白天黑夜转换动画 点击查看白天黑夜切换动画教程 custom文件夹若没有需要自己新建,以后新建的文件可以放置此处
,这部分其实实质上就是一个svg文件,通过js操作它的旋转显隐,淡入淡出实现动画效果。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 svg(aria-hidden='true', style='position:absolute; overflow:hidden; width:0; height:0') symbol#icon-sun(viewBox='0 0 1024 1024') path(d='M960 512l-128 128v192h-192l-128 128-128-128H192v-192l-128-128 128-128V192h192l128-128 128 128h192v192z', fill='#FFD878', p-id='8420') path(d='M736 512a224 224 0 1 0-448 0 224 224 0 1 0 448 0z', fill='#FFE4A9', p-id='8421') path(d='M512 109.248L626.752 224H800v173.248L914.752 512 800 626.752V800h-173.248L512 914.752 397.248 800H224v-173.248L109.248 512 224 397.248V224h173.248L512 109.248M512 64l-128 128H192v192l-128 128 128 128v192h192l128 128 128-128h192v-192l128-128-128-128V192h-192l-128-128z', fill='#4D5152', p-id='8422') path(d='M512 320c105.888 0 192 86.112 192 192s-86.112 192-192 192-192-86.112-192-192 86.112-192 192-192m0-32a224 224 0 1 0 0 448 224 224 0 0 0 0-448z', fill='#4D5152', p-id='8423') symbol#icon-moon(viewBox='0 0 1024 1024') path(d='M611.370667 167.082667a445.013333 445.013333 0 0 1-38.4 161.834666 477.824 477.824 0 0 1-244.736 244.394667 445.141333 445.141333 0 0 1-161.109334 38.058667 85.077333 85.077333 0 0 0-65.066666 135.722666A462.08 462.08 0 1 0 747.093333 102.058667a85.077333 85.077333 0 0 0-135.722666 65.024z', fill='#FFB531', p-id='11345') path(d='M329.728 274.133333l35.157333-35.157333a21.333333 21.333333 0 1 0-30.165333-30.165333l-35.157333 35.157333-35.114667-35.157333a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 0-30.165333 30.165333l35.114666 35.157333-35.114666 35.157334a21.333333 21.333333 0 1 0 30.165333 30.165333l35.114667-35.157333 35.157333 35.157333a21.333333 21.333333 0 1 0 30.165333-30.165333z', fill='#030835', p-id='11346')
,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 .Cuteen_DarkSky ,.Cuteen_DarkSky :before content '' position fixed left 0 right 0 top 0 bottom 0 z-index 88888888 .Cuteen_DarkSky background linear-gradient (#feb8b0 , #fef9db ) &:before transition 2s ease all opacity 0 background linear-gradient (#4c3f6d , #6c62bb , #93b1ed ) .DarkMode .Cuteen_DarkSky &:before opacity 1 .Cuteen_DarkPlanet z-index 99999999 position fixed left -50% top -50% width 200% height 200% -webkit-animation CuteenPlanetMove 2s cubic-bezier (0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) animation CuteenPlanetMove 2s cubic-bezier (0.7 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) transform-origin center bottom @-webkit-keyframes CuteenPlanetMove { 0% { transform : rotate (0 ); } to { transform : rotate (360deg ); } } @keyframes CuteenPlanetMove { 0% { transform : rotate (0 ); } to { transform : rotate (360deg ); } } .Cuteen_DarkPlanet &:after position absolute left 35% top 40% width 9.375rem height 9.375rem border-radius 50% content '' background linear-gradient (#fefefe , #fffbe8 ) .search span display none .menus_item a text-decoration none!important .icon-V padding 5px
,去除了冗余代码,去jquery。感觉源代码做过混淆加密,好多三元运算一层套一层,看昏了都。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 function switchNightMode ( ) { document .querySelector ('body' ).insertAdjacentHTML ('beforeend' , '<div class="Cuteen_DarkSky"><div class="Cuteen_DarkPlanet"></div></div>' ), setTimeout (function ( ) { document .querySelector ('body' ).classList .contains ('DarkMode' ) ? (document .querySelector ('body' ).classList .remove ('DarkMode' ), localStorage .setItem ('isDark' , '0' ), document .getElementById ('modeicon' ).setAttribute ('xlink:href' , '#icon-moon' )) : (document .querySelector ('body' ).classList .add ('DarkMode' ), localStorage .setItem ('isDark' , '1' ), document .getElementById ('modeicon' ).setAttribute ('xlink:href' , '#icon-sun' )), setTimeout (function ( ) { document .getElementsByClassName ('Cuteen_DarkSky' )[0 ].style .transition = 'opacity 3s' ; document .getElementsByClassName ('Cuteen_DarkSky' )[0 ].style .opacity = '0' ; setTimeout (function ( ) { document .getElementsByClassName ('Cuteen_DarkSky' )[0 ].remove (); }, 1e3 ); }, 2e3 ) }) const nowMode = document .documentElement .getAttribute ('data-theme' ) === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light' if (nowMode === 'light' ) { activateDarkMode () saveToLocal.set ('theme' , 'dark' , 2 ) GLOBAL_CONFIG .Snackbar !