I just saw many bloggers share their defalut apps in App Defaults. Here's my list:
- 📨 Mail Client
- 📮 Mail Server
- Outlook (available in China Mainland)
- Skiff Mail. Unfortunately, POP3/IMAP is not supported yet.
- 📝 Notes
- Apple Notes (with montaigne.io you can make your Apple Notes be a website)
- ✅ To-Do
- 📷 iPhone Photo Shooting
- 🟦 Photo Management
- Apple Photos with iCloud Sync
- 📆 Calendar
- Service: iCloud Calendar
- Client: Apple Calendar
- 📁 Cloud File Storage
- 📖 RSS
- Client: Reeder on iOS/Mac
- Service: Self-hosted FreshRSS, great PWA and web notification support.
- 🙍🏻♂️ Contacts
- 🌐 Browser
- Chrome on Mac
- Safari on iOS
- 💬 Chat
- 🔖 Bookmarks
- 📑 Read It Later
- 📜 Word Processing
- ONLYOFFICE (open source office, offers complete compatibility with Microsoft ones)
- Obsidian (popular markdown editor, sync up via iCloud)
- 📈 Spreadsheets
- ONLYOFFICE (open source office)
- 📊 Presentations
- Slidev (Generate the slide/ppt online by markdown)
- 🛒 Shopping Lists
- Shared Reminder List with Apple Reminders
- 🍴 Meal Planning
- 💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance
- 📰 News
- 🎵 Music
- Music (Student subscription only cost 5 RMB per month)
- NetEase Music (As a complement to Apple Music)
- 🎤 Podcasts
- 🔐 Password Management
- 🚀 Self Hosting
- 🤖 Automation
- IFTTT, Apple Shortcuts (previously Workflow)
- 🛜 Network Tools