A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a type of optimization algorithm that is inspired by the process of natural selection and genetics. GAs are used to find approximate solutions to optimization and search problems, especially in cases where the search space is vast and complex. They are particularly useful when you have a large solution space and don't know the mathematical form of the objective function you're trying to optimize.
物品1 | 物品2 | 物品3 | 物品4 | 物品5 | 物品6 | |
重量 | 25 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 20 | 15 |
价值 | 15 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 10 |
def init_population(population_size: int = 50) -> list:
Create a population of random solutions
:param population_size: Number of organisms in a population
:return: Randomly generated population
population = []
for i in range(population_size):
chromosome = []
for j in range(num_items):
chromosome.append(random.randint(0, 1))
return population
以随机化得到的第二个成员[1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
def evaluate_fitness(chrom: list) -> int:
Evaluate the fitness of a solution using your objective function
:param chrom: 基因序列
:return: 返回该基因序列的“质量高低“
weight_sum, value_sum = 0, 0
for i in range(len(chrom)):
if chrom[i] == 1:
weight_sum, value_sum = weight_sum + weights[i], value_sum + values[i]
return 0 if weight_sum > capacity else value_sum
weight_sum > capacity
def select_parents(population: list, selection_rate: float = 0.5) -> list:
Select parents based on their fitness
:param population: All members of the population
:param selection_rate: Selection ratio of high-quality members
:return: high-quality members(Selected by function evaluate_fitness())
population_fitness_values = []
for chrom in population: # 遍历种群中每一个成员的基因,得到其基因”评分“
sorted_population = [x for _, x in
sorted(zip(population_fitness_values, population), reverse=True)] # 将种群中的成员按照其基因”质量评分“升序排列
cut_num = int(selection_rate * len(sorted_population)) # 只选择前cut_num个”优质“种群成员用于后续交配繁衍
return sorted_population[:cut_num] # 返回”优质“种群成员
def crossover(parent_0: list, parent_1: list) -> list:
Perform crossover to create offspring
:param parent_0: First parent class member
:param parent_1: Second parent class member
:return: Two offspring by exchanging information between two parents
cut_point = random.randint(0, len(parent_0) - 1)
child = parent_0[:cut_point] + parent_1[cut_point:]
# child_1 = parent_1[:cut_point] + parent_0[cut_point:]
return child
def mutate(chrom: list, mutation_rate: float = 0.01) -> list:
Apply mutation to a solution
:param mutation_rate: Probability of gene mutations
:param chrom: Normal chromosomes
:return: Mutated chromosomes
for i in range(len(chrom)):
if random.random() < mutation_rate:
j = random.randint(0, num_items - 1)
chrom[i], chrom[j] = chrom[j], chrom[i]
return chrom
# Main GA loop
num_iterations = 100 # 循环迭代数——即进行多少代的繁衍
population = init_population(100) # 初始化100个种群成员
for generation in range(num_iterations): # 开始优胜略汰循环繁衍
# 对初始种群成员进行过滤筛选,保留“高质量”种群成员基因
parents = select_parents(population)
# 使用“高质量”种群成员基因交配繁衍新成员
offspring = []
for _ in range(len(population) - len(parents)): # 优胜略汰淘汰了几个种群成员,那么就再在“优秀”成员中繁衍出几个新成员
parent_0, parent_1 = random.choice(parents), random.choice(parents) # 随机选择两个高质量成员
child = crossover(parent_0, parent_1) # 交换基因得到新成员
child = mutate(child) # 新成员进行基因变异
# 将新成员补充到种群中
population = parents + offspring
# 对经过多次迭代循环后的种群基因进行排序,选择出最好的
best_chrom = max(population, key=evaluate_fitness)
best_fitness = evaluate_fitness(best_chrom)
print('Best Solution: ', best_chrom)
print('Best Fitness: ', best_fitness)