前阵子介绍了mac系统下使用openconnect连接cisco VPN的方法,但是好多peng’yopeng’yo朋友不知道如何安装openconnect,在此我再介绍下。
Homebrew http://brew.sh/
VPNC http://www.infradead.org/openconnect/vpnc-script.html
Here is a high level set of steps to install and configure it for your use. As always, proceed at your own risk, make a backup, complete your last will and testament, and accept that your computer may overheat and fuse into a worthless pile of slag as a result of following these directions.
You’ll need openconnect and vpnc-script.
I used Homebrew to install openconnect.
$ brew install openconnect
The caveats for openconnect warn you that you’ll need the TUN/TAP kernel extensions. Get TUN/TAP from http://tuntaposx.sourceforge.net/download.html. After running the installer, run
$ cd /Library/Extensions
$ sudo kextload -v tun.kext
Download vpnc-script. I saved mine to /usr/local/bin/vpnc-script. Make sure the script is executable.
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/vpnc-script
You can view the openconnect command options by running
$ sudo openconnect
Rather than enter the options each time you want to create a virtual private network, create an openconnect configuration file and put the configuration values you need there.
$ cd ~
$ touch .openconnect
$ vim .openconnect
Here is my .openconnect file:
Fill in your own authgroup and user information.
There is no configuration necessary for vpnc-script.
Running openconnect
With a configuration file in place, here’s how to start a VPN:
$ sudo openconnect –config ~/.openconnect https://your.vpn.url
If you don’t want to have to enter your local account password for the sudo command, you can add an exception for the openconnect command to /etc/sudoers, like so:
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers
And add this line to the file:
%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/openconnect
Finally, create an alias for the openconnect command above to make life easier.