The most bullish note today is from John Donovan and Steve Mullane of BlueFin Research Partners, who had written on the topic a week ago.
The authors today write that Apple is “frantically asking component suppliers to pull in deliveries in a mad rush to deliver incremental iPhone 7 units by year end,” citing higher-than-expected for the new device.
From the references BlueFin report:
Demand for the jet black model has been red hot, with speculators in China paying as much as $2,300 according to our checks. Last week we mentioned an almost TMZ-like reporting environment surrounding the Samsung Note 7 saga. The videos of autombiles catching fire while airports and TSA posting warnings about the Galaxy Note 7 will not fade from consumers memory anytime soon, in our view. AAPL is primed to swoop in and take full advantage and is pressuring the entire component base in an effort to ensure product is at the ready.
Samsung’s stumble, the double camera, and a hot new jet black finish created a perfect storm for Apple.