编者按:本文编译自 Benchmark 基金合伙人Bill Gurley 2011年文章《All Revenue is Not Created Equal: The Keys to the 10X Revenue Club》,研究了那些能获得10倍收入估值的公司所具有的特质。他创造了“10倍俱乐部”一词,指那些获得收入10倍估值的公司,比所谓的独角兽俱乐部更具有公司业务的指导意义。
译者戴汨,愉悦资本创始合伙人(midai@joycapital.com.cn, 微信midai2008)。愉悦资本成立于2015年,由原君联资本 TMT 团队刘二海、戴汨、李潇联合创办,是一家关注 TMT 的风险投资基金。
“ Don’t you know that you are a shooting star,
And all the world will love you just as long,
As long as you are.”
— Paul Rodgers, Shooting Star
- 保罗·罗杰斯,流星
With the IPO market now blown wide-open, and the media completely infatuated with frothy trades in the bubbly late stage private market, it is common to see articles that reference both “valuation” and “revenue” and suggest that there is a correlation between the two. Calculating or qualifying potential valuation using the simplistic and crude tool of a revenue multiple (also known as the price/revenue or price/sales ratio) was quite trendy back during the Internet bubble of the late 1990s. Perhaps it is not peculiar that our good friend the price/revenue ratio is back in vogue. But investors and analysts beware; this is a remarkably dangerous technique, because all revenues are not created equal.
What drives true equity value? Those of us with a fondness for finance will argue until we are blue in the face that discounted cash flows (DCF) are the true drivers of value for any financial asset, companies included. The problem is that it is nearly impossible to predict with any accuracy what the long-term cash flows are for a given company; especially a company that is young or that might be using an innovative and new business model. Additionally, knowing what long-term cash flows look like requires knowledge of a vast number of disparate future variables. What is the long-term growth rate? What is the long-term operating margin? How long will this company hold off competition? How much will they be required to reinvest? Therefore, from a purely practical view, the DCF is an unruly valuation tool for young companies. This is not because it is a bad theoretical framework; it is because we don’t have accurate inputs. Garbage in, garbage out.
Because of the difficulty of getting DCF right, investors commonly use a handful of other shortcuts to determine valuations. “Price earnings ratio” and “enterprise value to EBITDA” are common shortcuts, with their own benefits and limitations. I want to argue that for a variety of reasons, the price/revenue multiple is the crudest valuation tool of them all.
由于DCF方法很难搞对,投资者通常使用一些其他快捷方式来确定估值。 “价格收入比”和“企业价值对EBITDA比率”是常见的快捷方式,他们各有自己的优点和局限性。我想告诉你,出于各种原因,价格/收入倍数是这些工具里面最粗糙的。
The following chart highlights 2012 forward price/revenue ratios for 122 global Internet stocks. The broad range of results is nothing short of staggering. On one end is Overstock, trading at 0.2X analyst’s 2012 revenue estimates. On the other end is Youku.com, the leading Chinese video website (recent IPO LinkedIn is not included in this list). Youku trades at 21.7X analysts average 2012 revenue estimate. The other companies live at many different places along this wide continuum. Now consider that the press and some investors frequently use price/revenue as their primary valuation tool when our data suggests there is a 100X difference in value per sales dollar from Overstock to Youku.com. Talk about room for error! What is that hot new company worth? This graph would suggest that the company’s revenue alone is a very poor guide.
下面的图表列示了全球122只互联网股票的远期价格/收入比。其结果分布范围之广泛令人咋舌。一端是Overstock,估值是2012年分析师营收预期的0.2倍。另一端是Youku.com,中国领先的视频网站(近期新股LinkedIn不包括在此列表中)。优酷网的市值是分析师2012营收预期的21.7倍。其他公司沿着这条连续线分布。现在想想,媒体和一些投资者经常使用价格/收入比作为其主要的估值工具,而我们的数据表明,从Overstock到Youku.com, 每销售1美元价值能相差100倍。这种误差的空间太大了!热门新公司的价值到底应该多少?该图显示,光看收入是不靠谱的。
Before we talk about why there is such disparity, it is important to highlight a few more points. As you can see in the above graph, there is a very long tail to the left. Basically, there are many more low-price/revenue multiple companies than high. The following table shows this statistically. Over 72% of the companies have a 2012 price/revenue multiple below 4x. Also, you can see that only 12 of these 122 companies (<10%) have multiples over 7X. There are only 5 above 10X. Also recognize that the majority of these high multiple companies are domiciled outside the U.S. This is important because the press tends to favor the higher multiples, such as 10X revenues, as their “defaults.” The problem is, only a handful of companies deserve to be in the “10X club.”
