public class User { private String userName; private String userPassword; private String userAvatarUrl; //... }
User user = new User(); user.getName(); // 借助user对象这个上下文
public void uploadUserAvatarImageToAliyun(String userAvatarImageUri); //利用上下文简化为: public void uploadUserAvatarImageToAliyun(String imageUri);
之类的方法来表达同样的意思,实现同类型的函数。 大家都是selectXXX
```java public boolean isValidPasword(String password) { // check if password is null or empty if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) { return false; }
// check if the length of password is between 4 and 64 int length = password.length(); if (length < 4 || length > 64) { return false; }
// check if password contains only a~z,0~9,dot for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { char c = password.charAt(i); if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.')) { return false; } } return true; } ```
一行代码最长多长合适?: Google Java Style Code 建议是100个字符,但是实际情况团队自定,一般不超过一个显示屏宽度最好。但是也不能太小导致长语句被折成两行。
善于用空行分割单元块: 在不方便将独立的逻辑代码块拆分成多个函数的情况下为了让逻辑清晰,不仅可以用注释,还可以用空行分割。另外,在成员变量和函数之间、静态成员与普通成员变量之间、函数之间甚至是各个成员变量之间,都可以利用空行,让代码更有结构性和清晰有条理。
四格缩进还是两格缩进?: 内部统一,个人喜好。别用tab,因为tab在不同的ide下有的是四格有的是两格有的是空格缩进有的使用一个tab缩进都会造成混乱。
// 重构前的代码 public void invest(long userId, long financialProductId) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, (calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) + 1)); if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 1) { return; } //... } // 重构后的代码:提炼函数之后逻辑更加清晰 public void invest(long userId, long financialProductId) { if (isLastDayOfMonth(new Date())) { return; } //... } public boolean isLastDayOfMonth(Date date) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, (calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) + 1)); if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 1) { return true; } return false; }
public User getUser(String username, String telephone, String email); // 拆分成多个函数 public User getUserByUsername(String username); public User getUserByTelephone(String telephone); public User getUserByEmail(String email);
2. 将函数的参数封装成对象,例如
public void postBlog(String title, String summary, String keywords, String content, String category, long authorId); // 将参数封装成对象 public class Blog { private String title; private String summary; private String keywords; private Strint content; private String category; private long authorId; } public void postBlog(Blog blog);
public void buyCourse(long userId, long courseId, boolean isVip); // 将其拆分成两个函数 public void buyCourse(long userId, long courseId); public void buyCourseForVip(long userId, long courseId);
// 拆分成两个函数的调用方式 boolean isVip = false; //...省略其他逻辑... if (isVip) { buyCourseForVip(userId, courseId); } else { buyCourse(userId, courseId); } // 保留标识参数的调用方式更加简洁 boolean isVip = false; //...省略其他逻辑... buyCourse(userId, courseId, isVip);
public List<Transaction> selectTransactions(Long userId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { if (startDate != null && endDate != null) { // 查询两个时间区间的transactions } if (startDate != null && endDate == null) { // 查询startDate之后的所有transactions } if (startDate == null && endDate != null) { // 查询endDate之前的所有transactions } if (startDate == null && endDate == null) { // 查询所有的transactions } } // 拆分成多个public函数,更加清晰、易用 public List<Transaction> selectTransactionsBetween(Long userId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { return selectTransactions(userId, startDate, endDate); } public List<Transaction> selectTransactionsStartWith(Long userId, Date startDate) { return selectTransactions(userId, startDate, null); } public List<Transaction> selectTransactionsEndWith(Long userId, Date endDate) { return selectTransactions(userId, null, endDate); } public List<Transaction> selectAllTransactions(Long userId) { return selectTransactions(userId, null, null); } private List<Transaction> selectTransactions(Long userId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { // ... }
public boolean checkUserIfExisting(String telephone, String username, String email) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(telephone)) { User user = userRepo.selectUserByTelephone(telephone); return user != null; } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(username)) { User user = userRepo.selectUserByUsername(username); return user != null; } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(email)) { User user = userRepo.selectUserByEmail(email); return user != null; } return false; } // 拆分成三个函数 public boolean checkUserIfExistingByTelephone(String telephone); public boolean checkUserIfExistingByUsername(String username); public boolean checkUserIfExistingByEmail(String email);
// 示例一 public double caculateTotalAmount(List<Order> orders) { if (orders == null || orders.isEmpty()) { return 0.0; } else { // 此处的else可以去掉 double amount = 0.0; for (Order order : orders) { if (order != null) { amount += (order.getCount() * order.getPrice()); } } return amount; } } // 示例二 public List<String> matchStrings(List<String> strList,String substr) { List<String> matchedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); if (strList != null && substr != null) { for (String str : strList) { if (str != null) { // 跟下面的if语句可以合并在一起 if (str.contains(substr)) { matchedStrings.add(str); } } } } return matchedStrings; }
* 使用continue,break,return提前退出嵌套。
// 重构前的代码 public List<String> matchStrings(List<String> strList,String substr) { List<String> matchedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); if (strList != null && substr != null){ for (String str : strList) { if (str != null && str.contains(substr)) { matchedStrings.add(str); // 此处还有10行代码... } } } return matchedStrings; } // 重构后的代码:使用continue提前退出 public List<String> matchStrings(List<String> strList,String substr) { List<String> matchedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); if (strList != null && substr != null){ for (String str : strList) { if (str == null || !str.contains(substr)) { continue; } matchedStrings.add(str); // 此处还有10行代码... } } return matchedStrings; }
* 调整执行顺序来减少嵌套
// 重构前的代码 public List<String> matchStrings(List<String> strList,String substr) { List<String> matchedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); if (strList != null && substr != null) { for (String str : strList) { if (str != null) { if (str.contains(substr)) { matchedStrings.add(str); } } } } return matchedStrings; } // 重构后的代码:先执行判空逻辑,再执行正常逻辑 public List<String> matchStrings(List<String> strList,String substr) { if (strList == null || substr == null) { //先判空 return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> matchedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); for (String str : strList) { if (str != null) { if (str.contains(substr)) { matchedStrings.add(str); } } } return matchedStrings; }
* 将部分嵌套逻辑封装为函数调用,减少嵌套
// 重构前的代码 public List<String> appendSalts(List<String> passwords) { if (passwords == null || passwords.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> passwordsWithSalt = new ArrayList<>(); for (String password : passwords) { if (password == null) { continue; } if (password.length() < 8) { // ... } else { // ... } } return passwordsWithSalt; } // 重构后的代码:将部分逻辑抽成函数 public List<String> appendSalts(List<String> passwords) { if (passwords == null || passwords.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> passwordsWithSalt = new ArrayList<>(); for (String password : passwords) { if (password == null) { continue; } passwordsWithSalt.add(appendSalt(password)); } return passwordsWithSalt; } private String appendSalt(String password) { String passwordWithSalt = password; if (password.length() < 8) { // ... } else { // ... } return passwordWithSalt; }
public double CalculateCircularArea(double radius) { return (3.1415) * radius * radius; } // 常量替代魔法数字 public static final Double PI = 3.1415; public double CalculateCircularArea(double radius) { return PI * radius * radius; }
* 使用解释性变量来解释复杂表达式
if (date.after(SUMMER_START) && date.before(SUMMER_END)) { // ... } else { // ... } // 引入解释性变量后逻辑更加清晰 boolean isSummer = date.after(SUMMER_START)&&date.before(SUMMER_END); if (isSummer) { // ... } else { // ... }