Write to 18 years old me in 2012 - Chinese Version
Write to 18 years old me in 2016 - Chinese Version
Write to 18 years old me in 2019 - Chinese Version
Write to 18 years old me in 2020 - Chinese Version
Write to 18 years old me in 2021 - English Version
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Very interesting! I don’t have lots of ideas to write this blog this year.
Sometime I felt I’m a loser. I can’t do anything. So I can’t give me who is 18 years old any advices.
Before, I want to write what are happening things on next ten years. But I think I can’t see so long time in future.
I will do some predictions.
ETH will increase the price to $6000 (06/01/2022 $3817)
DOT will increase the price to $200 (06/01/2022 $30.13)
BIT will increase the price to $20 (06/01/2022 $1.99)
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay