[root@localhost ~]# ptk candidate mogdb-server
software | version
MogDB-Server | 3.0.0
| 2.1.1
| 2.0.3
| 2.0.1
| 2.0.0
[root@localhost ~]# ptk candidate os
software | version
OS | UOS 20 (arm64)
| UOS 20 (x86_64)
| CentOS 8 (arm64)
| CentOS 7 (x86_64)
| CentOS 8 (x86_64)
| EulerOS 2 (arm64)
| EulerOS 2 (x86_64)
| Kylin V10 (arm64)
| Kylin V10 (x86_64)
| Oracle Linux Server 7 (x86_64)
| Oracle Linux Server 8 (x86_64)
| openEuler 20 (arm64)
| openEuler 22 (arm64)
| openEuler 20 (x86_64)
| openEuler 22 (x86_64)
| RedHat 7 (x86_64)
| Rocky Linux 7 (x86_64)
| Rocky Linux 8 (x86_64)
| SLES 12 (arm64)
| Ubuntu 18 (x86_64)
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Oracle Linux Server"
PRETTY_NAME="Oracle Linux Server 8.6"
[root@localhost ~]# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/install.sh | sh
info: downloading ptk package
Detected shell: bash
Shell profile: /root/.bash_profile
ptk has been added to PATH in /root/.bash_profile
open a new terminal or source /root/.bash_profile to active it
Installed path: /root/.ptk/bin/ptk
[root@localhost ~]# source /root/.bash_profile
Make sure has no “Abnormal” items, all the “WARNING” items can be ignored in testing environment.
[root@localhost ~]# ptk checkos
INFO[2022-07-04T06:51:04.120] local ip:
[host]: not found package: numactl
Please installed the above missing packages first before do other operations
[PTK-4010] the system does not meet installation requirements
Install numactl.
[root@localhost ~]# dnf install numactl
Oracle Linux 8 BaseOS Latest (x86_64) 22 MB/s | 47 MB 00:02
Oracle Linux 8 Application Stream (x86_64) 24 MB/s | 37 MB 00:01
Latest Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 6 for Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) 20 MB/s | 50 MB 00:02
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:09 ago on Mon 04 Jul 2022 06:52:47 AM EDT.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
numactl x86_64 2.0.12-13.el8 ol8_baseos_latest 76 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package
Total download size: 76 k
Installed size: 161 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
numactl-2.0.12-13.el8.x86_64.rpm 637 kB/s | 76 kB 00:00
Total 624 kB/s | 76 kB 00:00
Oracle Linux 8 BaseOS Latest (x86_64) 3.0 MB/s | 3.1 kB 00:00
Importing GPG key 0xAD986DA3:
Userid : "Oracle OSS group (Open Source Software group) <build@oss.oracle.com>"
Fingerprint: 76FD 3DB1 3AB6 7410 B89D B10E 8256 2EA9 AD98 6DA3
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Installing : numactl-2.0.12-13.el8.x86_64 1/1
Running scriptlet: numactl-2.0.12-13.el8.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : numactl-2.0.12-13.el8.x86_64 1/1
Check again.
[root@localhost ~]# ptk checkos
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:27.021] local ip:
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:36.264] platform: ol_8.6_64bit host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:36.268] kernel version: 5.4.17-2136.307.3.1.el8uek.x86_64 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:36.359] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:36.364] timezone: -0400 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:36.368] swap memory 2154492kB, total memory 1734880kB host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.382] net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=2, expect 1 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.389] net.ipv4.tcp_retries1=3, expect 5 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.394] net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=128, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.398] net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=6, expect 5 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.402] net.core.wmem_max=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.406] net.core.wmem_default=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.410] net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets=8192, expect 10000 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.414] net.core.rmem_default=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.418] kernel.sem=32000 1024000000 500 32000, expect 250 6400000 1000 25600 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.435] net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1000, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.438] net.core.rmem_max=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.448] vm.min_free_kbytes=45056, expect 86744 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.457] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=75, expect 30 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.461] net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 131072 6291456, expect 8192 250000 16777216 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.473] net.core.somaxconn=4096, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.478] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=7200, expect 30 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.481] net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=15, expect 12 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.490] net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 16384 4194304, expect 8192 250000 16777216 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.637] device(/dev/vda) readahead value=8192, expect 16384. host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.661] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=64, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.661] device(vda) 'IO Request'=256, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.661] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.661] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.669] device(vda) 'IO scheduler'='none', expect 'mq-deadline' host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.681] not found network conf file for enp1s0 in dir /etc/sysconfig/network, skip check bonding host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:53:36.710] network card(enp1s0): mtu=1500, expect 8192 host=
ERRO[2022-07-04T06:53:36.721] transparent_hugepage status is 'always', expect 'never' host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:45.839] write fix os script to root_fix_os.sh successfully
INFO[2022-07-04T06:53:45.839] all checkers finished
# Check Results
Item | Level
A1.Check_OS_Version | OK
A2.Check_Kernel_Version | OK
A3.Check_Unicode | OK
A4.Check_TimeZone | OK
A5.Check_Swap_Memory_Configure | Warning
A6.Check_SysCtl_Parameter | Warning
A7.Check_FileSystem_Configure | OK
A8.Check_Disk_Configure | OK
A9.Check_BlockDev_Configure | Warning
A9.Check_Logical_Block | OK
A10.Check_IO_Configure | Warning
A10.Check_IO_Request | Warning
A10.Check_Asynchronous_IO_Request | OK
A11.Check_Network_Configure | Warning
A12.Check_Time_Consistency | OK
A13.Check_Firewall_Service | OK
A14.Check_THP_Service | Abnormal
A15.Check_Dependent_Package | Warning
A16.Check_CPU_Instruction_Set | OK
Total count 19, abnormal count 1, warning count 7
Failed to check os, can’t perform installation unless fix all the abnormal items
You can use 'ptk checkos -i ITEM --detail' to see detail message
Please check root_fix_os.sh for commands to resolve.
