-XX:+UseContainerSupport -XX:InitialRAMPercentage=75.0 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/admin/nas/dump-${POD_IP}-$(date '+%s').hprof
新生代又叫年轻代,大多数对象在新生代中被创建,很多对象的生命周期很短。每次新生代的垃圾回收(又称Young GC、Minor GC、YGC)后只有少量对象存活,所以使用复制算法,只需少量的复制操作成本就可以完成回收。
新生代内又分三个区:一个Eden区,两个Survivor区(S0、S1,又称From Survivor、To Survivor),大部分对象在Eden区中生成。当Eden区满时,还存活的对象将被复制到两个Survivor区(中的一个)。当这个Survivor区满时,此区的存活且不满足晋升到老年代条件的对象将被复制到另外一个Survivor区。对象每经历一次复制,年龄加1,达到晋升年龄阈值后,转移到老年代
触发条件: 新生代占据整个堆大小的 60%
新生代: Eden Space + Survivor Space
-XX:MaxGCPauseMils 默认为200ms
在优先时间内尽量回收垃圾多的区域, 让时间效率最大化
Young GC 每次都会引起全线停顿(Stop-The-World),暂停所有的应用线程,停顿时间相对老年代GC的造成的停顿,几乎可以忽略不计
触发条件: 老年代超过堆 45%
G1 开辟一块最多 5% 堆空间的内存用于标记压缩的数据交换, 过程产生 STW, STW 200ms内最多回收 10% 垃圾最多的区域, 回收后检查老年代是否低于 45%, 未达标继续再来一次, 最多 8 次, 8次未达标 Serial Old GC(Full GC)
used = resident + swapped pages
head | description |
S0C | Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB). |
S1C | Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB). |
S0U | Survivor space 0 utilization (KB). |
S1U | Survivor space 1 utilization (KB). |
EC | Current eden space capacity (KB). |
EU | Eden space utilization (KB). |
OC | Current old space capacity (KB). |
OU | Old space utilization (KB). |
MC | Metaspace Committed Size (KB). |
MU | Metaspace utilization (KB). |
CCSC | Compressed class committed size (KB). |
CCSU | Compressed class space used (KB). |
YGC | Number of young generation garbage collection (GC) events. |
YGCT | Young generation garbage collection time. |
FGC | Number of full GC events. |
FGCT | Full garbage collection time. |
GCT | Total garbage collection time. |
S0: Survivor 0区的空间使用率 Survivor space 0 utilization as a percentage of the space’s current capacity.
S1: Survivor 1区的空间使用率 Survivor space 1 utilization as a percentage of the space’s current capacity.
E: Eden区的空间使用率 Eden space utilization as a percentage of the space’s current capacity.
O: 老年代的空间使用率 Old space utilization as a percentage of the space’s current capacity.
M: 元数据的空间使用率 Metaspace utilization as a percentage of the space’s current capacity.
CCS: 类指针压缩空间使用率 Compressed class space utilization as a percentage.
YGC: 新生代GC次数 Number of young generation GC events.
YGCT: 新生代GC总时长(从应用程序启动到采样时年轻代中gc所用时间 单位:s)
Young generation garbage collection time.
FGC: Full GC次数 Number of full GC events.
FGCT: Full GC总时长(从应用程序启动到采样时old代(全gc)gc所用时间 单位:s)
Full garbage collection time.
GCT: 总共的GC时长 (从应用程序启动到采样时gc用的总时间 单位:s)Total garbage collection time.
ps -ef | grep webservice
java -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -version
# 查看堆空间占用类, 前20条jmap -histo PID | head -n20
1: 544456 3280814896 [C (java.base@11.0.18)
2: 3076195 1819165352 [B (java.base@11.0.18)
3: 1029042 626773184 [I (java.base@11.0.18)
4: 6287573 201202336 java.lang.ClassValue$Entry (java.base@11.0.18)
5: 4575213 183008520 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry (java.base@11.0.18)
6: 2214270 141713280 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap (java.base@11.0.18)
7: 1085202 130240080 [Ljava.lang.Object; (java.base@11.0.18)
8: 1492883 130059632 [Ljava.util.WeakHashMap$Entry; (java.base@11.0.18)
9: 3101147 124045880 java.lang.ref.SoftReference (java.base@11.0.18)
10: 3068059 122722360 java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_LL (java.base@11.0.18)
11: 4341767 104202408 java.lang.ClassValue$Version (java.base@11.0.18)
12: 1506502 84364112 jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction (jdk.scripting.nashorn@11.0.18)
13: 2004817 80192680 java.util.TreeMap$Entry (java.base@11.0.18)
14: 2316002 74112064 java.util.HashMap$Node (java.base@11.0.18)
15: 2282867 73051744 jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.PropertyHashMap$Element (jdk.scripting.nashorn@11.0.18)
16: 4341767 69468272 java.lang.ClassValue$Identity (java.base@11.0.18)
17: 1435938 68925024 java.util.WeakHashMap (java.base@11.0.18)
18: 1657484 66299360 jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.CompiledFunction (jdk.scripting.nashorn@11.0.18)
[C is a char[]
[B is a byte[]
[I is a int[]
[S is a short[]
[[I is a int[][]
# 查看堆空间存活, 注意, 会触发 full gcjmap -histo:live PID | head -n20