Oracle GoldenGate for Linux Installation
1. Objectives
1. Download an Oracle GoldenGate Media Pack;
2. Install Oracle GoldenGate on Linux, Unix and Windows;
3. Locate and use Oracle GoldenGate documentation;
4. Use the Oracle GoldenGate command interface;
2. Installation Steps:
1. Downloading Oracle GoldenGate software;
1. GoldenGate是属于Oracle的中间件,可以到>Downloads菜单->Middleware下选择GoldenGate及帮助文档下载(;
2. 也可以到登陆后下载;
3. 选择Media Pack:Oracle Fusion Middleware and Platform:Linux x86;
4. 选择GoldenGate软件,并选择合适的版本;
5. 如果是其他数据库(mysql,mssql,db2),应该选择;
2. Preparing the Oracle GoldenGate software;
1. 把下载的文件上传到服务器,然后解压缩:unzip;
2. 创建GoldenGate的目录/gg11,然后把tar包解到/gg11目录下:tar xvf /tools/fbo_ggs_Linux_x86_ora11g_32bit.tar -C /gg11/;
3. 为了避免权限的问题,把/gg11目录修改为oracle:oinstall用户和组,oracle用户安装oracle软件也安装GoldenGate软件:chown -R oracle:oinstall /gg11/;
3. Setting ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID:安装oracle时已经设置;
4. Setting library paths for dynamic builds;
5. Installing the Oracle GoldenGate software;
1. 进入到GoldenGate软件的目录/gg11/并执行ggsci命令;
3. 安装完成,查看生成的目录:ll -ltr /gg11/;
6. Oracle-specific installation steps;
1. View the supplemental logging at the database level;
2. Turn on supplemental logging at the database level(把一些附加信息添加到redo log中,默认redo log只记录rowid,因为两台机器的rowid是不同的,所以要添加附加信息);
3. Switch to the next redo log file;
3. Introduce GoldenGate Directories
1. dirchk:GoldenGate checkpoint files;
2. dirdat:GoldenGate trail and extract files;
3. dirdef:Data definitions produced by DEFGEN and used to translate heterogeneous data;
4. dirpcs:Process status files;
5. dirprm:Parameter files;
6. dirrpt:Process report files;
7. dirsql:SQL scripts;
8. dirtmp:Temporary storage for transactions that exceed allocated memory;
4. Oracle GoldenGate Important Documentation;
1. Administration Guide;
2. Reference Guide;
3. Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide;
5. Command Interface-Starting and Help,命令行下如何使用帮助;
1. 进入GoldenGate目录,运行ggsci命令,此时目录下的help.txt文件才会被加载进来,使用help 或者help all命令;
2. 查看具体某条命令的帮助使用:help
3. 查看历史命令:history;
4. 执行历史命令:!n;
5. 查看进程的信息:info process;查看所有进程的信息:info all;
6. 查看gg应用日志:view ggsevt;
7. 退出:quit or exit;
6. Warnings & Errors:
1. 在安装Oracle的环境安装GoldenGate的时候,如果报找不到libnnz11.so动态链接库的话,是LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量没有设置正确;
2. 在安装Mysql的环境安装GoldenGate的时候,是会报找不到libnnz11.so和两个动态链接库的,首先在LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量中添加gg的安装目录的路径,然后把Oracle环境中这两个动态链接库拷贝到gg的安装目录即可;(纠结了半天,发现是gg的版本下错了,有专门对mysql的版本,应该不会出现这样的错误,orz…..)