== undefined && btf.snackbarShow (GLOBAL_CONFIG .Snackbar .day_to_night ) document .getElementById ('modeicon' ).setAttribute ('xlink:href' , '#icon-sun' ) } else { activateLightMode () saveToLocal.set ('theme' , 'light' , 2 ) document .querySelector ('body' ).classList .add ('DarkMode' ), document .getElementById ('modeicon' ).setAttribute ('xlink:href' , '#icon-moon' ) } typeof utterancesTheme === 'function' && utterancesTheme () typeof FB === 'object' && window .loadFBComment () window .DISQUS && document .getElementById ('disqus_thread' ).children .length && setTimeout (() => window .disqusReset (), 200 ) }
,以后新文件可以自己加在这里:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 //- global config !=partial('includes/head/config', {}, {cache: true}) include ./head/config_site.pug include ./head/noscript.pug + include ./custom/sun_moon.pug !=fragment_cache('injectHeadJs', function(){return inject_head_js()}) !=fragment_cache('injectHead', function(){return injectHtml(theme.inject.head)})
,把原本的昼夜切换按钮替换掉1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 when 'translate' if translate.enable button#translateLink(type="button" title=_p('rightside.translate_title'))= translate.default when 'darkmode' if darkmode.enable && darkmode.button - button#darkmode(type="button" title=_p('rightside.night_mode_title')) - i.fas.fa-adjust + a.icon-V.hidden(onclick='switchNightMode()', title=_p('rightside.night_mode_title')) + svg(width='25', height='25', viewBox='0 0 1024 1024') + use#modeicon(xlink:href='#icon-moon')
,引入一下js1 2 3 4 inject: head: bottom: - <script src="/js/custom/sun_moon.js" async></script>
具体效果就自己切换下夜间模式看看吧。 首页文章卡片修改,感觉不好看,自己未采用 点击首页文章卡片修改教程 修改[Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\includes\mixins\post-ui.pug
,将整个文件的内容替换为以下代码:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 mixin postUI(posts) each article , index in page.posts.data .recent-post-item - let link = article.link || article.path let title = article.title || _p('no_title') const position = theme.cover.position let leftOrRight = position === 'both' ? index%2 == 0 ? 'left' : 'right' : position === 'left' ? 'left' : 'right' let post_cover = article.cover let no_cover = article.cover === false || !theme.cover.index_enable ? 'no-cover' : '' - .recent-post-content(class=leftOrRight) a.article-content(href=url_for(link) title=subtitle) //- Display the article introduction on homepage case theme.index_post_content.method when false - break when 1 .article-content-text!= article.description when 2 if article.description .article-content-text!= article.description else - const content = strip_html(article.content) - let expert = content.substring(0, theme.index_post_content.length) - content.length > theme.index_post_content.length ? expert += ' ...' : '' .article-content-text!= expert default - const content = strip_html(article.content) - let expert = content.substring(0, theme.index_post_content.length) - content.length > theme.index_post_content.length ? expert += ' ...' : '' .article-content-text!