What causes such a wide dispersion of price/revenue multiples? While one might not have the specific numbers required to complete an accurate DCF, we do know which business qualities would have a positive impact on a DCF exercise, all things being equal. When investors see a large number of these traits, they then have an increased confidence that the elements are in place that will lead to a strong DCF value over time. You often hear people refer to companies with strong DCF characteristics as having high “revenue quality.” Companies with characteristics that are inconsistent with a strong DCF model are said to have low “revenue quality.”
Here are some of the key business characteristics that would be used to separate high quality revenue companies from low quality revenue companies, and therefore are the distinguishing traits that warrant high price/revenue multiples.
1. Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Warren Buffet’s Moat)(持久的竞争优势—巴菲特所谓护城河)
By far, the most critical characteristic that separates high multiple companies from low multiple companies is competitive advantage. This concept, well explained in Porter’s book by the same name, basically asks the question, “How easy is it for someone else to provide the same product or service that you provide?” If your company has “high barriers to entry,” Wall Street will be super excited, as investors will have confidence discounting cash flows many, many years into the future. Coca-Cola has a 5% estimated 2012 growth rate, and a 3.6x price/revenue multiple. RIM has a 12% estimated 2012 growth rate and a 0.77x price/revenue multiple. What gives? Investors expect Coke to be around in pretty much its same form 50 years from now. It is much harder to say that with confidence about RIM. Warren Buffet famously refers to these barriers to entry as an “economic moat,” inferring an image of the body of water that protects access to a castle.
到目前为止,区分高收入倍数公司和低收入倍数公司最关键的特点是竞争优势。这个概念,在波特的书里有很好解释,基本上问一个问题,“别人提供相同的产品或服务有多难?”。如果你的公司有“高进入门槛”,华尔街将是超级兴奋,因为投资者相信公司未来很多年以后都能获得现金流。可口可乐预计2012的增长速度为5%,它的价格/收入倍数为3.6X。 RIM预计2012增长率12%,但是价格/收入倍数才0.77X。为什么?投资者预计可乐从现在起大约50年都可以维持现状的地位。但是对于RIM,这很难说。巴菲有个很有名的比喻,把这些进入壁垒称为一种“经济护城河”,你可以想象一下城堡外防止别人进入而设立的城河。
If high price/revenue multiple companies have wide moats or strong barriers to entry, then the opposite is also true. Companies with little to no competitive advantage, or companies with relatively low barriers to entry, will struggle to maintain above-average price/revenue multiples. If an investor fears that a company’s competitive position (which allows them to create excess cash flow) is tenuous and will deteriorate, then the value of the enterprise may be worth the cash flows only from the next several years.
2. The Presence of Network Effects (网络效应的存在)
No discussion of competitive advantages and barriers to entry is complete without a nod to perhaps the strongest economic moat of all, network effects. In a system where the value to the incremental customer is a direct function of the customers already in the system, you have a powerful dynamic that tips towards winner take all. Perhaps the definitive piece on this type of advantage is Brian Arthur’s Increasing Returns and Two Worlds of Business published in HBR back in 1996. This “second world” that Brian refers to is one where the market leader has an unfair advantage that is reinforced by network effects.
There are a few important things to remember about network effects. Some network effect systems are stronger than others. What is key is the decay rate of value of the incremental user to the customer value function. Second, networks effects are discussed way more than they exist. Many things people indentify as network effects are merely economies of scale, which are not nearly as powerful. Unfortunately, strong form network effect companies are far and few between. Fortunately, when they do exist, they are typically leading candidates for the 10X+ price/revenue multiple club. Microsoft, Ebay, Skype, Google Adwords, and Facebook (in their prime) all benefited from network effects.