微软近日发布了新的Windows 10 系统积累更新,• 2017-适用于 Windows 10 Version 1703 的 05 累积更新,KB4020102,该更新修改了近14个系统BUG,Windows 10 创意者更新用户请及时更新。
KB4020102 更新内容
此非安全更新程序包括质量改进。 此更新中未引入新的操作系统功能。 主要变化包括:
- 解决了当启用CredGuard时NTLM无法生成质询响应的问题,使用NTLMv2,并且服务器没有提供目标信息。(Addressed issue where NTLM fails to generate a challenge response when CredGuard is enabled, NTLMv2 is used, and no target information is provided by the server.)
- 在打开收藏夹时,Internet Explorer不遵守“发送所有未包含在企业模式网站列表中的所有网站列表到Microsoft Edge”策略的问题。(Addressed issue where Internet Explorer does not respect the “Send all sites not included in the Enterprise Mode Site List to Microsoft Edge” policy when opening favorites. )
- 解决了在Internet Explorer 11中非管理员用户无法安装ActiveX控件的问题。(Addressed issue in Internet Explorer 11 where a non-administrator user is not able to install an ActiveX control.)
- 解决了在启动拆分视图后,一些应用程序(Microsoft Edge,Hub,Cortana等)在多个显示器正在使用中不再接收输入的问题。(Addressed issue where, after starting Split View, some apps (Microsoft Edge, Hub, Cortana, etc.) no longer receive input when multiple displays are in use.)
- 在登录凭据提供程序对话框中使用不必要的滚动条解决问题,当对话框有多个字段时,可能会阻止其他字段的使用。(Addressed issue with an unnecessary scrollbar in the logon credential provider dialog, which may block use of other fields when the dialog has multiple fields.)
- 解决的问题是,在VM重置期间,即使主机上有足够的平衡器可用内存,VM也进入二级分页(SLP)。(Addressed issue where, during a VM reset, the VM goes into Second Level Paging (SLP) even if there is enough balancer available memory on the host.)
- 一些非Unicode字体(Courier,MS Sans Serif等)在非拉丁语,单字节系统语言环境(希腊语,希伯来语,阿拉伯语等)上不能正确呈现字符的问题。黑条或其他工件会出现。(Addressed issue where some non-Unicode fonts (Courier, MS Sans Serif, etc.) do not render characters correctly on non-Latin, single-byte system locales (Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, etc.). Black bars or other artifacts appear instead.)
- 解决问题与SMS /消息应用程序停止工作时尝试删除邮件。(Addressed issue with an SMS/messaging app that stops working when attempting to delete messages.)
- 解决问题,在安装Win10创意者更新后,通过外部解码器的音频输出不再有效。(Addressed issue where, after installing the Creators Update, audio output through external decoders no longer works.)
- 解决了IoT shell无法保持受监视的后台应用程序运行的问题。(Addressed issue where the IoT shell fails to keep monitored background applications running.)
- 使用通用Windows平台(UWP)MIDI API解决高延迟的问题。(Addressed issue with high latency when using the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) MIDI API.)
- 在使用小于4GB RAM的机器上使用打印机供应商设置软件时,网络打印机可能无法安装的问题。如果从“设置”应用程序或“控制面板”中的设备和打印机进行安装,则这些打印机将会安装。(Addressed issue where network printers may fail to install when using the printer vendor’s setup software on machines with less than 4GB of RAM. These printers will install if you install from the Settings app or from Devices and Printer in Control Panel.)
- 打印机名称相同且端口设置为FILE:时,PrintBRM无法还原打印队列配置的问题。(Addressed issue where PrintBRM fails to restore the Print Queue Configurations when printer names are identical and a port is set to FILE:.)
- 解决了每个用户代理设置不会迁移到机器代理设置的问题。(Addressed issue with per user proxy settings not migrating to machine proxy settings.)
KB4020102 下载地址
2017-适用于 Windows 10 Version 1703 的 05 累积更新,适合基于 x86 的系统 (KB4020102):点击下载
2017-适用于 Windows 10 Version 1703 的 05 累积更新,适合基于 x64 的系统 (KB4020102):点击下载
KB4020102 更新失败的解决办法
如果在更新KB4020102 时出现错误时,我们可以使用微软官方提供的修复Windows 更新错误工具进行解决。在更新中我们常遇到的错误代码有: 0x80073712、0x800705B4、0x80004005、0x8024402F、0x80070002、0x80070643、0x80070003、0x8024200B、0x80070422、0x80070020。 而该工具应该能修复所有错误,而不止本文列出的这些问题。
Windows 更新疑难解答程序下载地址:https://aka.ms/wudiag