= expert .recent-post-info a.article-title(href=url_for(link) title=subtitle) .article-title-link= title .recent-post-meta .article-meta-wrap if (is_home() && (article.top || article.sticky > 0)) span.article-meta i.fas.fa-thumbtack.sticky span.sticky= _p('sticky') span.article-meta-separator | if (theme.post_meta.page.date_type) span.post-meta-date if (theme.post_meta.page.date_type === 'both') i.far.fa-calendar-alt span.article-meta-label=_p('post.created') time.post-meta-date-created(datetime=date_xml(article.date) title=_p('post.created') + ' ' + full_date(article.date))=date(article.date, config.date_format) span.article-meta-separator | i.fas.fa-history span.article-meta-label=_p('post.updated') time.post-meta-date-updated(datetime=date_xml(article.updated) title=_p('post.updated') + ' ' + full_date(article.updated))=date(article.updated, config.date_format) else - let data_type_updated = theme.post_meta.page.date_type === 'updated' - let date_type = data_type_updated ? 'updated' : 'date' - let date_icon = data_type_updated ? 'fas fa-history' :'far fa-calendar-alt' - let date_title = data_type_updated ? _p('post.updated') : _p('post.created') i(class=date_icon) span.article-meta-label=date_title time(datetime=date_xml(article[date_type]) title=date_title + ' ' + full_date(article[date_type]))=date(article[date_type], config.date_format) if (theme.post_meta.page.categories && article.categories.data.length > 0) span.article-meta span.article-meta-separator | i.fas.fa-inbox each item, index in article.categories.data a(href=url_for(item.path)).article-meta__categories #[=item.name] if (index < article.categories.data.length - 1) i.fas.fa-angle-right.article-meta-link if (theme.post_meta.page.tags && article.tags.data.length > 0) span.article-meta.tags span.article-meta-separator | i.fas.fa-tag each item, index in article.tags.data a(href=url_for(item.path)).article-meta__tags #[=item.name] if (index < article.tags.data.length - 1) span.article-meta-link #[='•'] mixin countBlockInIndex - needLoadCountJs = true span.article-meta span.article-meta-separator | i.fas.fa-comments if block block span.article-meta-label= ' ' + _p('card_post_count') if theme.comments.card_post_count case theme.comments.use[0] when 'Disqus' when 'Disqusjs' +countBlockInIndex a(href=full_url_for(link) + '#disqus_thread') when 'Valine' +countBlockInIndex a(href=url_for(link) + '#post-comment' itemprop="discussionUrl") span.valine-comment-count(data-xid=url_for(link) itemprop="commentCount") when 'Waline' +countBlockInIndex a(href=url_for(link) + '#post-comment') span.waline-comment-count(id=url_for(link)) when 'Twikoo' +countBlockInIndex a.twikoo-count(href=url_for(link) + '#post-comment') when 'Facebook Comments' +countBlockInIndex a(href=url_for(link) + '#post-comment') span.fb-comments-count(data-href=urlNoIndex(article.permalink)) .recent-post-cover img.article-cover(src=url_for(post_cover) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='`+ url_for(theme.error_img.post_page) + `'` alt=subtitle) if theme.ad && theme.ad.index if (index + 1) % 3 == 0 .recent-post-item.ads-wrap!=theme.ad.index
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justify-content : center; .article-content-text transition : all .8s cubic-bezier (0.59 , 0.01 , 0.48 , 1.17 ) display -webkit-box -webkit-box-orient vertical -webkit-line-clamp 4 text-overflow : ellipsis overflow hidden color #fff text-shadow : 1px 2px 3px #000 ; .recent-post-cover position relative background transparent img &.article-cover height 100% width 100% object-fit cover .recent-post-info align-items center flex-direction column position relative background var (--recent-post-bgcolor) display flex color #000000 .article-title height 50% font-size 24px display : flex align-items : center justify-content : flex-end flex-direction : column .article-title-link color : var (--text-highlight-color) transition : all .2s ease-in-out &:hover color : $text -hover .recent-post-meta height 50% display : flex align-items : center justify-content : flex-start