在 @Dayu 的 Blog 中发现了一个有趣的项目:App Defaults,很喜欢这样的内容主题;正所谓「工以利器为助,人以贤友为助」,于是我积极响应号召,分享一下自己在用的软件。
📨 Mail Client: Apple Mail & Gmail
📮 Mail Server: Apple Mail & Cloudflare Mail
📝 Notes: Apple Notes & Craft & Notion
✅ To-Do: Apple Reminders
📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Apple Camera App
🟦 Photo Management: Apple Photos
📆 Calendar: Apple Calendar
📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud & OneDrive
📖 RSS: NetNewsWire
🙍🏻♂️ Contacts: Apple Contacts
🔖 Bookmarks: start.me
📑 Read It Later: Readwise Reader
📜 Word Processing: Pages & MWeb
📈 Spreadsheets: Tableau & Microsoft Excel
📊 Presentations: Gamma & AiPPT & Keynote
🛒 Shopping Lists: Day One
🍴 Meal Planning: n/a
💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: MoneyWiz
📰 News: NetNewsWire(RSS feeds and Newsletter) & Google Alerts & 财新网 & Readhub
🎵 Music: Apple Music
🎤 Podcasts: 小宇宙
🔐 Password Management: Bitwarden