In order to install CyberPanel, you need to ensure that you meet the following requirements. 为了安装 CyberPanel,您需要确保满足以下要求。
Server with fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, AlmaLinux 8, AlmaLinux 9, Ubuntu 22.04, CloudLinux 8. 全新安装 Ubuntu 18.04、Ubuntu 20.04、AlmaLinux 8、AlmaLinux 9、Ubuntu 22.04、CloudLinux 8 的服务器。
1024MB RAM, or higher1024MB RAM 或更高
10GB Disk Space10GB 磁盘空间
CyberPanel with CyberPanel Ent Cyber Panel 与 Cyber Panel Ent
CyberPanel is exactly the same in both versions. The only distinction lies in the choice of web server running in the back-end. Cyber Panel 在两个版本中完全相同。唯一的区别在于选择在后端运行的 Web 服务器。
CyberPanel normally comes with OpenLiteSpeed and it is completely free for an unlimited number of domains (You can host unlimited domains) and work processes. Cyber Panel 通常带有 OpenLiteSpeed,并且对于无限数量的域(您可以托管无限的域)和工作流程是完全免费的。
CyberPanelEnterprise comes with LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise and it is free for one domain and if you want for multiple domains you can get different plans according to your needs on the Pricing page. The CyberPanel License includes the price of the Litespeed Enterprise license. Cyber PanelEnterprise 附带 LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise,一个域是免费的,如果您想要多个域,您可以在定价页面上根据您的需要获得不同的计划。Cyber Panel 许可证包括 Litespeed Enterprise 许可证的价格。
To learn more about Open Litespeed and Litespeed Enterprise please check this comprehensive comparison. 要了解有关 Open Litespeed 和 Litespeed Enterprise 的更多信息,请查看此综合比较。
Let’s proceed with the installation. 让我们继续安装。
The CyberPanel installation process is straightforward and can be completed by following the provided instructions. Cyber Panel 安装过程很简单,可以按照提供的说明完成。
Step 1: Connect to the server via SSH client. (Putty, Bitvise SSH client, etc) 第 1 步:通过 SSH 客户端连接到服务器。(Putty、Bitvise SSH 客户端等) First login to your server through SSH client as a Root user (Sudo will not work). You can get the Login details from your web host. 首先以 Root 用户身份通过 SSH 客户端登录您的服务器(Sudo 将不起作用)。您可以从您的虚拟主机获取登录详细信息。
Step 2: Update server Packages. 第 2 步:更新服务器软件包。 Update your server OS first (Because it updated overall services because it provides much better compatibility). Run this command 首先更新您的服务器操作系统(因为它更新了整体服务,因为它提供了更好的兼容性)。运行此命令
For Ubuntu:对于 Ubuntu:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
For CentOS/Alma/Rocky: 对于 CentOS/Alma/Rocky:
sudo yum check-update
sudo yum update
Step 3: Run the Installation Script. Execute the provided command to initiate the automated installation script. This script will guide you through several decisions regarding the LiteSpeed version and additional add-ons you wish to install. 第 3 步:运行安装脚本。执行提供的命令以启动自动安装脚本。此脚本将指导您完成有关您希望安装的 LiteSpeed 版本和其他附加组件的几个决定。
sh <(curl || wget -O -
For some reason, If you are not log in as root user, Then use this below Script. 出于某种原因,如果您没有以 root 用户身份登录,请使用下面的脚本。
Step 4: Select the version of LiteSpeed that you would like to use. 第 4 步:选择您要使用的 LiteSpeed 版本。 As mentioned above in the CyberPanel with CyberPanelEnt Select which version of Litespeed You want to Install. If you select Litespeed Enterprise, Please first ensure that you have got the license key. You can visit the Pricing page to get the required plan. 如上所述,在 Cyber Panel 中使用 Cyber PanelEnt 选择要安装的 Litespeed 版本。如果您选择 Litespeed Enterprise,请首先确保您已获得许可证密钥。您可以访问 定价 页面以获取所需的计划。
If you select LiteSpeed Enterprise, you will see the following prompt. Enter your serial number 如果您选择 LiteSpeed Enterprise,您将看到以下提示。输入您的序列号 If you do not have any license, you can also use a trial license (if the server has not used a trial license before), type TRIAL 如果您没有任何许可证,您也可以使用试用许可证(如果服务器之前没有使用过试用许可证),键入 TRIAL Please input your serial number for LiteSpeed WebServer Enterprise: 请输入您的 LiteSpeed WebServer Enterprise 序列号:
Step 5: Select Services and Packages. 第 5 步:选择 Services and Packages。 You will encounter a sequence of prompts offering various options and add-ons for selection. 您将遇到一系列提示,其中提供了各种选项和附加组件以供选择。 – Full Service (default Y): – 全方位服务(默认 Y):
– Remote MySQL (default N): – 远程 MySQL(默认 N): Allow for your Database to be installed on a remote server 允许将数据库安装在远程服务器上
– Remote MySQL (default N): – 远程 MySQL(默认 N): Allow for your Database to be installed on a remote server 允许将数据库安装在远程服务器上
– CyberPanel Version (default Latest Version): – Cyber Panel 版本(默认最新版本): You can choose to install a previous version of CyberPanel, or press Enter to install the latest version. 您可以选择安装旧版本的 CyberPanel,或按 Enter 键安装最新版本。
– Password (default “1234567”): – 密码(默认“1234567”): Using the default password is not advisable. It is recommended to set a strong password of your own by choosing ‘s’ or generate a random password by selecting ‘r’. After the installation, you will see the password prompt displayed on the screen. 不建议使用默认密码。建议通过选择 's' 来设置自己的强 密码,或者通过选择 'r' 来生成随机 密码。安装后,您将在屏幕上看到密码提示。
– Redis (default Y): – Redis(默认 Y): In-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broke 内存数据结构存储,用作数据库、缓存和消息中断
– Watchdog (default Yes): – 看门狗(默认是): A kernel watchdog is used to monitor if a system is running. It is supposed to automatically reboot hanged systems due to unrecoverable software errors 内核监视器用于监视系统是否正在运行。它应该自动重启由于不可恢复的软件错误而挂起的系统
Step 6: Installation Processing 第 6 步:安装处理 The installation process will initiate automatically and is expected to be complete within 5-10 minutes, depending on your server’s speed. 安装过程将自动启动,预计在 5-10 分钟内完成,具体取决于您服务器的速度。
Step 7: Finalize Installation 第 7 步:完成安装 Upon completion of the installation process, you will encounter a screen displaying important information regarding your configuration. It is recommended to select and securely copy this information to a safe location for future reference. 安装过程完成后,您将看到一个屏幕,其中显示有关您的配置的重要信息。建议选择此信息并将其安全地复制到安全位置以备将来参考。