flex-direction : column .article-meta-wrap font-size 12px color #969797 display : -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 3 ; 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z-index : 3 ; top : calc (50% - 10px ); border-top : 10px solid transparent; border-bottom : 10px solid transparent; transition : all .5s cubic-bezier (0.59 , 0.01 , 0.48 , 1.17 ) &.both , &.right flex-direction : row; left calc (-23.07% - 41px ) transition : all .5s cubic-bezier (0.59 , 0.01 , 0.48 , 1.17 ) &::before left : calc (23.07% + 40px ); border-left : 6px solid var (--recent-post-triangle); .recent-post-info &::before background linear-gradient (to right, var (--recent-post-cover-shadow), transparent) left calc (100% - 1px ) .article-content &::before right -59px border-left 60px solid var (--article-content-bgcolor) .article-content-text margin 20px 20px 20px 0px .article-title padding 0px 30px 0px 70px .recent-post-meta padding 0px 20px 0px 70px &.left flex-direction : row-reverse; right 9px transition : all .5s cubic-bezier (0.59 , 0.01 , 0.48 , 1.17 ) &::before right : calc (23.07% + 40px ); border-right : 6px solid var (--recent-post-triangle); .recent-post-info &::before background linear-gradient (to left, var (--recent-post-cover-shadow), transparent) right calc (100% - 1px ) .article-content &::before left -59px border-right 60px solid var (--article-content-bgcolor) .article-content-text margin 20px 0px 20px 20px .article-title padding 0px 70px 0px 30px .recent-post-meta padding 0px 70px 0px 20px .article-content width 30% height 200px left 0 align-items center &::before content "" width 0 height 0 background transparent position absolute z-index 2 top 0 border-top 100px solid transparent border-bottom 100px solid transparent .recent-post-info width 60% height 200px &::before content "" width 200px height 200px position absolute z-index 1 top 0 .recent-post-meta & > .article-meta-wrap margin : 6px 0 color : $theme -meta-color font-size : 90% & > .post-meta-date cursor : default .sticky color : $sticky -color i margin : 0 4px 0 0 .article-meta-label if hexo-config ('post_meta.page.label' ) padding-right : 4px else display : none .article-meta-separator margin : 0 6px .article-meta-link margin : 0 4px if hexo-config ('post_meta.page.date_format' ) == 'relative' time display : none a color : $theme -meta-color &:hover color : $text -hover text-decoration : underline .recent-post-cover width 40% height 200px @media screen and (max-width :600px ) .recent-post-item height 400px .recent-post-content display flex flex-direction: column height 400px .article-content pointer-events none order: 1 ; height : 200px ; position : absolute; width : calc (100% - 40px ); z-index : 3 ; background : rgba (22 ,22 ,22 ,0.5 ); border-top-left-radius : 15px ; border-top-right-radius : 15px ; display : none opacity : 0 .article-content-text height 120px color : white; width : 80% .recent-post-cover order : 2 height 200px transition : all .5s .recent-post-info order : 3 height 200px &::before content : '' ; width : 0 ; height : 0 ; position : absolute; z-index : 3 ; bottom : calc (100% - 4px ); left : 0 ; border-bottom : 50px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-right : 300px solid transparent; &::after content : '' ; width : 0 ; height : 0 ; position : absolute; z-index : 3 ; bottom : calc (100% + 150px ); right : 0 ; border-top : 50px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-left : 300px solid transparent; .article-title padding : 0px 35px 0px 35px .recent-post-meta padding : 0px 30px 0px 30px &:hover .article-content display : flex !important ; animation : shutter-effect-content 0.5s 2 forwards linear .recent-post-info &::before animation : shutter-effect-left 0.5s 1 ease-in-out &::after animation : shutter-effect-right 0.5s 1 ease-in-out .recent-post-cover filter blur (2px ) @keyframes shutter-effect-right { 0% { bottom : calc (100% + 150px ); border-top : 50px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-left : 300px solid transparent; } 50% { bottom : 100% ; border-top : 200px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-left : 600px solid transparent; } 100% { bottom : calc (100% + 150px ); border-top : 50px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-left : 300px solid transparent; } } @keyframes shutter-effect-left { 0% { bottom : calc (100% - 4px ); border-bottom : 50px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-right : 300px solid transparent; } 50% { bottom : calc (100% - 4px ); border-bottom : 200px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-right : 600px solid transparent; } 100% { bottom : calc (100% - 4px ); border-bottom : 50px solid var (--recent-post-bgcolor); border-right : 300px solid transparent; } } @keyframes shutter-effect-content { from { opacity : 0 } to { opacity : 1 } }
注意事项 样式配色因为采用了大量伪类,所以如果底色采用了半透明配色,可能因为卡片叠加加深导致接合边界非常明显的暴露出来。所以在配色上,我是不建议加半透明的。 因为部分伪类的偏移量是靠计算得出的,为了尽量满足自适应效果,部分位置保留了5%左右的容差。所以在一些极端屏宽比下,还是会出现一些样式不完美问题。 顶栏菜单——子菜单居中 修改子菜单居中 新建[Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\source\css\custom\menu_center.css
,添加样式。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 #nav .menus_items .menus_item .menus_item_child li { display : inline-block; } ul .menus_item_child { overflow : hidden; border-radius : 5px ; } #nav .menus_items .menus_item .menus_item_child { margin-top : 0px !important ; }
,修改内容。参数记得自己计算。1 2 - ul.menus_item_child + ul.menus_item_child(style=`left:`+ (-48 * Object.keys(value).length + 65) + `px;`)
引入css文件1 2 3 inject: head: + - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/custom/menu_center.css">
站点动态title 点击查看站点动态title教程 站点动态title是通过js监测是否聚焦于当前页面,从而替换标签显示内容。
,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 var OriginTitile = document .title ;var titleTime;document .addEventListener ('visibilitychange' , function ( ) { if (document .hidden ) { document .title = 'w(゚Д゚)w 不要走!再看看嘛!' ; clearTimeout (titleTime); } else { document .title = '♪(^∇^*)欢迎回来!' + OriginTitile ; titleTime = setTimeout (function ( ) { document .title = OriginTitile ; }, 2000 ); } });
异步加载标签:1 2 3 4 5 inject: head: # - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/xxx.css"> bottom: + - <script async src="/js/diytitle.js"></script>
信笺样式留言板 信笺样式留言板 在[Blogroot]
运行指令1 npm install hexo-butterfly-envelope --save
在站点配置文件或者主题配置文件添加配置项(对,两者任一均可。但不要都写)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 envelope_comment: enable: true custom_pic: cover: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-envelope/lib/violet.jpg line: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-envelope/lib/line.png beforeimg: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-envelope/lib/before.png afterimg: https://npm.elemecdn.com/hexo-butterfly-envelope/lib/after.png message: - 有什么想问的? - 有什么想说的? - 有什么想吐槽的? - 哪怕是有什么想吃的,都可以告诉我哦~ bottom: 自动书记人偶竭诚为您服务! height: path: front_matter: title: 留言板 comments: true
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 #article-container if top_img === false h1.page-title= page.title #maincontent #form-wrap img#beforeimg(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Akilarlxh/Valine-Admin@v1.0/source/img/before.png') #envelope form .formmain img.headerimg(src=url_for(theme.envelope_comment.cover)) .comments-main h3.title3=`来自` + config.author + `的留言:` .comments each i in theme.envelope_comment.message div=`${i}` .bottomcontent img.bottomimg(src='https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/U0968ee80fd5c4f05a02bdda9709b041eE.png') p.bottomhr=`${theme.envelope_comment.bottom}` img#afterimg(src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Akilarlxh/Valine-Admin@v1.0/source/img/after.png') != page.content
