LONDON — George Osborne is reportedly credited in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Many believe that the dark side has won
伦敦和# 8212;乔治奥斯本据说将在星球大战:原力唤醒。许多人认为,黑暗的一面已经赢得
See also: Someone made a life-sized and slightly disturbing Prince George cake
Both the U.K.'s Chancellor of the Exchequer and Ed Vaizey, the Minister of State for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, are reportedly thanked in the end credits of Star Wars: The Force Awakens as a result of the tax incentives given to the British film industry
英财政大臣和Ed Vaizey、文化国务部长、通信和创意产业,据报道,感谢在星球大战结束学分:力唤醒为给英国电影业的税收优惠政策的结果
In all seriousness, if either Vaizey or Osborne asked for a credit, it's an absolute
在所有的严重性,如果目标或奥斯本要有信用,这是一个绝对的— Mikey Smith (@mikeysmith) December 18, 2015
与# 8212;迈克史密斯(@ mikeysmith)2015年12月18日阅读更多…
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