Disable TPH. the command can be find in root_fix_os.sh generated by PTK.
[root@localhost ~]# [ -f /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled ] && echo 'never' | sudo tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
Check again.
[root@localhost ~]# ptk checkos
INFO[2022-07-04T06:57:55.973] local ip:
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:05.230] platform: ol_8.6_64bit host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:05.234] kernel version: 5.4.17-2136.307.3.1.el8uek.x86_64 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:05.324] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:05.329] timezone: -0400 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:05.333] swap memory 2154492kB, total memory 1734880kB host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.338] net.core.wmem_max=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.342] net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets=8192, expect 10000 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.355] net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1000, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.359] net.ipv4.tcp_retries1=3, expect 5 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.362] net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 16384 4194304, expect 8192 250000 16777216 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.366] net.core.wmem_default=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.378] kernel.sem=32000 1024000000 500 32000, expect 250 6400000 1000 25600 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.382] net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=128, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.392] net.core.somaxconn=4096, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.396] net.core.rmem_max=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.399] net.core.rmem_default=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.408] net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=2, expect 1 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.412] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=7200, expect 30 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.416] net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 131072 6291456, expect 8192 250000 16777216 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.420] net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=6, expect 5 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.432] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=75, expect 30 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.437] net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=15, expect 12 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.452] vm.min_free_kbytes=45056, expect 86744 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.586] device(/dev/vda) readahead value=8192, expect 16384. host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.609] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.609] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.609] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=64, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.609] device(vda) 'IO Request'=256, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.616] device(vda) 'IO scheduler'='none', expect 'mq-deadline' host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.627] not found network conf file for enp1s0 in dir /etc/sysconfig/network, skip check bonding host=
WARN[2022-07-04T06:58:05.653] network card(enp1s0): mtu=1500, expect 8192 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:14.838] write fix os script to root_fix_os.sh successfully
INFO[2022-07-04T06:58:14.839] all checkers finished
# Check Results
Item | Level
A1.Check_OS_Version | OK
A2.Check_Kernel_Version | OK
A3.Check_Unicode | OK
A4.Check_TimeZone | OK
A5.Check_Swap_Memory_Configure | Warning
A6.Check_SysCtl_Parameter | Warning
A7.Check_FileSystem_Configure | OK
A8.Check_Disk_Configure | OK
A9.Check_BlockDev_Configure | Warning
A9.Check_Logical_Block | OK
A10.Check_Asynchronous_IO_Request | OK
A10.Check_IO_Configure | Warning
A10.Check_IO_Request | Warning
A11.Check_Network_Configure | Warning
A12.Check_Time_Consistency | OK
A13.Check_Firewall_Service | OK
A14.Check_THP_Service | OK
A15.Check_Dependent_Package | Warning
A16.Check_CPU_Instruction_Set | OK
Total count 19, abnormal count 0, warning count 7
If this is the newly installation in a new OS, no need to modify anything, just keep all the default settings.
[root@localhost ~]# ptk template --local > config.yaml
[root@localhost ~]# cat config.yaml
# # cluster name (required)
cluster_name: "cluster_xWsybr"
# # system user for running db
user: "omm"
# # system user group, same as username if not given
group: "omm"
# # base directory for install MogDB server,
# # if any of app_dir,data_dir,log_dir and tool_dir not config,
# # PTK will create corresponding directory under base_dir
base_dir: "/opt/mogdb"
- host: ""
# # database port
db_port: 26000
PTK will download MogDB for openEuler image in all the Fedora like OS from version 8. Please make sure you are using the latest ptk by using ptk self upgrade
. PTK is being developed very actively, Upgrading PTK every few days is recommend.