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 block content #page case page.type when 'tags' include includes/page/tags.pug when 'link' include includes/page/flink.pug when 'categories' include includes/page/categories.pug when 'artitalk' include includes/page/artitalk.pug + when 'envelope' + include includes/page/envelope.pug default include includes/page/default-page.pug
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 envelope_comment: enable: true cover: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/U5bb04af32be544c4b41206d9a42fcacfd.jpg message: - 有什么想问的? - 有什么想说的? - 有什么想吐槽的? - 哪怕是有什么想吃的,都可以告诉我哦~ bottom: 自动书记人偶竭诚为您服务! height:
新建留言板页面(已有的不用重复操作。) 在[Blogroot]
打开终端,输入 打开[Blogroot]\source\comments\index.md
将其内容修改为:1 2 3 4 5 --- title: 留言板 top_img: type: "envelope" ---
鼠标指针样式替换 点击查看鼠标指针样式替换教程 鼠标指针的样式替换原理其实就是重设对应版块的cursor
格式,然后又实在喜欢这个指针图标,那么可以考虑动态转静态,使用Axialis cursorworkshop
中进行修改。用F12 控制台左上方的箭头按钮获取对应块元素的id
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 body ,html { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/arrow.cur' ),auto !important ; } img { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/btn.cur' ),auto !important ; } a :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/link.cur' ),auto; } input :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/input.cur' ),auto; } button :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/btn.cur' ),auto; } i :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/link.cur' ),auto; } #footer-wrap a :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/hf.cur' ),auto; } #pagination .page-number :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/i.cur' ),auto; } #nav .site-page :hover { cursor : url ('https://npm.elemecdn.com/akilar-candyassets/cur/hf.cur' ),auto; }
引入文件1 2 3 4 inject: head: # 鼠标样式 + - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/custom/mouse_cursor.css">
页脚添加徽标 点击查看页脚添加徽标教程 修改[Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\includes\footer.pug
,添加页脚标签循环节:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if theme.footer.custom_text .footer_custom_text!=`${theme.footer.custom_text}` //v3.4.0以下版本可能还有ICP的配置项。此处只要保证p和上方的if缩进平级就好。 + p#ghbdages + if theme.ghbdage.enable + each item in theme.ghbdage.bdageitem + a.github-badge(target='_blank' href=url_for(item.link) style='margin-inline:5px') + img(src=url_for(item.shields) title=item.message)
中添加相关配置项:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ghbdage: enable: true bdageitem: - link: https://hexo.io/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Frame-Hexo-blue?style=flat&logo=hexo message: 博客框架为Hexo_v5.3.0 - link: https://butterfly.js.org/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Theme-Butterfly-6513df?style=flat&logo=bitdefender message: 主题版本Butterfly_v3.4.2 - link: https://www.jsdelivr.com/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/CDN-jsDelivr-orange?style=flat&logo=jsDelivr message: 本站使用JsDelivr为静态资源提供CDN加速 - link: https://vercel.com/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-Vercel-brightgreen?style=flat&logo=Vercel message: 本站采用双线部署,默认线路托管于Vercel - link: https://vercel.com/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Hosted-Coding-0cedbe?style=flat&logo=Codio message: 本站采用双线部署,联通线路托管于Coding - link: https://github.com/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Source-Github-d021d6?style=flat&logo=GitHub message: 本站项目由Github托管 - link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ shields: https://img.shields.io/badge/Copyright-BY--NC--SA%204.0-d42328?style=flat&logo=Claris message: 本站采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享4.0国际许可协议进行许可