OraGlance is a lightweight oracle performance monitor tool , developed by parnassusdata.com . It will only focus on most important metric .
you can easily run it without any prerequisite. It will ask for below permission:
supports oracle version: 11gR2 12c
grant create session to pd1; grant select on gv_$active_session_history to pd1; grant select on gv_$SQL to pd1; grant select on gv_$SQL_MONITOR to pd1; grant select on gv_$SQLSTATS to pd1; grant select on v_$database to pd1; grant select on gv_$instance to pd1; grant select on gv_$statname to pd1; grant select on gv_$sysstat to pd1; grant select on gv_$osstat to pd1; grant select on gv_$dlm_misc to pd1; grant select on gv_$session_blockers to pd1; grant select on dba_hist_sqltext to pd1; grant select on dba_hist_sqlstat to pd1; grant select on dba_hist_snapshot to pd1; grant select on dba_advisor_sqlstats to pd1; grant select on dba_sqlset_statements to pd1; 如果要运行SQL Tuning Advisor 则需要授予dba权限 grant dba to pd1;
OraGlance is free software , use it as you like.
update log:
适配了12c,增加了登录界面保存,增加了托盘功能,优化了界面, 为sqlite中的表增加了索引。
build 2020-07-01 : https://zcdn.askmaclean.com/OraGlance200701.zip
build 2020-07-08: https://zcdn.parnassusdata.com/OraGlance200708.zip