WhatsApp 登录时,突然提示”You need the officialWhatsApp to use thisaccount.
Using an app other than the officialWhatsApp has privacy and security risks
Use WhatsApp to register or log back in.“
如果你在登录WhatsApp时遇到这个非官方应用提示,说明你的WhatsApp账号已经被官方标记为”使用的是第三方的WhatsApp客户端“,而不是官方的WhatsApp APP。
遇到这个问题的,都是安卓手机,最简单粗暴的办法就是换成苹果手机,土豪解决方案。非土豪解决比较麻烦,的自己一步一步来排除可能的问题。【点击 链接 微信沟通】
第二,换APP试试。如果是WhatsApp提示,就换WhatsApp Business;如果是WhatsApp business提示,就换WhatsApp。如果有一个APP没有提示非官方,则看看能否收到验证码并登录,可以参考WhatsApp收不到验证码怎么办?上千外贸人成功经验总结。如果两个APP都出现非官方提示,则尝试第三步。
第四,给WhatsApp官方发邮件申诉,说明白自己并没有使用第三方应用,要求对方将号码非官方的标记删除。然后一般回收到如下回复,之后就是等待了。如果超过48小时依然不行,就继续给官方邮件申诉。当然,发邮件的前提是确保自己的WhatsApp APP没有问题,否则再发的多也是无效。【点击 链接 微信咨询】
Your attempt to register your phone number failed because you appear to be using an unofficial version of the WhatsApp app.
We don’t support these apps because they may put your privacy and security at risk. They may also put your data and device at the risk of malware.
What to do next
Back up your chats. Learn how to save your chat history.
Download WhatsApp or the WhatsApp Business app from official app stores or our website.
Register your phone number.
Need more help?
Try registering on a different phone.
Upgrade the operating system on your phone.
Troubleshoot why you can’t download or update WhatsApp.
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The post WhatsApp提示非官方应用,怎么办? first appeared on 贾定强博客.