- function get_category_tags($args) {
- global $wpdb;
- $tags = $wpdb->get_results
- ("
- SELECT DISTINCT terms2.term_id as tag_id, terms2.name as tag_name
- $wpdb->posts as p1
- LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships as r1 ON p1.ID = r1.object_ID
- LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as t1 ON r1.term_taxonomy_id = t1.term_taxonomy_id
- LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms as terms1 ON t1.term_id = terms1.term_id,
- $wpdb->posts as p2
- LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships as r2 ON p2.ID = r2.object_ID
- LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as t2 ON r2.term_taxonomy_id = t2.term_taxonomy_id
- LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms as terms2 ON t2.term_id = terms2.term_id
- t1.taxonomy = 'category' AND p1.post_status = 'publish' AND terms1.term_id IN (".$args['categories'].") AND
- t2.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND p2.post_status = 'publish'
- AND p1.ID = p2.ID
- ORDER by tag_name
- ");
- $count = 0;
- if($tags) {
- foreach ($tags as $tag) {
- $mytag[$count] = get_term_by('id', $tag->tag_id, 'post_tag');
- $count++;
- }
- } else {
- $mytag = NULL;
- }
- return $mytag;
- }