(Jin Qing's Column, Jan., 2022)
Tracing is Rust log crate: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing
This example code outputs log to stdout and a log file, using a log filter config file, which can be automatically reloaded on change.
Add these dependencies to Cargo.toml:
anyhow = "1.0.52"
hotwatch = "0.4.6"
tracing = "0.1.29"
tracing-appender = "0.2.0"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.5", features = [ "env-filter", "json" ] }
mod log;
use anyhow::Result;
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
use tracing::info;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let _guard = log::init("./log", "example.log", "config/log_filter.txt")?;
for i in 0..999 {
info!(i, "Hello, world!");
//! Init log.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
use hotwatch::{Event, Hotwatch};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use tracing::{debug, warn, Subscriber};
use tracing_appender::{non_blocking::WorkerGuard, rolling};
use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, layer::SubscriberExt, reload::Handle, EnvFilter};
/// Inits log.
/// Returns a WorkerGuard to ensure buffered logs are flushed,
/// and a Hotwatch to watch the log filter file.
pub fn init(
directory: impl AsRef<Path>,
file_name_prefix: impl AsRef<Path>,
log_filter_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<(WorkerGuard, Hotwatch)> {
let file_appender = rolling::daily(directory, file_name_prefix);
let (non_blocking, worker_guard) = tracing_appender::non_blocking(file_appender);
let file_layer = fmt::Layer::default()
let builder = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
let handle = builder.reload_handle();
let subscriber = builder.finish();
let subscriber = subscriber.with(file_layer);
tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).context("set global default subscriber")?;
reload_filter(handle.clone(), log_filter_file.as_ref());
let log_filter_path_buf = log_filter_file.as_ref().to_path_buf();
let mut hotwatch = Hotwatch::new().context("hotwatch failed to initialize!")?;
.watch(log_filter_file.as_ref(), move |event: Event| {
debug!("log filter file event: {:?}", event);
if let Event::Write(_) = event {
reload_filter(handle.clone(), log_filter_path_buf.clone());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to watch file: {:?}", log_filter_file.as_ref()))?;
Ok((worker_guard, hotwatch))
fn reload_filter<S: Subscriber + 'static>(
handle: Handle<EnvFilter, S>,
log_filter_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
) {
let res = try_reload_filter(handle, log_filter_file);
match res {
Ok(_) => debug!("reload log filter OK"),
Err(e) => warn!("reload log filter error: {:?}", e),
fn try_reload_filter<S: Subscriber + 'static>(
handle: Handle<EnvFilter, S>,
log_filter_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<()> {
let contents = fs::read_to_string(log_filter_file.as_ref()).with_context(|| {
"something went wrong reading the file: {:?}",
let contents = contents.trim();
debug!("reload log filter: {:?}", contents);
let new_filter = contents
.map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))
.context("failed to parse env filter")?;
handle.reload(new_filter).context("handle reload error")
log_filter.txt is the configure file for log. The change of this file will trigger the reload.
The log filter file must exist, otherwise it will be error:
Error: failed to watch file: "config/log_filter.txt"
Caused by:
系统找不到指定的路径。 (os error 3)
The content of log_filter.txt is a single line of filter string. A filter string consists of one or more comma-separated directives. The directive syntax is similar to RUST_LOG env val of env_logger’s.
See: https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/latest/tracing_subscriber/struct.EnvFilter.html
enables logs that:
will enable logs that:
enables logs that:
enables logs that:
enables logs that:
enables logs that:
Note: span filter directive will keep effective until it exits the span.