[root@localhost ~]# ptk self upgrade
INFO[2022-07-04T08:29:16.082] start download ptk_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
> download ptk_linux_x86_64.t...: 3.93 MiB / 3.93 MiB [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 3.83 MiB p/s 1.2s
INFO[2022-07-04T08:29:22.006] download ptk_linux_x86_64.tar.gz successfully
INFO[2022-07-04T08:29:22.122] upgrade ptk successfully
[root@localhost ~]# ptk -v
PTK Version: v0.2.2
Go Version: go1.17.1
Build Date: 2022-07-04T12:18:21Z
Git Hash: 5959dd0
[root@localhost ~]# ptk install -f config.yaml
Please enter db password (8~16 characters):
Retype db password:
cluster_name: cluster_xWsybr
user: omm
group: omm
app_dir: /opt/mogdb/app
data_dir: /opt/mogdb/data
log_dir: /opt/mogdb/log
tool_dir: /opt/mogdb/tool
tmp_dir: /opt/mogdb/tmp
- host:
db_port: 26000
role: primary
az_name: AZ1
az_priority: 1
Is cluster topo correct?[Y|Yes](default=N) Y
INFO[2022-07-04T08:32:54.640] no package specified, use online package: https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/mogdb-media/3.0.0/MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz
INFO[2022-07-04T08:32:54.641] downloading package...
> download MogDB-3.0.0-openEu...: 134.20 MiB / 134.20 MiB [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 9.02 MiB p/s 15s
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:13.597] download package successfully
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:14.463] vendor does not provide sha256 file for MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-64bit-Libpq, skip validate
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:14.529] vendor does not provide sha256 file for MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-64bit-tools, skip validate
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:14.871] the installation package files are safe
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:14.871] parse version.cfg from MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:17.386] detected db version: MogDB-3.0.0, number: 92.605, commit_id: 62408a0f
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:17.394] the number of instances is less than 3, CM will not be installed
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:17.394] start check operating system
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:17.394] local ip:
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:26.605] platform: ol_8.6_64bit host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:26.610] kernel version: 5.4.17-2136.307.3.1.el8uek.x86_64 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:26.702] locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:26.708] timezone: -0400 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:26.714] swap memory 2154492kB, total memory 1734880kB host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.724] net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=6, expect 5 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.735] net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 131072 6291456, expect 8192 250000 16777216 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.744] net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=128, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.754] net.core.rmem_max=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.759] net.core.wmem_default=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.764] net.core.rmem_default=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.776] vm.min_free_kbytes=45056, expect 86744 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.790] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=75, expect 30 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.800] net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=15, expect 12 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.804] net.core.wmem_max=212992, expect 21299200 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.809] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=7200, expect 30 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.813] net.ipv4.tcp_retries1=3, expect 5 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.818] net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 16384 4194304, expect 8192 250000 16777216 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.823] net.core.somaxconn=4096, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.832] net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets=8192, expect 10000 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.844] net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1000, expect 65535 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.848] kernel.sem=32000 1024000000 500 32000, expect 250 6400000 1000 25600 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.857] net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=2, expect 1 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:26.993] device(/dev/vda) readahead value=8192, expect 16384. host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.018] device(vda) 'IO Request'=256, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.018] device(dm-0) 'IO Request'=128, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.018] device(dm-1) 'IO Request'=128, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.018] device(sr0) 'IO Request'=64, expect 512 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.026] device(vda) 'IO scheduler'='none', expect 'mq-deadline' host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.082] network card(enp1s0): mtu=1500, expect 8192 host=
WARN[2022-07-04T08:33:27.102] the firewall service status='enabled', expect 'disabled'. host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.128] [stage=precheck]: start host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.128] check core pattern value host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.136] check RemoveIPC value host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.142] check user 'omm' host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.151] check port 26000 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.211] port 26000 is free host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.212] [stage=precheck]: successful host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.212] scp file from /root/.ptk/cache/MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.316] [stage=initial]: start host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.323] total memory(1GB) is less then 4GB, use default guc config host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:36.323] create os user omm, group omm host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:37.440] set ulimits host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:37.444] set user omm profiles host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:37.611] add c library /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:37.616] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:37.774] decompress MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:38.809] remove files /tmp/MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-x86_64.tar.gz host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:38.826] decompress *-om.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/tool host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:39.228] change /opt/mogdb/tool owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:39.239] mkdir /opt/mogdb/app host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:39.384] decompress MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-64bit.tar.gz to dir /opt/mogdb/app host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:42.089] change /opt/mogdb/app owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:42.101] mkdir /opt/mogdb/log/gs_profile,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit,/opt/mogdb/log/bin,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_log/dn_6001,/opt/mogdb/log/pg_audit/dn_6001 host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.382] mkdir /opt/mogdb/tmp host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.523] save version to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/upgrade_version host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.595] create cluster_manual_start file host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.660] generate static config to /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.668] change /opt/mogdb/app/bin/cluster_static_config owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.672] mkdir /opt/mogdb/data host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.812] change /opt/mogdb/data owner to omm host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:43.816] initial database host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:59.488] set postgresql.conf host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:59.603] set hba config host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:59.684] [stage=initial]: successful host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:59.684] [stage=launch]: start host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:33:59.684] start database by gs_ctl host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:34:00.805] alter initial user password host=
INFO[2022-07-04T08:34:00.981] [stage=launch]: successful host=
host | stage | status | message
-----------------+--------+---------------+---------- | launch | start_success | success
[root@localhost ~]# ptk ls
cluster_name | instances | user | data_dir | db_version
cluster_xWsybr | | omm | /opt/mogdb/data | MogDB-3.0.0
[root@localhost ~]# ptk cluster status -n cluster_xWsybr
[ Cluster State ]
database_version : MogDB-3.0.0
cluster_name : cluster_xWsybr
cluster_state : Normal
current_az : AZ_ALL
[ Datanode State ]
id | ip | port | user | instance | db_role | state
6001 | | 26000 | omm | dn_6001 | Normal | Normal
It maybe takes more than 1 minute to complete the entire data manipulation works depending on the system configuration.
[root@localhost ~]# su - omm
[omm@localhost ~]$ git clone https://gitee.com/enmotech/mogila.git
Cloning into 'mogila'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 145, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 145 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 142
Receiving objects: 100% (145/145), 4.25 MiB | 1.88 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (73/73), done.
[omm@localhost ~]$ cd mogila/
[omm@localhost mogila]$ gsql -d postgres -p 26000 -c "create database mogila DBCOMPATIBILITY='PG'"
[omm@localhost mogila]$ gsql -d postgres -p 26000 -c "create user mogdb password 'Enmo@123'"
[omm@localhost mogila]$ gsql -d postgres -p 26000 -c "alter user mogdb with sysadmin"
[omm@localhost mogila]$ gsql -d mogila -p 26000 -f mogila-insert-data.sql
total time: 89570 ms
[omm@localhost mogila]$
[omm@localhost mogila]$ gsql -d mogila -p 26000 -U mogdb -W Enmo@123 -r
gsql ((MogDB 3.0.0 build 62408a0f) compiled at 2022-06-30 14:21:32 commit 0 last mr )
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.
mogila=> select version();
(MogDB 3.0.0 build 62408a0f) compiled at 2022-06-30 14:21:32 commit 0 last mr on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by g++ (GCC) 7.3.0, 64-bit
(1 row)
[omm@localhost ~]$ cd
[omm@localhost ~]$ git clone https://gitee.com/enmotech/compat-tools.git
Cloning into 'compat-tools'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1100, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (208/208), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (190/190), done.
remote: Total 1100 (delta 138), reused 35 (delta 18), pack-reused 892
Receiving objects: 100% (1100/1100), 1.45 MiB | 1.95 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (698/698), done.
[omm@localhost ~]$ cd compat-tools/
[omm@localhost compat-tools]$ gsql -d mogila -p 26000 -f runMe.sql
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE:
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- =====================================================================
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- Test Summary:
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- =====================================================================
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: | result_type | case_count | start_time | complete_time |
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: |-------------|------------|---------------------|---------------------|
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: | PASSED | 521 | 2022-07-04 13:10:49 | 2022-07-04 13:10:52 |
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE:
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- =====================================================================
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- Test Detail (Failed or Null):
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- =====================================================================
gsql:runMe.sql:152: NOTICE: -- <<< ALL SUCCEED >>>
total time: 4461 ms
[omm@localhost compat-tools]$ gsql -d mogila -p 26000 -U mogdb -W Enmo@123 -r
gsql ((MogDB 3.0.0 build 62408a0f) compiled at 2022-06-30 14:21:32 commit 0 last mr )
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.
mogila=> select * from v$version;
MogDB 3.0.0 build 62408a0f
compiled at 2022-06-30 14:21:32
Platform architecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
(3 rows)
mogila=> select table_name,num_rows,partitioned from user_tables;
table_name | num_rows | partitioned
ACTOR | 200 | NO
CITY | 600 | NO
COUNTRY | 109 | NO
FILM_ACTOR | 5462 | NO
FILM | 1000 | NO
PAYMENT | 16049 | YES
RENTAL | 16044 | NO
STAFF | 2 | NO
ADDRESS | 603 | NO
STORE | 2 | NO
(15 rows)
mogila=> select dbms_random.value(100,1000) from dual;
(1 row)
mogila-> \q
[omm@localhost compat-tools]$