- 书名: How Bad Do You Want It?
- 作者: Matt Fitzgerald
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- 出版社: MBI
📌 Physical fitness determines where the wall that represents your physical limit is placed. Mental fitness determines how close you are able to get to that limit in competition.
📌 While there will never be a five-step program for building mental fitness, there is a sensible first step, and perhaps you’ve just taken it.
📌 Simply put, self-consciousness increases perceived effort. Racing in a state of pressure-induced self-consciousness is like fire walking while giving your full attention to the painful heat in your feet rather than focusing on where you’re going.
📌 “You know what, Siri?” Sutton said. “Forget about all of that. Starting today, you’re retired. The way you look at this sport and the pressure you put on yourself are just all wrong. You started doing triathlon because you loved it. Let’s go back to that. Let’s just see how fit, how fast, and how strong Siri Lindley can be—and have fun doing it.”
📌 Endurance athletes learn early on to equate hard work with improvement. It’s a universal experience: The first bit of hard work a beginner does yields better performance, and a little more hard work produces even better results.But there is a limit to how much hard work an athlete can benefit from. Many lose perspective and exceed their limit. They come to see hard work as the only path to improvement. If they lose a race or fall short of a goal, they respond by working harder. If they begin to feel lousy in their training as a result of working too hard, they work even harder. Hard work becomes a kind of security blanket, a reflexive answer to every question, every doubt.
📌 “To me the greatest lesson as an athlete and in training is just don’t get greedy,” Paula said. “Know that you have to get up and go again the next day. Always save a little bit. I think that is what’s precluding a lot of athletes from longevity and causing a lot of injuries right now. Everybody wants more. And the media is going to push you and hype you. And so is everyone else. You have to just have faith in yourself, and faith in [your coach], and just believe. Don’t keep looking for more. When it’s working, it’s working. Don’t mess with success, right?”
📌 Pre learned very early in his running career that winning was not the reward that made all the fear and pain worthwhile. Rather, it was self-discovery.Through running, Pre discovered not only who he was but also who and what he wanted to be. And what he wanted to be, he let everyone know, was tough.
📌 “Before any race, Pre would always say how he didn’t feel good and didn’t want to run. No matter where the race was or how important it was, he was saying, ‘Aw, I wish I wasn’t running. I don’t think I’m going to run well.’ Then he’d go out and run like heck.” All of this negative talk probably served to relieve some of the pressure Pre felt before races. He let himself off the hook to a degree by articulating a preemptive excuse for failure so that he could calm down and save his mental energy for when it was needed. Psychologists refer to this coping mechanism as “defensive pessimism.”
- 书名: 读客经典文库:夜莺与玫瑰(文学史上首部写给大人的唯美童话!)
- 作者: 奥斯卡·王尔德
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- 书名: 白色绵羊里的黑色绵羊
- 作者: 双雪涛
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📌 关于阅读会怎么影响写作,或者怎么影响我,我可以举个例子。我读那些小说里的人物,他们会在潜意识进入人的脑海,不会直接变成你创造的东西,但是会暗藏在你心里,这就是阅读的意义。
📌 少年是半成品,半成年,他有一些真挚的东西,也有一些迷茫的东西,有一些想进入成人世界、快些进入成人世界的欲望。当你变成成人的时候,就发现成人是个特别奇怪的生物,成人世界有时候是个荒谬的所在,但是大家都安之若素,并且逐渐遗忘少年时的自己,似乎成年之前的生活只是个梦。少年进入成人世界我觉得是文学上一个永恒的主题。它其实是很好的一种冰水混合物,这个阶段很适合文学的发挥。使用少年视角其实也包含着一种判断,成人世界或者说成人社会,是一个黑森林,大家在不知不觉长大的过程中都会走进那片黑森林,然后忘记了自己曾经是什么样的孩子。少年的口吻类似于一种招魂,努力复活另一个自己,在文学的世界里再走一遭。
- 书名: 张德芬身心灵四部曲:《遇见未知的自己》《遇见心想事成的自己》《活出全新的自己》《重遇未知的自己》(套装共4册)
- 作者: 张德芬
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- 出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
📌 快乐是由外在事物引发的,它的先决条件就是一定要有一个使我们快乐的事物,所以它的过程是由外向内
📌 既然快乐取决于外在的东西,那么一旦那个令你快乐的情境或事物不存在了,你的快乐也就随之消失了。而喜悦不同,它是由内向外的绽放,从你内心深处油然而生的。所以你一旦拥有了它,外界是
📌 “提醒是可以提醒,”老人同意,“但是仍然要看你的出发点。你的本意是出于关心,所以把提醒孩子当成是一种爱的表达,还是出于恐惧把担心投射在孩子身上,给他很多压力。”
📌 毕竟,在她从小到大成长的过程中,从来没有人给她情绪上的支持和关怀。她有负面情绪的时候,大人不是想要帮助她立刻消除(买糖给你吃哦,别哭了/再买一颗给你就是了,别伤心/明天我带你出去玩儿,别气了),就是否定她的情绪(这有什么好哭/好气/好怕的),要不然就是打压(不准哭,再哭就揍你/不准发脾气,小孩子凭什么生气)。无论采取以上任何一种策略,她的情绪从来没有被认可、被接受过,所以,它们也从来没有离开过。
📌 什么是投射呢?比方说,我从小就被教导我应该是一个聪明的人,我也自认为我很聪明,所以我压抑、否认了自己不聪明的地方。于是,我看到不聪明的人的时候,他提醒了我内在不想面对的部分,所以我特别讨厌不聪明的人,对他们没有耐心。
📌 然后你会在生活在点点滴滴中,逐渐看到让喜悦的东西,它们是无所不在的。一朵迎风招展的小花,一个婴儿的微笑,一片阳光下闪亮的树叶,一句朋友随口的赞美,这些都是无声的问候、喜悦的祝福。