much more unclear. Suppose the classical capacity is
superadditive, then the classical capacity with limited entanglement assistance
could retain superadditivity by continuity arguments. If the classical capacity
is additive, it is unknown if superadditivity can still be developed with
limited entanglement assistance. We show this is possible, by providing an
example. We construct a channel for which, the classical capacity is additive,
but that with limited entanglement assistance can be superadditive. This shows
entanglement plays a weird role in communication and we still understand very
little about it.
Mohammed S. Elbamby, Mehdi Bennis, Walid Saad
Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted in EuCNC 2017
Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Information Theory (cs.IT)
In this paper, the fundamental problem of distribution and proactive caching
of computing tasks in fog networks is studied under latency and reliability
constraints. In the proposed scenario, computing can be executed either locally
at the user device or offloaded to an edge cloudlet. Moreover, cloudlets
exploit both their computing and storage capabilities by proactively caching
popular task computation results to minimize computing latency. To this end, a
clustering method to group spatially proximate user devices with mutual task
popularity interests and their serving cloudlets is proposed. Then, cloudlets
can proactively cache the popular tasks’ computations of their cluster members
to minimize computing latency. Additionally, the problem of distributing tasks
to cloudlets is formulated as a matching game in which a cost function of
computing delay is minimized under latency and reliability constraints.
Simulation results show that the proposed scheme guarantees reliable
computations with bounded latency and achieves up to 91% decrease in computing
latency as compared to baseline schemes.