下文同样翻译自谷歌分析的那个PDF文档《Improving Online Conversions For Dummies》,翻译为原创,作者为肖庆,转载请注明出处。
Some of the terms used to describe online conversion optimization can be a bit confusing. Here’s a quick translation guide to the phrases we think are key:
A/B testing. This allows you to compare two or more different versions of a page quickly and simply to see which version is more effective at referring quality leads and customers.
Assist Click. An ad click that contributed to a conversion but wasn’t directly responsible for the sale.
Assist Impression. The display of an ad that indirectly contributed to a conversion without being clicked.
Bounce rate. The percentage of single page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the landing page.
Click through rate (CTR). The number of clicks your ad generates in proportion to the number of times it’s shown for each keyword.
Content Management System (CMS). The system used to manage the content of a website.
Conversion. A defined action in response to your ad. A conversion may be a sale, a registration, a download, or a sign up, depending on your campaign goals.
Conversion attribution. The practice of trying to understand the value of media investment that might not be apparent by metrics that only measure the last action taken.
Conversion rate. The number of visitors who respond to your ad (by, say, buying something or registering) divided by the number of clicks on the ad, multiplied by 100, and expressed as a percentage.
Cookie. A piece of text stored by a user’s web browser and can be used for authentication, storing site preferences, shopping cart contents or anything else you can do by storing text data.
Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA). The advertiser pays for acquiring something (typically new customers by making sales).
Cost-Per-Click (CPC). Advertisers pay only when their ad is clicked.
Impression. This is the point at which an ad is viewed by a visitor or displayed on a webpage.
Landing page. The first page a user views in a session, also known as the ‘Entrance Page’.
Multivariate test. A method of experimentation that allows you to test multiple variables simultaneously. For example, using multivariate testing, you could identify the headline, image, and promo text on a page as your page sections, and then create three different variations for each one. When the experiment is running on your page, a user might see Headline A, Image B and Promo Text C all together, or Headline B, Image C and Promo Text A.