I was unable to install the sf
package on a clean Ubuntu 20.04 setup, and the problem is attributed to incompatible software versions. My workaround, instead of installing the package from source, was to install a precompiled binary package, but that depends on configuring a PPA for GDAL.
To add the PPA I run this command from bash
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
The last command updated some packages that sf
sources required, which I installed with
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev gdal-bin libproj15 libproj19 libproj-dev
Then I added a PPA maintained by CRAN, which contains binary R packages
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:c2d4u.team/c2d4u4.0+ sudo apt update && sudo apt install r-cran-sf
And that’s it!