Recently, Six Apart announced planned licensing changes coinciding with the release of the blog and CMS software Movable Type 6. Based on feedback from our users about these upcoming changes, we wanted to address some concern regarding future support for MTOS. We hope the information below will help answer most of the questions that we received.
Yes. As Movable Type 6 is scheduled for release in October, 2013, MTOS and MT 5.2x, the last version of MT to offer MTOS, will continue to receive security updates and fixes for serious issues until October 2015, in accordance with the life cycle policy.
For more information on the Movable Type life cycle policy, please see this page.
Yes. All released versions of MT can be found and accessed using the tag for their respective version number.
Reference: MT5.2.7 tagged data on Github
Thank you for your continued support.