分析工具(Google Analytics或其他的分析工具)
有语义的URL简言之就是易读且可转化游泳信息的网页地址。以“blue wigets”这个网页为例,将会是这样:
确保你的开发人员采用有语义的URL并且给你控制每个页面URL的权限—-没有任何借口!尽管你不会因为用一个无语义的URL结构而被惩罚,但是你将失去一个很大的机会 —而且在网站上线后切换URL将是一个大麻烦。
网站地图在你网站变得庞大之后将会 有重要影响,但是他们很容易设置并且不需额外支出,因为,这总是值得使用的。人工生成这些网站地图并不是问题(有很多免费工具可以办到),但是如果你的网站上动态的并且经常更新,这将很快变得十分头痛。
If you have a large site, Google will almost never index your entire site: they have a percentage cap of the number of your pages that they will keep in the index. Now, discussing how much of the site they decide to index and upon which pages they bestow the honor of indexation is a post for another time, but suffice to say for now that although you definitely can’t tell Google which pages to index, you cantell them which pages you definitely don’t want indexed. You do this with this meta tag in the head of the page:
[meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" /]
Again, if you’ve got a small or static site, this isn’t a problem to set up manually, but for larger sites you’ll need to be able to control this through the CMS. You may even want to develop a strategy for noindexing pages automatically – if they’re not getting search traffic anyway, for example. Ideally, yes, we’d like never to have to do this kind of thing, but if Google are only going to index a part of your site anyway, you’d better make sure it’s the part that counts.
Honestly, could this be more important? Unfortunately, a lot of developers don’t think so.
If you’re migrating from an old site, making sure that pages from the old version are redirected to the new is vital (assuming that the page names or URL structure has changed), but it’s also important that your new CMS creates 301s automatically if you remove or change the URL of any page – something that you’ll inevitably end up doing if you work actively on your site.
Again, some CMSs do this natively or through plugins, but many don’t. If you’re having something custom written or your developer is using something off the shelf, make sure it handles 301s for changed pages properly.
Sorting out canonicalization of URLs from the start is another must – you don’t want Google to see duplicate content on your site even for an instant, or it’ll be reminding you of it through Webmaster Tools for evermore.
The first step is www versus non-www canonicalization. From an SEO perspective, it doesn’t matter which you choose, but you have to choose one and stick to it. Implementing it involves just a simple 301 redirect rule and is easy for your developer to do.
The second step is making sure that your CMS, e-commerce package or other platform isn’t generating multiple URLs for each page, and isn’t adding a lot of extraneous data to URLs. This might sound like a no-brainer, but Magento, for example, makes each page available by three different URLs by default. Checking to see if you have this problem is relatively straightforward – use a tool such as Xenu’s Link Sleuth(yes, it’s a crazy site) to check the number of pages on your site. If it’s way higher than you were expecting, you’ve got a problem. If you’ve not fixed this problem before the site goes live, that means a lot of 301 redirects to set up as you rationalise the URL structure.
Lastly, implement the canonical tag itself. At it’s most basic level, this tag tells Google what the definitive URL of a page should be. If your CMS definitely isn’t generating multiple URLs per page, it is still worth implementing, as it will help prevent potential problems caused by incoming links with extra URL data in them (e.g., tracking tags from mailing list software, etc.). The canonical tag is dead easy to implement and should appear on every page. It looks like this:
[link rel="canonical" href="" /]
Google is expanding the remit of this humble tag over time as well, so it’s worth keeping an eye on what you can and should be doing with it – it all helps with Google’s indexation of your site.
Hardcore coders are often obsessed with speed. This is a good thing, as site speed is now a part of Google’s ranking algorithm (although perhaps not a large part… yet). The problem is that the main issues to do with a site’s performance are not to do with the code itself (at least not for most smaller sites), but rather to do with things such as HTTP request optimization, combining and compressing external files, loading JavaScript asynchronously, using cookie-less domains, etc.
If all that sounds pretty technical… well, it is. Luckily, you don’t need to understand how to do it – you just need to ask your developer to look after it for you. If they’re not already on the ball with site speed, a number of free tools will audit a site’s performance and make recommendations for improvement, such as the Google’s Page Speed suite. You may also want to ask your developer about using a content delivery network such as CloudFlare. Going to town on your site’s speed really can make a surprisingly big difference!