Based on the love story of Maratha ruler Peshwa Baji Rao I and his consort Mastani, Bajirao Mastani is one of the two big Bollywood movies releasing in India today, along with Dilwale. Although it is set in the early 18th century, the film has the flavour of an epic doomed romance rather than a historical drama.
基于马拉尺peshwa吧唧饶我和他的配偶mastani的爱情故事,bajirao mastani是一个大的宝莱坞电影放在今天的印度,随着经典。虽然它是在第十八世纪初设置的电影有一个史诗般的故事,注定的浪漫,而不是历史剧的味道。
See also: This week's 'Dilwale' and 'Bajirao Mastani' face-off delays 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' release in India
参见:本周的“经典”和“bajirao mastani对峙延误'星球大战:原力觉醒”在印度发行
参见:本周的“经典”和“bajirao mastani对峙延误'星球大战:原力觉醒”在印度发行
Based on NS inamdar's Marathi novel Rau, the film starts with Baji Rao (Ranveer Singh) being crowned the Peshwa of Pune. After quickly indicating his military prowess, it jumps to his meeting with the warrior princess Mastani (Deepika Padukone) who seeks his help to defend her kingdom Bundelkhand, under siege from the Mughal army Read more...
基于NS的马拉小说Inamdar RAU,电影开始了吧唧的饶(Ranveer辛格)被加冕为浦那peshwa。后迅速指示他的军事实力,它跳到他与勇士公主mastani会议(迪皮卡Padukone)寻求他的帮助来捍卫她的王国本德尔坎德,围攻从蒙兀儿军队阅读更多…
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