小喵对 Opera 的感情之深厚,真的可以用死心塌地来形容。Opera 最早推出选项卡浏览、快速拨号、鼠标手势等等概念,Opera Mini 也是行动设备科学上网的利器。爱优软之前也曾多次撰文介绍 Opera 的一些优势。然而,在昨晚兴致冲冲地测完转向 WebKit 阵营的 Opera Next 15.0 之后,一切的美好却都幻灭了。
微软在推广 IE8 的时候曾说过,评判一款浏览器的「速度」,不止单看跑分或页面加载速度,而是要看浏览器整体的功能和易用性。我现在对这一观点无比赞同,Opera 曾经也极好地贯彻了这一点。(下图:Opera 12)
然而,根据 Ghacks 的评测, 新版 Opera 阉割掉了诸多功能:
1. The icons in the bottom bar including the zoom slider are not there anymore.
2. You cannot open a small sidebar panel with often used icons anymore.
3. The appearance menu is not available anymore. It seems that you cannot customize the look and feel of the browser anymore. This includes toolbars, icons and their position and visibility in the browser. No tabs on side.
4. The browser settings are limited. Examples of removed preferences include selecting helper applications for selected programs, font selection, all tabs options and file type actions.
5. The opera:config page is no longer available.
6. Chromium developer tools are now used. Bye bye Dragonfly.
7. Opera Notes is not available.
8. Custom shortcuts and many mouse gestures missing.
9. Bookmarks not available yet.
10. No RSS.
11. Opera Extensions are not supported.
12. 小喵加一句,Opera非常美丽的平滑滚动和英文字体渲染,也不见了。
如果你也是 Opera 的忠实用户,你会体悟去掉这些功能意味着什么。我经常有看到身边的同学同事在 Chrome 或 Firefox 上面加装十几个插件,Opera 如果也变成那样,那继续使用 Opera 还有什么意义呢?(下图: Opera Next 15.0)
爱 Opera,爱的不是它的评分(虽然它也没得太高分),而是它的高可定制性和丰富齐备的功能。一款能原生支持选项卡分组、选项卡预览、快速拨号、鼠标手势、邮件客户掉、云端(曾经的 Opera Unite)、收藏夹同步(Opera Link)、RSS 阅读器、窗口管理器、笔记等等等等的浏览器,现在哪里还找得到?
下载 Opera Next 15.0
下载 Opera Next 15.0 便携版
爱优软许久未更新,真是对不住各位了。小喵在6月会对 RSS 阅读器进行集中测试,敬请在迁移订阅时记得捎上爱优软(RSS 链接)~
UPDATE: Opera 出面灭火中……