An iPhone for $1 sounds too good to be true.
Best Buy will be selling the 16GB iPhone 6 and 6S for $1 starting on Friday if you opt into a two-year contract with Verizon Wireless or Sprint.
百思买将销售的16GB的iPhone 6和6S 1美元从星期五开始如果你选择与Verizon Wireless和Sprint签订为期两年的合同。
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The 16GB 6S normally retails for $200 with a two-year contract, and the 16GB 6 goes for $100 with a two-year contract. Best Buy is offering the 6S in all four colors — silver, gold, space gray and rose gold — and the 6 in space gray.
16GB的6S通常零售价为200美元的为期两年的合同,而16GB的6的价格是100美元一个为期两年的合同。百思买是在所有四个颜色和# 8212祭的6S;银、金、灰空间和玫瑰金及# 8212;和6在灰色空间。
Additionally, you'll get a $200 Best Buy gift card if you trade in an iPhone 5 or newer iPhone model when you purchase the 6 or 6S. Read more...
此外,你会得到一个200美元的最佳购买礼品卡如果你交易在iPhone 5或更新版本的iPhone模型,当你购买6或6。阅读更多…